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The Pillaging of an Empire

Page 19

by Amanda Clover

  “Yessss!” Porca moaned. “Ride my sweetmeat! Take my seed in your pretty womb! Swallow it all! Take it… ah… take it… mnnnn!”

  Carma threw back her head with a howl of sweetest pleasure as Porca’s cock exploded within her, flooding her with his seed. The sensation blazed through her, drawn up, up, her stomach swelling with cum, her breasts shuddering as they grew swollen and heavy.

  Carma fell, exhausted, hilting Porca’s immense cock within her hungry pussy. Her mouth open, panting, she felt her inner walls tremble and convulse with her seed. A weak moan escaped her as Porca cradled her suddenly swollen teat. She looked at him.

  Porca smiled at her as he lifted her breast to his mouth and took her nipple in his large mouth. Carma moaned weakly as the pigman sucked at her hard nipple, the sweet pressure in her chest suddenly giving way as milk spurted into the gluttonous demon’s mouth. Porca sucked hungrily at her teat as the priestess quivered, pressed against his immense belly, Mia slobbering over the demon’s balls and their addictive sweat.

  Porca drank deeply for a long time, at last lifting his lips. “Ah,” the demon mused. “So… delicious, mortals are. Aren’t you, my pretty cow?”

  “M-moooore,” Carma moaned weakly.

  Porca tittered as he massaged her leaking teat. “Oh, there will be more, my sweet little cow-slut,” the pig demon crooned. “More than you could ever dream…”

  The Temple

  The temple to Kaomeena rose out of the hill like a crown capping it. No wall surrounded the place, for the priestesses of the temple were well known to aid any who needed it, without prejudice or judgement.

  But by the glow of her amulet, Tania knew they should probably rethink that policy.

  She’d been watching the grounds for the last three hours, and hadn’t seen a soul. A somewhat alarming prospect, seeing as there should have been a few people tending the flowers or just wandering the grounds.

  Yet, nothing. Silence wrapped the temple like a shroud. Its tall stone walls were bleached white as bone, the wind whispering across the grassy grounds.

  Tania sighed and adjusted her somewhat tattered robe. Well. Now or never. She clutched her amulet, though couldn’t suppress a small blush at the memory of where the relic had been, and started off down the hill. She went as quietly as she could. The silence unnerved her, and the hot glow of the amulet in her hand warning her of the menace lurking in those walls. She was either facing a demon of gluttony, or the mysterious third whose runes she couldn’t decipher. She hoped it was the former. Demons of gluttony were notoriously lazy creatures. They tended to prey on the gullible or stupid, and Tania was certainly neither of those. Her confidence buoyed by her defeat of the slime, she moved around the building and towards the rear door of the cloister.

  The door was unlocked, and opened with a creak that made her wince. She paused in the doorway and listened, but nothing came to her ears, and she pushed inside and slowly worked her way down the hall.

  She was surprised to scent something in the air. Something tantalizing. Sweet yet… oddly musky. The scent recalled to her the fine times in Moskov and the many bakeries in the city that served the sweet tooth of the nobility. Her stomach rumbled with hunger and she winced. She hadn’t eaten all day, and that smell was just reminding her of her hunger. Along with… other urges.

  She tried to push aside the strange tingling the scents sent through her and focused on the task at hand. She fingered the amulet around her neck thoughtfully. The sister’s cells were a likely place to find someone. Anyone, really.

  Her footsteps clicked hollowly in the plain stone corridors as she turned and made her way deeper trough the temple. The sound echoed back on her, and the sweet smell was growing stronger. Her stomach rumbled. Gods. She was hungry.


  The sound drew Tania up short. She froze, listening.


  Her heart beat heavily in her chest. Tania nervously pushed her glasses back up her nose and ventured on. The sound grew, joined by others, a chorus of moaning cries. Tania swallowed as she reached the sister’s cells and peeked through the first door.

  What she saw made her jaw drop. The woman within was likely one of the sisters, though it was near impossible to tell. She was completely naked, her pale, curvy frame luscious with beauty. Currently she was on her knees like some penned animal, her breasts absurdly engorged as she massaged them, moaning heavily as her nipples jetted a rich, creamy milk into a bucket hugged between her thighs.

