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The Dark Elf

Page 4

by C C Morgen

  "What do you mean?" I requested, leaning closer to talk further in secret.

  "Derex has been doing favors for a favor for quite some time, doing deals," Eric said in a moderate tone so our voices remained unheard. "He's been making shady deals here and there. Small stuff regularly, nothing substantial for the king to learn about. I heard whatever you need; he seems to follow through well."

  "I don't know why Ali associates herself with him," I responded. "I don't admire how he carries himself, toying with individuals like they’re pieces to a perverse game. In addition, his acquaintances are the old-world Demons. The groups who believe we should not abide by the treaty required to safeguard the rights of man. They demanded to be the prevailing race in the mundane world. Of course, the plan was to decimate humanity altogether and even obliterate the third realm from existence. Demons like I regarded the conclusion of such actions a radical idea. That's why our hierarchy was established in the first place. The reign of our king has contributed to unity and sealed away the ancient ways. A lot has evolved since the dark ages, Eric."

  "Claudia once mentioned something about the old-world Demons," Eric responded. "I never realized how rough those times were. She plays it off sometimes like she worshipped the ancient ways."

  "Actually, when we were younger, she was a devotee in the ancient ways," I agreed. "Our mother had to re-educate her to shift her point-of-view after the Harpys invaded the Underworld. However, you know my sister, so you've realized she can be stubborn as a mule. I suppose being the next heir to the council seat has encouraged her to outgrow the phase, considerably. Seeing her with Derex reminds me of that part of her, the part that seeks power. I wonder if Ali knows."

  "Ali knows everything," Eric declared. "I've never known her to be naïve, she sometimes terrifies me with how much she knows and the secrets she keeps from us. Besides, she and Derex have been friends for quite some time. Mostly because he's doing something for her."

  "They have an arrangement?” I became even more curious than before over their friendship.

  "Not quite," Eric answered seemingly uncertain whether he should reveal anything. "I brought it up to her one occasion since she hasn't been herself lately. She simply answered, he's finding someone for her. Knowing Ali for so long, the sole person she would want to find is the wolf that murdered her father."

  "She never mentioned it," I replied, staring over at their table. "Here I was assuming we were becoming closer."

  "Don't worry Angelica," he grasped my hand swiftly. "She's just used to keeping everything private. It has nothing to do with your friendship."

  "You've known all this time she and I are friends." I sighed in relief with how consoling it was to hear his response.

  “Angelica. You two are more than obvious," Eric chuckled. "The men and I have noticed for a long time now you two had forged a bond and were meeting up discreetly. We realized it after Ali used magic while being out on duties. She had never used magic before until we arrived here three years ago. It was straightforward enough when you aided us on the mission in the south. No other Demon agreed to help us navigate the Underworld, but you did. I've never seen Ali so protective of someone as often as she did with you. Let alone connect with someone so genuinely. Even though you handled yourself well in battle, she never left your side. To be sincere, we guessed you two would have become lovers by now. Or even married." Eric rubbed his head and crouched down. "I think you two are perfect for each other."

  "Really now?" I responded, feeling my heart sink, thinking Ali has not considered us being together in that way. Eric was right though. We've had a unique relationship since traveling together in the Underworld. Those times had become memories I cherished. My fingertips automatically gripped the silver pendant around my neck where all my memories of her were locked away inside. "You realize I love Ali very much. I'm glad you both arrived here. You’ve been wonderful to my sister. Better than I imagined. Besides, she has changed so much being with you. I genuinely do support your marriage."

  "Thank you, soon to be sister-in-law," Eric winked. "It would be great to call Ali a sister as well. Be one big happy family."

  I threw a grape at him. "Not helping."

  "She will come around someday," he explained. "Just be patient for a while longer. Ali has a lot going on right now, but I’m positive she recognizes you are one of the positive things in her life. Believe me she hasn't had that in a long time, not with the history she has."

