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Rescued by the Alien Pirate: Science Fiction Alien Romance (Mates of the Kilgari Book 1)

Page 13

by Celia Kyle

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  There’s a ton of tension stretched taut in the air between me and Solair as the golden-skinned, horned Kilgari captain leads me to his private cabin.

  While some of it is no doubt because he’s now harboring a “known terrorist” on his ship, I believe our prior encounter is really weighing heavily on both of our minds.

  I think the rest of his crew, as well as my fellow refugees from the Frontier, can pick up on this tension. No one interferes with our progress through the snaking corridors of the Ancestral Queen’s beautifully decorated interior. Again I’m struck that this vessel is as much a work of art as it is a practical transport ship.

  Then we turn a corner and come upon the revered short stairway that leads up to Solair’s cabin. If there weren’t already rumors swirling about us, there certainly will be now. I’m not sure what to make of the fact that I secretly wish I was guilty as charged, despite nothing happening the last time we were alone in there.

  The door slides open, and he gestures for me to precede him into his cabin. This time I pick up a few more details, like the two-dimensional star map lovingly painted on the far wall by hand and a table full of different artifacts whose sole purpose seems to be aesthetic. While many of them are arcane, Kilgari in nature, one of them I recognize on sight because it’s part of Earth history.

  I pick up the roughly two-foot-long, beautifully sculpted device and peer down its length.

  “A human freighter captain I sometimes drink with gifted that artifact to me.” Solair moves up to stand beside me, smiling down at the device in my hand. “When I asked him its purpose, he said something that I not only believe is incorrect, but vulgar and unnecessarily crude.”

  My laugh makes his smile widen, and I hand him the device.

  “Your suspicions are most astute. This is a sextant, a device used by ancient sailors on Earth to navigate our world’s many oceans.”

  “I see.” He peers at the sextant with new respect and then points both his horns and his gaze at me. “I understand that your home world is nearly entirely covered in water.”

  “Not entirely. There was a point in our history where we didn’t pay enough attention to the havoc wrought on the environment by our industry and the sea levels rose, but we joined together to change.” I sigh and shake my head sadly. “I could use a little of that good old-fashioned human solidarity right now, instead of being framed for a horrific crime I did not commit.”

  Solair’s jaw works silently for a moment, and then he moves away from me toward a waist-high brass cabinet with artful glassteel window panes. He opens one of the panes, takes out a dark red bottle, and cradles it lovingly in his large hands.

  “Kilgari Nutmash Wine.” Solair snags a pair of delicately tapered glasses with magnetic bases from the top of the cabinet and then moves over to sit in one of the two chairs. I sit in the opposite as he pours us each a few fingers. “Don’t let the name fool you. It is as sophisticated and refined a drink as one can find this far from the galactic core.”

  I pick up one of the glasses and sniff the liquid within. My nose picks up notes of spice similar to Terran pepper, the hot ones at that, but there’s something akin to cinnamon as well.

  Solair picks up his glass as well and then clears his throat. “Ah…I understand there is a human tradition before drinking spirits such as these. I believe you call it a cracker?”

  “Cracker?” I do the translation in my head and chuckle. “Close. Toast. We call it a toast.”

  “I see. Shall we toast, then?”

  “Um, sure.” What do we toast to, though? He’s just sitting there looking at me over his glass, the handsome bastard. Why am I suddenly so hot? Am I sitting on top of a heat register? “Ah… to understanding… things.”

  Lame. Lame with a capital L, Varia. But Solair doesn’t seem to mind. We clink our glasses together, a merry sound.

  “To understanding things.” We each take a sip, and I’m pleasantly surprised at how good the wine tastes. It’s a bit spicy, to be sure, but its low minerality and smooth finish have me thirsting for more. Solair sets his glass down and sighs before speaking.

  “Varia… I am on your side. I hope you realize that. I’ve come to realize that I really care about what happens to you… to you and your people. So please don’t get angry at what I’m about to propose.”

