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The hands of Leo

Page 7

by Quelli di ZEd

  The rest of the history, included the drunkenness, him he is able well to imagine. At the end of the intervention it bathed me the mouth with some drop of water, because even if I had a hunger from wolf to eat he/she didn't speak really because of the anesthesia. Then a sedative administered me.

  «Or-or-or-time d-d-devidormireunpo'» it said with his/her usual avalanche of vowels and consonants; he/she took runs after her/it and it upset her to me I set everybody attached that I didn't almost understand there nothing.

  Chapter 30. The new life

  If I/you had been able to count I would not have had the time to reach five from when I woke up; to the third breath I started to sneeze and the shake did me bad to the sewn leg. Still stunned by the sedative, that owed to have made reaction with the wine and the vodka of the evening before, I looked around me to understand its motive. Waited for in front of me, to proper safety distance, there was a gattaccio persiano with the white hair and everything fluffy and me to the hair of the cats have always been allergic! I remember that all of a sudden of my life, a lot of time before, as all the dogs I had decided to measure my ability in to catch feline, thing at all easy date their astuteness and agility. As a cat cannot tell entirely him cat until you/he/she won't have caught a mouse or a passerotto, so a dog cannot consider entirely never him dog until you/he/she won't have picked up a cat, and so street. They are the laws of the nature. In short, after different days of ambushes and jumps, traps and run after to empty, I had finally succeeded in capturing one of it. I held him/it immovable crushing him/it to earth with the leg and him it looked me imploring and terrified at the same time. I had enjoyed the scene for a beautiful po' until, all satisfied of the good job, had given him a beautiful bite to full mouth. Result? You/he/she had come me an ugly gengivite, so I had been forced to abdicate my ossis and the croccantinis for a piece.

  Now Puffi - that gattaccios it called this way - you/he/she had understood to the flight my problem and you/he/she had decided to amuse him some. More I sneezed and more him, cheered by the thing, it drew near with to do indifferent. Every sneeze risked to make to tear me the points of suture, that seemed to have been applied by a baby with the equipment of the small tailor among parenthesis. Finally, when also aware that evil I would have made to the wound I was me definite to go off for giving him a beautiful lesson, Italo it leaned out to the door and he/she invited Puffi to leave me alone. The cat launched a look of reproach to Italo and one of superiority to me, then you/he/she was started toward you/he/she brings her/it to upright tail with an infuriating slowness. I immediately understood that to live there would not have been easy, but I didn't have very to choose. At least until I/you was not recovered entirely I would have had to bear the gattaccio and his/her spites, of which as I feared it appeared prodigal. And unfortunately I didn't succeed in finding the way of giving him a beautiful curried, was too much cunning and quick while I was handicapped! This way I was forced to suffer because for a series of motives I could not go from there. The first one was that date my condition I was not self-sufficient, I knew that I would have employed a lot of time to recover. To say the truth I would have been able to also go to those conditions and to put me looking for Giotto there was around even still traces of his/her odor, but for that little that I knew him/it I was certain that I would not have more him seen again. During our imprisonment you/he/she had often repeated me that you/he/she would have liked to move himself/herself/themselves to a cold place to try to make himself/herself/themselves increase the fur, and of certain it was far now already. Besides I had another good motive to stay with Italo, and it was the more main point; doing two more two became me account that him, for how much I suspected him/it to be an incapable, you/he/she would have been able to lend me a hand to make to pay her/it to the Bogy man. I was certain that sooner or later that scoundrel would have come to look for me, I knew that type of criminal and I knew that he was of those that never release. This way, if I/you had succeeded in making to find me ready, with the support of Italo I would have been able to capture him/it.

