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The Staff of Ira

Page 5

by Carl Sheffield

  Mekon said, “New technology, Dorn. I’ll explain. Dorn, if someone fires at us, the laser will take it out. The shield will protect the ship, as the three does. April and your son were working on this. I told you he was smart.”

  Fax said, “I will stay the night. This sounds interesting, with permission of course. I will need to contact my planet.” I was with Fax when made the call. His high command acknowledged what he was doing. Fax and I talked most of the afternoon.

  Fax and I sat on the stoop, talking. Fax told me he wishes his daughter was here. The day was coming to an end. I told Fax the evening meal was being served. Leah came to me. Taking my hand, we walked to the east staging area.

  Leah said, “Kira asked me to tell you.”

  “Tell me what, Leah,” I said. Leah looked at me with tears in her eyes.

  She said, “Tyler and Roberto may not have made it. Kikki and April said they agreed to wait one Earth day. It was against Marie’s wishes. Tyler and Roberto were going on the last run, they never returned. Kikki’s was down; with one shuttle, they did not dare take the big ship down. Our ship was destroyed, the Xonian ship was damaged.”

  I said to Leah, “I’m going to tell you something I’ve never said before. For the first time, I’m afraid.” I looked from the staging area across the valley. Leah touched my arm.

  “Dorn, what were you thinking?” She asked. I told her I was thinking of a battle plan. When I find out who did this, I’m going after them.

  Leah answered, “Dorn, it was the Centaurian or the Palatonian, you already know this. Why think of a plan? let’s destroy them.”

  I asked her, “What makes you think it was them?”

  Smiling, she replied, “My love, have you forgotten I can read your thought?”

  “Really, Leah? What am I thinking now?” Leah smiled, that little smile from the corner of her mouth.

  Leah still smiling, “Let’s go home, I’ll show you.” We left the council. I told everyone I’ll be back early. Kira came to me, placed her arms around me.

  Kira whispered, “I love you, father.” I never heard that before.

  Tressa said, “Love you, Opa.” I told her the same. Leah and I walked to our cabin. Walking along, she said, “You know, I was thinking.”

  I asked, “About what?”

  “Well, our son is with Ira. You’re always busy with something.” She paused. “Maybe we should try for a girl.” Well, you know me, sometimes humans and they’re saying just don’t make sense to me.”

  “What is trying for a girl?” I asked.

  Leah said, “You know Dorn, to be so intelligent, you’re dump. A baby! lets have a baby, hope it’s a girl.”

  I said, “Why didn’t you just say, Dorn, let’s have another child.”

  She hit me on the arm. “Forget it and you can forget what we came home for, dummy.” I threw my hands up. “Humans.” I walked past the cabin, Mi and Ellie met me.

  Mi said, “The captains will be in the area tomorrow.” I walked to the city when a native called to me. He told me he was a true native. “Dorn, for over four hundred years, I have been here. I am called Baz. We, the natives of Boldlygo, have been left out since you have started bringing humans here.” I told him I did not start it. It was before my time.

  Baz said, “It’s like we don’t exist. I remember when Ira and Ren would walk the streets. One day they stopped coming. Then the new king, and queen, they never come to the city. My own son has chosen to become human instead of mating with a native.”

  I looked at him. “You’re Mi’s father.”

  “Yes,” He replied. I told him Mi did what he did for love.

  Answering, “Yes, I’m sure he did. That’s why I’m here. We have become very friendly with Candance. She said if we fight, let’s all fight. Yet you brought a being from another planet to fight. We want to fight, we need no weapons, at least some of us don’t.”

  “Great Ira came to me in a dream. Baz, he said, Go to my son, Dorn. You must speak to him. Tell him your warriors are ready. If a fight comes, we can handle it. Dorn, the humans will always be welcome here. If not for them we would not exist. I am chief justice.” Somewhere, I had forgotten about him.

  One thing he said, “Mi is going to be a father. Well, that made my day.”

  I said good day to him. I left and went to the cabin. I told Leah about Ellie and Mi. Leah looked at me with those blue eyes. “Who told you that, Dorn?”

