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Mate Bound

Page 3

by Holly Hook

  "He thought killing me could undo what he did," I say. "News flash. Didn't work." I want Aunt May to hug me but she shows no signs of peeling away from the counter.

  Cayden intertwines his hand with mine.

  The kettle dies.

  Aunt May looks to the three Hunters, who make no motion to draw weapons. Steven remains behind Remo and Leonora.

  Then she speaks to me, looking more at the closed kitchen curtains. "Brie, I have something to tell you. I've always known I was a Noble Royal and how important we are to continuing the Nobles. And that it wasn't fair to leave continuing the line completely on you. What if you were attracted to girls instead of boys or didn't have an interest in having children?"

  This conversation's going in a direction I didn't expect. All I knew was that Aunt May wanted to hide our real nature from the world and even ourselves. "Well, I'm attracted to boys and I might want to have children someday. So it worked out, right?" I wink at Cayden, wondering if he feels the same. Does he? All we've talked about is surviving and not our future. Neither of us have wanted to raise any false hope in the other. "I didn't realize you thought about this so much. Are you going to drop a bomb on me? Do I have a cousin I don't know?" My heart races. All of my reality has shifted and changed, not just me.

  Aunt May shakes her head. "I have thought about it more than you realize. My parents always told your father and I how important the Noble Royals are to the rest of our kind. Your father wanted to have children. I never felt the urge, so to do my duty just in case things went bad, I froze my eggs back in my twenties as a backup plan. Even if something were to happen to you, the Noble Wolves could come back."

  "Huh?" The news shouldn't feel like a sack of bricks hitting me in the chest, but it does. "But aren't you just outside the range where you can, you know, thaw them out and have kids? I'm not sure how it works--"

  " Remo?" Cayden asks, looking behind him. "You're the science minded one."

  When Cayden says the word science, it clicks and I understand why my body's tensing and reacting this way. Edwin said something about using science and Aunt May to bring the Noble Royals back. Edwin. He knew she's done this.

  Edwin and Aunt May talked at some point. Remo must see the look on my face as I glance at him because he doesn't speak. The air turns tense, making my skin crawl.

  "Did you let Edwin and these Hunters capture you back there at the gas station?" I ask my aunt. My voice rises higher with each word. "Did you work with him?"

  One of the Hunters pushes back his chair, ready to get up.

  "What am I missing?" Cayden asks, eager to get in on the drama and be my shield. But there's nothing he can do here. I shake my head at him.

  Aunt May licks her lip and glances at the kettle for a moment, like she wants to offer me tea, and finally gets up the bravery to face me again. "I went with them. Yes. This was something I agreed to years ago in case things were looking bad for you, Brie. In no way did I try to lead them to you. So I was protecting you in any way I could. One of the women on your mother's side would have carried the child to term, had we gone through with the plan. Or she will, if we must."

  The room goes silent. No one moves now. They're uncomfortable. Does everyone in this room know what I came from and what a danger I am? My secret was less of a secret than I thought.

  "Well, since Edwin tried to kill me, the pack had to kill him," I say, no longer caring about it being in the open. "Even you think I'm tainted. So I'll go and solve this whole thing with Cayden." The corners of my vision blur not with darkness, but with tears. Aunt May knew the whole time about my forbidden heritage if she made this plan. She worked with Edwin, knowing he knew. And now that it's in the open, I can never look at her the same way again.

  "I never thought you were tainted," she says with desperation.

  "Everyone needs to give Brie a break," Cayden shouts. He steps in front of me, trying to put up the only wall he can. "It's not her fault her parents got together and she shouldn't be made to feel bad about it. If anything, you should go and find Remus's resting place instead of her."

  Cayden backs away, trying to force me out of the kitchen and away from Aunt May, but I'm already backing up. I crash into Leonora and Remo. Leonora puts her hand on my shoulder and pulls me back to the door.

  "Brie, this is not about you. This is about me," Aunt May calls.

