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Cherry Hill 15 - A Love to Kill For

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Well, it’s done now,” Blake replied.

  They were silent a few minutes.

  “Now what?” Terrence asked.

  “I don’t know, but when I think of it, I know you’re all on board with me. I’ll get what I promised, even if it’s a fight to get it. I promise you,” Blake said. Matt raised his beer and then they all did, and clicked bottles then took sips. Plans needed to be made, and being soldiers they would know exactly what was necessary to cut loose ends and achieve what they always wanted.

  * * * *

  “This is so much fun. I can’t believe all the vendors,” Emerson said as she looked at some planters She chuckled.

  “What is that laugh about?” Faith asked her.

  “I’m looking at these planters and thinking how awesome they would look outside the door of the cottage. It isn’t even mine yet.”

  “You talked to the guy though and he said you can give him the deposit when you’re ready. Did you speak to your other landlords yet?”

  “Actually this morning I did. Surprisingly, they were pretty sad that I was leaving. I felt terrible.”

  Faith reached out and touched Emerson’s shoulder. “That’s because you’re so nice. They’ll get over things. You need to have a better place, a safer one, and one closer to work.”

  “I know I do, and the cottage is so nice. It could really be home for me, you know? It’s been forever since I felt anything exciting or to be enthusiastic about,” Emerson said and then Faith gave her a nudge to her arm.

  “Maybe that might interest you right there,” she teased as three good looking cowboys walked closer, tipped their hats at her and Faith. One positive thing about living in Texas, was the good looking cowboys.

  “How are you ladies doing today?” the one tall blond asked Emerson as the one on the end winked at Faith.

  “Fine, thank you,” Emerson said and then looked back at the planters. That was when they heard the yelling and clapping. It brought everyone’s attention to the makeshift mats on the field where some martial arts instructors were showing some techniques.

  “Let’s go check that out,” Faith said to her.

  Emerson looked at the woman who was selling the planters. “Could you hold these two for me? I’ll come back later on.”

  “Sure thing, honey. What’s your name?” she asked.


  “Okay, Emerson, I’ll hold them for you.”

  As they started to walk, the three guys followed.

  “Emerson, huh? I’m Lance,” the blond told her.

  She looked up over her shoulder and gave a soft smile. “Nice to meet you, Lance,” she said and Faith chuckled. They all walked toward the crowd of people watching the martial artists do some fighting.

  “That’s Coda Perkins, he owns the dojo with his brothers, and he’s sparring with Culter McCabe, the Sheriff’s brother.”

  “I remember them both from coming into Harper’s,” Faith said to her.

  “You both work at Harper’s?” Lance asked.

  “Yup,” Faith said and then Emerson felt the hand on her hip. She turned immediately and Lance pressed closer. His eyes roamed over her breasts and he licked his lips.

  “I’ve never seen you at Harper’s before,” he said to her.

  She didn’t like the way this guy put his hand on her. She removed his hand and stepped to the side. “Ya mind? You’re in my space.”

  He chuckled. “Not a bad thing. You’re beautiful, and new around here. Maybe you need an escort for the day.”

  “I don’t think so, buddy,” Faith said, raising her voice.

  Emerson felt embarrassed. She hated confrontations and being the center of attention. “Just move along. We’re good,” Emerson said but the guy Lance chuckled and then touched her hair.

  “No need to be scared. Let’s go get a drink, and talk,” he said to her.

  Now they were making a scene and Emerson noticed an older couple next to them looking concerned. “She isn’t interested, so move along,” Faith stated loudly, but then Faith’s eyes widened and she looked shocked. Emerson felt the arm go around her waist, a huge presence behind her and then the sound of a deep, hard voice.

  “They said they aren’t interested, so I suggest you move it along right now.”

  She turned to look up and was shocked to see Harley. The feel of his thick, solid arm around her waist, the scent of his cologne and how Lance looked scared shitless, overwhelmed her.

