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The Pillaging of an Empire

Page 11

by Amanda Clover

  The cigar dropped from the imp’s stunned mouth.

  “I’m not interested in a contest of power with you,” the man informed Julyana. He looked at the corpse. “She was a friend, then?”

  Julyana looked down at Nina’s corpse. Her expression grew pained. “She was…” Julyana whispered, stroking some matted hair from Nina’s brow. “She was my dearest…”

  “And you couldn’t save her,” he said sadly.

  Julyana clutched Nina’s head to her breast. She bent forward, shuddering with a sob. The man with the cane watched this intently. He stepped forward, cloak whispering around him. Gently, he settled a hand on Julyana’s head.

  “It’s alright,” he murmured, soft and soothing as he stroked her head. “I know what it feels like to be powerless. To be the plaything of those who can torture and abuse you.”

  “Holy shit!” Lugin cried. “You’re-“

  The man flicked his cane in Lugin’s direction. With a clank a metal muzzle snapped about the imp’s mouth. Ignoring the imp’s muffled cries as he tried to yank the iron gag off, the man in black knelt by Julyana’s side.

  “How would you like the power to never let anyone hurt you again?”

  Julyana lifted her face, her eyes hollow. “What?”

  “The imp has taught you some,” the man said, his smile never reaching his eyes that reflected the firelight like mirrors. “But he knows far too little.”

  “Mrrph!” the imp said indignantly.

  “And there is so much more for you,” the man continued. “So much more power. I can feel it in you. Potential to shake the very foundations of the world. I can teach you to use it. To show the world that you can’t be hurt again. And no one will dare move against you. You will be as powerful as you are beautiful. Your name a whisper of fear across Istanov and all the way to Heimsvak and Shaddobar. And you can do whatever you please. Power? Well. You’ve learned the nature of power here.”

  Julyana looked about the ruined room as if for the first time. Perhaps it was, the man with the cane mused. He saw that broken light in her eyes begin to glow. A fierce, manic giggle rose from her breast.

  “Sure!” she laughed madly. “Why not!? What do I have to lose? I gave it all to get her back! And what was it worth?” She giggled again.

  “That’s it,” the man in black said. He rose, taking Julyana’s hand. She climbed to her feet with him, her eyes alive with a mad light that gave even Lugin pause. Nina’s body slipped from her arms to fall to the floor, unnoticed. Forgotten. The former princess pressed herself against his chest, her soft, malleable breasts squished between them.

  “Show me,” she begged.

  He chuckled. “With pleasure.”

  He swept her about, walking her towards the entrance of the keep. With a last muffled grunt of protest Lugin frantically took flight, winging after them. The man gestured as they left with his silver cane. The blue fires burning across the keep suddenly surged, hungrily devouring stones and wood.

  When morning came, it would shine on ash where a keep once stood, and not even a whisper of wind would touch the cursed ruin.


  Book Three

  Lusty Prey of the Huntress

  By Amanda Clover and Jay Aury


  Cover artwork by Deilan12

  Map of the Empire of Istanov


  Lamps fluttered at the ends of the old library stacks. The air smelled of old paper and ink and age and history uncounted.

  Selina Calia sat at a table in the middle of the room. She was alone, something unusual for such a beautiful woman. Her white hair was a braided rope of silver in the half shadow of the lamps, her form curvy, barely contained in the form fitting leathers she wore, a long jacket draped over her like a cloak. She idly scratched the thin scar along her cheek and yawned, shutting the cover of yet another book and pushing it aside. She sighed, easing back, twining her fingers and stretching her arms over her head. Joints popped and cracked.

  Holding herself tense for a moment, she suddenly released, exhaling heavily and reclining in her seat. She glanced about the towering stacks of the old library, the glass dome in the ceiling showing the fading light of evening. It had long been her dream to come to the fabled library of Akrane. Half a century ago, this was where the head of the Huntresses of Ctharne, the legendary Penelope Helsdottir, had spent much of her time. Of course, that had been before she’d taken up the call, sailing to Ctharne and ending the monstrous threat that rose out of the darkness of time.