  But I'm already turning and storming out the door. The house I called home all my life seems dark and fake. Like a lie. Aunt May worked with Edwin and even if she didn't know his plans for me, she still worked with Edwin, who had a known hatred for me.

  "Brie," Cayden says, following me.

  But I'm breaking into a run. I bolt down the street, leaving my not-so-home behind. Let Aunt May stay with her Hunters like a precious jewel. What else hasn't she told me about?

  She doesn't call for me again. I run until I make it to the Lowe cabin. I circle around at a supernatural pace and collapse into the swinging couch they have in the back.

  "Brie." Cayden kneels beside me and throws himself over me as I start to sob. I'm the alpha and I'm losing it, but at least it's just in front of Cayden.

  "Does everyone hate me? Am I really that bad?" Faint pressure settles into my chest as I think of the implications. I thought I was too nice. Now I'm too tainted, too evil. Maybe Aunt May is upset that I had to order the pack to kill Edwin.

  "Your aunt doesn't hate you, Brie. Maybe she just agreed to a backup plan because Edwin pressured her. He pressured everyone. Maybe your father asked her to do it because they were the only two Nobles left at the time. We don't know her motivations. Your aunt loves you. It's obvious. I love you."

  I breathe out, letting Cayden lean over me. "I'm still leaving to go find Remus's resting place. Aunt May can stay here and be the last holdout." I had been hoping we'd rescue her and go to the former Roman Empire together. That we could fight side by side. And even though I know her plan could save us Nobles if I fail, she knew how dangerous I was and never told me. Or prepared me for what I could face.

  Cayden hesitates. "So be it. She knows you're stronger than she is and you have a better chance of winning than she does."

  I hiccup. "I'm glad she's confident I'll win."

  Chapter Four

  I get up from the swinging couch an eternity later. Cayden helps me inside the cabin, where I lie down on his bed. He pours me a glass of water. I listen to the water trickling into the glass in the cabin's kitchen while I turn over, inhaling Cayden's scent. It's permeated into the fabric of the bed sheets and his pillow. I've laid on Cayden's bed before, but right now it feels like the only solid ground in the world.

  Even if being around Brett still brings out all the underground tension between us.

  He brings me the glass of water and sits beside the bed. "Drink up," he says. "You'll feel a little better."

  I do. "Thanks. This has been an awesome day for me. Getting Aunt May back was supposed to be a happy moment, you know?"

  "I don't think she did what she did because of you. I bet she froze her eggs before you were even born. Saying that in front of her wouldn't have been good since I don't think women like comments about their age."

  "Good point," I say, not feeling much better. My stomach turns as I face Cayden. "I'm not mad she did that. I'm mad about everything else."

  "Brie, maybe she worked with him before he sold out your family to the Savages. And he just did that because he was a coward."

  "Maybe. But when he tried to kill me, she went to him."

  "I see your point." Cayden rises and leans over me like he wants to kiss me, but he holds back. "Maybe she didn't have a choice. Your aunt might have thought she could convince him and the Hunters to leave you alone. Looks like she might have helped convince the Hunters before Alex did. They're not trying to hurt you anymore."

  "But why keep that from me and not let me know she's okay?" I don't want to say my real concern out loud: that she knows I'm tainted. No one can deny that.

  Cayden swallows. "I don't know. But no matter what, I'm by your side."

  Then he leans over and kisses me. When our lips touch, I leave all the drama behind. We kiss for what feels like minutes, when it's probably just seconds. When we're finished, I groan as the happy tingles fade and I come back to reality.

  "Why did you have to stop?" I ask.

  Cayden frowns. "Because we have things we have to do?"

  "True." I sit up and check my phone to see if Aunt May's tried to call. Nope. "We're taking Brett's lead to that gravesite and contacting Remus's spirit."

  "That might be risky."

  "It is risky." There go all the happy tingles. "Because Brett still cares about his sister and he'll want to make sure she's in his sight at all times. But we need him to make sure we get to where we need to go. That means we have to take Karina with us."

  Cayden sighs. "I'm afraid you're right."

