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A Bride To Herd

Page 4

by George H. McVey

  He turned his attention back to Helena who still stood a few feet in front of him, and then he did it! He asked the question Violet had been trying to keep him from asking. “Now, tell me. How much do you weigh?”

  There was a loud collective gasp from the women. Violet stepped between him and Helena to keep the irate bride from slapping him. “Mister Redburn a gentleman never asks a lady her weight. It isn’t polite.”

  Chance ignored her and addressed the women again. "Ladies, please. I talked to potential grooms while I was up town and several of them have agreed to come by later to be introduced to you. I need to know your size and age in order to figure out which of you is a proper match for--"

  Violet stepped away to let him forge ahead; maybe once they went off on him, he’d be willing to listen to her.

  Her attention was drawn to Myrakle Estes who stood up. Who’s coming by later? I need to talk to you about that. I met a gentleman…”

  Chance talked over the poor girl. "Ladies, I've got a system all worked out. Let me record some information about you and later, when the men come over--"

  Violet hid her mouth behind her hand as Helena tore into him stamping hard on the floor with her right foot. "We are not cattle, Mr. Redburn."

  Chance sputtered “No of course not. But the principles are…”

  Then Myrakle shoved in front of Helena and captured his attention. "Mr. Redburn, "I want to make a request. I already know who I want--"

  “Oh Miss…”

  "Estes. Myrakle Estes."

  "Yes. Miss Estes.” Chance quickly scribbled in his ledger probably writing down Myrakle’s name. “I have a fine gentleman in mind for you. He'll be here later for sure."

  "Joseph Penella? Is it Joseph Penella?" Myrakle’s voice had become excited, and Violet smiled remembering how smitten both Mister Penella and Myrakle had acted last night.

  "Penella? ... No." Chance said. He glanced at the other women then back to Myrakle

  "Rafe Adams. You and he are perfect." Chance looked at his chart. "Yeah, he'll be by later."

  "But I've already talked to Mr. Penella..." Tears pooled in Myrakle's eyes. "In fact, he came by after lunch and said he'd be back to discuss it with you."

  Redburn stared at her. "Joseph Penella? Hmm."

  He looked at his list again and flipped back a page before making some kind of a mark. Then he looked back up at Myrakle with a smile. "Look. Let's give Rafe Adams a chance. I spoke to him today, and I got a good feeling-- Let me introduce the two of you and see if any sparks fly. What do you say?"

  Myrakle looked like she was going to start crying any minute. "But, Mr. Redburn--"

  Before she could continue the other brides got tired of the whole situation and everyone wanted to know who else was coming and how he was matching them up. Violet watched as Change actually cringed as if afraid he would be physically attacked. She could see the panic in his eyes. He’s going to run any minute, she concluded.

  Sure enough he began to back up. "Look, lades. I'm doing the best I can here. Aunt Viola didn't leave me much to go on."

  Several of the brides to match including Myrakle began to cry. "I've worked out a system! Let's give my way a try first! Please trust me here!"

  But that was the problem as Violet saw it. The women in an unfamiliar place and hit with the unexpected didn’t trust Chance Redburn. They’d put their trust in his Aunt who was gone, and Chance was not doing anything to earn their trust. Slowly the women in small groups began to leave the parlor.

  If Chance continued to discount his brides’ and clients’ wishes he was going to end up with no matches and no brides. She wondered if he knew that Viola had guaranteed the women successful matches or return fare home. She didn’t think the rancher had the funds to send nine brides back where they came from. Something needed to happen that would at least show the women there were grooms to be matched too.

  Before she could inform Chance of Viola’s policy of returning unmatched brides, Beans grabbed him by arm and pulled him into the office and shut the doors leaving her again alone to wonder if maybe she had made a huge mistake.


