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The Staff of Ira

Page 30

by Carl Sheffield

  April said, “Dorn, you can count on me.” “The girls need to be here, you know who I’m speaking of.” Ren stood.

  Omega asked, “Ren, you have something to say?”

  “I too agree with Dorn. I have wondered about this also. We do need to go. Dorn with his captain can go stealth; no one can see them.”

  “Then it’s agreed,” Omega said. “Dorn, plan your mission. Do you wish a battleship to accompany you?”

  I told Omega, “No, it would be best if we go alone. The shuttle can go to the surface without being seen. Ozo has offered to place an instrument in the shuttle, I think Mekon should make several more of these. I went to the lab then to the hanger. Mi and I did what we had to do to prepare ourselves for the trip. I told Mi I would see him first light.”

  Morning came early, as the purple haze covered the moon. I stood with my tea as Leah stood beside me. I knew Mi would be preparing himself to leave upon my arrival. Ellie didn’t like Mi leaving her. She knew what had to be done.

  Leah asked. Looking at me, “Dorn, you do know what you’re doing?”

  I told her I was taking care of my family. I must find out what is going on. I told her I wish things could be as they were. I really didn’t understand violence. Why do we have to fight? Is it the stones they want, or to see who is the strongest? I picked up my daughter, kissed her on the face. Leah took her. I told them I loved them.

  Walking to the hanger, a voice called to me, “Opa.” It was Tressa. She told me she loved me. I told Tressa to stay close to the palace today.

  “Your powers may be needed.”

  Tressa said, “Opa, I just wanted to say thanks for the talk with Brad.”

  I looked at her. “You know Tressa, he left as a child, he’ll come back as a man.”

  She asked, “Who, Opa?”

  “Zin,” I said. Tressa’s eyes watered.

  I asked her, “Have you given your mother the chocolate?”

  Tressa said, “No. I must find Tyler, he has it all.”

  I told her, “You have been hanging around humans for too long.

  “Opa,” she said, “I am human.”

  “Yes, you are,” I said. “You like to change the subject like one.”


  Mi and I flew over the planet of Plano. We started to the surface, everything was a shamble. Destruction was everywhere. Ba stood on the floor of the palace of the Plano government. Two months he said to himself, still nothing has been rebuilt since the attack.

  Ba, finding his brother dead, revenge still burned in his thoughts. Walking to the stoop or what was left, Ba looked at the waste. In his thought, there was no warning. The ships come from nowhere, destroying the palace and the Palatonian guards.

  Ba and Bas were in council with the King of Plano. He had joined forces with the Palatonians and the Centaurians. Now his brother was dead. Their leaders were in council talking of the attack when the ships struck. The wave took out the air base of the guard, the palace, at least twelve ships. People were fleeing everywhere. Ba was trying to save his own skin. Where did they come from? Why was there no warning?

  The King of Plano asked, “Captain, did you see the ships?”

  “My King, I had no report of this. The sensors, there’s not a beep from them.” Ba found his brother and the chief justice under a small table of stone. Helping the chief to the floor, he saw the man had a broken leg, his brother dead.

  Ba asked, “Did you see the ships?”

  The chief replied, “It was the natives of Boldlygo. They were all over us. We did not have a chance. It was a maneuver I’ve never experienced in my life. There were several ships all in a row, the ships went to both sides, how can they do this? We took severe damage to the palace and the city.”

  “Ba, did your planet get an attack?” The chief asked.

  Ba replied, “I’m not sure, I have no way to contact them.”

  The chief said, “The ships left behind one another, went in the direction of Boldlygo.”

  The chief justice said to Ba, “You brought them here. What did you say to provoke this? We had only small fights with them on Earth.”

  “Ah, yes chief, they destroyed two of your ships.”

  “We fired on them,” The chief replied. “Look at your crew. You sent them to the planet. Look what has happened to them. Once long ago, we were friends with them.”

  “I want that planet,” Ba said.