  Chapter 31. The neighbors

  Meanwhile, to face to the best the boring period of the convalescence, had taken the habit to spend those beautiful days of beginning spring in the garden of the house of Italo. This thing had different positive aspects. I was outside indeed and away from Puffi, and then I could make some splendid sleeps crouched on an old man soft mattress. At times I spent times to study ants, lizards and butterflies; since I was not able scorrazzare to catch I had to satisfy her to look me at her, so I learned above all so many new things on the ants. But above all I studied the habits of the members of mine new - and more it spent the time and more I hoped only with all myself temporary - family. I was above all incuriosito from the behaviors of Italo and from his/her relationship with his/her neighbor, that called Stefania. He/she lived in the adjacent to villa ours and also she had a beautiful garden, bordering with ours, and above all it had a canine. It dealt with a barboncina always combed and tasseled of all point, cleaning up, ordinate. Was the classical type of vain and unfriendly female, would have been the fortune of the manager of the laboratory where imprisoned had been! To skin I had not found her quite nice, but to feel less only me and to exchange four chatters I had tried a pair of approaches. These however you/they were revealed fruitless because Barbie resulted to be, as I had foreseen, enough snob. My scars and my ways some sincere ones they made me appear to his/her eyes a banal street cur, and as had thought her gave a lot of weight to the appearances. without counting then that The wases not of race! As I said, to spend the time I had started to observe the relationships between Italo and Stefania. The two gave the impression to be very attracted the one by the other, nevertheless they were both extremely timid ones. Very often you/he/she could also happen five or six times in one day, they looked for the most banal excuses to see him, to meet himself/herself/themselves to speak. An onion, a clove of garlic, a light bulb to be changed, to how many degrees it is had to wash a sweater wool out-cotton inside, and so street. Yet they kept on staying in surface because they didn't succeed in declaring himself/herself/themselves that them mutual interest. They for instance spent times to climb on a scarpiera while in foundation it flowed the sonorous column of" Ghost." How much have cried there on that films, and also Steve, that was really a sentimentalone! Or they started painting the walls of a room, or to mend the fence of the garden. They did him/it trying to physically be nearer than they were able, grazing himself/herself/itself, looking himself/herself/itself and smiling as idiots while they were being given hammered on the fingers or they inserted the feet in the bucket of the varnish. But among them didn't happen more anything.

  If Italo and Stefania at least they tried us, the relationship between me and Barbie was reduced to a mutual to ignore him, also because she kept on behaving him in unfriendly way. Not that I held particularly to his/her friendship, however since we were neighbors it seemed me polite to try to build a good relationship, after all we would always have been able to make some scorrazzatas together. Besides I was certain that if had rained of that that was thundering, soon would have been forced to spend well more than a hour in the porter of the same automobile, of Sunday, direct in the country! Then I had tried to win me her in all the possible ways. I had done even her homage of my best ossis, the pulpiest but her nothing. Didn't appreciate! What an anger to see them thrown there so, on the lawn. Shortly they became some kinds of immense countries of the toys for ants. But it is not everything: she often had a good time trying to make to vex me toying with this or that dog of the other neighbors, all rigorously of race, with so much of pedigree and gilded medaglietta to the neck.

  Chapter 32. Barbie and the dobermann

  Then, however, one day a fact happened that changed the papers in table; the case wanted that really in that days Barbie had one of that periods of his in which, as for magic, the females suddenly become floods of sex appeal and all the dogs of the district they fall in love.
In little time in front of the gate of his/her garden an army of mine similar was formed. What gather and that scuffles, for the whole day and for the whole night, and that howls! And when Stefania brought her/it to I walk her it had a good time passing aloft to upright tail and face in the middle of them. One day however it made the error to give too confidence to a dobermann. Shortly after this, taking advantage of the absence of Stefania that had gone from Italo to ask him if you/he/she could lend her some perfumed softener to the fishing, you/he/she had jumped to legs you protect the gate and you/he/she was started definite toward Barbie. Its tonnage was at least four times that of the canine one, that seeing immediately started him/it to worried piangiucchiare.

  «Hiii hiii (Thing you want?)» she whimpered withdrawing up to enter his/her wood cottage.

  «Mhhhhh? Hiii! (Thing I can want according to you? They are days and days that you provoke me!).»

  «Mhiii bau. (The ams sorry but you macaws wrong you, if The have done him you/he/she has been without wanting him/it.).»