  "She really just wants the guy who killed her father," I understood her motives by using Derex’s resources. "Do you know who he is by any chance? Ali hardly said enough about it. And I've only had a glimpse of him in Ali's mind."

  "As you might already realize, the scars on her body is from that day. Her father was best friends with the wolf that killed him. It's quite tragic really, the way she told me about it. They were all friends of her mother. Edon was his name. The eldest descendant of the supreme alpha of all the packs. Kind of like a prince, you would say. A conflict emerged when Ali's mother chose General Alucard to conceive a child with. That enraged Edon since he was in-love with Alphard as well. He separated from his pack along with admirers who didn't want to follow the laws anymore, so he had his very own pack of vicious wolves to support his bitterness. That's when it took place. When Alphard found out you can simply imagine the controversy. Her only child almost slain by her best friend. Not to mention Edon was literally the child of the Dark Queen’s Hellhound. That hound was Ali's teacher. The very individual who trained her to be capable enough to challenge her son in a duel. I've learned over time he is a powerful adversary. He can most likely kill her if they fight to the death. Ali must feel ready now if she's seeking to find him."

  "Perhaps, that's the reason the nightmares have become worse," I suggested. "She’s concerned about whether she’s capable of avenging her father."

  "There's no doubt she fears him, Angelica," Eric responded. "Ali has engaged in countless foes but dealing with her past we all know it frightens her. She will have to fight the wolf who defeated her father. I discovered he was a skilled warrior himself. General Alucard! Honored by his people by being the most agile with a sword since the original general led the tribe into victory in the troll wars. Ali has to match up to his title and even more if she is to defeat Edon."

  "I wonder if she will find peace by succeeding in her revenge," I sighed. "We both know revenge never truly erases the pain."

  "Ali might come to her senses one day," he assured me. "I don't want to lose my best friend anytime soon over revenge. But all we can do is support her."

  I picked up my chalice. "To Ali." Eric picked up his pint of ale and we toasted. "May she find happiness?"

  "To her long-awaited happiness," he said while tapping the edge of my chalice.

  "What do we have here?" Claudia interrupted before we could sip our drinks. "You two have been getting cozy over here. What did I miss?"

  I laughed. "Nothing sister. We were just gossiping about you."

  Claudia grasped my chin and kissed my cheek. "I love you sister; you’re such a good liar." She grinned and then kissed Eric on the lips before she sat back down next to him. "I love you both. But sister you need to find a proper suitor, so you can stop cozying up to my fiancé."

  Eric laughed. "You should focus more of your attention on me and let your sweet sister be." He laid his arm on her shoulder and held her close while whispering something in her ear. She blushed bright red and kissed the back of his neck. His eyes turned to me and I mouthed, `thank you.'

  Eric tried his best to distract my sister, so she could leave me alone. That's why I considered him a nice addition to our family. He cared about my happiness and me. Sometimes, I thought he was too good for my sister, with her being so stuck up like most of the noble class. Then later, I despised after realizing there's more to life than just fancy attire and social events. Ali showed me what it's like to be myself. In return, I will become more open with our relationship and not fear t
he consequences of loving a Dark Elf who is also the daughter of our sworn enemy, the Harpy.




  TIME HAD PASSED SINCE LEAVING Sanctuary to pursue my eagerness for blood. The Underworld differed from what I imagined, including vast greenery of woodlands with towering trees that stood as high as the sky. The province was fertile with fields of blossoms and evergreen. I was in reverence while walking with six other fighters with the same passion to find and engage in battles. We were mercenaries looking for steady jobs in each village who'd provide us a chance to practice our skills. I craved formidable adversaries who could test me in a fight.

