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Page 7

by Yvonne Nicolas

  One soldier drew a bow from his back holster and released a glowing arrow. It shot through Camrath’s misty form, making him stir, and landed in the center of the ceiling. The gleaming shaft sunk into the surface, disappearing from sight. Then, a white wave of light rippled across the roof illuminating the dim space. It created a shield, one that made it impossible for Camrath to escape the room.

  Gazing into the light hurt Tristan’s eyes, but he couldn’t look away.

  The angry fog fluctuated wildly then turned into a large roaring shadow.

  “Uh-ohh, someone’s pissed,” the archer harped as he scaled up the wall. He moved with the agility of a cat. One of his grounded comrades tossed a metal-linked net up to him. As he caught it, he leapt toward the billowing mass of darkness and swept the net over it. In a few fluid movements, he drew the ends of the net together, capturing the disembodied vampire, then he landed without a single sound. “Ta-dah! Outlaw Noble in the bag.” He tossed the netting on the floor with Camrath inside. “Mission complete.”

  Forced out of his vapor form, Camrath solidified and cried out. He flailed about within the webbing like a fish out of the water.

  This moment seemed unreal. The all-powerful Noble finally brought down by a simple wired netting of all things. I must be dreaming.

  A bright blue glow radiated from the links as they drew tightly around the howling vampire. Steam rose from his struggling body.

  A sudden stabbing pain attacked Tristan. Felt like hot needles were raking along the surface of his skin. He hollered out and bowed over.

  Helena threw her body over him, hugging him. “He’s bonded to Camrath! We have to release him.”

  “Oh, this must be Tristan.” The soldier who’d sacked an extremely powerful Noble vampire with minimal effort removed his helmet, revealing his face. A pair of stunning, otherworldly eyes gazed back at him. They were black as night, save for his large irises. One was scarlet, and the other was emerald. His spiky hair shared the same two-toned design.

  Two more troopers appeared in the room.

  Helena kissed Tristan’s temple, then joined them. “I’ll see you in paradise, m’darling.” She willingly allowed them to escort her out of the room.

  “Wait,” Tristan strained out. “Where are they taking her?”

  “Don’t worry, she’ll be alright. Believe it or not, we’re the good guys.” The soldier blinked and his odd colored irises shrunk. The blackness in his eyes turned white, making his gaze look more human. “Better?”

  “Wha—what are you? Who are you?”

  He offered a megawatt smile. His skin suddenly sparkled like diamonds. “A creature beyond your imagination,” he crooned, winking his green eye.

  Tristan’s vision blurred. He glanced over at Camrath. The wretched Noble had passed out, which meant Tristan’s nap time wasn’t far off.

  “Whoa—hey. Hold up, big guy. Don’t tap out on me yet.” The soldier motioned to his comrades standing near the doorway. “Bring in the girl. Quickly.”

  A short, cloaked figure entered the room. Took a second to focus on the small doll-like face beneath the hood. Deep brown eyes stared back at him. Those eyes…I know those eyes.

  Heat flushed Tristan’s cheeks. He shrunk back and attempted to cover himself. He was, after all, stark ass naked.

  Unfazed, the girl climbed onto the bed and crawled toward him.

  “Uhm…” Tristan continued to inch away. “What’s she—”

  “Stay still, dude. She can’t suppress the bond if you keep running from her.”

  She slid her small hands over his temples.

  Heated energy surged from her palm and spiraled through his skull. Every ounce of the pain rushed away.

  She smiled, exposing a small pair of sharp incisors. Interesting. She didn’t give off the scent nor present the dark aura of a vampire. Yet, here she was, with fangs.

  “Who are you people?”

  “I’ll fill you in on the way to the palace.”


  With a smooth, fluent motion, the soldier drew a spear-like blade and slashed it through the chains binding Tristan. “Congratulations, Tristan Marino. You are no longer a sex pet or a slave to that piece of trash over there. Consider yourself a free vampire, under the protection of the White Dragon Legion.”

  Chapter Seven

  Beautiful Warrior

  “Well, that went as well as expected.” Nefertiti skipped into the room with a large, transparent screen hovering in her face. “Thought she would put up more of a fight,” she jested on a snorting giggle.