  C hance didn’t know what happened, one minute he’d been getting his information and then almost as one the brides had all but attacked him. The worst was Violet Montgomery. It seemed to Chance that she kept trying to take over and correct him. This was his business left to him by his aunt. While Viola may have brought Violet out here to match to him he wasn’t going to fall into that trap. The reason the woman claimed to be here was to be Viola’s assistant so she could do what he asked and leave the match making to him. If she didn’t he’d send her packing back to Alabama faster than a bull can find the weak point in a fence line.

  Beans looked at him once they were in the office. “What was that out there? You riled them fillies up something terrible. What is wrong with you boy? You can’t be treating ladies like they are stock or cattle to breed. Why, it’s disrespectful and yer aunt must be rolling in her grave about now.”

  Chance shook his head. “I’m just trying to find them some grooms and make matches. I can’t do anything about the fact that Aunt Viola didn’t leave any records behind.”

  “No but you can’t be matching them up to grooms like cattle to a bull stud. There’s more to a successful marriage match than breeding Chance.”

  Chance glared at the old cowboy. “I don’t see no wife in your bed old timer. What makes you think you know more about matching couples than I do?”

  “Maybe, ya whippersnapper, because while you sat at yer aunt’s table pretending to listen while worrying over a ranch problem I listened to her.”

  “I listened.”

  The grizzled old man shook his head. “No son ya didn’t. Iffen ya’d listened you’d know that you need to start by finding out who the men are that paid her to bring the brides out here. Then you get them all together and watch to see who seems to spark to whom. Then you start matching them and arrange fer ‘em to go courtin’ with a chaperone. The matches happen when they get to know each other and agree to marry.”

  Chance sighed. “That sounds like it takes months Beans.”

  “Yep it does.”

  “My way is scientific and faster. Why I figure I can have all ten of ‘em married off in about three weeks. They might even be able to have one massive wedding and save the Reverend time.”

  Beans opened his mouth and then closed it without saying anything. Then he opened it again but before he could say what he wanted there came a loud knock on the front door. “That’s probably Rafe. I matched him with that deaf girl: it’s perfect.”

  Beans went to open his mouth again and then sighed and turned walking out the door and heading to the main entrance. As he crossed the parlor he smiled at Miss Estes who had been heading for the office. When she saw Beans open the front door she gasped. Chance smiled knowing it must indeed be Rafe and then frowned when Joseph Penella walked through the doorway.

  Chance watched as Myrakle lit up like it was Christmas morning and Old Father Christmas was standing in front of her. Chance walked up to the man and shook his hand. “Joseph, how are ya can I help you?”

  “Chance, I believe so. I’m sure you know Pa asked your aunt to find matches for me and my brothers. I would like to get to know Miss Estes.”

  “I do have you and your brothers on my list, but Miss Estes has already been matched to Rafe.”

  “Did Myrakle tell you I was coming to talk to you about matching the too of us?” The cowboy took on a displeased tone.

  Chance raised his hands “What can I say Joseph? I’d already spoken to Rafe and promised him the chance to get to know her before she told me you’d come looking for me.”

  “Well give him someone else; it’s not like you don’t have a whole bunch of options.”

  “I really think they’ll be the best match Joseph. She can’t hear ya know. Music is such a big part of your family’s life that I think the two of you wouldn’t be suited. Trust me I’ll
match you to the perfect bride.”

  The rancher ground his teeth in frustration. “Maybe Miss Estes and I will just make our own match without the aid for a matchmaker.”

  “That would be a shame. I’d have to ask her to leave the house, and I don’t think she has the funds for the hotel.”

  “I’m not happy about this Chance. That lady and I have a connection.”

  “Just give me a shot here Joseph. I’ll match you to the perfect lady, and you’ll forget all about Miss Estes.”

  Just then Chance turned to see man after man coming in the door until there were more than ten. “Gentlemen I know not all of you talked with Viola about brides. If you didn’t I’ll be glad to help you but these brides were brought for Viola’s last customers. They’re already bought and paid for. If you can’t prove to me you paid then you’ll need to leave and come see me with proper payment.”

  Jedediah Crookshank from the bank spoke up. “How much will we need Chance.”

