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The Dark Elf

Page 10

by C C Morgen

  “I am surprised Angelica that after nearly losing your life you’d put yourself at risk for this empire,” the king replied. “Why would I deny such honor to a lord of your strength and courage?” He looked at the crowd casting their eyes away in shame from not wanting to volunteer.

  “None of you will step forward to take my sister’s place,” Claudia yelled at the crowd with tears nearly falling from her glazed eyes. “Will you not volunteer for your empire?” She listened to their silence. “You sacrifice my little sister over your own lives. She is not strong enough alone to face the fires down there.”

  The king sighed. “Well, since no one had the courage to step forward. Angelica you will be the eighth in the mission to the south. We will honor you and your family name for all eternity for your service to the empire.”

  “I’ll send you all the blessing of the kingdom Angelica,” the princess announced. “It’s settled. Warriors—will you help us once again?”

  I stepped forward to the table and looked straight at Angelica. “The blood of the fallen has etched my sword. I will not deny it a fight even if it’s hopeless to win. I will fight for your empire.” I gazed into her eyes that was taken back by my response. “I will protect you.” The king could not tell the difference of what my words meant because it was not for anyone else except for Angelica. Even Eric knew what I meant; giving me a glare, then moved his eyes on her. “I will give my life to make sure that promise is kept.”

  The men bowed their heads all at once, saying, “We pledge ourselves to your cause.” They all laid their hands on my shoulder, letting me know, we will fight and most likely die together in battle. This was our brotherhood. We are now the seven warriors of the empire.

  I will protect you Angelica, even though you see me as your enemy.



  ONE DAY HAS PASSED SINCE the meeting with the king. Claudia remained silent towards me since I volunteered for the mission to annihilate Castilian permanently. The idea of me facing an old Demon Lord left no confidence in my ability to defeat him. My hands trembled while packing a sack with the supplies I needed to survive the travels across the Underworld. Agnes prepared vials of potions that simulate the life energy to replace what I would get from my hosts. I had to feed normally and maintain my strength on the long journey ahead. The warriors needed to have their strength, so I must fight the urge to feed on them if I suffer from starvation.

  Ali left an impression that day when she said those words, ‘I’ll protect you’. She wasn’t referring to the empire when she spoke with those intense eyes, looking straight at me. I swear she said it out of spite of what happened between us. Why are you bringing me guilt in a time like this where my focus needs to be on my duty as a Lord?

  Claudia stood in the balcony's corner, gazing out the window, avoiding my face. I was doing this for her more than my duty. My sister has to live, because the council seat is the last place where my life should be. Besides, this is my way of gratitude to Ali. None of the other lords would sacrifice themselves to help her and the men. Claudia knew this and so did the king. The seven warriors deserve a solid chance against Lord Castilian and the horde.

  “Sister,” Claudia finally broke her silence in a soft sad tone. “I beg you to decline. Stay here where it’s safe. Where I can protect you.”

  “I gave my word Claudia,” I sighed, understanding her fear of losing me. “My dark magic will be useful on this mission.” I glanced over at her blank face, her eyes wandered off on the sun breaking over the peaks. “You can’t always protect me. Last time we nearly lost our lives to this rebellion.”

  She glared at me. “I should be the one going, not you!”

  “We’ve been over this,” I strolled over to her; my hand caressed her cheek as I pulled her in for a hug. “It’s because you are so strong I want you to stay here and protect our family. Mother needs you more than ever; we both know that. You may be self-centered, sister, but you are devoted to our family, which is why I can always trust you to take care of things while I’m gone.”

  Her arms finally embraced me, and her head laid onto my shoulder. “I’m not asking to promise me you will come home, because that is not the reality of this. All I ask of you… Don’t hold back. Give them a taste of our family name. If you don’t return, at least I know you showed them the power of the new lords that will reign hell on them if they dare to step before me again.”

  “Yes Claudia,” I agreed. “I will give them hell for you until my last breath. Besides, I will not be alone. Ali will be there to protect me until the very end. She swore it in the council room in front of everyone.”

  “I know sister,” she responded. “Her eyes look directly at you, not the king when she made her vow. Ali’s intention is questionable, but I trust her to protect you. If she comes back here alive without you, I will kill her. Know that I swear upon the blood of our family. I will rip her apart.”

  “Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that,” I answered knowing that my sister spoke the truth. Ali’s life will end the day mine is taken from this world. My sister is dramatic, but sincere in her words as a blood oath to slay the one she curses to death. “If so—then you may do as you please, sister. I would only hope you learn to give mercy. Ali is your savior, remember.”

  “I’ll try my best. For your sake—I will try.”

  Time was up when mother entered; her eyes bloodshot and her cheeks rose red from crying. Our mother was weak when it came to Claudia and me. Leaving on this mission left her emotionally distant to the point of not looking me in the eye. She turned her face away the moment I approached her. “It’s time Angelica. The warriors are prepared to leave soon.”

  “Thank you, mother.” I kissed her cheek as I carried my bag over my shoulder and exited the room. It was pointless to say goodbye to anyone. I just passed everyone in the halls until I reached the seven warriors outside the castles near seven Shadow Striders.

