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Firefighter Wolves Shifters (A Paranormal Romance Series Boxset)

Page 44

by Brittany White

  Slowly, the other members of the pack returned. Josh had rented a tuxedo for Jason, and Ben used his position as chief of the fire department to secure a last minute marriage license for Jason and Alicia. Other pack members had procured bottles of champagne and a small buffet for the wedding party to enjoy. Surprising him, Kevin had even arranged for a musician to play in Jason’s hospital room. The hospital staff themselves had been very understanding and accommodating. They’d hosted impromptu weddings before, and understood that patients facing death sometimes wanted to leave the world knowing they’d committed to their love. One nurse had sadly said it wasn’t the first bedside wedding the hospital had seen, and it wouldn’t be the last.

  Finally, Grace slipped into the room, looking beautiful in a periwinkle blue bridesmaid dress and said, “Alicia is ready for you.”

  “Are you ready to start?” Derek asked Jason. His friend had helped him change into the rented tuxedo, and Jason was currently wearing it as he sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for his bride.

  “I’m ready,” Jason said. He’d never imagined his wedding day would be held in a hospital room, but he didn’t care. He was about to marry his mate, the only woman who’d truly claimed his heart. He didn’t know how long he and Alicia had left together, but he intended to enjoy every moment of it.

  Grace slipped out of the room again, and a moment later the musician Kevin had hired started playing the wedding march.

  Grace entered first, carrying a small bouquet of sunflowers that contrasted with her dress, and brightened the room with their vivid yellow petals. Behind her came Alicia, and Jason’s breath caught in his throat. He’d never seen a vision more stunning. She was wearing a pale ivory wedding dress, accented in gold, with simple golden jewelry. On her head was a small golden tiara holding her hair back from her face, so the black ringlets cascaded down her back. Jason felt himself fall in love with Alicia all over again.

  When Alicia reached Jason, she sat down on the bed beside him, and the hospital chaplain stepped forwards.

  “We are gathered here today, in a time that should be full of sadness and grief, to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments - the joining of two people in love, in marriage. If any persons here present know of a reason for which these two may not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace,” the chaplain said.

  The room descended into silence. No one gathered had any objections, and so the chaplain continued, “Jason Kenneth Sullivan, before God and your gathered friends and family, do you take Alicia Janaee Ripley to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “I do,” Jason said, squeezing Alicia’s hand.

  “And Alicia Janaee Ripley, before God and your gathered friends and family, do you take Jason Kenneth Sullivan to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do,” Alicia said, squeezing Jason’s hand in return.

  “By the powers vested in me by God Almighty and the state of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Jason let go of Alicia's hand and instead cupped her cheeks in his palms. He stared deeply into her eyes as he said, “Alicia, I love you with everything I have. I only wished we had more time together.”

  Alicia gazed back at Jason, her eyes filling with tears, which caused his own to fall down his cheeks. “I love you too, Jason. And always will. There’s no one else for me but you.”

  Jason crushed his lips to Alicia’s and the people gathered in the room began to cheer and clap, but it all faded away. For Jason, there was only Alicia and however long they had left together.



  Alicia was determined. She was not going to become a widow. She’d married Jason knowing full well he only had days left to live, and she didn’t regret it for a moment. Her heart belonged to him now and forever. The thing she would regret would be not fighting for her husband. She would not let Rebecca Carnegie win. She would not lose Jason.

  For so many years, Alicia had distanced herself from men, never letting them close for fear of them hurting her like Todd had, until she’d met Jason. He’d broken down the walls she’d build around her heart with his humor, kindness, compassion and the strength he’d shown leading the Shadowbrook pack against Rebecca Carnegie. He’d proven to Alicia time and time again that she could depend and count on him, that he’d never hurt her like Todd had. That’s why she’d agreed to marry him, even if they only had a few days left together, and that was also why she was not giving up, not accepting Jason would die, until she'd exhausted every possibility.