  “Oooh.” I set my glass down too. “I see. I can offer you no promises, Solair, but I’m willing to hear you out in any event.”

  “That’s fair enough. I’ve been thinking it might be best if none of your number disembark at M’Kal station. Given how little we know of the circumstances of your even being in our space, it seems prudent to remain cautious.”

  I’m a bit taken aback, both by how diplomatically he phrased his plea and how sincere it sounds. I think I need a little more wine before I respond and lift my glass for another sip.

  “Well, I’m not mad.” I set the glass down on its heavy base and give him a small smile. “I’d been thinking much the same thing. Even those of us without warrants out on our heads could be at high risk.”

  My heart starts beating faster and my palms go sweaty, but it’s not from the tiny amount of wine I’ve had. I’m about to ask Solair a huge favor, one that means putting a great imposition upon him and his ship.

  “Captain Solair—”

  “Please, Varia. I’ve already told you formality is a barrier, and I want no barriers between us. Especially with what transpired between us last night. Call me Solair.”

  I don’t want to read too much into his “no barriers” policy at the moment because I’m distracted enough by his mere presence and this is important.

  “Very well. Do you think the women and I could remain on board the Ancestral Queen, just for a while? I know it’s an imposition, but we don’t have many options, and even fewer friends in this region of space.”

  Solair leans back in his chair and I get the feeling he was about half expecting me to make this request. He doesn’t seem shocked or angry, but he’s definitely a bit anxious.

  “I think that we can arrange that, Varia, but there may be some… limitations.”

  If Solair and his crew had not been so respectful and generous during our stay, I would read something really creepy into that statement. As it is, it still makes me nervous. “That sounds logical enough. Go ahead. Hit me with these limitations.”

  Solair sips his wine and then leans forward, elbows on top of his long thighs. “This vessel is as sound as they come, but its age and technology require constant maintenance. I’m sure you’ve noticed my crew are rarely idle. This is as much a testament to necessity as work ethic. With one hundred and seven new passengers, that burden will only increase upon my crew, so much so that they may not be able to maintain ship systems properly.”

  I lean forward as well, my palms pressed together between my thighs. I can’t stop bouncing my knees, a nervous habit I’ve never quite been able to eliminate.

  “Stop beating around the bush, Solair. I smell what you’re cooking.”

  He blinks his golden eyes several times before responding. “You do?’

  “Sure. You want us to help with the work to be done on the Queen. I think it’s a splendid idea. Between Thrase and your man Nicari, more able-bodied crew are being revived every day. A lot of us have skills that I’m sure you can put to good use, and I can’t think of anyone who’s not willing to do their part, especially after you’ve been so generous to us.” I sigh and stare at my folded hands. “I know I’ve been brusque and short tempered, but don’t think for a moment I don’t appreciate what you’ve done for me… for us, Solair.”

  His hands move into my point of view, enveloping my own. Solair’s touch is warm and comforting and I raise my gaze to meet his.

  A long moment passes, with the two of us just staring at each other. Then he leans in for a kiss and I lift my chin to accept it. His taste mingles with the spice of the wine, a heady mix
that has my blood rushing through my ears.

  Somehow, we’re standing, moving across the room in a molten clench until he lays me down gently on his bed. I stare up at him through half-lidded eyes as he tugs at my clothing, slowly exposing my flesh to his fiery gaze.

  “You’re so beautiful, Varia…” His breath is hot in my ear and then on my neck as he trails kisses across my sensitive skin. I moan softly when he carefully kisses each of my breasts in turn before moving down past my navel, his hands finishing the task of removing my trousers.

  One of his horns scrapes along my ribs as he nuzzles between my thighs, seeming to exult in the moist, musky embrace of my nether lips. My mouth flies open, and my hands clutch at the back of his head as he plies his nimble tongue and lips all over my pussy, exploring it millimeter by millimeter.