  Chance smiled as he thought and then he knew what to say. “Joseph tell Mister Crookshank how much you paid Aunt Viola.

  “The fee was fifty dollars. Twenty-five up front the rest due when the wedding happens. We also had to provide another fifty up front for getting the woman here and room and board with Miss Viola during the courting stage. Plus we had to agree to pay for return fare if a match couldn’t be made.”

  Chance was surprised at how much Viola got per girl, but he would be glad if the extra six men in the house came back he’d have an influx of cash right away. He nodded. “Now unless you have paid already then I need you to leave for now so I can introduce the ladies to their potential grooms. “Aww, come on Chance. Let us meet the pretty ladies.” One of the men hollered.

  “No reason for ya to be gandering at some other fella’s gal Shorty. Come back and I’ll make arrangements to get you your own bride.”

  As they started to leave Chance walked over to Crookshank. “Jed why don’t you stay. I know you have the funds, and I might have a match for you already.”

  “I thought you said all of the women were already paid for.”

  “I have one that Viola brought out to be her assistant. I can’t let her stay here and remain single. So, let me introduce you to her and if you connect then you can pay me the up-front money.”

  The bank manager thought for a minute and then nodded. Chance turned and looked at the men that remained. “If you fella’s will just line up over here, I’ll call the ladies and we’ll get started.”

  He watched as the men lined up near the office door. Chance walked over to the hallway door, opened it and gave a loud piercing whistle. He heard one of the women who’d entered earlier to stand with Miss Estes say something about rude men. He had no clue what she was carrying on about.

  But he could hear all the brides upstairs entering the room including Violet Montgomery.

  “Ladies as you can see the gentlemen have come calling. If you’ll give me a minute I’ll get ya’ll matched up together.”

  He began looking over the ladies and the men figuring out by eye which two would be good together he figured he’d start with Miss Estes and Rafe and then go from there. Violet approached him. “Why don’t you just allow them to mix and mingle and see who seems interested in whom?”

  Chance glared at the pushy woman. “Yer my assistant not my advisor. I told you I’ve got a system; now let me work.”

  She frowned and shook her head as if she thought he was being unreasonable. God save him from women who lack logic. Thank God Crookshank stayed. He’d be well and truly done with her because he knew a girl like her would jump at the chance to be wife of a prominent business man like the bank manager. He took Myrakle by the arm and pulled her over by Rafe who was standing beside Joseph and the lady’s eyes never even looked at the poor furniture maker.

  He quickly grabbed a girl and shoved her beside Joseph to make it plain that this washis match. Then Chance used his eyes to match the right heifer with the right bull just like always. Lastly, he grabbed Violet by the arm and felt a shock of heat rush from his hand through his body. She gasped like she’d felt it too and looked questioning at him. “It was brought to my attention that to work as my assistant you’d have to be married. So thankfully the bank manager has agreed to see if you two would match.”

  “This is unacceptable Mister Redburn! You can’t force me to make a match because you don’t want me working for you.”

  He scrubbed his free hand through his hair and realized that her eyes weren’t brown like he’d originally thought, they were hazel. The glint of the gold flakes around her pupil caught his attention. He found himself distracted wanting to run his fingers through her chestnut colored locks. “Look I’m not gonna discuss this with you. Either you try and make a match or I’ll send you back to Alabama on the next train.”

  She gritted her teeth and gave a small nod. He pulled her over to Crookshank and then stepped back to look at his matches. Yep each match looked proportionate; the resulting stock should be strong and bring in the next generation quite well.

  “Alright. Umm… Why don’t you all go take a walk or find someplace to talk and get to know each other or something. Stay where the public can see ya at all times, and I’ll have proper chaperones before ya’ll start courting your matches.”