  Tristan placed Alexis’s unconscious body on the bed and stood over her. “She’s not done fighting,” he muttered more to himself than the unwelcomed presence in the room. He brushed his fingers over her cheek and along her jawline. “This isn’t at all how I wanted this to go.”

  He spotted a crystal pitcher of an amber liquid sitting on a tray near a chaise lounge. He flashed across the marble flooring and poured himself a glass. The scent was potent to his preternatural senses. It was the good stuff. A Louisiana brewed bourbon, if he wasn’t mistaken. The councilman liked his booze. The life of a Blue Blood. Sit back, consume the finest liquors and be merry while those not as fortunate suffered.

  He took a swig, hoping to feel the burn brought on by consuming the unfiltered liquor. He felt nothing. This life shrouded in darkness granted him nothing but numbness. Years ago, to feel nothing was a gift. But now… His gaze rested on Alexis as he downed the amber liquor. She makes me feel…everything.

  Her slumber was restless. He anticipated this much. His horrifying and depressing memories had done a number on her. For the time being, he put a halt on the visions. Hopefully, that would give her time needed to assimilate everything she’d seen.

  What will she think of me when she awakens?

  Her eyelids fluttered as her eyes rolled back and forth beneath them. Her hands were clenched, brows bunched. Her heart knocked furiously against her chest. Her mind fought to remain aware.

  My beautiful warrior. Always fighting, always ready. It was in her blood.

  He unlatched the holster that housed his sword and his other weapons, then plopped down on the chaise lounge with a heavy sigh. He glanced around the lavish quarters.

  This wing of the castle was less chaotic. He’d taken her to the east side, on the third floor, away from the carnage. Though, being miles from the kill zone wouldn’t douse the angry flames in her heart.

  “Think it was a good idea to bring her to the councilman’s private chamber? Ya know…the guy you sucked dry right in front of her?”

  This room was one of many chambers owned by the past councilman. Luckily, he didn’t frequent this space. “What do you want, Nefertiti?”

  “Her magical power is fluxing.” Repeatedly sliding her fingers over the floating tablet screen, Nefertiti sauntered further into the room. “That’s obviously taxing on her mortal form. It will take time for her to harness it. But she’ll get there. She’s strong. You feel it, yes?”

  Settling back, Tristan stretched his arm out over the backrest and eyed the feline shifter.

  “Are you gonna do as you promised and tell her everything? Even about Nai? She deserves to know about her—”

  “One more time…” A low growl rumbling in his throat. “What do you want?”

  Nefertiti perked up briefly. Her cattish eyes danced, her breathing faltered. She rattled her head, like that of an animal, then she went back to fingering the screen. “Maruyama is pleased with the way you handled Klaus. Although, he was surprised to find that you’d eliminated him so soon.”

  Ah Klaus. Too bad he had to die, but the foolish Lycan would’ve eventually met his end at the edge of Tristan’s blade. Klaus made a fatal error when he tried to abduct Alexis. To the naked eye, it seemed like he tried to attack her. However, glaring through the scope of his supernatural eyes, Tristan saw the truth. Such a pity. He had hoped they would make it to the end of the mission before he had to dispose
of Klaus. He wasn’t a bad guy, just a stupid one. He joined his squad, claiming to be a loyal White Dragon soldier, when in fact he was a spy for the Lycan nation.

  Führer Maruyama surely knew this. The Führer also knew Tristan could sniff out the blood of a traitor a whole continent away. Why else would he have placed him on the alpha special ops squad, right under Tristan’s nose?

  “I checked his remains before clearing the hall,” Nefertiti muttered, her focus on the screen. “He had portal orbs on him. I assume his plan was to grab her then transport her somewhere beyond the walls.”

  That much he’d already figured out.

  For the Nation to make such a bold move meant they were getting restless. They, too, were after the catalyst to tip the balance of the struggle within the supernatural world.

  His gaze fell upon the woman who he would die for, as she struggled to break out of the sleep spell. I won’t let them have you. Not in this lifetime or the next.

