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Page 17

by Yvonne Nicolas

  “You best hurry, kitty. The code changes every few minutes.”

  Baring her feline fangs, she leaned into the screen. “And you best shut your mouth before I extract your tongue!”

  “Whoa—now, last thing I want is for the cat to get my tongue.”

  The girlish chortles next to him turned into full out laughter.

  The blue-haired shifter reared back, her gaze wide, making her already large eyes even bigger. Her jaw trembled as her cheeks flushed. “Not wise to try my patience, Doctor.”

  He threw his hand up in surrender. “Okay, calm down. I’ll stop,” he said, sharing a smile with the girl.

  A foreign view came up on the first monitor on the left side. Then the one next to it. The domino effect began as each screen displayed a different view. They were vantage points beyond the walls. At first glance, the landscape appeared serene. Periodically, the images flickered over the wooded areas. On the second to last monitor, something was revealed between the flutters.

  Dead bodies. Naked dead bodies, and blood splatters across the snow. Looked like an orgy gone wrong.

  Brow bunched, Bishop leaned in and focused on that particular monitor. “Hol’up, qué …?” He penned in the code to the outer sector drone and activated the playback. “Dios mio!” A battle went down miles outside the west gate. “Are those Lycans?” Masked warriors dressed in black swiftly cut through the pack, defending that side of the barrier. “I knew it! You guys dropped a squad on the outer perimeter. Smart move. And you clearly needed access so you could scrub the footage to keep the border patrol in the dark. Question is, what the hell are the Lycans after? And how did the Legion know they were coming? Could it be Moonlight? Is that why the Lycans made a bold attempt to storm the walls? What does she have that they want?”

  He may have been zoned in on the scene playing out before him, but he felt it when the little priestess and the cat-eyed woman exchanged glances.

  “You’re too smart for your own good, doctor,” the woman grumbled from the screen, a hiss lacing her words.

  “You guys grabbed her up for a reason. Anybody with half a brain could see that it’s all connected.”

  Lips pursed, the gata rolled her big eyes. “Sure, he’s nice to look at, but charming he is not.”

  “Give it time, I’ll grow on ya.”

  “Ha! After what you’ve done? There’s no way that’ll ever happen.”

  After what I’ve done? “Qué quieres decir?”

  “I’ll show you.” She started navigating through his private channel. “Behold.”

  Foreign files zipped across the numerous monitors. They opened and revealed a series of schematics. They then pieced themselves together like a puzzle and created a master diagram.

  “What is this?” he muttered inwardly.

  A pod-chamber made with spinal attachments projected from the monitors, spinning in a three-sixty view. It multiplied into many. The pods were then connected to an octopus-shaped structure. From what he could tell, this machine was strictly created to preserve and extract from the donor. And by donor, that would be a human form.

  Dios mío…

  He’d seen this ungodly contraption before, but only in his dreams. His eyes jumped from one screen to the other as he scanned over the schematics and specs displayed before him. It was all so familiar, but unknown to him at the same time.

  The Prolibrium… The super strength, the supernatural speed and cerebrum stimulant that allowed the Federation to control the knights… The base of the formula came from the cerebrospinal fluid of whoever was trapped inside those chambers.

  “Does this look familiar?” The disdain in the gata’s voice didn’t pass him by.

  A horrible feeling stirred in his gut. His hands went to work on the keypad.

  Along with the origin of the mechanism, a digital fingerprint of the scientist responsible came up.

  Eyes stretched wide, he fell back in the chair. “Oh no.”

  “That’s right. Your Noble put your brilliance to use. You created the device that is being used to entrap priestesses and turn them into a drug for the Federation.”

  “I—I didn’t…” He choked on his words as the realization of what he’d done struck him hard. “This is outright insanity. I wouldn’t have consciously created something like this.”

  “It doesn’t matter whether you knew or not. You did it! Anyways, you are of no more use to me. Little one, I’ll leave it to you to make the next move. You know the plan. Don’t deviate just because you find him amusing. Alpha-one, out.” The screens went black.