  Solair’s gaze snaps up to meet my own, the intensity in his golden orbs hotter than a blue star. His hands caress the curve of my hips as he continues to lap greedily at me. I don’t know if it’s all the tension or if I’m just really that into him, but soon the walls of his well-furnished cabin echo with my screams of climax.

  For someone who doesn’t spend much time around women, he seems to know his way around our bodies quite well…

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The more she moans, the more I want her.

  The more she screams, the more I need her.

  Draping one arm over her waist, I pin her against the mattress as I continue ravaging her with my tongue. I caress her drenched inner lips, enjoying the way her feminine flavor coils itself around every single rational thought I have, and it doesn’t take long before I have my lips wrapped around her pleasure bud.

  “That feels so…” she trails off, her voice turning into a quivering moan. Reaching down, she grabs me by the horns and pulls me toward her, trapping me in as place as she moves her hips. She does it in an almost desperate manner, her entire body emanating a scorching heat. Eager to subdue this desperation of hers, I redouble my efforts, whipping at her clit until her moans start to turn into full-blown screaming. Again.

  Her voice, bright and sweet, is all it takes for me to let go of my rational mind. Pure and unbridled instinct takes its place, and I let lust take over me. Devouring her with the same ferocity a predator would devour its prey, I drive her toward the edge of pleasure’s cliff, but I hold on before giving her one final push.

  Patience, they say, is a virtue.

  Gently, I start twirling my tongue around her clit as I press two fingers against her entrance. I feel her slick outer lips under my fingertips, liquid desire coating her sensitive skin, and I take my time as I ease my fingers in. I curl them upward like a hook, stretching her inner walls as I go, and I only stop when I feel the spot I was looking for. Pressing hard against that hidden cavern inside of her, only then do I unleash hell upon her body.

  “I think I’m gonna—”

  She doesn’t get to finish her sentence.

  Her voice dips into a low growl, one brimming with ecstasy, and she arches her back. She digs her heels into the mattress, pushing her wetness against my mouth, and grips my horns so tightly that it almost seems like she wants to rip them off my head.

  Tiny spasms take over her inner lips as she finally explodes, her entire body turning into a furnace. Swaying her hips from side to side, she rides that wave of pleasure until it finally starts to recede, the echo of her moans and screams still bouncing inside my skull. This was even better than I assumed it would be. And the best part? We’re just getting started.

  Pulling back from her, I let my eyes roam up her naked body until I’m looking into her eyes. It’s not an easy task. Her curves seem to demand my attention, the perfection of her rosy nipples like a beacon, but I still manage to hold her gaze all the same. It’s worth it. Her face has been taken over by an expression of pure bliss and, even though I don’t know how that’s possible, she looks even more beautiful now. Her lips are curled into a lazy smile, her eyelids fluttering gently as she returns my gaze, and stray locks of her disheveled hair tumble over her face.

  “What are you looking at?” she teases me, her voice mellow and tender. Pushing herself off the mattress with her elbows, she reaches for me with one hand and places two fingers under my chin. She pulls me up and toward her, a delirious smile dawning on her lips, and then she leans in. Her mouth comes crashing down on mine, and my heart picks up the pace once I feel the velvety texture of her lips.

  She doesn’t rush our kiss. Taking her time, she nibbles on my bottom lip and then uses the tip of her tongue to lick them dry, tasting herself on me. As she does it, she lays one hand on my chest and allows it to wander down to my waist. Quick to find my belt, she unbuckles it with one fast movement and then pulls it free from its loops.

  “You have no idea how much I want you right now,” she whispers against my lips. Resting my forehead against hers, I look straight into her eyes and let a wicked grin spread across my lips.

  “Actually, I think I have an idea,” I say, taking one hand between her legs and flattening my palm against her wetness. She opens her mouth to let a soft moan escape and then something breaks inside her. All the patience and gentleness melts away from her, and in its place rises unbridled lust.

  Dropping my belt to the floor, she turns her hand around and, spreading her fingers wide, presses it between my legs. I become even harder than I already was, my two cocks throbbing viciously against her fingers. Spurred by that, she takes her other hand and then grips both my erections over the fabric of my trousers.