  “Did you receive anything of importance from the councilman’s blood memories?”

  “He has a daughter.” Tristan briefly closed his eyes. The girl’s freckled face emerged in his thoughts. “She fled the castle days ago. I assume to search for her dearly beloved brother, who unbeknownst to her, gave himself over to a Noble so she wouldn’t have to. She needs to be found.”

  “She’s already been found. Asenna has her.”


  “Surprisingly, yes. Should I tell him to dispose of her?”

  “Nah. He’ll know what to do with her when the time is right.” Tristan narrowed a glare at Nefertiti. “You lured Lexi to the hall on purpose.”

  She lingered by the stone hearth with a minxy smirk on her lips. “I did.”

  “Wanna explain to me why you deliberately went against my orders?” Though his tone was calm and nonthreatening, the heated waves of agitation rushing through him were surely noticeable to her.

  As the smile faded from her pretty face, the slits in her cattish irises widened, and the tremble in her heart increased in pace. She waved the translucent screen aside, giving him her full attention. “I’m sorry.”

  He let out an incredulous snort. “Doubtful.”

  “I figured if she saw you in your true form sooner rather than later, she could get past the shock of it all, and then we could get right down to business. We’re running against the clock here. We’re going to need her mentally stable and at her full power to complete this mission, so I made a judgment call.”

  “Uh-hmm…” Watching her steadily, he crossed his legs.

  She scampered backward, like a startled cat, almost tripping over her own foot.

  “Why so jittery, Nefertiti?”

  The impish smile returned to her face. She raked her hand through her aqua toned hair and breathed out a giggled-filled sigh. “I’m aware your savage nature has no favorites.”

  It bothered him to hear her say that, but it was the truth. “Says the shifter-priestess who dared to defy me.”

  Nefertiti had witnessed him succumb to his sadistic side more than a few times during past missions. His inner demon was unpredictable. Sometimes he wasn’t aware of what he was doing until it was already done.

  Briefly, he looked away from her to glance at Alexis. The horrified look on Alexis’s face surfaced in his thoughts. He hated that she’d seen that awful side of him.

  “You know I could put a really nasty spell on you for making me feel so out of sorts,” Nefertiti teased, fear lacing her voice.

  “You could die trying.”

  She let out a nervous giggle. “Ugh, don’t be so menacing. I’m not your enemy.”

  “Said the snake to the mouse.”

  “You are hardly a mouse. Look, I helped you. The sooner she realizes that she needs you as much as you need her—”

  “You followed me to this wing of the castle for a reason. Speak quickly, then go conduct your business elsewhere.”

  The sound of her clucking her tongue bounced off the walls. “One of the drones separated from the bunch and flew right here to the Capitol. Wouldn’t seem odd if it wasn’t a military drone specifically designated for the barracks.”

  “Why does everything have to be so drawn out when coming from you? Just say someone hacked it.”

  “Alright, fine! Someone hacked it,” she hissed.” We can’t let this one slide. We need to get rid of this diver.”

  “Not necessarily.”

  “What do you mean…?” Brows knitted, she tilted her head to the side. “You know who it is, don’t you?” Her feline gaze narrowed as a wide grin spread across her face. “You do!” She began to pace, tapping her lips with her index finger. “Let’s see. Who could it be?” Suddenly, she let out a sharp gasp. “Is it that cute knight, the one with the dreads? You spared him from certain death, didn’t you? Twice, if my math is correct? So, he’s a matrix diver. Nice! Did you know? Must be the reason why he’s still breathing.”

  “Not every situation is solved with death, Nefertiti.”

  Shock spread across her face. “Wow. That sounds weird coming from you.”

  He let out an airy groan. “Are you done? Is there anything else you need to tell me, pertaining to this mission?”

  “I want him.”


  “The knight you let live, silly.” Nefertiti swiped the screen back in front of her face. “I can’t even get a trace on this virus. Every time I get close to deactivating it, a burst of butterflies takes over the system and I have to start all over again. He’s leagues better than Jonavas, that’s for sure. He may be slightly better than me. Ooo…” Moaning, she did a shuffling tap dance in place. “Just the thought of diving with him gets me all worked up. I can’t help but notice that my sister dearest is surrounded by a surplus of sexy gents, including her dashing bed buddy.” A devious smirk curved her lips. “Now, there’s a stunner. What’s his name again? Sanjay, right?”

