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The Dark Elf

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by C C Morgen

  In the darkness I fall,

  In the dark I shall stay,

  My heart knows nothing more than the silence that awaits.

  She is there before me with a welcoming embrace,

  She whispers my destiny

  A destiny …

  I’ll fight it till my very end.

  The Dark Elf

  C. C. Morgen

  Book Title Copyright © 2017 by Author Name. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  NIGHTMARES HAUNT ME AS I DREAM of my father's death some ages ago. The wolves tackle my child-self to the ground with sheer force. I shout in panic as I watch the crimson-haired pack leader, in human form, plunge the blade of his dagger into my father's chest. I observe in shock as my father's body collapsed from high in the branches of the sacred tree. His black hair flutters in the bitter winds before he strikes the ground. The leader known as Edon stands above my father as he takes his last breath in this world. His gray eyes pierce mine from high in the tree. The expression he shows me declares it all; he’s someone who craves for more death. He soars into the air as the werewolves crowded around and claw at my body.

  My eyes shot open, and I panted in turmoil because the dream was so vivid in my mind. I still felt the phantom sensations of the lacerations that scarred me long ago. Even though I was now an adult, I constantly have the anguish etched just beneath my skin along with the dread and the urge to slay the wolf with my bare fists.

  All these years, I’ve ached to avenge my father, yet I nevertheless feared my own nightmares, never getting a proper night's rest, being sensitive to the past. Tears dripped down my face and sweat soaked the blankets on the bed. I touched the scar on the left side of my face and traced down to my neck to my bared breast. The servants' courtiers appeared empty as I peered around, catching my breath. My sight was obscure and in a sleepless daze while I sat up. Workers had already awoken before the break of dawn to prepare for the long day. Down the passageways, souls moaned intensely from being tormented in the dungeons which stank of rotting feces.

  Beneath the castle of Greyholt was like a mausoleum with shackles and bones scattered on the floor from the captives kept here after being conquered by the Demon army. I sent those who opposed the council or broke the laws established by the king to this hell before their untimely death by execution. I have brought many to their death in these dungeons, yet I lived here anyway to separate myself from the higher classes and the royals above in the upper levels of the castle.

  This was my home away from my mother and the clan on the isle of Sanctuary, where I spent most of my childhood training to surpass all who oppose me. Luna and my best friend Phyla raised me to be who I am now. It was an ambition to develop into a warrior worthy of my father’s name, who was formerly the General of the Dark Elf army. I had not seen them since my mother exiled me and I found battles to fight in the Underworld ruled by Lord Hades. I found causes to live for, working for the Demon Empire. Although, not even war could appease the fury that erupted in my soul. It established more desire for death and destruction.

  No longer capable of sleep in the courtiers, I dressed in black slacks and wore a black leather vest, cut and tailored to fit my curved frame. The neckline covered most of the scar on my chest, but my neck and face; I hid it with a hood that buttoned to my shoulder harnesses. I kept my pointy ears covered most occasions out of reverence since all Elven people fled the Demon citadel during the Demon wars under the former empire. Now, King Balthazar rules the Demons from the new faction of lords that took over society.

  I slid on my black leather boots, which moved up to my shins. The Dark Elf clan gave many presents when I visited my ancestor's home years ago to pay tribute to the shrine, created for my father after his passing. My people honored his reign as general. Although, no one knew having me was his finest victory above all the battles he won. To show their gratitude, they offered me his sword, Valora. It meant I was now of age to obtain the sovereignty of my ancestors. The inscriptions in the blade represented the lineage of its powers. To either defend or bring death.

  They also gave me his Elven bow, preserved for my return and an extra sword along with Dark Elf leathers and lightweight armor, enchanted to be resistant to arrowheads, fire, and minor sword attacks. Dark Elf armor was flexible and kept me agile during my crusade into the Underworld. That’s when I ended up joining a regiment of warriors. They were mercenaries, and then subsequently became defenders of the kingdom.

  After fully clothing myself, I made my way down the bleak hallways. The walls moaned; the torches mounted on the arches flickered as I crossed through each section of the dreary corridors. At the east edge of the dungeon, the armory's fire was at full blaze. The smoldering heat burned like hellfire and the laborers were hammering iron, molding swords, and sharpening arrowheads.

  The blacksmith, Yeager, had already prepared my bow and sharpened a stockpile of arrows like those that he produced every morning before dawn's early light. His black, singed beard smelled like soot and coal as I approached him. Everyone here knew my routine like clockwork. Yeager and the others knew precisely the hour of day I would show up for my things. The arrows, he assembled together in a leather quiver; I belted it on my back and carried my bow over my shoulder. I thanked him as always with my right fist over my heart like how my father used to acknowledge people. After that, I went above to the surface.