  They’d married, surrounded by his pack and her best friend in the hospital room. It wasn’t the wedding she’d imagined growing up, but it was perfect nonetheless, because she was marrying her soul mate. After the chaplain had proclaimed them husband and wife, they’d drunk champagne, and enjoyed the food Brenda, from the pack, had arranged to be delivered to the hospital room. There’d even been some dancing, as Jason got unsteadily to his feet, and held her in his arms, as they swayed together to the music played by the musician Kevin had hired.

  After their friends had left, Alicia had locked the door to the room, and then climbed into the hospital bed with Jason. Even in his weakened state, he made love to her slowly, promising in this life and the next, he’d always love her. They’d laid in each other's arms, quietly weeping over all that could have been, until they’d drifted off to sleep.

  When Alicia had to leave for work early the next morning, she left Jason sleeping, called a nurse to check on him, then returned to her room at the Maple Inn to shower, change, and have something to eat, before heading to the station.

  Rebecca Carnegie was still being held in an interrogation room in the lower level of the Lenox police department. The rest of her family had been securely transported to Boston and were now incarcerated in the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, as Captain Rogers had instructed. Her boss had allowed Rebecca to remain in Lenox so that Alicia could continue questioning the woman about what she’d poisoned Jason with.

  Thus far, Rebecca Carnegie had remained silent, taunting Alicia that Jason would soon die and the world would be rid of at least one ‘filthy mutt.’ It didn’t matter to Rebecca that she’d face a life sentence in prison for murder when Jason died, all she cared about was ensuring there was one less shifter in the world.

  All Alicia cared about was getting the truth out of Carnegie and ensuring her husband lived.

  Alicia took a deep calming breath and stepped into the room where Rebecca was being held. Since attacking Jason, she’d now been cuffed and chained to the table, but that didn’t stop the would-be murderer from sitting back smugly, openly mocking Alicia.

  “I take it the mutt hasn’t died yet? Pity,” she said as Alicia sat down opposite her.

  “No, Jason is still alive and I’m here to ensure he doesn’t die,” Alicia said coldly.

  Rebecca Carnegie actually laughed in her face. “Good luck with that, but nothing you say or do will make me tell you what I injected him with.”

  Alicia shrugged, hoping the lie she was about to tell would unnerve Carnegie into a confession. “Doesn’t matter. A top team of scientists are with him now, testing him for anything and everything. They’ll find a cure.”

  “As I said, good luck with that,” Carnegie replied with a smirk.

  “You won’t win,” Alicia said, not allowing herself to be agitated by Rebecca. “Jason will live. Which I suppose is good for you, as you won’t face murder charges. But I will personally make sure you never leave prison.”

  This time it was Carnegie who shrugged. “What do I care? Either way I’m unlikely to get a reduced sentence, but at least this way I can ensure at least one filthy shifter dies.”

  “You’re wasting your breath. They’re likely working on a cure for Jason right now,” Alicia lied, wishing desperately that they could get a team of top scientists to the hospital in time to save Jason. They were trying, but the nearest team was in Boston and couldn’t get to Great
Barrington instantly. Jason’s blood had been sent to them, but the tests took time to complete. Time Jason didn’t have.

  Alicia rose from her seat and left the interrogation room, choosing to pace the corridor outside instead of talking to Rebecca anymore. She was starting to feel like the whole attempt was futile. Carnegie really didn’t care and there was nothing Alicia could offer her to make Rebecca confess the truth. Even if she lied and said they’d found a cure for Jason, Carnegie would likely remain tight lipped just to call Alicia’s bluff.

  Threatening her would make no difference either. Rebecca knew Alicia could do nothing to harm her while in police custody … unless, she wasn’t in police custody.

  She and Jason had already discussed bringing Rebecca to Jason so that he could take her out before he died. At the time, Alicia hadn’t argued the idea, too blinded by grief to care if Jason intended to kill Carnegie. They’d spoken about it again after they’d married, when they lay alone together in Jason’s hospital bed, and Alicia had said while she understood Jason’s desire to exact revenge on Rebecca for what she’d done, as an officer of the law, she couldn’t condone or assist him.