  Another moan had Tania turn and peek through into the next room. Another woman, this one blonde, was on a bed, ass lifted in the air like a beast in heat while she massaged a steady stream of cream from her massive breasts. Another woman was behind her, just as lovely, just as curvy, and just as naked. This one was eagerly licking out her sister’s ass, gasping and panting.

  Tania’s eyes were drawn to the right cheeks of their bums. Not surprising, for there, like a cattle’s brand, was embedded a dark mark in the tongue of demons.

  “All Father,” she breathed, taking an unsteady step back.

  “Aren’t they lovely?”

  Tania whirled around and froze. What had to be the fattest creature she’d ever seen stood in the hallway. He was utterly naked but for a vest that didn’t do half the job it should covering him. His stomach bulged obscenely, wiry hair coating his chest. His head was almost comically small compared to his mass, his face a cherubic pink, though his piggish snout distracted from that. Lidded eyes that gleamed like gimlets looked down at her, his bald head sporting a pair of boar’s ears while rolls of fat descended from his chin, blurring the line between neck and chest. Two bandied little legs somehow held up this absurd mass, their cloven hooves clicking as he shifted his wobbling bulk. But, inevitably, Tania’s eyes were drawn to his thick cock dangling between his legs along with a pair of simply immense balls.

  He carried a pair of chains, and at the end of them, two collared women crawled. Their rears were marked like those within the cells, their heavy breasts swaying beneath them, swollen with milk. Even as Tania watched, the pair drew together, lazily kissing each other before one dipped her face down and began to suckle at the teat of the other.

  “Y-you’re the demon,” Tania gasped, tearing her attention back to the massive pig creature.

  The hog-man tittered, a sound that raced down Tania’s spine and to her core. He did a mocking bow, or as much of one as he could considering his bulk prevented him from bending too far. “Yes! I am Porca my little sweetling. And you came across my lovelies, I see. What do you think of them?”

  Tania clutched her amulet, her eyes narrowing. “Demon, I cast you out.”

  “Oh why would you want to do that?” Porca giggled. “When you could have… this?”

  Tania tensed, expecting a weapon. But not a plate loaded with cake.

  The priestess paused, blinking incredulously at the tiered chocolate cake dripping with white frosting in the demon’s hand. “I… are you joking?”

  “Not at all,” Porca giggled, lifting the decadent pile of chocolate before him, his snout quivering as he inhaled the rich medley. “No doubt you’re so hungry, little sweetling. Coming all this way here. Wandering these dark passages. You must simply be… famished…”

  Tania swallowed. Her stomach tightened, growling. She flushed. “I’m not… I’m not eating anything you prepared!”

  “Oh but how can you resist,” Porca breathed. He reached out, gathering a dollop of chocolate frosting on his thick finger. Tania watched, enraptured by the sight of the smooth chocolate as the demon lifted his finger to his wide mouth. His lips enclosed his finger, sucking the sweet chocolate clean with rapturous slowness. “How can you resist the sweet, oozing cream of my chocolate delights? Oh but it tastes sinfully delicious, my pretty sweetmeat. So decadently wonderful. Sweeter than anything you could imagine.”

  Tania quivered. Her stomach tightened with hunger for that rich, thick chocolate. The smell wafted
to her, drowning her in a medley of rich chocolate. She took a shuddering breath, but that only brought to her more of that sweet, intoxicating scent. She tried to fight through it, but her hunger was making it hard to focus. “I… I won’t eat… I won’t eat that…”

  Porca giggled again. “Oh but why not? I can see how… hungry you are. How much you need to just devour it. Just… give in and eat to your heart’s content.”

  Tania’s heart was pounding. Her mouth was watering. She took an unsteady step forward. Caught herself. “N-no. No! I… I won’t… you won’t… D-demon!” she gasped, trying to rally. “I… By the all father I-“

  Something touched her robe. Tania’s eyes snapped down in surprise to see the two collared woman at her feet, crawling up her. Tania gasped, then one was kissing her.

  And oh how sweet those lips were.

