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Gun Meister Online: Adult and Uncensored

Page 35

by Noah Barnett

  Gun Meister Online Updating…

  Installing kinky content…

  Fingering Communication Nodes…

  Network Jilling Off…


  Logging into Character…

  His eyes opened to a room filled with burning candles, and a bed covered in women. The house reeked of pumpkin pie, buttered popcorn, and gun oil. Above him the television screen was playing a horror movie. A woman wearing only a bath towel was sprinting through the darkened forest while a masked man stalked after her with a bloody kitchen knife. Her blonde hair was damp and clung to her shoulders and chest. Panic was written on her face as she looked back, and a twisted tree root caught her foot. She cried out and stumbled to the moss covered ground. Her towel; the only defense she had fell away exposing her young, supple, and obviously fake breasts. The killer grabbed the naked camper by her wet hair. The bloody knife flashed, and she let out a blood curdling scream.

  On the bed, six girls also screamed, and a dozen hands clutched at Charlie as they used him to hide their faces. Fara, the only one not wailing in fright, avidly watched the girl noisily bleed to death. She pushed another handful of popcorn into her mouth, and chewed.

  "You're all watching something strange," he said as the killer stood over his latest victim. Charlie had seen the old flick before. It was a B-list horror movie with a gratuitous amount of nudity and cheesy dialog, but at least they all died in the end.

  "All the channels are playing something like this tonight. Well, all except the Roth channel." Fara said reaching up to turn the TV off. The gothic teenager turned toward him and with black painted fingernails, slowly fed him the popcorn. There were a half dozen silver rings on her fingers. Dark crimson lipstick adorned her luscious lips, black eyeliner framed her blue eyes, and Fara had dyed her hair jet black. She was naked from the waist up, except a thick spiked collar around her throat, and black electrical tape made an X over each nipple. Her pants were black leather torn into shreds and held together with hundreds of staples. She leaned in kissing him with her liquorice flavored lips, and smiled, showing off a pair of long vampiric fangs. Elva, jealous of the attention pounced atop him next.

  "I want kisses too, nyan," Elva pawed at him, licking his neck.

  She was wearing cat ears and had drawn whiskers on her face with black marker. She too was naked from the waist up save a jeweled golden collar. "Neko-Sex Slave," was emblazoned with diamonds around the throat. Connected to the collar was a short length of golden chain which Charlie grabbed. The kitten was pulled up to his lips again and Elva hungrily attacked them. Her tongue forced its way into his mouth as a spotted blond tail swished back and forth. She purred wiggling her hips making the tail dance.

  The two white-haired twins looked like 1950's flappers. Thelma wore a red sequined miniskirt and a necklace of red glass beads. Luise wore a green silk skirt, with high heels, and a green feather hat. They smiled together and kissed him deeply, each taking their turn at his lips.

  Sofie, by contrast, wore orange suspenders that just barely covered her dark nipples. They ran down to a pair of tight orange prison shorts. At his gaze, Sofie covered her face and turned away in embarrassment. Across her ass, in black block letters, it said, "Prisoner 69, Punish Often." Even after a month Sofie still wore those cuffs, though now they fit the costume.

  They all looked good, and Charlie admired the girls for a few seconds. Finally, he climbed from the pile of women and went into the closet. Since contracting with the twins, he’d decided on the obvious costume. Over his light armor he pulled on a pinstripe vest, and gray slacks. He went over to the mirror to make sure his white tie was straight, then pulled on a dark gray jacket. Next he grabbed the matching fedora from the nightstand, and settled it over his head.

  He stroked the brim of the hat and said, “You’ll nevah catch me coppah.” The final accessory was a cigar, that he tucked into his pocket for later. Thelma and Luise eagerly changed into weapon form, and he stood admiring himself in the mirror with the two tommy guns.

  "What are we doing tonight, nyan?" Elva asked in a purring voice.

  "I heard there is a special event starting in about three hours, so I wanted to head down early to visit Grace."

  Elva beamed, and launched herself from the bed with her tail flailing about. Fara put the popcorn down and slid from the mattress followed by Sofie. Out in the living room, Elva was already preparing the thermos. The warm mulled cider was laced with half a dozen shots of bourbon. She and Grace had become fast friends, and Elva often went down to visit the weapon. Grabbing a thick woolen blanket she headed to the garage. The Mustang was an ebony jewel under the lights. Charlie had repainted it gloss black and paid for a mural of racing horses down the side. Sofie moved to slip past him but he reacted quickly.

  "Prisoner 69!" He said sharply grabbing the giant's wrist, and she started. "Get into the passenger seat; I want to keep my eye on you."

  "Am I in troúble?" She asked nervously.

  "You are indeed. I haven't gotten a kiss from you, yet." He said letting go of her wrist. She leaned down immediately, but he covered her mouth. "I'm afraid it’s too late for that. You need to be punished, and I'm thinking twenty hard spanks are in your near future."

  Her face flushed as a glimmer of hope passed over her eyes. "I very sorry, zir." Sofie said quickly, but she wasn't, not in the slightest. She turned immediately and presented her ass for dispensation. He smiled and pushed her forward toward the passenger side of the Mustang.