  For a moment Selina merely sat there, absorbing the weight of that history. A history she was now a part of. She’d even seen Penelope a few times. The huntress had been at Selina’s graduation ceremony, bestowing on the newly minted huntresses their marks of authority to seek out and slay the beasts that troubled the lands of men. Selina felt her chest swell with pride as she looked at the stacks. The table she sat at may have been the very one Penelope had used that fateful night her sister had sent the letter summoning her to Ctharne.

  Selina shook her head, blinking rapidly. Forcing herself to focus once more on the present, she pulled another book off the stack and leafed through the pages purposefully. Though the library of Huntress’s Cove was, of course, spacious and well stocked, nothing could compare to that of Akrane. A number of long lost volumes could only be found here. Books on tainted lore and ancient scripts so old they were nearly dust.

  But Selina hadn’t come for one of those. Instead, she leafed through more modern books. The History of Istanov. Monsters of the Princeps. The Eastern Kingdoms and their Peoples. The Myths of Western Istanov. The Wonder of Istanovian Cheeses and more. She sighed. She was used to such dry reads. She’d spent many of her training years in the confines of the library of Huntress’s Cove. But those books were more esoteric in nature, focusing on the natures of monsters, the pleasures, and martial techniques.

  She stopped, her smile broadening as her finger landed on a page.


  “Here we go,” she murmured.

  Western Istanov, dear reader, is a wild, untamed region of our glorious empire. A recent addition, it was populated by the wild Merrigan along with monstrous tribes. The Merrigan were a wandering people who valued their independence and their arcane faiths, and were crushed by the Rose Knights in the year 1287 near the trading capital of Mertovsk, at the battle of the Standing Stones. Settlement by the empire was attempted several time, but never took well. For you see, dear reader, eastern Istanov is a harsh, unforgiving land of dark forests, marshes and rough cliffs. Only the hardiest settlers dare the area, for it is a well-known home for monsters and savage creatures. Orcs and gertlings and worse still, giving it the name of the Grimlands.

  Selina read on, but scowled with annoyance. The region was little more than a footnote. And not a word about the so called Duke of Ashes. The author went on afterwards about Poranovo and the Endless Sea. Although a few descriptions of the Harvest Festival caught Selina’s eye, there wasn’t much else of any use. Again and again she’d researched, looking for some hint of the name. A spectre, a myth, a creature. Only half the task of a huntress, after all, was in the slaying. Far more involved the research of the beasts, and no monster simply popped out of nothing. Always there were hints and tales.

  Yet not a whisper. Not before the Empire of Istanov had sent a request for the slaying of a creature known only as the Duke of Ashes, a monster said to lurk in the east of Istanov. She sighed wearily and shut the book, climbing to her feet.

  Her long coat fluttered as she crossed the mosaic of the Book of the Goddess inlaid on the floor and towards the main doors. The young librarian on duty was half asleep when she reached his desk. He practically jumped out of his skin as she dinged the bell.

  “What! Eh? Who? When?”

  Selina hid her smile. “Just me, Clovis. I’m ready to go.”

  The librarian fixed his spectacles awkwardly and blush
ed, jumping to his feet. “Oh! Yes. Yes. Quite right. Yes. Ah, here. The door. Sorry.”

  He fumbled for his keys as he rounded the desk. The heavy oaken doors loomed before them as he fitted the key inside and turned it. “I ah, hope you found something of use, my lady. We have quite the collection here…”

  “You do,” Selina said with appropriate gravity. “Had I more time, I would love to see what more there is. But I have work to do.”

  The librarian swallowed as the lock clicked. He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes slightly wide with awe. “Oh, well. We would be glad to have you, my lady. Anything for the huntresses of Ctharne.”

  Selina gave him a genuine smile then. She liked the young man. Had she time, she might well have shown him a few things he’d probably only seen in books. Judging by the way he was trying hard not to look at her leather clad breasts, she had a feeling he’d welcome the chance.

  But she’d lingered too long already.

  “Thank you again, Clovis.”

  “Ah, my lady?”

  She paused, glancing to him. The young librarian was fidgeting nervously. “There… there was a man, earlier. He was asking about you.”