  “So, she’s been using me all this time,” he muttered to himself. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Should’ve known when she showed up out of the blue…” Biting back a growl of anger, he shook his head. That horrible contraption continued to drift through his thoughts. Wonder how long he’d been doing this for her and how many other Nobles were in on it? His mind raced. It hurt to think about it. He spun his chair toward his new little fanged friend and crossed his legs. “Soo, I’m a pendejo. Been one for a while, apparently.”

  She said nothing. Unlike before, when she was full of smiles and giggles, she wore no expression. Her face was unreadable as her unnatural eyes bored into him. She stood so still, she seemed unreal, like a life-sized doll.

  He stirred under her creepy silence, resigned to his fate, but unnerved by the lives whom he’d unknowingly dragged into this. “I did what you asked. Please release my scientists now.”

  “I released them a while ago.”

  Leaning to the side in the chair, he peered past her. The silhouettes no longer lingered behind the partition. A sense of relief washed over him. “Hey, bot. Drink.”

  A beep sounded behind him. A table rolled up next to him. A pair of mechanical hands unfolded from the side of the moveable compartment. It retrieved a glass and a bottle of old whiskey. It dropped a sphere of ice in the glass, and poured a shot of the amber liquid over it. As it prepared the drink, he kept his eyes on his pretty executioner.

  Her austere expression hadn’t changed.

  In one full chug, the shot was gone. “Ohh-kay,” he breathed out as the burn trickled down his throat. “Now, I’m ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “To die.”

  A frown overtook her adorable little face. “Is that what you really want?”

  “I mean, I’d prefer not to die, particularly now, since I’m still young and beautiful. But it doesn’t really matter what I want. Does it?” He shrugged and offered her a smile. “I know how these things work, sweetie. And I’m not afraid. Now, let’s stop dragging out the…”

  She climbed onto his lap and perched on his crossed legs, straddling him.

  “…inevitable,” he finished, staring wide-eyed at her. His whole body went tense. “Uhm, what’s this?”

  For the longest, she sat there gazing at him, hardly blinking. The sadness in her eyes deepened.

  “Don’t tell me I’m your first kill,” he teased. “Aww, baby girl. Need papi to talk you through it?”

  “You joke, but somewhere deep inside…” She reached out a small hand and pressed it to his chest. “You fear…” Pausing, she tilted her head. “You fear losing her more than death.”

  Jaw clenched, he briefly closed his eyes. This child was a true seer! She’d peered directly into his soul, and it made him feel exposed in the worst way.

  “Your sickness. You’re cursed with uncontrollable urges because your Noble won’t release you. That’s what I thought. But now, I see the truth. It’s not that she won’t release you. You don’t want to be released.”

  He heaved out a shaky exhale. A heavy weight climbed up to his chest and settled there. All of the pain and twisted emotions toward his Noble surfaced. Tears welled and trickled down his face. He opened his mouth to speak. Nothing but a whimper came out. Coño! Talking about her always fucked him up. “You’re just a child. I don’t expect you to understand the affairs of the adult heart.” For the first
time in a long time, he directed a message mentally, to a stranger at that. Felt weird.

  “Let me help you.”

  “You can’t help me. No one can.”

  “If you form a blood bond with me, it’ll sever the mental and physical ties she has with you, and your sickness will vanish.” She slowly lifted her hands toward his head.

  He caught her by her wrists. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “I do. It’s the only way to free you from her control.”

  “But in doing so, it would make me YOUR Black Swan. Do you understand that?”


  “Baby girl, por favor…how old are you? In human years.”

  “Seven. Due to my vampirism, I age differently than a regular human.” She looked down at herself. “Or more so my brain does. I gain knowledge at an advanced and accelerated rate. That’s why I don’t speak like the average child. Though, sometimes I do.”

  “But you’re still seven! And this blood contract you’re trying to sign with me is highly inappropriate. Jesus! Listen, I’mma lot of things. I’mma big time flirt. At times, I’m even a hoe. But one thing I’m not is a goddamned pedophile! This is NOT happening.”