  Striders are our prized breed, large creatures that appeared like horses in the mundane world; coats black and shiny as silk; tall and thick muscles that made them strong against the dangers of the Underworld and could disappear in the shadows like a ghost in the wind to avoid conflict. Their eyes glowed red and a dark mist formed at their hooves, shifting like smoke around their legs.

  They stood lined together in the courtyard for us to ride out. The men wore their new black leathers enchanted with protections spells to repel a Ghoul’s poisonous grip and the heat of the fiery pits of Ashhedge.

  Ali caught my eye first. Her hood on as always, covering her scarred face and ears. She wore a black quiver behind her back filled with arrows, freshly sharpened by our blacksmiths in the Dungeons. Valora and another Elven sword, strapped on her back at a reachable length. The black leathers she wore was the traditional Dark Elf armor. Light and fit to accommodate the agility and speed of her slim, lean body. Her black leather boot raised above her shin, covering most of her linen slacks. She also wore from our artillery thick leather armbands that went up to her elbows. They were enchanted as well to protect her from the poison a Ghoul secretes at the touch. However, I noticed she didn’t have the enchantment against extreme heat. Is she immune to fire?

  Eric stood next to her with his freshly sharpened axe, ready in his gear like the rest. I could tell that he and Ali were close like partners. He was more protective of her than the others that stood a body length distant apart from them. “Good morning, milady.” He bowed his head as I approached them. Ali remained quiet, looking away. “Good morning, Eric… Ali.”

  She went over to a Shadow Strider and tugged its reins to follow her towards me.

  “Milady.” She extended her hand for me to get on the Strider. I gripped on the saddle and pulled myself up while she lifted my leg over the back. I was insecure of the height at first and my balance was off. It had been a long time since I last rode a Strider. Its breath was heavy, and I could feel the strength underneath me as it swayed back and forth. Ali ke
pt the horse calm by patting its side as if she knew I was uneasy. She kept near me as the men rallied around us.

  “How far is the castle from here?” Eric asked holding the axe on his shoulders, grinning at the sight of Ali and me together.

  “It’s about a two-and-a-half days ride from this castle,” I answered. “There are villages along the way, so you can at least enjoy yourselves at a tavern with the locals. The closer we get to the mountain, the hotter it will be. The heat is something you have never felt before. None has dared to live that far south towards the burning mountain. Hopefully, the journey there will be clear because once we reach our destination that’s where havoc will reign upon us.”

  “What should we expect?” Gabriel asked, his clear blue eyes catching my gaze. His silver armor polished and ready for the journey.

  “The horde alone will be hard, but not having much ground to fight them is the challenge you will face. There are only obsidian bridges built to last in the fire, leading to the castle. However, don’t fret just yet. There is hope. Inside the rooms of the castle—we built them with enchantments to help keep out the horde. It was once a stronghold for the Demon Lords during battle to keep away Ghouls. The enchantments on your armor will keep you from getting poisoned by their touch. Eric has witnessed how lethal it can be without the right protection. Ali as well. The other enchantment is to keep you cool against the fires of the mountain. If you’re not a Demon, just being close to the mountain, the heat alone will kill you before reaching the bridges to cross the river of fire.”

  “What about the fire lord?” Eric asked. “What do we expect from him?”

  “He is a strong Demon that conjures fire,” I answered. “He is hideous with burning red eyes, black hair, and charred gray skin. The veins in his body burn orange and red like fire through his skin. Therefore, you will know if he presents himself. The flames he manifests can annihilate everything in its path. Our goal is to strike without him calling upon the fire for aid.”

  “What happens when he summons fire?” Achilles asked.

  “I will have to use all my power to conceal his flames. He will only be able to summon it at night and only once. By then you might as well retreat and save yourselves, because I will be too weak to fight him. This whole mission relies on us to strike in the day when he is at his weakest. I will too, but with your skills, it is possible to defeat him. Therefore, the king said this is a suicidal mission.”

  “Sounds like a worthy death to me, men,” Eric announced. “Might as well have fun along the way if this will be our last.”

  “We live for this milady,” Ali interrupted. “Nothing you say will give us fear or have us turn away from this journey. If it means death, it will be an honorable one. The lord of fire will be a foe worthy of us.”

  “So, shall it be then,” I said. “If this is your decision—let us ride.

  The men leaped onto the Striders and Ali climbed onto the back of mine. “I hope you don’t mind milady,” she said apologetically. “I’m not skilled at riding such creatures.”

  Suddenly, a wide grin formed on my face and I had to turn away before she could notice. “I don’t mind,” I stated. “To be honest, I don’t ride well either. Maybe I’ll get better on this journey.”

  The men galloped off, exiting the gates to the kingdom ahead of us. Ali slapped the behind of the Strider and I felt the heavy strut as its hooves hit the ground like a hammer. When it seemed like I would fall off not balancing myself on the saddle, Ali would grab my waist firmly, adjusting me back in place before I could slide off. She sat close where I could feel her breath on the back of my neck. Even though she confessed not knowing how to ride, her balance was flawless, following to the movement of the Strider as we caught up to the men.