  Even if it meant saving Jason’s life, Alicia wasn’t sure if she could offer Rebecca up to be murdered. What good would it do Jason living if he lost his soul in the process? But maybe there was another option. Would Rebecca tell Alicia what she’d poisoned Jason with, if Alicia offered her freedom? Yes, Alicia would likely lose her place on the force, but it would be worth it to save Jason.

  Alicia was about to re-enter Rebecca’s room and strike a deal with the devil, when the elevator pinged and Grace stepped out of it.

  “Any luck?” she asked.

  “No,” Alicia said sadly, wondering how much to tell her best friend. If she did confide in Grace, would her friend help her or turn her in before she had a chance to help Carnegie escape? “She wants him to die. I don’t think there’s anything I can say or so to make her tell me what she poisoned him with.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Grace said, wrapping her arms around Alicia. “I wish there was something I could do to help.”

  Here goes nothing, Alicia thought, preparing to confide her plan in Grace. “Actually, there is something you might be able to do. I’m going to release Rebecca.”

  “What? Are you insane?” Grace asked, eyes wide.

  “I have to save Jason, I can’t let him die. You’d do the same if it were Derek’s life hanging in the balance,” Alicia insisted fiercely. “Offering Rebecca freedom is the only thing I can think of that might make her tell me. She doesn’t care about a reduced sentence, but she would care about no sentence at all.”

  Grace chewed on her bottom lip thoughtfully for a moment, before saying, “You’re right, I’d do the same if it were Derek. We have to save Jason.”

  “Okay. I’m going to do it. It’s probably best if you leave before I do though. I’m going to lose my job over this, I don’t want you suffering too.”

  “Are you sure?” Grace asked. “I will stay if you need me. My job be damned, Jason is more important.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate it, but no. I have to do this alone.”

  “Okay,” Grace said, hugging her friend again. “I’ll distract Mom and the rest of the officers upstairs. Good luck.”

  “Thank you,” Alicia replied, hugging Grace back and hoping her acting as a distraction wouldn’t lead to trouble for Grace.

  When Grace got back into the elevator, Alicia returned to the interrogation room. She entered the room and covered the security camera, so there’d be no record of what she was about to do.

  “Okay, Carnegie, you’ve got me,” Alicia began without preamble. “Jason is dying and no one can cure him, so I’m willing to do a deal with you. You tell me what he was poisoned with and once they’ve cured him, I’ll help you escape.”

  Rebecca’s eyes widened and she let out a triumphant laugh. “You must really love that mutt, if you’re willing to help me escape and risk your career to save him. I’ll tell you if you get me out of here, but know in saving your lover, you’re dooming all shifters out there. I’ll find new allies, I’ll rebuild my strength, and when you least expect it, I will strike again. Sure, Jason will live now, but for how long?”

  Alicia sighed and resigned herself to the horrible truth. Saving Jason’s life would mean letting Rebecca back out into the world, which would eventually lead to her continuing her hate campaign against shifters. But what other choice did Alicia have?

  “I know that and I accept it. Jason is worth it.”

  Rebecca laughed again. “You’re crazy if you believe that, but who am I to argue with you if it leads to me escaping? Okay, get me out of here and out of Lenox. Once I’m in a secure hiding place, I will tell you what I injected him with.”

  “Okay,” Alicia said, rising from the chair. she walked around to Rebecca and unshackled the woman. “Wait here. I’ll get a disguise for you. Then I’ll hit the fire alarm and in the chaos, we can sneak out. I’ll get a car and get us to the border of Lenox, then you tell me what you injected Jason with. Deal?”

  “Deal,” Rebecca replied, extending her hand for Alicia to shake. She did so, hoping she hadn’t just doomed them all to save her husband.