  The chief said, “Then you take it without me. I want to rebuild mine. I want no more trouble with them. Ba, if this is what they can do, there won’t be nothing left next time.”

  Ba said, “They will pay for the death of my brother, this I assure you.”

  The chief justice said, “Ba, as soon as you can, please leave Plano and never return.” It took Ba two days to repair a ship, then he was gone. The chief of Plano told his sentry to find a ship that he could fly. Most of the damage was to the Palatonian ship. It took several days before the sentry returned and told the chief there is no ship travel worthy.

  The chief sat back in a smoke charred room. For years, we have brought this to our self. I never thought they were this powerful. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew they were. Too many of the men had told him of this back through the years. A captain from here named Cam spent hundreds of years with Bota, a shipwright. When Bota left, they gave the ship to Cam. I suppose now the ship went to Cam’s son Ozo. It had been rumored Ozo was Porta; I could not confirm this. However, this could be true; at least he was gone.

  The chief justice stood from his chair as the captain entered the charred room. Smoke still lingered in the room after weeks of stillness. Several ships came and went from the planet to see the destruction.

  The captain said to the chief justice, “The Veronians are just outside the Moon of Spores. They’re retreating.” The chief thought, Ba was not as strong as he thought he was. The captain told the chief there are other ships coming to join them.

  The chief said, “I’m sure there were others in space waiting. What I don’t understand, where were they when they come to my planet to attack?”

  Ba thought he would plan a surprise himself. He scanned the moon. Garth was a smart man, he had lived longer. Garth had done very well on the moon since the day the Palatonians placed him there. Ba knew there was ill feeling between Garth and the Palatonians. Ba thought the word had reached the moon of the battle. What he didn’t understand was where were the ships that were based there.

  Ba called his ships. Just as he was moving to the battle formation, three ships came from stealth.

  “Veron ships, you are in Boldlygo airspace. What’s your intention?” Ba never answered. He turned, went to hyperspace.

  Captain Tabbi called Me, told him what Ba had done. I told them to stay alert. I’m going to Plano.

  Tabbi asked, “What of the other ships that was to be here by early morning?” I told Tabbi I’ll be back by then. I moved my shuttle through space, there was not much time. Mi knew what had to be done. Several hours later, we flew to an area I knew as a young man.

  Flying in stealth, I said to Mi, “There Mi, sit down there.”

  Mi looked out the portal. “Man, we tore this place up.”

  I told him, “You did what you needed to do.”

  Mi told me he had scanned the ships. “The Veron ship was not there. The Centaurian ships are there. Dorn, they’re all damaged, the Palatonians too.” I told Mi to go home full speed.

  Coming into the atmosphere of the planet, the horizon had a light pink glow. Landing the ship by the hanger, my wife was there to greet me so was Ellie.

  I kissed Leah. I said, “You’re up early.” Mr. Sams was talking to Mekon.

  I said, “Let’s meet at the chambers in one hour.”

  Mr. Sams asked, “Do you think today could be the day?” I told him we will need to see.

/>   Mea said, “Dorn, ships are calling us, they’re Valorian. They wish to land and talk to you. He said they were with you coming from Earth.”

  “Mea, are they alone?” I asked.

  Mea said, “Wald called and said they were.” I told Mea to let them land on the east dock. Mea said, “As you wish.” Turning, she stopped. “Dorn, the east dock.”

  “Mea, if they start trouble, it will be hard for them to escape,” I said. Before I could reach the staging area, they had started to come from the ship.

  Mi looked at me. “I’ve been out of your presence too long, Dorn. I used to know what you were thinking.” I told him not to get used to it.

  Mi asked, “What do you mean?”

  I told Mi, “When this was over, you will be taking command of the George Washington.”

  Mi said, “Dorn, that’s your ship.”

  “Well, if you don’t want it, I’ll give it to someone else. I can give you another ship. I thought since you were on board from the beginning you know the ship.” Mi looked at the huge ship that set on the north pad. How beautiful it looked sitting there.

  “Dorn, why would you give it to me?” Mi asked. “What are you going to do?”