  Lance nodded his head as he looked at where Harley’s arm was and then to Emerson. “See you at Harper’s, doll,” he said and he and his buddies moved on.

  Harley released her and she felt the loss of his protective embrace. “You okay?” he asked her. She nodded. Faith raised both eyebrows up at her and then looked intimidated.

  “This is Harley. Harley, meet Faith,” Emerson introduced them. Faith smiled as she shook Harley’s hand.

  “Ahhh, the landlord,” Faith said and Emerson chuckled.

  “Only if Emerson takes the place.”

  “It’s looking pretty good,” Emerson said.

  “She wants it. She just purchased some planters for the front entrance so I think that’s a yes,” Faith said and then the roar of the crowd brought their attention back to the mats.

  Emerson felt the caress to her arm. “How did things go with the landlord?” he asked.

  She looked way up at him. “Better than expected. They were sad to see me leave, but I think they already have someone lined up to replace me as a tenant.”

  “That quickly and even with the apartment in bad shape?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “So, you planning on moving in this week? Can get things ready for you if you know the day?”

  “I’m trying to organize it for Tuesday. That’s when I can get the help with my furniture and other things.”

  “Okay, so just text me then and I’ll be sure to be around.”

  “Thanks so much, Harley. Oh, and I will have the deposit for you, too.”

  He nodded. “Nice meeting you, Faith. Enjoy the day,” he told them and then walked away. Emerson watched him head through the crowd, noticing women look at Harley, and men move out of the way. He sure was big.

  “Girl, he would eat little ole you alive. Holy shit,” Faith teased. Emerson chuckled and gave her arm a slap as they focused on the match.

  When it was all done everyone clapped.

  “We should go over to talk to Coda about you beginning those classes. I heard they are giving a discount if you sign up today.”

  “I’m not too sure I want to. You know I don’t like being in the spotlight, or having people focus on me.”

  “Honey, hate to tell you, but I don’t think that guy Lance will be the last guy to try and hit you up today,” she said, grabbing Emerson’s arm and walking her toward the sign-up table.

  * * * *

  Harley was annoyed with himself. Why the hell did he go over there and intervene when those guys were bothering Emerson and her friend Faith? He didn’t think twice as he spotted her earlier, looking at those planters that he thought were pretty nice. So she was buying them for the front of the cottage by the front door? That would look very nice. His mind started traveling on thoughts he wasn’t used to. Emerson as their neighbor, his tenant, living right next door. What would his brothers say and think about her? They weren’t very friendly and definitely not the sociable kind. Hell, the others weren’t here today. They wouldn’t come despite how they helped out and trained officers and military men along with their friends.

  He spotted Emerson talking to Coda, and wondered if she were considering taking some classes. She should. She appeared pretty intimidated by those guys that were hitting on her. How the hell was the woman going to handle working at a bar? It concerned him and then annoyed him. Why was he thinking so much about her, and feeling concerned—hell, protective?

  It hit him pretty quickly. He was attracted to her. He was fucking stupid to think she would b
e attracted to him, an older guy who looked untamed. Plus he had a feeling she didn’t like soldiers. She kind of hinted about that at the cottage when she found out he was one. Maybe she was some kind of anti-American, or had something against military and war. He didn’t need that. Some clueless young woman never exposed to violence, or the dangers out there in the world, or the need for military to handle a lot of those problems and dangers. With those thoughts he put his new tenant out of his head and went to talk to his buddies about upcoming training classes.

  “Hey, Harley, what’s going on?” Sheriff Kane McCabe approached.

  Harley shook his hand. “Hi, Kane, all is good. Nice event today. A big crowd,” Harley said to him.

  “Sure is, and the deputies are keeping busy,” Kane said to him and raised one of his eyebrows up at him.

  “Don’t start that stuff with me again.”

  Kane chuckled. “I know a ‘no’ when I hear it. Just figured since you walked over to Emerson and Faith and seemed confrontational with those young men bothering them, that maybe you could fit in as one of my deputies after all,” Kane said. Harley stared at him and then snorted and looked away. “She’s a good looking woman,” Kane said.