  Selina’s brow lowered slowly. Though many were in awe of the huntresses of Ctharne, there were as many who held the order in suspicion or even contempt. Some of the order’s methods were held in close scrutiny, some even declaring the huntresses no better than the beasts they slew. “Was he?”

  “Yes. He was asking about a huntress who’d been looking about. He seemed very interested in finding out what books you had been reading.”

  “Is that so? Did he say anything?”

  Clovis gnawed his lip. “There… was one thing. He asked if you’d made inquiries into something called… the Duke of Ashes.”

  Selina felt herself tense before she realized she had. Her hands tightened at her sides, one drifting to her sword. She forced herself to calm. “Did you tell him anything?”

  Clovis shook his head. “No, my lady. Nothing. But I think he talked to some of the other librarians. Ones who might not hold the same… respect for the order.”

  Selina grimaced. It seemed her departure couldn’t be soon enough. “Thank you, Clovis. For telling me.” She leaned forward and gave the librarian a gentle kiss.

  The librarian blushed as red as a tomato as she swept past him and out into Akarne’s streets. Frost spread silver spiderwebs across the paved stones of the library’s square. She heard the heavy door shut behind her, the boom resounding in the silence. She glanced at the dark sky, frowning slightly. Winter was on its way. Its bite was in the air, and if she wanted to cross Cleavegrad in time she had to leave tomorrow. She sighed, moving through the darkened streets, shadowed by ramshackle buildings, lamps kindled and glowing faintly.

  The Drunken Gertling occupied one of the main roads leading into the mighty city. Hardly an ostentatious place, but it had decent food and a merry atmosphere that she could appreciate. The common room was glowing despite the late hour. She drew a few stares from some new arrivals but little else as she took her seat, falling into it with a sigh.

  No sooner had she done so than the bartender scuttled up to her side, wringing his hands with an ingratiating smile.

  “My lady! So glad to see you… What can I do for you?”

  “I’ll be leaving in the morning,” Selina said indifferently. “Have my horse readied. I’ll be riding early.”

  The man bobbed eagerly. “Of course, mistress. Of course. I’ll send dinner out at once.”

  The innkeeper bowed away, leaving her alone. Sighing, Selina leaned back in her chair once more. Her drink arrived soon after. Selina took the heavy stein, staring into the dark brew thoughtfully.

  She looked up from her thoughts as a plate settled before her. The barmaid was a pretty young thing. Dark lashes and bouncy curls of brown hair, her curves bound up in a tight apron and skirted outfit that seemed to draw attention to her shapely bum and full, rich breasts.

  “Thank you,” Selina said with a coy grin.

  The barmaid blushed, her lashes lidding her eyes, but Selina could feel her eyes glide over the huntress’s powerful frame. “Glad to.” The girl hesitated. “Are you… really a huntress?”

  Selina smiled, easing back. “I am.”

  The barmaid’s eyes shone. “I’ve never met one before.”

  “And I don’t think I’ve met you before. New?”

  She blushed again. “Just hired. Um…”

  “Nadia! Stop bothering the guests!” The innkeeper’s voice rang out from the bar.

  Nadia jumped, cheeks flaming. “Sorry,” she chirped as she bounded away.

  Selina chuckled, grinning at the shy barmaid, watching the way the young woman’s plump bottom stretched her immodest uniform. It was hardly uncommon for a huntress to find women attractive. Aside from the monsters of the isle, there were few males around for the young women. And a huntress’s training focused deeply on the pleasures of flesh. It was the way they bound a monster to them. As a result, young huntresses often found themselves… experimenting among their sisters.

  “So it’s true. There is a huntress ‘bout here.”

  Selina raised her head, her smile wiped away. A tall, heavy man with the hard armor of a merchant’s guard stood beside her table. His thumbs thrust in his belt, he looked down at her with a gleam she had little trouble placing.

  “I am.”

  “Is it true what they say?”

  “What do they say?” she said with frigid politeness.

  “They say you and yours fuck the monsters on your isle. Makes you better at slaying them.”

