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Her Guarded Hero (Black Dawn Book 5)

Page 18

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  Dex was grinning, but not Hunter. He just gave Dalton a look that spoke volumes, and that’s when he realized that his friend had gone through the same thing. Hunter had received a second chance with Aliana, and Dalton knew that he thanked heaven for it every single day.

  “Boy or a girl?” Dex asked.

  “I’m going to have a son,” Dalton answered proudly. “I know why she didn’t tell me, what with all the baggage that I’ve been pulling around behind me I needed a fucking dogsled. I get that, and we’re already working through that.”

  “That’s great,” Dex said. “And going forward?”

  “I’m not going to fuck this up,” Dalton said. “You know I want to retire from the Navy, that’s always been the plan. First, I was going to stay on the teams for as long as I could, then move into training. But how do I pull her away from her grandfather? This ranch? All the rest of her family?”

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” Hunter said. “I was lucky that Aliana was in Los Angeles, so I wasn’t stuck with those kinds of issues.”

  Dalton looked around, taking in the corral, the tall pine trees, the open fields and the orchard in the distance. “But if I had to give up San Diego and the Navy, this wouldn’t be a bad place to end up.”

  “No, it sure wouldn’t,” Dex agreed. “And her grandfather cooks, so I think you should totally take this under consideration.” Dex looked down at his phone.

  “Is that news on Wyatt?” Dalton asked hopefully. They’d been expecting something all day.

  Dex nodded. Dalton and Hunter waited impatiently for Dex to read through the incoming information. Then he looked up and grinned.

  “He’s awake and flirting with all of the nurses down in Costa Rica. They’re anticipating a total recovery, not even a limp. He’ll be transported to San Diego tomorrow morning.”

  “Halleluiah!” Dalton exclaimed.

  Hunter bumped fists with Dalton, who then slapped Dex on the back.

  “And on that note, I’m heading into town,” Dalton grinned as he opened the door to his truck.

  “What the hell, aren’t you going into the house?” Dex asked.

  “Just going to make a trip to the all-night grocery store, then I’ll come back. There’s not a chance in hell that I’m not going to be sleeping with Aurora tonight.”


  Aurora felt like she was enveloped in cloud of bliss, her down comforter had never felt so good. It had never smelled so good.

  She jerked awake.

  “Whoa there. Don’t move so quick, or you’ll start the nausea going,” Dalton whispered into her neck.

  She felt her stomach churn and she hated it. She didn’t want anything to intrude on this feeling of pleasure.

  “Got something that might help,” he said. She opened one eye and peered up at him.

  “Something besides the saltines?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I saw the bag beside your bed,” he smiled. “Try this instead,” he suggested as he tucked his pillow beneath her head and put a small brown cookie in her hand.

  She saw that he also had a glass of water for her too. A cookie? Was he insane? But he looked so hopeful that she fought the urge to throw it across the room. She sniffed it.

  “This actually smells good,” she said in surprise.

  “It’s a gingersnap. I texted my friend Zed, it works for his woman. If that doesn’t work, there’s a bag of lemons for you to sniff too.”

  Aurora almost choked on her bite of cookie when he said that. “What are you talking about?”

  “Didn’t you do research on this?”

  “Saltines and ginger ale are what Aunt Mary said. When that fails, I go and pray to the porcelain god.” She took another nibble of the cookie and waved her fingers for the glass of water. Dalton handed it to her and she took a long swallow of the cold liquid, there was even a slice of lemon in it. She sighed, it tasted good. She wasn’t feeling like a cast member of Alien anymore.

  She was feeling human.

  He’d done good.

  “I didn’t even hear you come back into the house or get into bed.”

  “You were out like a light, but that didn’t stop you from snuggling right into my arms.”

  Aurora blushed.

  Dalton looked at her with love in his eyes. “You’ve made me happy,” he told her tenderly.

  Dammit. She felt the tears coming on and saw Dalton’s look of concern. She held up a hand.