  We crossed through long regions of deserts and through cold icy peaks. The ruins of the north were the most magnificent sight at the crest of what was formerly the castle of the Ice king. He was a great white Dragon with diamond crystal scales who created chilling winds with its breathing, turning all into ice. The Dragon had a remarkable ability for creating enchanted metals that blacksmiths wanted to exploit by forging magical weapons. However, after the violent rise in the Demon population, the Dragon King abandoned the castle to reside in another realm. The fortress was left unoccupied after being invaded by hordes of uncontrollable Ghouls who destroyed practically everything centuries ago.

  To the south was a treacherous place we didn't dare to venture. It was a land engulfed in fire, where volcanoes erupted spewing molten magma that formed a lake of flames, circulating around an obsidian castle. We discovered it was built with stone bridges to withstand the intensity to pass over into the palace. The mountain itself was ruled by a higher being that could wield the fire at will. The heat alone sufficed to keep us away from the lord of fire and brimstone.

  My companions were a rare bunch. They were once warriors in the mundane world before their lives resulted in death. Leonidas, Achilles, Ethos, Romulus, Gabriel, and Eric had turned into my comrades and brothers in arms through my journey.

  They showed up to the Underworld instead of reincarnating back into the third realm. In a sense, I figured out why. Things that are further compelling were in this world to encounter. Such as Dragons, Demons, Monsters, graceful maidens that had capabilities to produce wonders. Something the mundane world lacked. Magic!

  Out of all the members in our group, I associated the most with Eric. He was a Viking from the north were my mother and father came from. He helped pillage coastal villages with his men and toured the high sea. It took a moment for him to become used to being so far inland away from the ocean when he arrived in the Underworld with us.

  Eric kept his hair buzzed and his face shaved, which differed from everyone else in our company who had facial hair to maintain a masculine image. He was lean and thin unlike the others who were robust and tall.

  He and I were the odd ones in the group. Both small, but agile in battle. I was quick on my feet and so was Eric. I was the archer and Eric wielded an axe. We paired in the heat of battle against our foe when they were overwhelming. He watched my rear while I shot our opponents from afar. My aim was always precise with every unlucky soul who received my arrowhead.

  I trusted Eric the most in the group and we became best buddies. Unlike the rest, I opened about my life to him. Shared my past and turmoil of what happened. He empathized with my rage, knowing I wanted to avenge my father someday. It's a matter of being strong enough to defeat my opponent.

  I learned Eric was the biggest charmer and loved to seduce beautiful women in the villages we visited. The men would always find a place to drink the best wine and have the finest ladies except for Gabriel. He preferred beautiful, lean cut men. His beautiful long streams of golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes caught the eyes of men in the whorehouses. Like Eric, he likes to sleep with the company of a warm body. Unfortunately, I didn't share the same urge to indulge in bodily pleasures like the men. While they had fun, I kept to myself, thinking and drinking wine. I took it upon myself to be away from their loud demeanor when they were drunk and indulging both men and women. The sounds alone were ear shattering since I was fortunate enough to have inherited a heightened sense of hearing.

  Being away from the villages and forced to rest outdoors, they would gossip about their long nights of sex and go into the detail that forced me to leave the premises where I could no longer hear their conversations. Eric had always kept me company when I wanted to be away from the others.

  We had made camp at the outskirts of a castle between large peaks. It appeared secluded from the outer wings of the Dark Forest. However, the forest wasn't a safe place to venture at night. There were rumors of poor careless souls losing their minds as they wandered too deep into the thickness of the trees. Anyone who dared to enter would become lost and never found again. In the distance, I could see the stone path written in magical spells to protect travelers as they wandered through to prevent them from perishing. The embedded cobblestones gave protection from the forests and whatever awaited within the sinister silence; to gobble up anybody who'd dare to act reckless in its domain.

  The castle was the citadel of the Demon society. We learned from other villages that Demon lords and the king lived within the castle known as Greyholt. It looked like a promising place from a distance. They had a vast courtyard and a magnificent garden that stretched all the way to the edge of the Dark Forest. It appeared calm to glance at from the top of the cliff which overlooked the kingdom. Eric and I sat at the peak viewing the soldier's outpost just below the summit. We expected the kingdom to be more guarded, yet there was barely anyone on duty.