  «Bau bau (Lies! Till now have had a good time making to sigh me, I now want to have a good time me me! Before, you come out of there!).»

  «Hiii! (You are crazy!).»

  «Bau grrr bau? (What there is, I am not your type?).»

  «Caì bauuu grrr (it is not as you think you. I like a lot you, but. but.).»

  «Grrr grrr (Before, few histories! You come out, that show you thing he/she knows how to make a true dog!)» he responded starting to give some zampates to the wood cottage.

  Continuing so, still few hits and you/he/she would have destroyed her, some like the Bad Wolf in the history of the Three Piglets. I thought that probably Barbie would be deserved a beautiful lesson, but I could not assist to a fact of the kind without intervening. I was always also a dog police officer, even if in bourgeois, so I got up me and I crossed the garden, I made to jump a pair of aces of the fence with a heading and I set out me verse of them snarling.

  «Bau! Caì caì (have told You that I don't want! Leave me alone!)» you/he/she was saying Barbie.

  «Waw waw Grrr grrr (And I have told you to come out of there. I cannot be here at all the whole day.)» insistette him keeping on giving zampate to the kennel.

  «Bugbear bau grrr (Friend, is deaf? You/he/she has told you to leave her/it alone)» I told the dobermann beating with his face on a shoulder.

  He turned him, all of its yellow and sharp dentacci showed me, then it straightened the hair on the back and it put on in position of fight.

  «Waw grrr (And you who are? It turns to the wide one if you want to return home with your legs!).»

  «Grrr. waw waw (Good, you have almost frightened me. Your beautiful figure you have done her, now turned and it returns from where you have come).»

  He looked me sceptic, it was the biggest dog of the district and you/he/she had played her to more than an adversary, he/she didn't believe that I would have had the liver to face him/it. Surely he/she thought that I had to be an irresponsible person, or that I had to have some hidden resource. To every way, for all answer, from good braggart that was it arched the back up to almost touch the earth belly and it was picked up on itself same, ready to go off for attaching me.

  Chapter 33. The dobermann and I

  Sincerely to scuffle was really the last thing of which I would have had desire and need, but to that point it seemed really that I/you could not do of it really to less because to avoid the clash would have liked rimangiarsi the words. Not that I feared that cur, I had been accustomed for a long time to face the worse criminals, more really bad and armed up to the teeth. In that situation, also in the case that defeats of it was gone out, more than some bite and some scratch I would not have risked, only that really I didn't have desire. But instead of making me my business I had wanted to make the part of the Rider that comes to save the Princess, by now I had interfered and I had to play after all my thin role.

  I depressed and I put me to my it turns in position, fixing straight in the eyes my adversary to prepare me to the clash. The other dogs, completely you forget of their hormonal discharges, they were all lifted on the back legs and you/they had supported those anterior to the enclosure, to lean out to see what happened inside. Someone, that was brought behind a pair of ossis for omaggiare Barbie, had started to show them to the others to bet on the winner.

  «Axeeell! Axell, ugly bestiaccia, is suffered out of there!» it played again a furious voice as soon as an instant before the Dobermann detached the leap verse of me.

  A man on the fifty, thick and with the glasses, it arrived racing. It had in head a big white hat and him you/he/she was approaching with a broom in hand; it seemed proper intenzionato to use her/it. It was nearby ours, a type some strange that called Iosto and of work was a cook.

  «Axell, have to stop escaping me! Do you now know him/it what it waits yourself, true? A beautiful bath waits yourself, so you learn to disobey» it told the Dobermann in tone of reproach.

  My adversary made an imploring face as to say" no, the bath no". and The lookeds at him/it perplexed. Unbelievable, a so great and big dog, the terror of the district, that was afraid of the water! Him he turned verse of me to show me once more the teeth.

  «Bau Grrrrrr (it doesn't end here!)» it announced with the breast all swollen for the anger. Then, without adding other, it lowered ears and tail and it escaped away.

  Barbie attended until the Dobermann it was enough distant, then it went out of the wood cottage and runs from me.