  “No, don’t worry. I tear up if one of the horses eats all their oats. I’m telling you, I’m a regular waterworks factory these days. Maybe if I sniff a lemon I’ll stop wanting to cry.” She gave him a watery look.

  Dalton laughed. “How’s your tummy?”

  “Let me just rest here for a few more seconds. Maybe I’ll have another cookie, then I’ll be good to get up. I hope I can catch Crystal in time before she heads over this morning.”

  “Why is she coming over?” Dalton asked.

  “We’re wrapping up the research for the Beaumonts on Aladdin.”

  “Still?” Dalton asked.

  “Yep.” She gave Dalton a considering look. “You know, when Mark and Taylor find out you’re back, they’ll want to come over too.”

  Dalton handed her another cookie. She bit into it and he smiled.

  “Pretty proud of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Sunshine, I have a hell of a lot of time to make up for. Buying some cookies and lemons is nothing. I want to carry you around on a pillow for the next four months.”

  He was serious. Aurora set the rest of the cookie down on the nightstand and stroked his cheek. “Dalton, I’m the one who didn’t tell you,” she whispered softly.

  “I’m the one who walked away.” His eyes were bright.

  “You’re here now, that’s what matters.”

  She saw that he was about to protest. Her man who always believed everything was his fault and he wasn’t good enough. “Dalton,” she said teasingly. “You got here just in time. These next few months I’m going to start needing some extra help moving around. So, your timing is perfect.” She kept one hand under the covers and her fingers crossed.

  “Little liar,” he smiled. “You’re probably planning on working with the horses until the day you deliver. So, it is a damn good thing I’m here to stop you from doing too much.”

  She felt her cheeks heat. “That’s not true.”

  “Are you going to spend the rest of our lives together lying?” he asked.

  “No,” she lied.

  Dalton burst out laughing.

  Aurora pushed out of bed and tugged down her sleep shirt over her panties. Thank goodness she’d showered last night so that she’d be ready for the cast of characters to arrive this morning. She looked over her shoulder and saw Dalton staring at her.

  “Oh shit. I need to call Crystal. Waking up next to you goes to my head, Mr. Sullivan.”

  She grabbed her cell phone off the nightstand.

  “It’ll be good to see her and the boys,” he said.

  “About that,” Aurora started. “I need to give you a heads up.”

  “Okay,” Dalton said. “Hit me.”

  “Crystal is not your biggest fan at the moment. It was nobody’s business why I didn’t tell you that I was pregnant. That was between the two of us. I told Crystal that you hadn’t abandoned me, but she refused to believe it.”

  Dalton winced. “You’re saying I have some ground to make up with her.”

  “Something like that.”

  “I’m just glad you have such loyal friends.” Dalton came up behind her and wrapped her up in a hug, his lips at the base of her jaw. “I’ll talk to Crystal. It’ll be okay, I promise.” He nibbled on her earlobe.

  Aurora dropped the clothes and turned into his arms. “I think I’ll wait to call Crystal.”

  “Good idea,” he said.

  “You’re back,” Crystal said as she walked up the porch steps. It was definitely not a warm welcome.

  “Hi Cry
stal,” Dalton said. “It’s good to see you. How are the boys?”

  “We’re not going to talk about the boys, we’re going to talk about you being a Baby Daddy, and what all that entails.”

  God love her, she’d marched right on up those stairs, to the one just below the top of the porch, so that her head almost reached the middle of his chest and she looked like she might take a swing at him. Instead she jammed her finger into his chest. “You know you broke her heart, don’t you?”

  Dalton winced. He really wished she would have hit him.

  “I’m here now,” he uttered softly.

  “You here for good?” Crystal demanded.

  “She won’t be able to get rid of me,” he promised hoarsely.

  Crystal blinked rapidly then swiped at her eyes. “I was counting on you being a good guy. Don’t fuck it up again, okay?” Her voice trembled.

  Dalton went down two steps and pulled the diminutive woman into his arms and hugged her hard. “I won’t. I’m never letting her down again, I promise.”