  “Is this for me?” she asks me, that sweet madness of desire adding a perfect little twang to her voice. “All of it?”

  “It’s all yours,” I reply, keeping my eyes on hers as I pull my shirt over my head. Her eyes widen for a moment as they trace the contour of my pecs and abs, taking in every ridge and groove of my muscles. She tightens her fingers around my hardness so much that I can’t help but groan.

  “I like the sound of that.” She lets go of me, but only momentarily. Hooking her fingers on the hem of my pants, she pulls them down my legs with one hard yank. Instead of rushing it all, she pauses before giving my underwear the same treatment. With slow but deliberate movements, she uses her fingers to trace the contour of my erect cocks over the fabric, and only then does she pull down the remaining layer of clothing between the two of us.

  My hard cocks spring free to salute her at once.

  Turning her wrists around, she doesn’t hesitate before she grips them both by their roots. When she looks down to appreciate my size, I notice a lustful mad glint in her eyes, but I don’t have the time to dwell on it. She starts moving her hands up and down my length right away, stroking me in the most perfect of manners. Her strokes alternate between harsh and delicate, and I can’t help but admire the way she’s blending such distinct rhythms into the same movement. It shouldn’t be possible for a woman to inflict this much pleasure using nothing but her hands but...well, here we are.

  Varia is different.

  She’s better.

  “I need to have you,” I find myself saying, the words leaving my mouth before I can even process what I just said. This woman is making me feel something I haven’t felt before. Whatever this is, it goes beyond the lust of the flesh. In a way, it’s almost as if my soul wants to devour hers. I’m on the verge of losing all fucking control, and the crazy part is that with her I really want to lose it all.

  “I’m right here,” she whispers, pressing her lips against my ear. “If you need me, take me.”

  She doesn’t need to offer twice.

  I push her down onto the mattress and climb on top of her. Grabbing her by the wrists, I pin her hands down beside her head and look into her eyes. My breath catches in my throat as she returns my gaze and, for a moment, neither of us says a damn thing. We don’t need to. Right now, our bodies are doing the talking.

  “I’ve never been with anyone like you,” she whispers softly, dragging her tee
th across my bottom lip. It doesn’t take a genius to know what she’s talking about. After all, not all species are lucky enough to be as well-equipped as the Kilgari are when it comes to sex.

  “You don’t have to worry,” I say, cupping her face with one hand. “I’ll be gentle.”

  Slowly, I lower my body over hers and let one of my cocks rest against her entrance, her soft inner lips wrapping themselves around its tip. As for the other, I let it rest directly above her wetness, my hardness pressed right against her clit. I take my time as I ease myself in, allowing my thickness to stretch her inner walls. As promised, I rein myself in, doing my best to remain gentle. It’s harder than I anticipated. I watch as her eyes roll in their orbits, her eyelids fluttering with excitement. I have to make a very conscious effort to restrain myself.

  “How are you fee—?” I start to ask, but Varia silences me pretty quickly. She places both her hands on my naked chest and digs her fingernails into my skin.

  “Shut up and fuck me,” she growls.

  Not exactly the answer I was expecting, but I can work with it.

  Finally taking the leash off my desire, I thrust, enjoying the way my entire length ravages the sweet tightness of her body. My second cock moves up and down the mound above her pussy, its shaft keeping a steady pressure on her clit, and that seems to please her. She looks down her own body, curiosity etched on her face, and her eyes widen as takes in all the action between her legs.

  “This is insane,” she breathes out, and for a moment it almost seems like she’s going to laugh. She doesn’t. Instead, she places her hands beside her and bunches up the sheets, every single muscle on her body tensing up.

  Going faster and faster, each passing second making me even more delirious with lust, I ravage her in a way I’ve never experienced before. She was right when she said this is insane. It really is. I never thought I’d have a woman, especially one like her, all to myself. If that’s not insane, I don’t know what is.


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