  «Bau bau! Au cai mhhh (" My hero! If there had not been you I don't know as you/he/she would be ended)» it said coming to rub the face against mine.

  «Waw waw (I imagine very well instead him to me - I answered repressing a smile - however you are calm. Now it is everything to place).»

  Says this I returned on my footsteps of it.

  Chapter 34. The confession

  It was departed other time and by now I was almost entirely recovered. I walked well enough and the leg didn't hurt me, even if an ugly scar had remained me. But after all I could not complain; I would never have stopped being thankful to Italo to have saved me the life. Also Puffi - the gattaccio, for the one that didn't remember him/it - had realized that every more day was returning in form, in fact its jokes were being made rarer and less bad, and effected for a long time naturally them more distant! On my behalf I had started to look at him/it with different eyes; despite my allergy, you/he/she was becoming more and more desirable. I often wondered me if it was worth to catch himself/herself/themselves another gengivite, also to give him a beautiful lesson. But then I told me that I had more important things to which to think; of there to few I would have had to decide whether to do for chasing the the Bogy man, considering that you/he/she was not done alive yet. I didn't know if, and above all as, to ask the help of Italo. Meanwhile from a few days I had started over looking at the Looney Tunes, really together with Puffi. I enjoyed me the mishaps suffered by Cat Silvestre spaparanzato on the couch, and to every new fall, to every new auto that invested him/it, to every new brush-up of Ettore, I turned me to intensely look at the gattaccio for then to smile him. Done he, crouch few - but always enough - distant, did it reciprocate the more smile for convenience that other, and did it assume an expression of the type later immediately": you would not do me this, it is not true"?. Meanwhile in the doubt it still got further some.

  Of sudden Italo entered dragging the feet and with the shoulders bent in before, he allowed too well to fall in armchair and takings to look me in that way that I knew until. It intensely fixed me, as if you/he/she had had a weight of which to free himself/herself/themselves and it was definite to do him/it really with me.

  "But because the men must always have tormented when in television there is something amusing?" I wondered me hoping that it withstood at least other five minutes, while it was keeping on fixing me without opening mouth.

  Meanwhile Cat Silvestre, once more, you/he/she was hardly stu
ck out by the moulding that so much of too much. Puffi was covered the eyes with the legs not to assist to the ruinous fall and his/her tragic consequences: twelve plain under there was really the kennel of Ettore, the mastiff! Italo still fixed me. I and I pressed the red key of the remote control, then I turned me verse of him and I straightened the ears, and he showed me with a fleeting smile that had appreciated the gesture.

  «I would Vo-vo-want really to and-and-and-be to your po-po-poposto» it started to say, and to that point every residual hope faded away. I looked at him/it resigned, twisting the head and positioning the canopy ears to show him attention, was useless to lengthen anchors the broth!

  Said that I was fortunate because I didn't have to worry me about nothing, that had eats up her/it scooped out, that was enough me to have a little ball to pursue for being happy. and partly was true because us dogs macaws really this way! And then it added that it admired my spontaneity. A dog if it is hungry he/she eats, if the needs escape him it does them, if he likes a canine it immediately shows him/it to him. He had to worry himself/herself/themselves about two thousand things instead. It was also now without job, the world went badly, there was around too wickedness, the politics was a disgust, the priests were not once anymore those of, the canon tv was an injustice, the soccer players earned too much. Then it finally reached the matter Stefania. I have never understood because one, when it is confided, the more matter care of it it has to always face him/it to the last one, almost to hide him/it after having you sfiancato with thousand discounted concepts and meaningless. However at the end it told me what I already knew. It was in love of her but he/she didn't succeed in taking the initiative, it had too many doubts. Did you show him attention and it seemed at least partly to reciprocate, but up to that point? And then, was it love or only friendship? "And if I don't too physically like her? And if I like only her for the work that I do? - this I found indeed it unlikely - And if Puffi doesn't get along with Barbie? And if it suddenly becomes vegetarian? And if in one month it dies me an uncle of America and do I have to depart"?.


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