  Crystal cleared her throat, “So why are you out here flirting with me?”

  “I’m here with some of my teammates,” he explained.

  They were going to love Crystal. “There’s a big Skype conversation going on inside with thousands of Aurora’s family members as well as Sheriff Brody.”

  “I hate him,” Crystal said bitterly. “He’s been useless.”

  Dalton chuckled. “You’re not alone with that viewpoint. Anyway, the conversation inside is about where Ned Little might have been working when he left here.”

  “Okay,” she said slowly. “And you’re out here with me because…?” she prompted.

  “I want Aurora out of the line of fire. Dex talked to Jack this morning before the call. This is call is more for show. We know-”

  “We who?”

  “My teammates, Aurora’s uncles, Gunnar and Lindy.”

  “Lindy’s here,” she squealed. “She didn’t call me. The Tahoe Trio are back in action!”

  “Focus,” Dalton said.

  “Okay, so who’s Jack?”

  “Jack’s someone I used to work with. He’s a SEAL, and his family has a big spread near San Antonio. He found out that Ned had worked for three months at the Windsor Breeding Stables near Sutter Creek. Despite the fact that they had been contacted by Aurora not to hire him, and she sent Freddy Windsor a picture of Ned, the man hired him anyway. It makes no sense.”

  Dalton could see Crystal’s wheels turning. “So, you plan to go pay Freddy a visit?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “And you want me to make sure that Aurora doesn’t go with you.”

  “I’m morally opposed to laying hands on a pregnant woman, even if it’s for her own good,” Dalton said.

  “Were you here last night?” Crystal asked.


  “Then don’t bullshit me, because I’m betting there was a whole hell of a lot of laying on of hands going on.”

  Dalton bellowed out a laugh and looked into Crystal’s twinkling eyes.

  “I don’t kiss and tell,” he said.

  “Okay, Dalton, thanks for filling me in. I’ll keep her ass planted here at Valhalla. Are you expecting trouble down at Sutter Creek?”

  “We always prepare for the worst and hope for the best,” Dalton answered. That’s why we’re all going to go pay a little visit.”

  “Not Lindy though, right? She needs to stay with us. It’s been too damn long since she’s been in town, so you don’t get to have her,” Crystal said as she planted her fists on her hips.

  “Whatever keeps you happy Crystal. You scare me.”

  Aurora watched and listened to the two men on the Skype call. She was impressed with their knowledge about the horse industry on the West Coast. She was amazed how they had been able to zero in the Windsor Breeding Stables near Sutter Creek. For God’s sake, she knew Freddy Windsor, she’d talked to him six months about breeding one of her mares with one of his stallions. She damn well knew that she’d warned him that Ned Little was bad news. Fine, Ned hadn’t given him his real name, but she’d sent Freddy his picture. He should have known better.

  The Navy SEAL, Jack Preston, was talking. “Dad had our foreman call around to ranches all around the Western United States. His cover story was that he’d run up against a new form of animal abuse at our ranch and that we’d just had the asshole prosecuted for harming the horses. Our foreman, Enrique, was calling around to other ranches to find out if anybody else had found inhumane practices that were being done to horses by any of their employees that had floated under the radar. When the foreman called Windsor, they were told nothing had happened.”

  “I’m not surprised,” her uncle Tate said. “Windsor has a good reputation.”

  “Well it won’t for long,” Jack said. “Two days later, Enrique talked to their former foreman who had moved to a spread in Arizona, the man explained how an employee by the name of Brett Sanders was caught using a wire-snaffle bit on some horse.”

  “God no.” Aurora’s hand shot up to cover her mouth.

  “What’s that?” Dex asked.

  She looked around the table and saw that her grandfather and uncles looked as sick as she felt. “Depending on the gauge of the wire, to the horse, it’s like using barb wire in their mouth as a bit. They’ll stop on a dime, move in any direction at the slightest pull on the reins just so that the bit doesn’t go deeper into their mouth. How’s the horse?” She asked Jack Preston.

  “Not good,” Jack answered.