  I didn't recall much about the Dark Elven ways, but I remembered my father's habits as if it was yesterday. His dignified demeanor helped me realize it’s how you carry yourself as a Dark Elf that establishes an honorable warrior. I recall him lecturing me to have a pleasant manner, be trustworthy to the ones you cherish, battle with the heart to protect and my legacy will not matter, even if I am my mother's successor to the dark clan. My mother the Dark Princess struck fear in the Underworld, so I kept private and kept to myself about my origin. Only a handful knew my true stature, but to others I'm just the lonely Dark Elf, who spilled blood and slay Demon hordes.

  The castle was like a maze. Large with many chambers and hallways that could make someone lost for weeks. The spiral staircase was ahead leading up to a gate that went out into the courtyard. Once outside, the blackness of the night still cloaked the region before daybreak. I fo
llowed the cobble-stoned path that led into the Enchanted Gardens on the east edge of the estate.

  The trees sparkled yellows and oranges from the wings of Fairies. They enchanted the petals of the cherry blossoms with their tiny bodies, marking the season of spring beginning. With the magic of the Fairies and Pixies, restoring the flowers and greenery, the luminous colors gleamed in the garden. Its elegance and extraordinary colors were the reason they gave it the name the Enchanted Gardens by Persephone, the wife of Hades. She was the reason beauty lives in the Underworld. Her gardens, this sanctuary was a place of pure serenity away from the brutality that the Demon world raged in the castle.

  At the river near, three long-haired water nymphs with shining fair skin, danced nude in peace on the riverbank. They splashed water at each other playfully and laughed in joy. Their magic, as maidens of the water, made the river glow a fluorescent green and blue, shifting its color like a pearl on the surface of the water. The full moon shuns its light on their skin, glittering like diamonds in the night as they expressed their love for nature. One saw me in the clearing and they quickly fled the river and disappeared into the dark forest.

  The moon was nearing its resolution at the separate end of the night sky while the sun across from it peeked over the horizon. Colors emerged out of the darkness when the warm light swept over the land. I watched briefly as the sun met the moon's gaze in the shared the sky as if they were lovers, saying farewell before one laid to rest.

  In a matter of minutes, the moment ended, and the sun was alone once again in the infinite sky. The sun's warmth gave me energy to keep moving even though I’d showed signs I'd been getting weaker from exhaustion. My eyes tried to focus as I carved a target on the thick bark of an old oak tree in the center of the rose garden, down the river, near the borders of the dark forest. Red roses bloomed in the light of the sun of the new day. A slight breeze from the north cooled the air, giving me a sensation of tranquility after making the mark clear on the tree, so I could see it from a distance.

  I shuffled backwards until the target was as faint as a speck in my vision. I took a single arrow from my bag, set it firmly between my fingers while setting it on the string, laying the base of the arrow on the bow. I stretched the string back using the muscles in my shoulders to pull as hard as I could until it could stretch no further.

  The air was calm with silence. The wind had finally stopped blowing long enough for me to focus on the target ahead. I took a deep breath when my arrowhead found the mark. Then, in the blink of an eye, I released the string. The arrow cut through the air and hit the center point as it pierced the tree. I breathed normally again and relaxed my body to the sight of my good aim.

  Suddenly, I heard clapping from behind. The distraction immediately caught my attention, and I turned my head to see a dark-haired woman in a black skirt with high-heeled leather boots that raised to her knees. Her curly locks dangled over her white blouse, her breasts lifted firmly from a tight corset around her waist. Her curved body caught my attention as she stood defiantly, watching me with her dark eyes, biting her bottom lip deviously. The thick silver necklace around her neck glistened in the sunlight with a locket that laid nestled in her cleavage, accentuating her fair skin. It was obvious that she was from a high-class family.

  "Angelica…" I spoke her name in surprise. "I expected no one else to be out in the garden at this hour."

  Angelica's silky red lips grinned in a way that appeared disastrous. With a flick of her wrist, she sent an exploding wind in my direction as an attack. I quickly reacted by raising my arm, now creating a barrier shield to block the magic from lacerating my skin. The force of the wind was so strong it flung back my hood, exposing my short black hair to the chills of magic. Then in a split second, she dashed behind me and wrapped her slender arms around my chest, gently kissing the back of my neck. Her lips felt smooth and exotic on my skin, sending a sensation of heat around my body.

