The Essential Elements: Boxed Set
Page 21
“You don’t have any friends who would cover for you?”
“Would, maybe. I just don’t have any that could. We all live pretty close, remember? Besides,” he said, smiling, “I don’t think your aunt would approve of a coed slumber party.”
Marge let out an airy sort of giggle and wandered into the kitchen. I heard her voice trailing after her. “I can’t be bothered with playing babysitter, dear boy. Do what you will. I just need some peace and time to think right now…”
My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. This was such atypical behavior, even for Marge. Nicholai must’ve seriously rattled her, if it had, in fact, been him out there. It set her priorities back in line, and apparently, the dating habits of her full-grown niece weren’t high on the list.
I could get into that…
Cade shook his head. “I still can’t stay. There’s no excuse good enough to cover my being here in the first place, let alone staying.”
Cups clinked from the kitchen, and though I couldn’t see her, I knew Marge was busy preparing her tea.
“I’ll be okay, Val.”
I looked away. He was right that there would be no adequate excuse to feed to his parents, but that didn’t mean he needed to risk his life just to avoid their wrath. It was ridiculous.
“Hey…” he cooed gently, pulling my chin in his direction. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school, okay?”
I sighed, but nodded.
“I promise,” he added with a cheeky grin.
I nodded again. “Just…be careful, Cade. I don’t trust that guy.”
“You and me both.” He bit his lip and grabbed the doorknob. “Night Val.”
“Night.” I rolled my eyes, but grinned despite myself.
He slipped out the door and I flipped the deadbolt behind him. There would be no chances taken on my end—not that a deadbolt would do much against some super powerful Elemental, but still. I tried very hard to shove thoughts like those from my mind.
Marge had taken her tea into the den, muttering fiercely, and closed the door behind her. That left very few options for me, and considering it was now after three a.m., sleep seemed like the best idea.
I flopped into bed and grabbed my phone—habit. There were no new texts or emails. I quickly shot my dad a short reply to his previous email.
Hey Dad,
I’m super stoked about my birthday present! I can’t wait to see what it is! Thank you (in advance) because, you’re right, I’m sure I’ll love it!
No boys to shoot, but I can’t make any promises about there being no boys… LOL! Seriously though… idk, Dad. I like a few different guys right now. But, I’m too young to be tied down to anything serious. So, no worries lol
I love you, Chief! Be safe out there and come home asap!
I must have caught him at one of those rare moments when he was doing work at the computer, because his reply came though before I could fall completely asleep.
That’s what I’m afraid of…casual dating. The thought absolutely terrifies me! Just…be SAFE, okay?? I love you, Valerie. But I have to go. We’re about to go dark, so I won’t be in touch for a little while. Watch the news… Bye sweetheart.
Ah, shit.
‘Going dark’ was our code for when the ship blacked-out and shut down communications for one reason or another. It wasn’t usually a super big deal, though coupled with his suggestion to watch the news, it gave me a feeling it wasn’t good.
I squeezed my eyes shut as tightly as I could. I needed these worries to disappear. I needed my life to be, not normal, but just…easier. And I needed to sleep…
And that was it. That’s all it was, I swore to God. One meager blink of the eyes and three hours had passed. My alarm was sounding off and it was time, yet again, for another day of high school.
Although, once I was there, I noticed pretty much immediately that it was not going to be just any other day.
Chapter Twenty
I was standing at my locker, sifting thoughtfully through my books, when it hit me.
Holden wasn’t hanging out at my locker.
I leaned back and peeked over to where his locker stood; it was untouched. I slammed the tall metal door and wandered curiously into homeroom.
Charlene was waiting for me, that same look of confusion plastered onto her own pretty face.
“Where’s Holden?” I asked carefully as I took my seat.
“I don’t know. I thought maybe you did?”
I shook my head solemnly. “No…” I immediately sent him a text.
I missed you at my locker this morning! Where are you? Is everything all right?
I waited a few nervous minutes before I realized he wasn’t writing back. Charlene was far too uneasy; this was clearly out of the ordinary for him—either that, or she knew something I didn’t.
So, I asked as much. “Is something going on that I should know about?”
Her eyes widened. “No. I’m just as clueless as you, and that’s the whole problem. I’m never clueless…”
An idea came to me, and I hated that there was even the slightest hint of an ulterior motive. “Do you have Chase’s number?”
“Yeah,” she said as she dug out her phone. “I already tried texting him, though.”
I added him to my contacts and immediately sent him a message.
Hey Chase, this is Val. Listen, have you talked to Holden since last night? He’s not in school today…
My phone was already set to vibrate, just in case, but there was no reply.
I covered my lips with my fingers and tried to figure it out. Staring at nothing, I allowed my mind to wander, but not far. It immediately came sprinting back like it’d seen a ghost—my mind, that is; I quickly realized I was staring at nothing. Empty chair, empty desk.
No Cade, either.
What the hell…?
I shot him a text, too.
Cade Landston…you promised me I’d see you today. You’d better be alive and well, or so help me, I’ll kick your dead ass!