  "Not yet prisoner. The punishment will have to wait until we get home."

  Sofie couldn't quite hide the look of hidden heat that crossed her face. She opened the door and slid inside. "Please vladelets..."

  "We'll see how things go. You'll get spanks off for good behavior." Charlie said opening the car door. Elva and Fara climbed into the backseat as he set the twins next to him. Slowly he pulled out into the leaf-covered street. The California heat hung in the air even though fall had already begun. In fact, it was warm enough to roll the windows down. Outside the full moon was a bright body shining down upon the earth. He glanced up looking for the Roth ship. Sometimes, at the perfect moment, you could catch the flash of reddish light. Charlie always looked, because he envied them for being in space.

  He forced himself back to Earth, and pulled his fedora down a little more. A low mist hung over the road as Charlie drove leisurely away from the house. Elva sat behind him holding the blanket and thermos. Fara was next to her but reached a hand forward and slid it under his shirt.

  Her sharp fingernails scratched at his skin as she whispered, "I vant to suck your blood tonight." Fara was such a sadist, and it turned her on more than anything.

  "Play your cards right, and anything can happen," The engine revved to solidify his words.

  The vampire leaned between the seats and bit his ear, and Elva joined her sister in attacking his lobes. Sofie leaned over as well and started working the buttons on his pants. Her long fingers unzipped his fly, and she reached inside for his growing bulge.

  "Trying to earn brownie points already?"

  The redhead glanced up at him, searched his face, then closed her mouth slowly over his erection. Charlie moaned as her lips slid all the way down the shaft to his base. It was a good thing the road was mostly empty. His eyes momentarily closed as pleasure slammed into his brain. The Mustang meandered into the oncoming lane before Charlie caught himself. Sofie's long tongue was like a living creature as her head worked up and down. Meanwhile, Elva and Fara were both assaulting his ears. He stopped at a red light four blocks from the competition center and sagged back against the seat.

  He moaned and said in a hoarse voice, "One spank off."

  Sofie pushed herself faster as saliva slid down his shaft. Elva and Fara continued to lick and bite his ears. Near the sidewalk, there was a surprised gasp. A young man, not more than twenty, was staring into the car. His dark eyes flicked over the two topless women in back, then to Charlie and the
redhead. The kid wore the gray military uniform from character creation, and standing beside him in a simple bikini was a busty green-eyed ginger. The weapon blushed, and her many freckles deepened in color. Leaning forward she whispered something into the boy's ear. He jumped, then glanced between her and the Mustang.

  "You finally made it, nyan." Elva purred into his ear then nipped at his left lobe.

  So she recalled the incident as well. He couldn't help but smile remembering that scene so many months ago. Only then he'd been the one standing on the corner looking into a car full of topless women. Charlie grinned at the kid as the light turned green, and gunned the engine. Tires squealed, and rubber burned as the Mustang shot down the street.

  Charlie barely managed to park the car before he came. He sank his fingers into Sofie's hair and pushed her further down his shaft. The prisoner was forced to swallow his essence as Charlie panted for breath. Once he was clean, she carefully zipped him back into his pants.

  Charlie cleared his throat and announced, "Two spanks off."

  "Only two? Dat vas worth half off at least." Sofie argued already shifting back to her forceful personality.

  "I admit, that was amazing, so I'll take five off," he said reaching over to fix the suspender strap over her chest. Sofie appeared mollified as she checked her hair in the mirror and climbed out. The Mustang quieted into silence as the engine shut off. He took the unlit cigar from his jacket and bit down on the end.

  Outside, Elva pulled his right arm between her bare breasts. His left draped over Fara's shoulders while Sofie clung to his back. Charlie carried the twin tommy guns, and together they made for the small park outside the entrance.

  Grace, as usual, sat alone on the leaf covered bench. Her contract collar was gone, so the only thing between her and the world was a thin bikini. At least, it was still warm tonight. Her face was blank, and her gaze distance as Grace floated through the memories of better days. Charlie paused next to the bench, and the girls let go of him.

  "How are you doing, Grace?"

  The weapon ignored them and continued to stare into the distance. Elva unfolded the woolen blanket and draped it over her. It was the only thing Charlie could give her. His previous attempts to put coats and scarves on Grace had ended up in them being destroyed. A blanket though wasn't worn, it only covered. Elva knelt before Grace.

  "You should really go to the Armory, it's warmer there," Elva said pressing the woman's cool hands to her face. Opening the thermos, Elva poured some of the hot cider into the cup. As she placed it in the weapon’s hands, Grace finally looked down. She took a sip at first, before draining the entire cup, and Elva quickly added more.

  "Are you trying to get me drunk?" Grace asked sipping the cider more slowly. Alcohol did funny things to the girls. Chiefly, it made them randy as hounds in mating season. It also warmed the stomach and flushed blood to the skin. Grace's cheeks almost immediately took on a pink rosy tinge.

  "How else is a man supposed to get a beautiful woman like you to come home with him?" He asked with a smile. Grace sipped again and carefully wiped her lips.