  "You lose," she whispered as her lips grazed my pointy ears, sending goosebumps down my back. She held me close to her chest where the softness of her breasts presses against me. Her nose traced down my neck, smelling me while adrenaline pumped through my veins. The mere touch of her made my blood boil with sexual tension. "Your life energy is so tempting to take right now." She moaned as it turned her on to smell my scent. "I just want a taste." When she was distracted, I grabbed her arm and tossed her over my shoulders until she lied flat on her back. I firmly pinned her down at the wrist and laid my weight on her. "I like this position much better." She said, excited about me being on top of her. I gazed into her eyes, gripping her tight so she couldn't move. She slipped one arm free, grasped the back of my neck, and pulled me close until I was a breath away from her lips. The look in her eyes spoke desire as if she wanted to kiss me. "Ok! I give up." She relaxed under me, submissively. "You can have your way with me." She smiled playfully and kissed my cheek.

  The blood rush to my face making me flushed as I hurried off her, trying to fight the feeling of excitement. "Your idea of fun is beyond me," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed that she took me off guard.

  "You're so shy," she giggled slightly to my reaction. "I will not bite—much." She reached her hand out. "Now, be kind and help a lady up."

  I did as she asked and helped her to her feet once again.

  She brushed her clothes free of any dirt or bug that got on her while she was on the ground before meeting my gaze. "That was fun." She smiled with more radiance than before. "I enjoyed that more than I should."

  "For a second there, I thought you were going to send me to my death." I felt relieved that I could block her attack on time. “There was more magic in that attack than usual."

  "I knew you could handle it." She fixed my spiky hair to look decent again, purposely keeping close to my face, trying to gain my attention with her beauty. She was taller than I was, and her chest was nearly at eye level, where I could smell the scent of sweet oils on her skin, which intoxicated my senses. "We're linked remember. I would know right away if you weren't ready."

  "I see ..." I stepped away from her, getting too aroused. Angelica had a way of making me lose my composure and become overwhelmed with passionate feelings when I needed to stay focused on my rage towards my mother and avenging my father. However, she had that ability to break me from my torment. "Your mind always amazes me," I answered with sarcasm.

  "You're fighting techniques are flawless, but your awareness is not here today." She stated in concern since I normally had better performance with her during training. "I watched you for a good while and still you didn't detect me. I could have killed you instantly. Have you forgotten what I taught you?"

  "I haven't forgotten," I sighed from exhaustion. "Use my powers to enhance my senses—to see what cannot be seen—I know." My mood shifted into a gloom-like state and my face a void of emotion.

  "I feel you're distracted by something." Angelica caring for my well-being touched my face and stared into my eyes.

  I grasped her wrist and pushed it away, knowing she was peering into my mind. She found what tormented me, locked away in my thoughts. Her invading my privacy enraged me.

  "You're having nightmares again," she said. "It's about the past. It still haunts you."

  "Angelica—why…?" My rage took over until my eyes turned black from the darkness that infected me.

  She noticed the strength of my rage with the roaring winds that formed around us. "I'm sorry." She grabbed my hand to calm the situation. "I know you don't like it when I invade your mind without permission. I am sorry. I don't know what possessed me to do so."

  The warm touch of her hand eased my anger. Soon enough, my eyes went back to normal, and the darkness didn't course through my veins anymore. "It's fine—no need to apologize," I said feeling like my normal self again. "It shouldn't bother me. You are my friend and I trust you. I should show less insecurity since your only trying to help. I am sorry for reacting badly. The rage, it's hard to control sometimes."
br />   "I worry for you," she said while pulling me closer. "Yes, I care about you. I'm glad you know after all this time."

  "I do, thank you. I'm grateful for what you've done for me."

  "I feel that you're still in so much pain even though you hide it well from the others," Angelica answered with concern in her eyes. "I can feel your rage in my mind like it's a part of me, but I know you can overcome it. You're better than this. You are not your mother's daughter."

  I kissed her hand to comfort her. "You shouldn't worry too much about me. I'm stronger now than I was then. I will not cry under this old oak again. Not unless my heart breaks."

  "I would cherish the day when you finally feel something more than just anger and pain."

  "There's no point in pursuing other feelings," I sighed to my answer, lying to her. "I'm a warrior just like my father and his father before him."

  "I wish I could understand why you are doing this to yourself. What changed in you after all this time? You're so different now. I understand you're struggling with this pursuit to become like your father. However, you're also the descendent of Celaeno, Queen of the Harpys. Your mother is Alphard; the cold-hearted Dark Princess that sends her hellhounds to bring the Underworld to its knees. You are destined to be something more than just a warrior. You're meant to be a Harpy, an Immortal, like me. I've accepted now you cannot be just an Elf. I will care about you regardless if you transitioned. I realized after all this time, you barely possess the full strength of a Dark Elf, by not accepting who you are, I fear of losing you one day. I rather you gain your title than see anything happen to you."

  "I lack the need to become what I should be or what I’m destined," I answered, trying to not get angry. "I want to be my own being, not what I'm meant to be based on my family. I want to continue being who I am now. The warrior of this kingdom that’s what matters."


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