  Harley squinted at him. “You’re taken.”

  “You aren’t, is what I’m saying.”

  “Yeah, don’t be going trying to play matchmaker with me.”

  “I don’t need to play matchmaker around here. Seems things always seem to work themselves out. So, is she going to rent the cottage from you and your brothers?” Kane asked.

  “Yup,” Harley said and looked around them. He didn’t even realize he was looking for Emerson, and when he found her, another guy was flirting. He didn’t like the jealous, uneasy feeling he got. This wasn’t happening to him. No way was he falling into the ways of Cherry Hill. Nor was his team. As he thought about his brothers, that was an additional shock he didn’t want to face. He felt the scowl form on his face.

  “Like I said, she’s a beautiful young woman. Very independent. You and your team be sure to keep eyes on her and make sure she’s safe.”

  Harley looked at Kane, who looked serious. “Not our responsibility, Sheriff. That’s your job,” Harley said and then walked away from him, feeling annoyed, and completely off kilter. No five foot four twenty-something-year-old was going to make him this crazy. He would keep his distance and guaranteed, his brothers would, too.

  Chapter 4

  “You sure are pretty. I don’t remember you working here though,” Clarence Bird said to Emerson as she brought over the pitcher of beer to him and his friends. They worked at the lumberyard on the edge of town.

  “Well, that’s okay. I was only here for a little bit,” she said and held the tray by her side.

  “Do you like it, or is it too soon to tell?” one of the other guys asked her.

  “I like it. Cherry Hill is a lot friendlier than other towns, and my friends are here so it’s all good. You enjoy your beers and wave me over when you’re ready for another round,” she said and Clarence gave her a wink.

  She walked away and she felt their eyes on her. That was one thing she never really got used to. The men eating her up with their eyes as if they had every right to do so. Like a woman was on display for their pleasure and enjoyment. That thought gave her a flashback of Blake and his idea about sharing her. She forced the disgusted feelings away and hoped that one day she would no longer get those feelings, and could move on to happiness.

  She headed back toward the bar. The band was playing tonight and it sounded great. People looked happy, were truly enjoying the place and she loved that about Harper’s.

  “Hey, girl, how’s it going?” Faith asked her, giving her side a tap as she came over to get her drink orders.

  “It’s going great,” Emerson said and leaned against the bar as Ade made the drinks.

  “You all set for moving into Tarzan’s cottage on Tuesday?” Faith asked.

  Emerson squinted at her. “Tarzan?”

  “Oh yeah, that guy Harley is hot. With his beard and hair to his shoulders, plus all those muscles. He was busting out of his shirt, never mind his jeans. Did you notice his legs? You had to have noticed his legs. Totally rock solid legs.”

  Emerson laughed. “Can’t say I noticed.”

  Faith gave her another nudge. “Bullshit,” she said to Emerson.

  Emerson chuckled and then nibbled her bottom lip. “What I did notice were his eyes. They were such a unique green, but man, does he have an attitude. I know those types of men and this woman is not interested.”

  “There’s something seriously wrong with you, Emerson. His eyes? Who the hell notices that?”

  “Someone who is trying to see beyond the physical, beyond the games, the bullshit, and eyes reveal so much,” she said to Faith.

  Faith stared at her. “You think so?”

  “Definitely,” Emerson said and then took the tray of drinks and lifted it to carry to another table.

  “And that guy has a mean streak, is military, and I’m definitely not interested in military.” She headed off to deliver the drinks when a table nearby cleared up and a few men immediately grabbed it. “I’ll be with ya all in a moment,” she said over her shoulder, catching one very tall guy who was turning away and then swung his head back to look at her. She felt his gaze and holy crap, after she placed down the drinks and turned to take their orders next, he was in a dead stare at her.

  “New waitress. How are you doing tonight? What’s your name?” one of the guys asked her.