  “Do you have a point?” she asked.

  The guard grinned. “Only wondering… well, if you’re wondering how a man might measure up.”

  Selina smiled. “You know, I have been. If you see a man, can you tell him?”

  The guard’s smile fell at once. He scowled, looming over her. He planted a hand on the table. “Now look here. I-“

  He froze, sucking in a breath. His eyes moved down to find the tip of Selina’s dagger resting against the front of his pants.

  “Let’s all stay polite, shall we?” Selina said, still smiling. “Because if we’re going to be rude, I can do that too. But I think the polite thing would be for you to turn around, and go away. How’s that?”


  Selina pulled back the dagger. The guard sagged. He gave her a wounded look and turned, shuffling awkwardly across the room. Selina ignored the stares from the rest of the patrons as she sheathed her dagger. Could he be the one asking about her? She frowned, doubting it. He was just a man thinking more with his cock than his brains.

  She drained the stein in her hand and slammed it heavily onto the table. Rising from her seat, she tossed some coins down. Her appetite was gone. The bartender scuttled out as she crossed the room. “I’m tired,” she said with such finality he didn’t dare try and say more.

  She took the steps two at a time, rolling her neck with a reassuring pop. She entered her modest room with a glance to be sure she was not followed, tossing off her long coat and stripping off her leathers, discarding them in the corner. She only kept the dagger free, slipping it under her pillow, as she’d been trained to do. Flopping down onto the bed, she lay back, staring at the ceiling with thought.

  Several hours later, a soft knock pulled her from her doze. She raised her head. “What?”

  “Miss? It’s… it’s Nadia…”

  Selina raised a brow, then smiled with interest. Well. Maybe she wasn’t too tired. Rising off the bed, the huntress crossed the room and opened the door.

  The barmaid stood beyond, staring in awe at the huntress’s naked curves. Large, firm breasts, every inch of her taut and powerful with corded muscle. Her eyes flicked up to Selina’s face.

  “Yes?” the huntress said, brushing aside a lock of her silver hair.

  Nadia flushed deeper. She bit her lip. “I… I was wondering… w-wondering if you might
like some company…”

  “I think I may,” Selina said. She stepped aside, letting Nadia enter. With a grin, Selina shut the door behind her. “But there’s a few rules, Nadia.”

  The barmaid turned around. “R-rules?”

  “Oh yes. A huntress has to have them. First of all, no one is allowed to wear more than I am in my room.”

  Nadia flushed with understanding, but Selina could see the girl’s excitement in a turn of her lips. Nervously, the girl pulled off her blouse and apron, quickly revealing her creamy curves. She was plump, but not fat. Hard pink nipples capped her shapely breasts, a small tuft of hair shadowing her pussy.

  The barmaid stood, uncertainly twisting one of her brown curls around a finger. “L-like this?”

  “Exactly,” Selina purred. She took the barmaid’s shoulders and eased the young woman down onto the bed. Nadia squeaked, but then Selina’s lips were on hers. The barmaid moaned, arching. Selina laughed into the woman’s soft lips, pushing her back onto the bed, climbing atop the curvy brunette.

  “Ah!” Nadia gasped as Selina’s finger slid along her cunt. “O-oooh…”

  “Been with a woman before?” Selina asked, stroking Nadia’s lower lips.

  “N-noooo,” the brunette moaned, blushing hotly.

  “Then let me show you how it’s done,” she breathed, kissing the blushing barmaid once again.

  Nadia moaned, melting into the huntress’s hot kiss. Selina eased her fingers forward, pressing them into the clutching depths of the brunette. Nadia gasped, hips twitching as Selina moved first one, then two fingers into the other woman’s fluttering cunt.

  “Feels good?” Selina gasped between kisses.

  “Yessss,” Nadia keened sweetly.

  “Mmm. Good girl. And how about… this?”

  Nadia squeaked in surprise as Selina groped one of her expansive breasts. “Oooh Nadia,” Selina breathed as her fingers explored the soft flesh, her fingers stroking along the quivering curves before settling, tickling a hardened nub of a nipple. “Breasts like these should be on display…”


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