It was a poor attempt at nervous humor, at best, but like everyone else, he gave no reply.
Charlene let out a cagey sigh and rubbed her temples. “What the hell is going on?”
The bell rang, signaling that we’d run out of time to figure it out just then.
I sat mindlessly through my morning classes. It was like I had tunnel vision or something. All images came at me from a distance with no peripheral enhancement, like I was lost within myself, peeking out through a tiny window from time to time.
I had a certain obligation to be more concerned for Holden. He was the one I was dating, after all, and yet, my fear for Cade was overwhelming.
Had he ever made it home last night? Had he been kidnapped by that creeper, presumably my grandfather? Was he hurt, or worse? Or was he simply tired from being up so late, and so he’d slept in? Did he have to help his father work again, and so he skipped? Was he okay?
Then, there was room for other fears. Why would Holden skip school? Was he sick? Was he in trouble? My stomach churned as the next thought settled into place. Were these two disappearances somehow related?
My phone chose that blessed moment to give me some sort of glorious hope.
Hey, Val. Sorry to keep you waiting, but I just got your text. I don’t have another class until this afternoon. I’ll pick you up for lunch. We can talk then, okay?
The electrical taste of adrenaline was flooding my mouth again. I was so sick and messed up I almost couldn’t stand myself. The raw energy and excitement pulsing through every cell in my body was just as much about the prospect of answers as it was the guy on the other end of the line.
I reached my locker and shoved my books inside before texting him back.
It’s my lunch break right now, Chase…
His response was rapid.
I know. You have lunch the same time as Holden. Meet me at the stude
nt parking lot.
I took a deep breath and prayed it would steady me. It didn’t, but that didn’t stop me from practically running outside and around the building.
Chase’s lifted white diesel rested like a predator, just waiting to strike at the tiny peons surrounding it. Apparently it was already fixed and out of the shop. I shook my head to lose the grin that crept onto my lips as I imagined the truck literally taking bites out of those eco-friendly cars.
He leaned over and opened my door from the inside, then grabbed my hand to help pull me into the passenger seat. “You good?” he asked humorously. I nodded, so he continued. “What are you hungry for?”
“Answers,” I said with a smart mouth.
He pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow, and the temperature ratcheted up a thousand degrees. “No shit. Billy’s Bar & Burgers it is then.”
I laughed, despite the situation. “I’m sorry, Chase. You just bring out the best in me.”
“I can see that,” he said as he smirked at the road. He was driving like a sensible human being that day, which was a little ironic, considering he wasn’t one. I was grateful, nonetheless.
Billy’s was just a few miles down the road, resting at the bank of the river with deck seating overlooking the water. It wasn’t the only establishment of that sort, but it was by far the favorite of the younger crowd. Its patrons were mostly in high school or college. As such, at lunchtime on a Tuesday, it was practically deserted.
That’s where I found myself a few minutes later. Orders placed, waiting. I leaned on the wooden railing beside Chase, staring at the natural beauty of our little picturesque town.
He was dressed to please in a white Alleghenia College hoodie, dark denim jeans, and black sneakers with gray stripes and white laces. Normally, I was a white sneaks kinda girl, but he made the black work well.
I assessed my own look: name brand white tee, washed-out denim jeans, cork-wedge high-heeled sandals with braided, gold-glittering straps.
I kept forgetting that it was October, that it was supposed to be chilly. That I was supposed to dress the part. I glanced at my goosebump-free arms as a stray gust of wind whipped my hair into my face.
Attentive guy that he was, Chase immediately tore off his hoodie. He didn’t even ask if I wanted it, just shoved it over my head until my arms and head poked through the holes.
I giggled and he smiled wide as I smoothed out the hair that had gotten static-y during that little adventure. “So, why the hell are you even here right now?” I asked out of the blue.
His grin spread. “Nice to see you too.”
“You know what I mean!” I cried lightheartedly as I snuggled into his sweater. “Why not just text me?”
He was now standing in a white muscle shirt with some brand name scrawled down the side in black block lettering. The tattoos on his left arm were consequently on display, and I found myself biting my bottom lip as I stared. The heat swirling between us had nothing to do with the natural temperature, so I forced myself to look away, taking a deep breath as I did so.
“I guess I just wanted to see you again,” he admitted, immediately cracking my resolve to look away. “It’s a little difficult to talk to you when Holden’s around, which is almost constantly, considering you’re his girlfriend and all. So…”
“I’m not his girlfriend,” I clarified, maybe a little too quickly. “I mean, I’d definitely agree that we’re sort of dating exclusively at the moment, but we’re not together-together. He’s never asked me to be his girlfriend, and I’ve consequently not said yes.”
Would I have said yes if Holden had asked? Probably. But, I didn’t even know… There was always too much confusion and uncertainty involving who I liked more, and why, or why not. Boyfriends in general were probably a bad idea right then.