  “Emerson. So, what can I get you guys to drink?” she asked and they rambled off their order of beers. She looked at the tall, big guy, and was shocked at his eyes. They were green. The same green as Harley’s.

  “I’ll take a Murphy’s, doll.”

  “No problem,” she said and walked toward the bar. For the rest of the evening she kept busy, but that table of guys seemed very nice and the tall one was awfully quiet every time she came over.

  “So, I’m Gus, this is Ted, and the quiet brooding one is Cassius,” the guy Gus introduced them.

  “Nice to meet you guys. You all work around here?” she asked.

  “Law enforcement,” Gus said and winked as he eyed her over.

  She nodded. “Kind of figured as much,” she said.

  Ted squinted. “What do you mean? You could tell?”

  “Just could tell. Military, too, right?” she asked.

  “Not me,” Ted said.

  “You two though, definitely.”

  “And how can you tell that, sweetie?” the guy Cassius asked her.

  She wondered why he seemed so familiar, and also that name. Someone walked by and she stepped closer to the table and to Cassius. She couldn’t believe the strong attraction she felt. “Well, Gus is wearing his badge still on his hip, and your shirt shows two pin holes indicating that a badge was on there at some point today, plus your clothing reeks of cop, big time,” she said and winked.

  Gus and Teddy chuckled, but Cassius squinted at her and looked her over. As she went to move he placed his hand on her hip and they stared at one another. Her head was practically tilted back to her shoulders.

  “My turn, doll,” he said, his hand still on her hip, feeling warm and huge against her lower back and she didn’t want to pull away. Now that was just crazy. He eyed over her neck, her top and then stared into her eyes. “You’re in your twenties, working here part-time because you like to socialize but also make money. You’re more conservative, classy and professional, maybe even have a part-time job in an office or something, and you aren’t flashy,” he said to her.

  She placed her hands on her hips and stared at him. “And you got all that from what?”

  “Your attire is conservative. You aren’t flashing your…assets, but teasing with just the hint of a V in your top. Your jeans aren’t painted on, your nails are manicured but at a low length and practical. You have diamond stud earrings in your ears, a feminine, delicate necklace t
hat hits at your throat, not your deep cleavage. Again classy, conservative, and professional, which leads me to believe this is just a side job,” he said. He still had his hand on her hip and rendered her speechless.

  She had to pull her shit together. “Not just a cop. A detective, or some kind of investigator, or better yet, a profiler,” she said to him and he gave her a wink and she smiled.

  “Hot damn. Should we leave you two alone?” Ted asked and that brought her back to reality. Also to the fact that Cassius was way older, super big, and definitely knew how to flirt. Trouble big time.

  “Can I get you gentleman anything else right now?” she asked and looked away from Cassius and stepped from his hold. She felt his palm slide along her ass as he released her and she was surprised that she liked it. She gave him a look as they said they were good and she walked away, but not before hearing Gus’s long whistle.

  * * * *

  Cassius was in shock. Complete and utter shock. Who was Emerson, the new waitress at Harper’s? She was absolutely stunning, had gorgeous deep green eyes, thick eyelashes, and soft, full lips. Her body was incredible, too, and damn, did she smell really good. It had been years. Years since he felt an instant attraction to a woman. And maybe not even instant but more out of convenience and a spark. This was strange and completely caught him off guard.

  “You good? You look shell shocked by the young beauty,” Ted asked him as Ted took a sip from his beer.

  “She definitely seemed to feel the same attraction. Figures the one man who wants nothing to do with any women or relationships catches the interest of the hot new waitress here. How the hell did you even say the things you said to her, Cassius?” Gus asked.

  “Yeah, I think I need some pointers. You were suave as fuck,” Ted added. Gus laughed. Cassius was quiet and just laughed it off. When his friends realized he wasn’t biting they moved on to work.

  “And you didn’t even want to come here tonight for a beer,” Ted said to him.

  “It’s kind of hard to relax and have a beer when we were all working this case the last few days.”


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