  Clenching his fangs together, Tristan repressed a growl.

  She bared her miniature canines with a giggle. “Oh c’mon, loosen up, General. I’m just teasing you.”

  “Yeah, ‘cause teasing me in the past has worked out so well for you.”

  “Anyway! I need the cute knight. I need his knowledge to maneuver through their obnoxiously complex network. I mean, I can manage on my own with time, but with him at my side…”

  Alexis’s breathing changed. A second ago, it had slowed to a steady, soothing rhythm, an indication that she was finally surrendering to the spell. Her hands had unclenched and her chest rested. Now, her breathing was feverish again and her knuckles were pale.

  “…and we happen to be a man down, soo…”

  Watching Alexis intensely, Tristan took a peek behind her eyes. Her thoughts spun into an angry whirlwind and assumed the form of a devastating hurricane. As the storm trashed about, a single person stepped out from that mass. It was her friend, Officer Davis, the man of discussion. That meant she unconsciously heard everything they just said.

  He smiled and whispered, “Fascinating.”

  “What is?”

  Sights still fixed on Alexis, he ran his fingertips along the length of his sword’s sheath then spun it outward, pointing the handle toward her. “No.”

  “Noo?” Nefertiti whined, frowning. “But—”

  “No,” he voiced a little louder. “I don’t care how horny you are for him. Don’t mess with the knight, unless it’s absolutely necessary. Dive in as far as you can. If you hit a wall, which I suggest you not do intentionally just to get to that knight, we’ll decide what to do then. Now, if there’s nothing else. Leave.”

  She glanced at Alexis, then offered him another smirk full of mischievousness. “One more thing before I go…” She pressed her palms together then slowly pulled them apart. A wave of light danced before her, then a shadow appeared. It expanded, growing wide and tall, shifting the surrounding space. “You shouldn’t have kissed her with blood on your breath,” she delivered in a mental message. “
She’s gonna feel some kind of way about that. Also, you may want to shed that soiled Cross Knight uniform. She’s not gonna like seeing you drenched in the blood of your victims when she awakens.”

  He quirked a brow. “Just because you two are cut from the same family tree doesn’t mean you know a thing about her.”

  “But I do. I know everything about my sister.” Her smile melted away. “She just doesn’t know me anymore. But that’ll change once her memories are restored. Anyway…I enjoy these little chats with you. It’s like playing tag with an angry bear. Later, General.” She skipped into the void, with the floating screen in tow.

  “Hey, Nefertiti.”

  She poked her head back through the portal. “Yaaasss?”

  “Going forward, mind your own fucking business.”

  She erupted into laughter as she offered him the Legion salute with a dash of sass. “Yes, General! Byeee!” Then she vanished from his sights.

  Once again, he was alone with Alexis.

  Tristan closed his eyes and focused all of his attention on the rapid drumming beneath her chest. The hot blood rushing through her veins made her heart pump so ferociously.

  The sound was glorious and intoxicating. It made his own dead heart struggle to tremble.

  Her heavy breathing joined the symphony. A low moan accompanied each exhale, just like it used to when he was deep inside of her. A shudder raced through him. His cock hardened and reached down his thigh like a snake, stretching the fabric of his pants. Slouching in the seat, he uncrossed his legs and spread his knees apart to give his erection the room it needed to grow. He clenched his fangs as he fought the urge to free his manhood and squeeze it in his grip.

  There was stirring on the bed. Hardly audible footsteps reached his ears. It mixed with the sound of her heavy pants. An instant later, a rush of air brushed over his face. A sharp ring sounded. Then the chilling touch of cold steel met his neck. A slight sting followed, a pain he welcomed.

  He slowly opened his eyes and met Alexis’s seething glare. “Hey, Lexi.”

  Face bunched in pure rage, she stood before him, wielding his sword, pressing the blade to his jugular.


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