  Tania shivered. A tongue slipped between her lips, wrestling with her own, washing her mouth in a thick, creamy loveliness that had her head fill with lazy heaviness. Tania tried to push the other woman off, but she felt… weak. Lethargic. And the other woman’s mouth, her kiss was just… so… good…

  Porca giggled, watching as his two thralls lazily plucked at Tania’s robes, drawing them off of the priestess. Tania managed a weak moan of protest as she was pulled down to the floor, down into a tangle of creamy limbs. Of soft lips and softer curves, and sweet… sweet kisses…

  Tania found herself, kneeling, her robes pooled around her thighs. The woman kissing her broke their locked lips. Eyes dim as a cow’s looked down at Tania with hunger. “Mooooore,” the woman breathed, leaning forward.

  “W-wait,” Tania gasped, her mouth heavy, her tongue thick with sweetness. “I… I don’t…”

  But the woman was stretched over her. A breast devoured her vision, a veiny nipple dangling before her. Tania’s lips shook. Tentatively, they took that nipple. Sucked.

  And joy flowed free.

  Tania moaned as warm milk filled her mouth. She groaned, arching slowly under the fluttering touch of the two woman. She panted, thoughts melting like butter as that wonderful milk washed her mouth and down her throat like loveliest ambrosia. Her body grew warmer. Her stomach, empty, began to fill with the sweetest cream she could imagine. Breasts pressed against her back. Rubbed against her as she drank thickly of that lovely cream.

  Porca giggled again, the gluttonous demon swaying towards them, his bulk shifting with the awkward step of his dainty hooves. He loomed over the trio, his cherubic face twisted with delighted triumph. “Oh poor little thing. How you must be hungry,” the demon giggled.

  Tania looked up at the demon vaguely, her eyes swimming in the haze of hunger and pleasure and sweetest desire. The woman whose breast she devoured gasped, wrapped her arms around Tania’s head, pulled her against her leaking teat.

  “But maybe chocolate just isn’t for you,” the gluttony demon crooned in mocking sadness. His eyes gleamed, his pink face widening in a smile of understanding. “Of course. Such a pretty slut would want a… sweeter meal…”

  The pig-man reached down and lifted his engorged cock towards her. Tania looked down at the immense slab of demonic manhood. The scent wafted to her. She shuddered, her body tightening with the sense of hungry need.

  “Oh yes,” Porca moaned as he gently stroked his pink shaft. “This is what you need, pretty priestess. My sweetling. My lovely cow. You just need to suck Porca’s lovely cock, and you will never have to think again. You can just eat and eat. And drink and drink. And never have to stop. Just be a good, slutty, cow for Porca. He’ll even milk you everyday and cook the loveliest sweets for his lovely slutcow. How about it, sweetling?” Porca giggled, rubbing the head of his cock against Tania’s cheek, precum oozing against her face. “Want to have a taste?”

  Tania shook with need. Oh she did. She really did. She couldn’t imagine a life without tasting Porca’s lovely cock. Her hands trembled as they rose. She gasped as she grasped his hot manhood, her fingers slowly rubbing him. His oozing pre coating her fingers like sticky caramel. Her body shook. Her head throbbed.

  Her golden ring gleamed.

  Tania stared at the ring on her finger, shining with Porca’s juices. She popped the nipple from her lips, looked up at the demon’s grinning pig face.

  “P-Porca?” Tania moaned.

  “Yes? My sweetling?” the demon giggled.

  “By… By the Highfather, I banish you.”

  The pig man reeled like he’d been punched with an iron fist. Porca’s beady eyes blinked rapidly. “You… what?”

  “I banish you,” Tania breathed, her fingers still stroking his cock, her voice growing firmer. Stronger. The amulet of her god pulsed with power. “In the name of his sons and daughters. In the names of the gods who bound the demons to the hells and split the heavens, I banish you.”

  Porca’s face twisted. His belly shuddered like jelly as Tania slowly climbed to her feet, pushing past the weak touches of the moaning woman. Her hand continued to stroke the pig demon’s massive cock, but her other hand grasped her amulet tight. Her eyes blazed. “I banish you back to Gluttony’s pit. I cast you out of this realm!”