  * * * * *

  "Once we leave, we're taking Karina with us," Brett demands.

  We're back in Olivia's house. Brett's standing in the living room, with no indication on his face how the meeting with his sister went. But the energy drain I'm feeling gives me a clue, even if it's faint. Downstairs, she's gone silent again, despite Nan, one of the Colling Wolves, trying to discuss the weather to distract her from any mental magic. The sounds of mopping join in. Poor Noah and Olivia are trying to clean up the mess and get as much of the water down the drain as possible.

  "I was afraid of that," I say, looking to Cayden. He slaps himself on the forehead.

  "Karina is dangerous to what we're going to do," Cayden says. He wants to protect me from her, too.

  "I know she is, but I want to keep her alive and out of the cult for good," Brett says. "I'm not here to help out the pack. Sorry, alpha. Well, unless I get something out of it. Call me dark, but that's the way I am and all I know."

  It's the closest thing to a sincere apology Brett will give me. I back away from him because the first weakness is starting to creep into my limbs. He might not be sucking the life out of us with intent anymore, so the effects don't come as fast, but it's going to be a while before we can safely be around him. I could boss Brett around, but the whole energy-draining thing is holding me back. The worse of a mood he's in, the more he's going to affect us.

  "You have a point," I say. "But we need to make sure Karina's not going to hurt us. Remo and Leonora have gone to the school and they're going to come up with a way to knock her out safely." I know she can hear me down below, but I don't care. "That way she can't explode any more water heaters. What if she makes our plane crash?"

  Brett pales, but he doesn't deny it. That's great. Cayden and I look at each other again.

  Finally the warlock speaks, keeping his voice so low I can barely hear him. "She could."

  That's great.

  "I don't like this plan," Cayden says. "Brett, you and Karina are taking a private flight while the rest of us are safe in commercial. Do not tell Karina our flight number."

  "And where is this graveyard?" I ask.

  "You're speaking like Karina doesn't value her life," Brett says. Pain runs under the surface of his words. As he speaks, my knees tremble. The connection Cayden and I share darkens and strains.

  Horrible thoughts push at the edges of my mind. I'm bad and that's why Aunt May had to lie to me. She knows. I'm tainted--

  Cayden pushes in front of me. "She doesn't value yours, Brett, or any of ours. I'm sorry to tell you that. At least, she doesn't right now. Having her with us could destroy every chance we all have of surviving. And I'm including you."

  "She's going with us," Brett snaps. "She's my sister and all I've got. We don't take her, I don't lead you to Remus's resting place. And to make sure she comes along, I won't tell you the exact location until we reach Italy."

  I should have known the two would have died there. The thought of going across the world terrifies me. There could be Savage territories out there even worse than what we have here. And I'm going on my own, without Aunt May to act as a wall between me and the world. "Thanks for the clue," I say, trying to sound tough.

  "We could probably find his resting place ourselves," Cayden says. "Karina is not getting on a plane with us."

  "I agree with that," I say. I want to push Cayden out of the way and deal with Brett myself, but I know what will happen if I do.

  "Fine. Then she and I will take another plane there. I'll need a few Wolves with me to keep her contained. And I can't guarantee we won't have people following us."

  "People? You mean the cult?" I ask. Of course they'll want me. The Savage King could possess and destroy me at any moment. I have that darkness already within me, thanks to my Hunter blood, and--

  Stop it, I tell myself. It's Brett doing this.

  Brett crosses his arms. "Well, if you're right that she brought our father to you--"

  "Two separate flights," I say. "The trouble will be picking who has to go with Karina and keep her under control. And how we're going to get her through security without her alerting the guards we're pretty much kidnapping her."

  * * * * *

  Allen has taken to juggling--a talent I didn't think the kid had--to distract Karina. Once I get down to the basement and get a nod from Everly, letting me know nothing else has happened, I find him legit juggling three bowling balls in his large hands. I hadn't realized Olivia's family stored bowling balls in the basement. They probably belonged to her father, who ditched her back in junior high. Olivia, who leans against a mop on the other side of the basement, tries not to watch.