  “You’re afraid that I would require sex from you.” She moved her hands past his stronghold, and slapped her palms on his temples. “I won’t.”

  Did she just say sex? “Uh-uhh, hol’on! NOO! Don’t you ever say that word to me again! Never. Dios Mio…you’re not allowed!” Panic stormed through him. He wanted to run, but he couldn’t move. Though she was simply perched on his legs, like an innocent girl waiting for a pony ride, her force alone kept him pinned to the chair. “This ain’t cool, not to mention loco, baby girl!”

  Her eyes bled over in silver. “Soon, your Noble will die by the hands of someone close to you.” Her voice changed from that of a little girl into a woman’s as it echoed across the plains of his mind. “And when she does, you’re going to feel it.”

  He stared into her eyes, afraid for his Noble, but hopeful for her death. The twisted emotions spiraled through him and increased the pain in his heart. He let out a low cry. “It’s impossible to kill her,” he sobbed as he struggled to see through his tears. “And no one close to me has the power to—unless…” A gasp was carried on a trembling exhale. “Moonlight?”

  “You won’t die. Your Elven blood will see to it. In your Noble’s absence, you will be cursed to endure her death over and over again.”

  He could see them as phantoms at her sides! The many priestesses speaking through her. Different races, different creeds. They all joined together to deliver this message to him. A message that broke his heart.

  “You’ll go mad in your desire to have something that no longer exists. Reprieve, pleasure, hope. And the ones who love you will suffer as a result. Is that what you want, Dr. Bishop?”

  Choking on his tears, he shook his head. “Why’re you doing this? Why not just kill me? Why in the world would you wanna be bonded to some fucked up half-blood like me?”

  She smirked and leaned in. Her face hovered inches from his. “Say her name. Bring her to us.”

  Now it all made sense. Just as his Noble had used him without his knowledge, this child was using him to get to her. “It’s too close to sunrise. She won’t come.”

  “She will. Say it.”

  It was a fight he couldn’t win. So, he didn’t even try. The name formed in his mind and danced behind his lips. His mouth fell open and her name slipped off his tongue. “Ethelina.”

  A thunderous boom echoed through the lab. The lights flickered then died away, allowing darkness to swarm in on them. Eerie silence followed.

  “I was wondering when I’d get to hear those delicious lips say my name again…” Ethelina stepped from a void and stood before him in all her naked glory. Her wavy brunette mane cascaded over her shoulders and down her torso, hiding the view of her ample breasts. “My silver-haired lover.”

  A combination of joy and dread stormed through him. “You came?”

  “Si, of course. You’re my special pet. I will always come to you. Although…” She dragged her nail across his hand, gently scoring his flesh. “I’m a little annoyed. Can you guess why? You’ve been stubborn as of late. First you hide your eyes from me, then you have the gall to make your mistress wait. Someone’s eager to be punished.”

  There was so much he wanted to say to her, starting with ‘what in the entire fuck did you make me do, you devious cunt’. But now that she was here in the flesh, all he could manage to say was, “Lo siento.”

  A searing heat slithered beneath his skin. His testicles drew painfully tight, and his cock grew hard as the need for her took over all his senses. He tried to withstand her sexual assault on his body, but it was useless. Given the young company in the room, he felt all kinds of uncomfortable. For a spilt second, he took his eyes off his mistress to glance at the girl.

  Wait, where’d she go?

  He jerked up and swept his hands over his lap. She was gone. Did she leave? Was she even here to begin with? Dios Mio, I’m going mad!

  Desperation coursed through him. He was baffled, unsure of what the hell was going on, but he had to find her. Bishop looked under the chair and ran his eyes searchingly over his office. “Qué…?” He pushed to his feet and moved past Ethelina, eager for the girl’s presence.

  “You called me here, just to ignore me?” Irritation coated Ethelina’s venomous tone. “On your knees, at my feet. Now!”

  “I will…” He lifted a finger as he bent over and peeked beneath the desk across the room. “Uno momento.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Mi niña. She was just here a second ago, I swear.”