  Aurora remembered when she’d found Lily hang-tied in the trailer. She should have just shot Ned and buried him in the woods. Dalton squeezed her hand underneath the table. She looked up at him, had he read her mind?

  “Why did the foreman think that was Ned Little?” Gunnar asked.

  “He said that Freddy’s policy was to hire people under the table, so false names were normal. Enrique texted over a picture of Ned Little to this guy in Arizona and he said Brett and Ned were the same guy.”

  “I don’t get it,” Aurora said. “Why would Freddy be covering for him?”

  “We’re going to have a little talk with him today and find out,” Dalton said.

  “I can’t wait to see what he has to say for himself,” Aurora growled.

  “Whoa there Sunshine. You’re not going anywhere,” Dalton said squeezing her hand again.

  She shook it off and pushed her chair away from him. “What are you talking about?”

  “We know somebody was behind Ricky and Ned, since they’re still after you. This is the first real lead we’ve got. You’re the target, and we’re sure as hell not having you go into the base of operations.”

  “Well you don’t have much say in the matter,” she gave Dalton an angry look.

  She heard Dex’s muffled laughter.

  “You’re not going,” Gunnar said. “That’s the end of the discussion.”

  “You’re not telling me what to do either,” she said as she spun around to glare at her grandfather.

  “You’re not thinking this through,” Crystal said.

  “Not you too,” Aurora turned to her friend. “You can’t be on their side.”

  “Hell no, I’m not on their side. I’m always on your side, Girlfriend. What are you going to accomplish?”

  “I want to check out the horses and see if they’re all right.”

  “Like your granddad and uncles aren’t going to be doing that. All that you’re going to do is slow them down while making them stop every half hour because you need to pee.”

  Aurora felt herself blush. It was true. She turned to Dalton. “What’s your plan?” she demanded.

  “It’s simple,” Gunnar answered. “We’re there to look over some stallions to mate with some of our mares. We’re bringing some friends from San Diego to look over Windsor to see if they want to use their facilities for their horses.”

  “I still don’t understand why Freddy would be out after me,” Aurora

  “Neither do we,” Dalton answered truthfully. “But this is the only thing that has made sense so far.” He raked his fingers through his black hair and gave her a frustrated glare. “I want you off the firing line.”

  “Amen.” Gunnar said.

  “Hunter will stay back with you, so that you’re protected.”

  “You’re willing to split up the Scooby Gang?” Aurora knew there was a bite to her tone, but she was still pissed about the fact that she was being left out.

  “Who are you calling the Scooby Gang?” Dex asked.

  “I think that’s us,” Hunter said easily.

  “Please don’t ever say that in front of Kenna. I’m begging you,” Dex placed his hands together in prayer.

  Aurora gave a reluctant giggle, then she sighed.

  “We have Rhys, Luke and Erwin here, isn’t that enough?” Aurora asked.

  “No,” Dalton said emphatically. “They’re going to be out caring for the animals. I want someone in the house with you.”

  “Well I’m staying here. I’m pretty sure the LAPD can take care of this, aren’t you?” Lindy said.

  Aurora saw Dalton squirm in his seat.

  “For God’s sake, she’s a member of the SWAT team,” Crystal all but yelled.

  Hunter laughed. “I think we’re leaving your woman in good hands, Dalton.”

  “Anyway, I don’t want to be part of the Scooby Gang,” Lindy said with a grin. “Crystal, Aurora and I haven’t been together in years.”

  “Yeah, we used to do a lot of damage in high school,” Crystal said.

  Zebadiah groaned, and Gunnar laughed.

  “Crystal shut up, we were angels.” Lindy said loftily.

  “You go get those bastards, and call in the second you know something,” Aurora gave Dalton the stare of death.

  “I’m telling everyone that Black Dawn’s new team name is the Scooby Gang,” Jack said from the computer screen.

  Dalton groaned. “Are you still out there in Skype land? Turn them off Dex.”

  “We had to go anyway,” Jack said with a smile. Dex turned off the screen.


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