  In the Underworld, the sun rose in north and sets in the south. The morning sun hit our backs riding south of the trail through the Dark Forest. The shadows of the trees shifted in the light. I sensed the creatures that lingered in these woods that watched us in hiding. Ali noticed them as well. We were being watched.

  The men rode in pairs next to each other in silence, glancing at the trees with cautious eyes. Eric rode next to us and Ali drew her sword Valora. The color of her sword radiated a blue light and suddenly the presence watching us disappeared.

  Ali holstered her sword once again, and I felt her body relax behind me the moment the threat was gone. “Grimshadows,” she spoke. “It had to be Grimshadows that haunt these woods.”

  “What are Grimshadows?” Eric asked.

  “Creatures with no form,” I answered for Ali. “They are colorless, with no face. They can turn themselves into anything to hunt souls, bringing out their deepest fear. Powerful ones can create illusions that can trap its prey in the forest. Never leaving once, being entrapped by a Grimshadows suggestion. Their weakness is the light, so they always hide in the shadows of the trees.”

  “Are they hunting us now?” Eric glanced at the shadows frantically.

  “You can relax now,” I replied before he worked himself into anxiety. “They will not bother us. Ali is a greater risk to them with her sword’s power to produce light in the blade.

  Eric exhaled. “That’s a relief. How did you know about them, Ali?”

  “My mother talked about them when I was a child,” she answered. “It’s a common creature under the rule of Lord Tobias. The Absence of Light.”

  “That’s right,” I said in surprise she knew. “Since your mother is half Demon, she must have learned our world and its history.”

  “Some of it,” Ali answered softer than usual. “Just what she needed to know, mostly. It never interested my mother about Demons and the Underworld.”

  “She had to learn somehow by another Demon if that is so,” I implied. “History and our ways are private. We reveal nothing. Not even our names to other creatures unless it’s one of our own. We frown upon Demons that share details of our lives.”

  “My grandfather taught my mother,” she answered vaguely.

  “Your grandfather,” it surprised me of her answer. “I thought your kind don’t involve the other parent in their children’s life,” I spoke softly to the point of whispering, so the other men didn’t hear our conversation.

  “My mother and I are an exception,” Ali answered yet again not going into detail. “No need to frown upon, my grandfather is active in our lives with my grandmother's permission. The other clans are kept in the dark about it to avoid conflict. I wish that would change though. Some of my cousins actually have brothers they can never see.”

  “Harpys can give birth to males as well?” I asked curiously. “I thought you only gave birth to women.”

  “That’s a cruel deception,” she answered. “If they give birth to a male, it is sent to stay with their father or fostered to someone else that owes a favor to the clan. They keep all girls, obviously… It is the old ways of our family. Hades will not allow males to be reborn into the clan. If I had the power, I would change everything. I even told my mother once if I was next to be Queen I will bend our world to change it for the better. If it were possible, I would give my mother her love back and my family.”

  “It’s impossible to undo the power of a God especially from Hades,” I replied out of pessimism. “Only the ninth heaven has the power to reverse what is created and change it. What you want is a miracle. Even my kind wishes for miracles like that, to be welcomed into the light. It would be nice to not always do the things we do to survive. I’ve accepted things how they are and that it will never change.”

  “I like to keep a strand of hope for things to change for the better,” she answered with optimism. “No matter how many centuries it takes, I want to keep my belief it will happen soon. Maybe by then, I’ll be able to know if my mother truly loves me as her daughter or was I just an heir my grandmother forced her to create.”

  “You love your mother even though she can’t love you back,” I replied.

  “I love her regardless of her nature,”
Ali answered with sincerity. “I will always love her even though she is cruel to me. Even though she schemes for my return, I know my mother well; and I love her still until my end. Which might be sooner than we think, volunteering on this mission.”

  “That might be true for all of us,” I said. “Only the ninth heaven knows our fate at this point. I’m not even sure I’ll be able to fulfill what the king stated at the ceremony. Getting married, having children, living life as I see fit.” I giggled in hysteria. “I never thought of it all to be quite honest. My sister and I have always been concerned with other things. Like I’d prefer practicing the dark arts and learning sorcery. Claudia likes to indulge in the attention of others and most of all sex and romance. I have to admit my sister is a romantic. She enjoys the idea of being embraced in loving words and touched with passion from someone who desires her with their heart, more than their need of physical ecstasy. The lords of our empire unfortunately have not pleased my sister in that aspect.”

  “Maybe she hasn’t experienced a charming character like me yet,” Eric butted in on the conversation and winked at me. Ali shoved him hard until he fell off the Strider. His body thudded hard against the ground and he screeched in pain. “Ow. Why did you do that?”

  “Stop being you for a moment—ugh,” Ali groaned in irritation.

  I laughed at the sight of him struggling to get up from the ground and hurried to get back on the Strider to catch up with us. This would be an interesting journey with Ali, Eric and the rest. They seemed fearless and Ali despite our situation she was treating me the same as the day we met, putting no ease to how I treated her.


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