  I said, “Mi’s father. I met him today for the first time, he wants to fight. He has over nine hundred garrison ground troop.”

  The suns climbed high in the morning sky. Looking from my window, Leah called from the bed. “What are you doing?” I told her I was going to the lab. Leah told me to wait, she will come with me. Entering the lab, Mea called to us.

  The ship has passed our ship in orbit. Kikki will be in orbit in one hour. Wald called and said there’s no ship following. I told Wald to escort the ship to Boldlygo airspace. I told Wil to follow.

  “As you wish, Dorn.” Wil said, “Dorn, there’s two Xonian ships coming from hyperspace.” I told Wil, “Let them escort her, you go back to orbit. Wald, you stay with them.”

  Wald said, “She has damage, Dorn. the main hull has a rip.” I went to the great room; Fax was with Ren.

  Fax asked, “Dorn, any word?” I told him, “Kikki’s ship was orbiting the planet. She has damage. Two of your ships are escorting her here. When she unloads, we’ll take her to the hanger. I’ve told Mekon what to expect.”

  The Xonian ships went to the west staging area. Kikki came around the shipyard; she had become a remarkable pilot; she landed the ship then moved into the hanger. The two Xonian ships had landed the crew come from the ship, stood around. Fax went to them, told them to go home. Moments later, the ships took off.

  Kikki was the first to come from the ship; she ran to her father. Marie and April come from the ship followed by the Xonian crew. Tabbi was the last to come from the ship. The two girls came straight to me. Tears were in the eyes of Marie; I thought she was happy to be home.

  April said, “I thought I would never see you again.” Then the girls broke down.

  “Tabbi, where are the others?” I asked.

  Tabbi shook his head. “Dorn, I’ve had almost a year to prepare for this. I still can’t bring myself to say they’re all gone or stranded on Earth.”

  Marie looked at me. “Dorn, I’m seventeen now, I’m almost grown.” I told her, “Let’s go to the chambers. Sentry, go tell the Xonians to join us.”

  Walking away, he replied, “As you wish, Dorn.” Everyone came in council and took their place. Omega and Kira went to their places; Vail and Bon with their new baby. April looked at her sister. “Mother, she is beautiful.” I noticed Marie never left April.

  Kira stood. “Father, please come forward. We ask you to take charge.” I told the crew to come forward. “Kikki, you can go first.”

  Kira stood. “Kikki, please tell us what has happened.”

  “When we left, we were instructed to take Phillip to Spain. We went to other places. In two Earth sun, we were to meet Tyler, late on the second day. We meet up, docked together. The great dust storm on the planet had clogged the intakes of my shuttle.

  Tyler said he would make the run. He left with orders to leave if he wasn’t back in three hours. Tyler said that’s all it would take. We had no reason to watch for other ships, so we stayed docked with your ship, took the liberty to visit. Tyler said if he wasn’t back in three hours, leave Earth’s orbit. Marie shouted no, we’ll not leave you. I suggested one Earth day; at this moment, all was well.

  When he left with the run, something hit your ship, almost knocking us clear. If not for the great workmanship, the clamp would not have held. The hull breached; Kikki dropped her head; with choked voice, people went flying out in space. April shouted, run for you ship, we ha
ve been hit. April tried to shield us, did a great job. If not for a parcel shield, we would not be here today.”

  Everyone sat in silence. “From what we could tell, it was a Centaurian ship followed by two Palatonian ships. We took all we could. Some were lost, for that, I’m truly sorry. Dorn, we jumped since they had weapons locked on us. I cloaked my ship. I came out of cloak, as they were about to board your ship. I destroyed your ship, jumped into space on our way here.”

  “Thank you, Kikki,” Kira said.

  April spoke, “There’s no reason to repeat her story, it’s as Kikki said.” Marie told the same. On the fifth month, a beacon light came on in the control room. It was from the shuttle; this I have no doubt.

  Marie stood. “Dorn, may I speak?”

  I replied, “Yes, Marie, of course.”