  “Your what?”

  This was insane! His drop-dead gorgeous mistress stood in his office stark naked, ripe and ready, and he couldn’t get his mind off of that girl. Does that mean it worked? Does that mean I’m now bonded to her instead? But she didn’t bite him. “I gotta find her.”

  Ethelina dashed in front of him as a blur. Her hand caught him by his throat. “I feel you slipping away from me, my beautiful pet.” She lifted him in the air. “Is there something you need to tell me?”

  He latched onto her arm, doing his best to breathe past her compressing grip. With his feet dangling, he strained out, “Lo siento…ma…mi…”

  Her glowing scarlet eyes shifted back and forth as her fingers bit into his flesh. She lifted her nose in the air. Her nostrils flared. “Something’s not right,” she hissed through her clenched fangs. “Why did you call me here?”

  “I asked him to,” came the girl’s voice from the shadows.

  Still throttling him, Ethelina spun around.

  His little priestess manifested before their eyes, her head tilted, a sly smile on her face.

  “You betrayed me?” Ethelina cut her glare at him. A hint of sadness touched her gaze. Then just as swiftly, it turned into rage. “I would squeeze your fucking head off if I didn’t adore you so much.”

  “Oh no, Miss Ethelina. Let’s not get messy.” The girl went on the move. She flashed around them in blurring speed, leaving elven symbols in her wake. “I figured the proper thing to do was to give you a chance to say goodbye…” Her voice echoed through the office. “Before I take him from you.”

  “Over my dead body, you little gutter rat!” Ethelina slung him away.

  He flew across the office and slammed into something hard. The impact snatched a cry from him. In that instant, his whole right side went numb. Blood filled his mouth and spilled passed his lips as he slumped to the floor. Uh-oh, that’s a bad sign. Something major inside was definitely broken. I just might die from these injuries. Pushing up on his hands and knees, he struggled to stay conscious. An incessant buzzing rested behind his eyes.

  Almost forgot how cruel she could be when she was mad.

  Gale force winds whipped through the room, blowing one way then the other. The violent shifting current siphoned the ai
r around him, making it difficult to breathe.

  Within the glowing symbols, a hurricane thrashed about. A barrier. The girl had crafted a barrier.

  Two figures blurred from one place to another. They moved so fast, he couldn’t follow them.

  “Noo,” he choked out, spitting up more blood.

  Ethelina emerged from the storm. She rushed toward him with a roar, looking like a horrid nightmare. Her claws were extended, her eyes beamed bright red, and her fangs were out for the kill. Mere inches from him, she slammed into the invisible wall.

  She had thrown beyond the barrier, and now she couldn’t reach him.

  The anger leached from her eyes, her beauty returned. She held her hand out to him. “Come to me. I promise not to punish you, or blame you for this deceit. My sweet lover…it’s not your fault. Take my hand.”

  Wincing, he clutched at his chest. The tugging on his heart was too much to bear. He wanted to give in, as he’d done so many times in the past, but he couldn’t move. He could only sit there and watch her with tears in his eyes and the taste of his blood on his tongue. “I can’t,” he whispered. “I have to let you go.”

  A bellowing smoke surged up behind her. It opened up like wings and grew into a billowing force, then it whooshed around her.

  Still reaching for him, she screamed. “My love…please! Don’t let this wretched child kill me!”

  Her cries rung in his mind. Felt like his head was going to explode. Choking on tears, Bishop collapsed on the floor and folded his hands into fists to keep from reaching out to her.

  The smoke demon drew Ethelina high into the air. It attached itself to the ceiling. Her cries were cut short as it swallowed her whole.

  The winds died a swift death as all traces of the hurricane dissipated. Smokey wisps slithered along the ceiling in its aftermath. Everything went silent.

  As the black mist cleared, the little priestess stood in the center, her hands raised, her breathing labored. “I’m sorry, Dr. Bishop,” she panted. “She was really strong. I couldn’t battle her and catch you at the same time.” She brushed her hands over her dress and let out a heavy exhale. “I promise to get stronger.”


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