  "Eric! Don’t you think it's a little too quiet for a kingdom harboring royals?"

  "Maybe," he acknowledged. "I’ve never known a castle so unguarded in my days. They probably have something going on that's occupying their soldiers."

  "It's beautiful though—the Demon Citadel," I declared while appreciating the view.

  "So, Ali! Why haven't you indulged in someone?” He nudged my side. "Are you still a virgin? Is that it?"

  I scolded him. "Ugh! Why would you ask me that?"

  "I'm curious," he laughed. "You're such a beautiful Elven woman. Are you self-conscious about your scars? Is that it? I noticed you consistently keep your hood up when we are around others."

  "I don't care about all that," I shrugged my shoulders. "My scar has nothing to do with it. It's appalling to stare at, but I don't have such sentiments towards anyone."

  "How can that be,” he urged. "There are so many lovely creatures out there. I can't refuse any of them."

  "You would worship the island my family raised me on," I smirked. "My grandmother's kingdom has nothing but beautiful creatures. The servants are all breathtaking. My mother is half Succubus, so I'm used to witnessing things by accident that appear in the shadows of the hallways. The women are sexually open on the isle. I somewhat just shunned away from it all and concentrated on training. But I'm not a virgin."

  "Really now," he seems astonished. "I thought all this time you were.

  "No," I responded. "I'm just not open about it."

  "Can you please share?" He nudged my arm again with his. "Come on. Let me hear all about it."

  "If I explain, will you demand nothing like this ever again? These types of questions embarrass me."

  "All right," Eric agreed. "I forgot Dark Elves are private creatures."

  "Ok. Since my mother is half demon. There was a probability I could inherit the traits of a Succubus. The hunger. The pheromones. The skin change. Since I'm only quarter demon, I needed to make certain I would not be a matured Succubus and have to survive off of sexual energy. The reason it concerned me at the time was that my mother already had so many victims under her since the day she matured, so it worried me. I had my best friend Phyla seduce me. It seemed awkward at first since she is a lot older than I am by centuries and I was only eighteen. She was a lot more experienced in those type of things, already having many mates. After feeling her lips kiss me that night, I eased
into it. She held me in a way that just didn't make it feel so bad. I was so nervous at first. By the way, Phyla's good at kissing. Her lips were soft like velvet and the feel of her hand caressing my skin—it was gentle. She kissed my scars, making me feel comfortable being unclothed in front of her. And you're right. I'm actually self-conscious about my scars. Just not with her at that time. She knew my insecurities, and she took all the fear away when her lips kissed places that made my blood hot." I felt the heat in my face from blushing. "We locked to each other all night until the next morning. When I didn't become a mature Succubus after being with her in that way; I knew I would not be like my mother. Phyla and I left it at that. Then, it was shortly after, I had to leave home. For a long time, I was sad about leaving her behind. I was attached to her and her to me whether it was a friend or lover."

  "Thank the ninth heavens!" Eric chanted. "To think I assumed wrong. You had sex with your best friend! Does that mean I'm next?" He winked, joking around.

  I punched him in the arm. "Not happening brother." I laughed until a tall blaze of fire erupted from the east end of the castle. "What was that?" I stood up to the sound of screams, carrying with the wind. "Eric, what's going on?" The voices became louder with the soldiers yelling on the move.

  "I don't know," he answered. "They might be under attack."

  The screams continued to echo up the cliff, and more fire exploded throughout the castle. Near the edge of the Dark Forest, a horde of Ghoul Demons scurried on all fours, charging towards the castle. Increasingly exited the forest in large groups, attacking the soldiers in the fields.

  "We need to help them." I ran to camp and grabbed my swords and strapped them on my back with my quiver of arrows. Then, I rushed to grab my bow that was laid against the base of the tree and sprinted down the mountain as fast as my legs could run.


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