  "Impressive," I say, trying not to make eye contact with the young witch still chained to the chair. The light bulb continues to cast a pale glow on the walls and the surrounding Colling Wolves.

  "Well, I've juggled knives and other dangerous things, so bowling balls is a step down," Allen says. "The girls at school love it." He sounds more mature than I've given him. Like he's older than thirteen or fourteen.

  Karina's watching him, I notice, focusing like she wants one of the bowling balls to fall on his toes.

  "Don't even think about it," I tell her.

  "Shut up."

  I turn away from her as Allen gets the drift and stops juggling. "Look," I say, drawing attention from everyone in the room. I can't bear to say these words, but I have to. "My Aunt May is staying here in Breck with a few Hunters so that the Royals have a shot if something happens to me. She has a plan, so she's not going with us across the ocean. But she's safe and that's what matters." My voice wavers on my last sentence. "And when we leave, I want those of you from Colling to stay here with her. You also need to guard the territories from the Savages so they don't take advantage."

  "She's not going with you?" Don asks. A bit of hope creeps into his words.

  "I'm sure Aunt May will lead you if something happens to me," I say, moving to stand beside Cayden. "To us. You need her. And Karina, you will listen to us."

  She snaps her gaze away from Allen as he does drop a bowling ball. At least he dodges. "I don't have to listen to you."

  "You just did," I say. "Separate flights. You're going with your brother and two other pack members. The rest of us who are going--those of us from Breck, plus Alex and Callie if they agree to go--will take another plane. Brett said last night the Haydes have plenty of cash in their account, so we'll use it to travel." I listen as Brett paces upstairs. Without direct sight of us, he's not draining me and Cayden as much. "We won't hurt you, Karina. All we need to do is find Remus's grave site, reach him, and stop the Savage King. Trust me, you'll be better off without him."

  Karina snorts and looks at her chains. She doesn't need to say a word.

  Then Noah, who stands with Olivia, raises his hand.

  "You really shouldn't go," I say to him.

  Noah, instead of protesting, nods. "I was going to suggest that. Look, after what happened last night, I'll cry uncle on this whole wanting to join in thing. Me and Olivia are fine here and we'll check on your aunt
for you. It's not like we won't have company."

  My jaw drops. Noah's finally seeing the light and how lucky he is? Of course, he has the love of his life now. He doesn't have to fight to stay with her at every turn.

  "Good choice, man," Cayden says to him. "Stay here and have fun." So we're thinking the same thing.

  Everly rolls her eyes. "We need to pick two people to go with the Haydes. I think it should be random. And all the Wolves in this room should have to draw. There are more Colling Wolves than there are us."

  Everyone in the room tenses. After the display with the water heater, no one wants to board a plane with Karina. But Allen steps forward and says, "That would be fair."

  My stomach turns over and I look to Cayden. He bites his lip and pales so that the hazel in his eyes stands out. We have to put other Wolves in danger and it's my decision. No. Ours. I need to keep Cayden in the loop or he's going to rot again.

  "I agree with Everly," I say. "Cayden?"

  "We do a drawing," he says. "Any two of us could have to go with Karina."

  I eye the young witch. Her eyes are hungry for vengeance. Great.

  "We can do the straw method," Everly says.

  "And once Remo's back with whatever we can use to sedate Karina--" I start.

  "I don't need to be sedated," she snaps.

  "You've just shown us that yes, you do," I say, advancing at her and pointing to the busted water heater, which still drips water onto the floor.

  "Look, I won't crash the plane I'm on. What good what that do me?" she asks.

  Brett continues to pace upstairs, so I speak in a low voice. "To get back at your brother? Why do you hate him so much?"

  Karina's lip trembles like she wants to say something. She grips the chair and shakes. The tension in the room rises so much and the darkness swirls at the edges of my vision. I expect the light bulb to shatter, but Karina lets out a long breath, releasing all that tension. "It's not your business."


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