  I told Mi, “I wish never to leave here again. I will not give up flying, I’ll go between planets to the moons.”

  Mi looked at me. “Then Dorn, sir, I gladly accept it.”

  I said, “Now Mi, let’s see what these Valorians want.”

  Approaching the pad, the captain said to me, “Greetings Dorn, I wish to apologize for my King.”

  I asked, “What is wrong with your King?”

  I told him, “He asked me to bring him a person if I found him. You were all over the ship, all of them.”

  “Dorn, I truly am sorry. In the raid of Plano, his brother was killed. Ba will be taking over as King of our planet. I wish not to have a part in this. Ba has sent me with a message.”

  I asked, “What message?”

  “Ba’s message to you, remember this is not from me. Ba said, “Let him come collect all the stones on the planet he will leave.”

  “Captain, is that all he wants?” I asked. “Then come with me, let’s go see my king and queen. You can tell them what your king wants. Tell them why he has sent you here.” I told Mi as I left with the captain, no one else comes from that ship. I told Mekon to call Wil, tell him to come closer to the atmosphere, STAY ALERT.

  Walking to the chambers, small talk was made. I told the captain as we walked not to expect much. Kira and Omega had entered before us.

  “Early, isn’t it father?” Kira said.

  The captain looked at me. “Your daughter?” He asked. I nodded my head. The members of council had started to take their seats.

  The captain said, “I was only to speak to you, Dorn.” I told him I was not a king.

  Omega said, “We have a full council, Kira. I do not believe there has ever happened this early.”

  Kira said, “Father, if you would.”

  “Kira, Omega, this is the captain of the Valorian, I mean Veronia ship that has come to port.”

  Kira said, “Sir, I was not impressed by your King. Why has he sent you? Why did he not come himself?”

  The captain said, “My King is dead. His brother Ba, well, he said as he cleared his throat. My King sent this message. Let him come collect all the stones on this planet. King Ba said he would leave and never come back.” I saw the life drain from Kira’s face. Kira stood, walked to the stoop, turning.

  “If I don’t?” Kira said.

  The captain said, “Ba will come and destroy you. He would bring forces from all over the ground and air. You don’t have enough ships for a fight. The Centaurians, the Palatonians, the Veronians, the Valorians, trust me, there will be others.”

  Kira asked, “What about you? What will you be doing?”

  The captain answered, “I want nothing to do with this.”

  Kira told him, “You should have told him that and left.”

  Kira said, “Wait for us outside please.” There was several speaking, the girls all agreed if he comes here to take the stone, he would not stop there. I also said that.

  The others said to Kira, “It’s my belief that some of our powers come from the stones.”

  Kira said, “I do believe this.”

  Waiting on the stoop outside the chambers, a sentry was sent to the captain. Entering the chambers, the captain looked like the color of the clouds.

  Kira said, “I have a message for you. You may take it to your King. You tell him now, or never will he come to our planet. You tell him he will never stand in my world and live. If he comes here, I will destroy him.”

  The captain said, “Should I tell the Palatonians?”

  Kira looked at me. “Father.” I told the captain not to worry about the Palatonians, they have been destroyed.

  Omega stood, with a very stern voice, “Valorian, leave here now. Don’t stop. I want you off my planet in seconds, or I’ll destroy you.” I was surprised by Omega’s stand.

  Omega said, “I apologize, Kira.”

  “For what, my love?” Kira said.

  Omega said, “The queen should make the decisions, this one was mine. Let it be known by all commanders, Xonians, Dorn, and natives of Boldlygo. Tell the ship captains if they see a ship approach this planet, destroy it, no question.” Omega said, “Of course, not the Xonians. As of this moment, we were at war. I hope we can survive the trials that were about to happen.”

  I turned to see Mr. Sams. “Not today sir,” I said.