  "And what—pray tell—would you do with me?" She asked glancing at him over her cider. Grace scanned the skimpy costumes the three girls wore with disapproval.

  "To be honest, I'd chain you to my bed, and spend all night—and each night—turning you into a screaming succubus of carnal desire."

  "You are a lascivious devil," Grace said before she hiccuped.

  "That's a part of my charm."

  "I would heartily disagree. I must tell you—here and now—I'll never contract with you." She said glancing with horror at the nearly naked girls.

  Charlie laughed. He hadn't picked out their costumes, but they knew what he liked.

  "Your words wound me to the quick, and I feel the heat, so the cider appears to be working."

  "I'm sorry for ignoring you. It was rude of me." Grace admitted. Charlie waved a dismissive hand.

  "You won't go back to the armory?" Elva asked interrupting the banter.


  "You are as stubborn as Montgomery," Charlie said.

  Grace laughed lightly and said, "That's the nicest thing you've said to me. Thank you."

  "Do you need anything?"

  "No, I'll stay a bit longer."

  "Elva is right. There's no point in torturing yourself by sitting out here."

  "I'll stay a bit longer," she repeated.

  That was the most he could do. The wool blanket would keep her warm, and she had food at the Armory. Charlie nodded and moved away. Elva closed the thermos and caught up slipping under his arm.

  "I worry about her. Weapons are programmed to seek a Meister. We need to be used." Elva said in a soft whisper.

  "Leave her be,"

  "Charlie…" Elva said clutching at his elbow.

  "I can't Elva. You heard her; she won't contract with me. Besides, it would be unfair to keep her as a trophy weapon. I'm honest enough to say that I'd never use her. Not with Fara, Sofie, and yourself around."

  The three girls hugged him, and their warmth was welcome. Charlie had time to burn before the event, and Grace made it rather clear she wanted to be left alone.

  Charlie hadn't walked far when he caught sight of an apparition. A man of about twenty walked carefully through the moonlit parking lot. He wore a gray jacket of the Confederate army which was cut in the fashion for the enlisted man. His dark brown hair was short, and his face was cleanly shaven. However, there was something in the nose that was familiar. The eyes too were fierce as they looked only at Grace. In his arms was a bouquet of red roses, and he stopped a few feet from the blanket covered woman. The young southern soldier coughed gently trying to get the woman's attention, but Grace continued to stare into the distance, oblivious to all.

  He took a step closer and asked, "Will you evah forgive me?"

  Grace turned, and her eyes snapped to the young man before her. She half stood from the bench and her fingers clutched at her bosom as if she could physically stop her heart from pounding.

  "These are for you," the Confederate soldier said holding out the roses.

  For a few seconds, she continued to stare at the young man. Then Grace launched herself upward, and the blanket fell away. She swept the flowers aside and wrapped her arms around the young man's neck. The bouquet fell to the flagstones as she started to weep.

  "Is it you Monty? Am I dreaming still, or are you real?" She wept burying her head in his shoulder.

  "I have returned."

  She cried for almost a minute before pulling back and raised her hand. The young man saw it coming and made no move to dodge. The moonlight glinted off her pale skin as she brought it savagely down.

  "I hate you," she said slapping him. Her blow struck him to one knee, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

  He gathered himself, looked up at Grace, and said, "I deserve that for putting you through so much." Anything he tried to say next was lost as Grace launched herself at him. She pressed her lips to his in a kiss that was as much fury as passion. A clear collar formed around her neck as she took in his red essence. She made sounds, grunting, and moaning as her tongue fought its way deeper and deeper into his mouth.

  "I waited, and waited but you didn't return." Grace finally said as she stood, but Monty remained on his knee. He reached up taking her hand and kissed it with his bloody lips.

  "With God as my witness, I promise never to leave you again. I beg you; please be my weapon." He said.

  "Yes, a thousand times yes." Grace cried and fell into his arms.

  Charlie approached the two and said, "I have to warn you, I don't believe in ghosts."

  Grace blushed realizing the recent kiss had been seen by others. She hid behind Montgomery still trying to collect herself, and caught sight of the dropped blanket. Then ran to the bench, picked up the discarded cloth, and draped it over herself.

  "That is fine, sir. I don't believe in you either." Montgomery said stepping forwa
rd. Charlie shook his hand, and it was still as steely firm as ever.

  "I'll spare you the slap, but I too have missed you. What took you so long?"

  "I spent a month in a purgatory of my own making," Monty answered with a self-deprecating smile. He reached up wiping the blood from his lips.

  "Elva, that cider will help I think," Charlie said. Elva bounced forward and unscrewed the thermos. Monty glanced at the half-nude cat slave as she poured a cup of bourbon-laced cider.

  "Color me surprised; it's Kentucky Rye, you don't strike me as the type," Monty said taking another sip.

  "He kept trying to get me drunk, so I would go home with him." Grace answered in a piqued tone.

  "He did, did he?"

  "Only with the purest of intentions," Charlie said quickly.

  Grace hugged Monty from behind, wrapping her arms around his stomach. "He said he wanted to chain me to his bed and turn me into a sex-crazed harlot."


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