  “My brother is still alive, I feel him. As for Roberto, I cannot say. I was a small girl when I came here. We were taken in by all here. We were taught by you, loved by all. My real parents are still on Earth. Mekon taught me well.” Marie looked at Kira. “With the permission of my Queen and King,” Marie fell to her knees. “I beg you, please let me go find my brother.”

  Omega said, “Marie, stand before me and my Queen. Marie, come forth. April, you come too. The three come, Dorn, come.”

  Omega said, “Let it be known as of today, we will take no more trouble from the outside. Natives, humans, and the Xonians. Mekon, prepare the other two ships as quickly as you can.”

  Ren stood. “Kira, if you plan to go after Tyler, I will go with the ship.”

  Omega asked, “What about you, Ren?”

  Ren said, “Long ago, Mekon took a woman from here. She went back to Earth. Mekon transferred my DNA. She had the child shortly after she was placed on Earth.”

  Mekon said, “It is true Kira, she wanted to go back to Earth. She was placed in what is known as New Mexico.”

  “I would like to go along, maybe I could be of some help. I am no good here, I’m just an old elder waiting for ascension,” Ren announced.

  Kira asked, “Father, your thoughts?” I told her if we were to make war, so be it.

  The chief justice was standing in the council. “My king and queen. This is my first time here. Dorn, my troops are ready.” I told him to go and prepare. I told Marie, “We will have a council on this, yet I feel we will go.” Ellie told me she must stay. “As much as I wish to go, I cannot. I am with child.” A hush came over the crowd.

  April said to Ellie, “It is wonderful, I’m happy for you. Marie and I will take care of this. These people have pissed me off.” I looked at Leah. She was smiling.

  April asked Leah, “May I speak to you, Candace, and Ellie?” April told them she didn’t think they should place themselves in harm’s way. “If Marie and I can go into meditation, we may reach Tyler; we have done this before.”

  Mekon’s lab was prepared for them. Mea told the girls to lay on the table. Mekon and Mea took the girls, placed them in solitude. In a short moment, the girls went across the galaxies, universes. For what seemed hours, Marie woke up.

  Marie said, “My brother is alive, Mekon.”

  April sat up on the table. “Roberto is dead. He died in a crash, he is in a deep hole.” The three woke up. “Dorn, it was the Centaurians and Palatonians. They’re still there, looking for Tyler. Tyler’s shuttle is covered with rock and dirt in a large hole of some kind.”

  I asked, “Could you see where?”

  Leah said, “No, it’s in a desert.”

  In the chambers, Kira and Omega listened to the girls as they gave the report of their meditation. Marie told Kira her brother was alive; I sat listening to them. I often wondered how humans could have the power they possess. Aries stood, he directed his comment to me.

  “Opa,” I nodded. “I know it is much to ask you to go to Earth. I understand it is a place you have learned to hate. If my mother and father will give their permission, I will lead the journey to Earth. Tyler is my friend. Within just the short time I have known him, he would come for me.”

  April and Marie looked on with concern. I told Aries, “I have another plan that might work for us. As for leading the ships, there is no doubt you’re man enough. I’ll take the crew this time. I’ll go. I need you here, count me in. I’ll take one final journey.”

  “Fax and Kikki, will you go? Do you need to go home?” I asked.

  Fax replied, “Yes, Dorn. I’ve been to Earth long ago. I would like to go again. My chief justice in high command can handle my bidding. Kikki my daughter, as you know, is a very good pilot.”

  “Fax,” I stated, “I have no problem with Kikki. April will be with me. Mi, my personal guard, will be staying here. I will leave him in charge of the ships. Tabbi will come with me. I have a new captain, Zar will pilot the ship, the three will stay here. Marie also will be with me.” Marie smiled at April.

  Leah stood. “My husband, I love you more than life itself. I must stay here for my son.”

  I told her I understand; the three are the strongest together. We will depart in eight days. That will give Mekon the chance to prepare the new ships.


  The Earth’s sun came up over the desert. I came from my bed looking across the miles of sand and sage. Sunday morning on Earth, everyone that was someone was still in bed. Old Lee was still asleep. My eye caught a movement at the end of the mobile. Was it really something I saw or was someone there? Yes, there it was again. I eased to the door just as the man came over the rail.