  Tyler and April spent a lot of time together. She had told Leah and the others she was going to have a child. Tyler told me this is something he had wanted since well long ago. April told her mother Vail was very happy she was going to be a grandmother. Marie told her brother she was happy. She told her mother and father also; they had come here from England via New Mexico. They were hounded for years by an inspector. They both seem happy. Everyone that came here was very happy.

  Our world was right except the war that was coming. We knew it was coming, we didn’t know when.

  Omega said, “We would not be bringing people here again. If in time we ever send a ship back, we will send people if they want to go. We will tell the captains not to bring people back.”

  I told Omega, “That would be something. You must tell the ship captain, not me. I’ll never go back.” I told them THE JOURNEYS OF Dorn IS OVER!

  I said to Omega, “My family is here. My wife, my daughter, soon my son. I’m sure he will return when the time is right.”

  Zar had completed the change as Mi. Zar was a very handsome human in his new body. He too wants a ship of his own. I will explore this as he did a great job on the Earth’s voyage.

  Our history had changed so much in the past years. Now I knew who Nida was. I did not know at the time she was Kira’s mother. Changes, always something must change. I knew I was Ira’s and Kayla’s son. Hundreds of years ago when I took the change, I think of that, I thought I was created in Mekon lad until Mekon and Mea gave me Kayla’s journal. I wondered what other secrets Ira forbid them to tell. Soy, why did she hide the secret? I left. walking home, Leah was sitting on the stoop watching Shasta play.

  I asked Leah, “Would you like to go to the city?” She looked at me with that human look.

  Leah asked, “Really, Dorn? you want to go to the city?” I told her we need to get out more. We can stop for a tea.

  Leah said, “I would love to.” Walking with her by my side made me feel wonderful. A man should always feel good about his woman by his side. I had Shasta in my arms.

  “Leah, she is growing fast,” I said.

  Shasta said, “Down father, put me down.”

  I told her, “You are becoming to be a big girl.” Leah took my arm, kissed me. I looked at her. “Oh no, not her
e” Leah hit me on the arm.

  Leah said, “You’re a big dummy.”

  “What?” I asked.

  Leah said, “That was for your phrase like I wanted something. Dorn, we’re not on Earth anymore. I was going to say, I don’t know how to tell you this, she has powers.”

  I looked at her. “What? Who has powers?”

  Replying, Leah said, “Your daughter, dummy. I swear, Dorn!”

  “Wait,” I said, “Let me say it. To be so intelligent, I’m so dumb.” Leah slapped her hand on her forehead.

  “Wow,” Leah said, “I could not have said that any better. Dorn, I take her pillow out of her crib at night. When I wake in the morning, its back in her bed again.” Walking down the path to the city, Leah and I played with Shasta. Leah said it was a game parents would play with their children. Holding her hands, she would swing between us.

  We walked to the tea house, people would bow to us as we passed. Going to a table, Leah said she and the girls would come here. We seated ourselves; a voice spoke, it was Mr. Sams.

  “Having tea, Mr. Sams?” I asked.

  He replied, “Yes, Dorn. I wish for coffee or maybe some chocolate.” Leah looked at me then at Mr. Sams.

  Leah asked, “You don’t have chocolate, do you?”

  “Why? Yes, I do, young lady,” Sams said.

  “Dorn, you didn’t tell me you had that. What else did you bring?” She asked.

  “It was not my doings Leah, it was Tyler’s. I thought it should be Tyler that told everyone. Maybe we should take a shuttle to the ship, bring a load back to the hanger. Maybe then Mr. Sams, Kira will talk to you. I tell you now Mr. Sams, there won’t be a ship to Earth for quite sometimes.”

  Mr. Sams said, “I understood, Dorn. I suppose the main thing is to bring the supplies here, to the surface.” Tressa and her man came to the table where we were. Leah told Tressa they need to talk. We have not had a chance to do that since you have come home. Leah also told Tressa of the supplies that needed to be unloaded.

  Tressa said, “I know. I’m waiting for the chocolate. I had it on Earth. Oh Leah, it was so wonderful.”

  Leah bent over to Tressa, whispered in her ear, “Is it better than sex?”


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