Chase rolled his eyes. “A technical detail, Val. I still can’t really show much interest in you when he’s around. I mean, shit. Bros aren’t supposed to compete for the same girl. It kinda kills the whole friends thing, you know?”
“I know. But what about Sienna?”
“What about her?” he asked as he took a deep breath and shook his head. “She was a nice distraction from you, but she’s a little flighty—no pun intended. She lost interest in me pretty quickly. I think she’s already dating some other guy. I don’t know who. It doesn’t matter, though. It was never very serious.”
I nodded. “I think I get her, actually. Not being able to settle because of not being able to choose. How do you think I feel when I’m supposed to be dating Holden, and I end up attracted to every Elemental with a dick?”
Chase burst out laughing and couldn’t seem to stop himself. “Oh, god, I hope that’s not true.”
I laughed too. “Unfortunately, it is. You Elementals are too damn sexy for your own good.”
I didn’t know what came over me when I was around Chase. It was like I could just say whatever crass thought that popped into my mind, or whatever I really and truly felt, with no censorship or fear of judgement.
He shook his head, then gestured toward a circular table a few feet away. Our food had arrived. “You wanna sit down?”
“Sure,” I agreed with an easy smile.
He kicked back with his hands folded across his abdominals. “You wanna know where Holden is?”
I nodded as I grabbed my burger. “I do.”
“He’s at a meeting. You wanna know where Cade is? He’s at a meeting.” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Is that a coincidence? No, it isn’t.”
I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. “A meeting with their parents?” I certainly hadn’t forgotten Cade’s words from the night before.
Chase nodded slowly. “You knew about that?”
I shrugged. “Not until Cade mentioned it last night.”
The molten look that flashed across his face screamed of jealousy, but he averted his eyes and got it under control so quickly I almost could have missed it. “You’re still into the Landston boy, then?”
I slipped him a disbelieving look. “You’re not the jealous type, Chase.”
“How do you know?”
“Call it intuition. I think you know exactly how gorgeous you are, and you’re not intimidated by my opinions of other guys, because deep down, you believe you’re so far out of their league that it’s not even worth worrying about.” I smirked. “How close am I?”
He hummed in exaggerated thought, then shook his head. “Nope. Way far off. Thank god you’re not a fortune teller or tarot reader or some shit.”
I couldn’t help the titter that rolled off my lips. So, he was jealous. It was actually quite becoming on him. It fit the hotheaded bad boy persona very well, and made that aggressive spark in his eye undeniably sexy.
“Seriously, though,” he said, breaking through my distraction. “If you care about either of these guys…they could be in very serious trouble because of all this.”
Guilt clawed its way through my guts with razor-sharp talons. Because of me, he should’ve said. Because of me, they were being interrogated by their own damn parents. Hopefully they weren’t getting anything worse than that.
“What about you?” I asked, whisper soft. “Won’t you be in trouble, too? Charlene? Jay? Sienna, Bear, Emilie? Everyone…”
Chase sighed, then readjusted his chair, leaning closer to me across the table. “Not like them. They’re supposed to be the next generation of leaders. They’re held to a higher standard of behavior and responsibility.”
Well, that didn’t make a damn bit of sense. “If that’s true, then why on earth would either one of them risk showing interest in me? Let alone both! Why wouldn’t they stay the hell away from me?”
Chase’s electric blue eyes dropped to my lips. “If I had to guess…?” Then they refocused on my baby blues. “I’d say it’s because they couldn’t.”
I shook my head disbelievingly. “No. No, that’s ludicrous. There is nothing that captivating about me. Nothing so ensnaring that they were reeled
in without a choice. I mean, I know I’m pretty, but I’m not that pretty.”
Surprise smacked Chase right in the face like a flyswatter, and he laughed out loud. “Seriously? Even I remember you from high school. When you were a freshman, I was a junior. And for me to remember you…that’s saying something.”
Maybe it was, but I still wasn’t convinced. Who would just automatically jump to the conclusion that they were too hot to handle? Not me. I mean, arrogant much? I was confident, not conceited.
“So, what can I do to help them?” I asked, knowing full well what his answer would be.
“There’s nothing you can do.”
“Of course not…”
“There’s not, damn it!” He growled in frustration, and my insides heated. Was aggression supposed to be a turn-on? “You don’t think I’d be there, doing something, anything, if I could? God, I just wanna torch something!”
I heaved a deep breath. “Maybe you should?”
He shot an incredulous look my way. “What?”
“Maybe you should torch something. It might make you feel better.” I shrugged. Sounded like legitimate therapy to me.
Chase grabbed my hands from across the table and squeezed them tightly. “That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” The sympathy was there, despite the bluntness in his words. “Rule number one, keep your emotions in check.”
My brows furrowed together. “But how do you vent?”
“Not through fire.” He released my hands and scrubbed them through his sandy hair.
“That sucks.”
“Tell me about it…” He scratched his stubble and sighed. A few moments passed while he did nothing but study me intently, making me breathless. I couldn’t even swallow, but I held his gaze. “Our lunch is cold.”