  He watched as the women each reluctantly took the man’s arm, and they all headed off. Chance glanced over just as Violet placed her arm on the bend of Jed’s elbow, and Chance wanted to suddenly race over, tear her hand off Jed’s arm and smash that smile off the banker’s smug face. They left through the front door before Chance could get his feet to move, and Chance suddenly felt like a thousand angry bees had taken up residence in his throat. He stalked into the office, forcefully pulling the pocket doors together hard and began to pace back and forth. What in the world was eating at him. Violet had to marry even Newt had told him so. Then he remembered exactly what Newt had said. “You should think about keeping one for yourself.” That was followed by the thought: Viola did bring her here to match with me. She is a right pretty thing too. But he couldn’t, could he? After all he wasn’t in a position to take a wife. Get his business to be successful then he could think about a wife. Yes that’s what he’d do. Violet would just have to marry Crookshank. He tried to ignore the voice inside that whispered. But she would be perfect for me.

  Violet was livid. If that Chance Redburn thought he was going to marry her off to this banker he had another think coming! She wanted to slap that foolish cowboy upside his ruggedly handsome face and then kiss the print she’d make. What was wrong with that man that he couldn’t see what Viola and he had? That she was meant for him!

  She wanted to yell and scream. Worse, she wanted to tear her hand off this man walking beside her and let him know there was no chance of anything with them, but she was a proper southern lady, and she couldn’t bring herself to be rude. However, she knew she owed this man the truth. She looked over at him and honestly, he was a handsome man tall, dark hair and eyes. She was sure several of her friends back home would fall all over themselves to be courted by a man who looked like him and worked in the world of finance. She might have if she hadn’t already lost part of her heart to a bull-headed stubborn rancher turned matchmaker.

  “I’m sorry sir, but I don’t think Mister Redburn told me your name.”

  The handsome banker smiled at her. “It’s Jedediah Crookshank, but most people just call me Jed.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you Jed. I’m Violet Montgomery.”

  “I don’t think you’re being honest with me Miss Montgomery. I don’t believe that you think that it’s a pleasure to meet me. I would say based on your facial expressions when Chance put us together that you’d rather never have meet me at all.”

  She hung her head. “You want honesty then instead of pleasantries.”

  “I’m a banker Miss Montgomery, while pleasantries have their place, honesty is a necessity in my business.”

��Then you are correct. You see Mister Redburn is misrepresenting why I am here. Yes, I was brought by Miss Viola to become her assistant in the matchmaking business but her real purpose in bringing me was to match me with her nephew.”

  Mr. Crookshank started to laugh. “Miss Viola brought you out here to be Chance’s wife?”

  “Yes, she knew it wouldn’t be a quick match, but that was the plan that I agreed too.”

  He looked at her as if searching for something. “And do you want to be Mrs. Redburn.”

  Violet blushed. “You’ve asked for my honesty Mister Crookshank, and I’ll give it to you. Yes that is what I want very much.”

  The banker nodded. “I thought so. Then I propose to help you.”

  Violet’s brows came together in confusion. “I don’t understand. How will you help me?”

  “Let me say Miss Montgomery that you are a very lovely lady, and I also noticed that Chance is not immune to your beauty. He is trying to marry you off because he is tempted to marry you himself.”

  Her surprise must have shown on her face for he laughed again. “Oh, he won’t admit it. I’m not even sure if he fully realizes it himself, but the signs were all there when we left the house for this walk. So here is my proposal. I will continue to court you. Not for the purpose of marrying you, but to help drive Chance mad with jealousy. I expect before a month is up he’ll be ready to claim you for himself. However, if he doesn’t declare his intent within two months then you will agree to marry me instead and let me make you happy.”

  Violet looked at him and frowned. “Why would you offer to do that?”

  “I think we would be a good match Miss Montgomery, but I wouldn’t want to spend time getting to know you and fall in love with someone who is in love with another man. If I can help you gain the man you want to marry I expect that you will be the force behind keeping Miss Viola’s matchmaking service running the way it did when she was alive. She never had a failed match in all the years she matched couples. I don’t think Chance has the knowledge to do that, and I want a match that will last. So my fee for helping you or my reason for helping you is so that once you’ve made your love match you and Chance find me mine.”


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