  Alicia quickly made her way to the storeroom where spare uniforms and lost property was kept. She found a police uniform she thought would fit Rebecca, along with a baseball cap and pair of sunglasses. She hoped that would be enough for the two of them to get away.

  Alicia took the clothes back to Rebecca, who changed quickly, and then Alicia pulled down the lever to activate the fire alarm. The alarm rang out loud and clear, and Alicia and Rebecca hurried from the room. Before any officers came down to the basement level, Alicia led Rebecca out of a back service door and to the parking lot. Moving quickly, they got into Alicia’s car and sped out of the area. Alicia watched in the rear view mirror as the station reacted to the fire alarm, no one noticing her leave in the commotion.

  They drove out of town and onto the highway until they were a good distance away from Lenox. Then Alicia parked her car. If Rebecca was going to escape, she’d need to steal a vehicle, Alicia knew and she wouldn’t stand in the woman’s way. But she wouldn’t let Carnegie escape without knowing what she had injected Jason with, either.

  Making sure all the doors were locked, Alicia demanded answers. “This is as far as I take you. Tell me what you injected Jason with, and I let you out of the car. You’ll have enough time to get the hell out of here and hide before they realize you’re missing.”

  “And what if I lie to you and once you get to the hospital it will be too late to find me?”

  Alicia’s chest tightened. It’s a possibility she hadn’t considered in her desperation to save Jason. But what choice did she have now? She had to trust Carnegie.

  Summoning all her courage, Alicia said, “If you lie to me, I will make it my life’s mission to hunt you down.”

  Rebecca sneered. “I won’t lie to you, Officer Ripley. Soon enough I’ll kill Jason and his whole pack myself, and you will have to live with knowing you helped me do it. Their blood will be on your hands. That’s more than enough for me, so I’ll tell you, the silver was mixed with ground fragments of lunar rocks and meteorites. Turns out, as well as a weakness to silver, shifters are also vulnerable to materials from space. I spent a fortune buying fallen space rocks on eBay to ensure I had enough to make a lethal cocktail that would slowly kill any shifter I injected with it. And luckily for me, I have a supply of lunar rocks and meteorites hidden away. You saving Jason enables me to get to my hidden stash, meaning I can kill more shifters than just one.”

  Alicia paled. She had the information to save Jason’s life, but at what cost? Would she get him back for a few weeks, maybe months, before Rebecca Carnegie struck again and killed not only Alicia’s husband, but the entirety of his pack?

  Hating herself for doing it, but knowing it was the only way to save Jason, Alicia unlocked the car door so Rebecc
a could escape.

  Cackling madly, Rebecca Ccarnegie got out of the car. “It’s been a pleasure, Officer Ripley. Enjoy your time with Jason, because I’m sure I’ll be seeing you both very soon.”

  Rebecca had only taken a few steps before a group of armed police officers burst out from behind the trees and surrounded her.

  “Freeze!” Alicia heard her partner, Officer Collins, call.

  “You betrayed me!” Rebecca screached, turning back to glare at a bewildered Alicia who’d done no such thing. All Alicia could do was watch as the armed officers surrounded Rebecca and arrested her again. Collins took Carnegie to the police car waiting nearby and a bewildered Alicia looked up to see Grace approaching her.

  “What did you do?” Alicia asked as Grace opened the car door and sat down in the passenger seat.

  “Saved your ass, that’s what. Did Rebecca tell you what she injected Jason with?” Grace returned.

  “Of course, or I wouldn't have let her out of the car. But please, what’s going on?”

  “I’ll explain on the way,” Grace said. “Start the car and let's get to the hospital so they can save Jason.”



  Jason opened his eyes and the bright light overhead caused him to wince.

  Am I in heaven? he wondered. No, if this was heaven, my body wouldn’t ache so badly.

  As his eyes adjusted to the light and his other senses returned to him, Jason realized he was still in his bed in the hospital.


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