  I grabbed whatever it was. I fell to the grass, rolling around on the ground. I woke up Lee. Old Lee came running out on the stoop. Well, I was twenty-four years old, never been in a fight before. Now on Boldlygo, I watched the Xonians do combat. We had to have so much in our training. I started to do a round kick; I saw it was Grady. Old Lee stood with a gun.

  “Tyler, you ok?” Lee shouted.

  “Yeah, Lee, I’m good.” That gun he had was so big, it looked like a cannon. If he had fired it, he would have woken up the world.

  Grady shouted, “Wait, wait.”

  “Grady, why are you snooping around my house?” I asked.

  Grady said, “I knew you lived here, just didn’t know which mobile.”

  “You can get shot snooping around like that,” Lee said.

  I told Grady, “The last time I saw you, you were running.”

  Grady responded, “There’s something strange about you, I was scared.”

  I smiled. “You’re afraid of me, Grady.”

  Grady said, “I’m afraid of what you can do. Look, Tyler, I don’t mean you harm, there’s other that do. Look, I need to talk to you in private.” I told Grady he could speak in front of Lee.

  Grady said, “Ok, what about them?” I looked over my shoulder, the whole park was watching.

  I said to them, “Its ok folks, misunderstanding.”

  One man said, “No one has respect. It’s Sunday for Pete sakes, I need my rest.”

  I told Grady to come in the mobile. “Lee, you come too, I made coffee.”

  I asked Grady, “Tell me what was on his mind.”

  Grady answered, “I ran from you that day. I thought you were an alien.”

  I smiled at him. “I am an alien, Grady. My grandmother was born on another planet, came here, well, to England. She had DNA from her planet, you probably don’t know what that is.”

  Grady replied, “Sure I do, it’s when you take from one and give to another. You see Tyler, this is what has happened to me. Pam said you told her you were from a planet called Boldlygo.”

  “Hell, Tyler, I thought you were one of those damn Palatonian. They’re here Tyler, they’re looking for you. My people are from a planet in the Pegasus galaxy called Vernon. My world is Vernon, I’ve never been there. I too was born on Earth. I would like to go back.”

  I asked Grady, “Where
are these Palatonians?”

  “Where? Hell, Tyler, they’re everywhere, mostly in Roswell. The police can’t do anything with them, they’re too powerful. They said they’re looking for a young kid. I think it’s you they’re looking for.”

  I sipped my coffee looking out the window when Pam drove up. “Damn, it’s early,” I thought. Pam came to the door. Lee told her to come in. I told her, “It was early for you.”

  Looking at Grady at the table, then to me, she said, “Grady, I never thought I’d see you here.” I told Pam of our little trial.

  Pam looked at me and said, “Bullshit.”

  I told her, “Grady is from a planet called Vernon.”

  “Bullshit,” Pam said. “Can’t we get through one day without this bullshit? You know what the hell when your ship comes back, count me in.”

  Lee asked, “Tyler, can I have another cup? Damn, boy, you make good coffee.”

  “Lee, before we leave, we need to take what money we have left to buy the things for home. I want to buy chocolate for Marie. Kira will love it,” I said.

  “Kira,” Pam said, “That’s your Queen, as you say.”

  I said, “Pam, if you really want to go, it takes about nine months to go there. Someday, you might want to return. You need to place all your money in the bank, in your name. If you go and start to do bad there, Omega will send you back.”

  Pam expressed, “I must be at my best.”

  I told her, “You must.”

  Pam said, “Well, I’m not worried, there will be no ship.” Grady stood up, went to the stove for more coffee, looked at Pam.

  Grady stated, “There will be a ship, Pam.”

  Lee started for more coffee. Looking out the window, Lee said, “Lori is here.”

  She walked in, looked around. “Well, the whole gang is here. Good morning, everyone. Pam, you should have told me you were coming here, we could have brought something for breakfast.”

  Pam smiled. “I didn’t know I had to explain myself to you.” I saw where this was going.

  “Girls,” I said, “It’s the end of January.” I was trying to change the subject.


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