  “N-no!” Porca squealed, his hands shaking, his whole body shuddering. His tiny legs gave way, the pig demon falling to his knees. He clasped his hands before him. “Please! I’ll… I’ll make you happy! Live in pleasure! You’ll never hunger for anything! You’ll be Porca’s lovely slutcow! Please!”

  Tania’s hand stroked him faster. Faster. Her eyes blazed behind her round glasses. “I cast thee OUT!”

  Porca squealed. He came, his ropy seed splashing onto the floor. The bloated mass of demon shrivelled as his essence pumped onto the floor. A piggish cry of anguish escaped his withering lips as the demon’s corpulence shrank against his bone. His eyes dimmed as his flesh blackened. The woman at Tania’s feet moaned, the marks on their flanks dissolving into wisps of smoke.

  Little more than bones wrapped taut in flesh, Porca let out a last gasp, and crumbled to ash, forming a pile on the floor. His cock dissolved in Tania’s hand, and the priestess let out a gasp as the spell broke.

  Then, she passed out.


  Tania woke slowly. Sunlight glowed through a tall window and washed over her and her bed. She groaned.

  “Shh. It’s okay. Rest easy.”

  Tania opened her eyes. It took her a moment to place the face hovering over her. Tania blinked, but a glance down at where a modest black gown strained against a pair of immense breasts recalled her. “You… you were one of the priestesses…”

  The woman smiled wanly. “Yes. But freed once more. Thanks to you.” She bowed slightly. “I am Sister Carma, daughter of Kaomeena.”

  Tania groaned and sat up. The priestess helped her. Tania rubbed her head and groped on the side table, finding her glasses. She put them on and looked around.

  She was in a large room. The sick room, her brain plucking the info from the dissolving webs that lingered in her mind. She looked back at the sister standing beside the bed. “What… what happened?”

  “The demon’s hold was broken upon us,” the sister said. “When you banished him, he vanished, freeing us from his power and his mark. Though… some effects linger…”

  She touched her jiggling bust with an uncertain look. Tania couldn’t blame her. “The demon?”

  “Dead. Or gone. Whatever you did rid us of him but for some ash. Though… the sisters… others have had trouble…”

  Tania nodded slowly. She’d read about that. Despite knowing better, some women, even freed of a demon’s spell, would long again for the bliss of their servitude. She glanced around. “My clothes?”

  “They are there. I am… sorry. It was my who… who fed you my…”

  Tania again looked at the young priestesses immense chest. She felt a flush burn on her cheeks. “Oh,” she said, falling into her familiar tone of intellectual certainty. “No need. The demon’s influence is a powerful one, but with the proper incantations, the
ir dominion over mortals can be broken. Though some effects linger. The Red Mages might be able to excise it.”

  Carma chewed her lower lip. “Yes,” she murmured, gently cupping her mound. “I will… think on that…”

  Tania gave her a curious look, but shook the thought. She felt rested. Refreshed! And when she felt a weight on her chest and glanced down, she saw her amulet glow. That was right. Two demons. One to go…

  Tania threw off the blankets and rose. Carma fluttered uncertainly. “Ah… I don’t think you should be up yet.”

  “No,” Tania said, gathering up her clothes and beginning to dress. “I have to get started. There’s still another demon out there that needs slaying.”

  “Are… are you sure? Porca- I mean, the demon here… you nearly…”

  Tania laughed, throwing her robe over her, her eyes flashing as the garment settled over her curves. She felt strangely giddy. Excited even! She brushed some of her brown hair out of her shining eyes. “I slew this one, didn’t I? And the one before. They’re not so powerful.”

  Carma looked decidedly uneasy. “But, maybe you should…”

  “No,” Tania said confidently. “Besides, it needs to be dealt with. Before it can flee.” She paused, catching a gleam of gold. Her finger rubbed her ring thoughtfully. “…There should be some Rose Knights coming in the next few days. Along with some Red Mages. One knight… his name is Lorik. Tell him that I’m alright. That I went to deal with the last demon.”

  Carma nodded uncertainly with a small curtsy. “I’ll tell him, my lady.”

  Tania nodded, brushing her hair back. “Good!” she said brusquely. “Thank you again, sister.”

  “Good luck, my lady.”


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