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Oblivion's Peril

Page 22

by M. H. Johnson

  Yin giggled. "Oh god, he does! And with that haircut... he really does."

  Sten frowned, before quirking a jaded smile straight from the movies. "If you say so, kids. In the meantime, if you'll pass me some of those healing vials, we've got lives to save."

  The next handful of hours passed in a blur, Val doing what he could, Christine's haunted gaze making it clear they were only buying time, Val racing to make additional batches when the symptoms began to show once more, Gregor's exhausted eyes at last catching his own as he finished his final batch of the afternoon, drinking deep of the water flask the smaller man handed him.

  You have successfully concocted your 50th batch of Greater Regeneration potion. Congratulations! You have achieved Rank 1 Expertise in formulating regeneration potions! Though the alchemical requirements have not changed, your regeneration potions will be 10% more potent. Too bad you’re almost out of everything you need to make them!

  "I tried, Val. I really tried my best. But with the limited ingredient at our disposal... I'm sorry, Val, but we have no substitute for the plants we need." Gregor gave a sad sigh. "It's going to be an awful couple of days. This virus is like smallpox, bubonic plague, and the Kyresian flu all rolled up into one. Your regeneration potion is really something. I saw a dozen poor sods I thought couldn't last an hour begin to recover, especially with the IV drips, but it's not killing the virus, only giving our bodies a temporary reprieve. Even with the extra time for our immune systems to learn to fight this horror, I'd be surprised if more than 40% of us make it, even if you could make potions nonstop without dropping."

  Val sighed, lowering his head. “I’m pretty much out of everything, Gregor. I can’t even make lesser healing potions at this point.”

  Gregor winced. “You just had to say it, didn’t you?” The tiny man sighed. “Too bad the ingredients I was experimenting with won’t substitute. I guess we’re really in trouble now.”

  Val grimaced, nodding, already feeling the pressure, almost imagining his potions blazing brightly against a vile darkness that only grew, no matter how bright his lights shone.

  And then he froze, blinking, realizing how stupid he was being. Christine's broken gate. That odd two-dimensional portal somehow pulling together 4-D space, and when it was inert, it looked just like the obelisks he and his friends had once used to hop around Southern Jordia.

  It was a long shot, he was physically here now. But what did he have to lose?

  He spun around, clasping Julia's hand. "I'm going to try something. No promises, but it just might work." Julia's eyes widened.

  "Val, let me come with you." Then she swallowed, lowering her head. "You're right, I'm sorry."

  Val grimaced. He had not wanted her to catch that thought, but she was the one woman he could hide nothing from. She understood. Rejuvenated by his potions and a uniquely potent immune system, she would probably make it. He had no doubt. He didn't want to think about what he would do if she didn't. But she and everyone else present were probably contagious in the extreme. It was a risk he didn't dare take, spreading an infection that it seemed only he might be immune from. Even so...

  "Elise! The anti-pathogen sprays in the containment facility on floor six. I need several vials ASAP!" Elise's eyes widened at that and Val winced to see the sores upon her face, grateful they only showed signs of stage II of this horrid disease. When they began to burst en masse, then she would truly be in trouble. But the Greater Regeneration potion seemed to be holding, Val's eyes widening to actually see several spontaneously fade, the potion still rejuvenating her body as it waged a deadly war with the infection plaguing it. At least for now.

  But she wasted no time frowning at his brooding thoughts, already giving orders to a nearby assistant who promised to meet Val in the very command center Val had once thought the entirety of Christine's research facility. As she had no doubt intended.

  Yin frowned Val's way. "What's up, battle buddy?"

  "I'm not sure, but I'm thinking the gate we went through, even though it's now inert as an interplanetary gate, we might be able to use it just like we did the obelisks!”

  Yin whistled, eyes widening with delight. "Awesome! If we could connect to Guildhall Ottalaus and the rest of our network, we'd have incredible mobility and be able to adventure on both sides of Jordia."

  Val nodded. "And it might just be our saving grace."

  "How so?"

  Val grinned. "Think. What does our guildhall have that we enjoyed tearing through during training?"

  Yin shrugged. "The most awesome gardens outside the botanical museum and all the sangria you can drink? Wait, you don't think..."

  Val nodded. "Just like our favorite MMORPGs, that garden has at least two breeds of plants I sensed magical emanations from. I imprinted the plants we needed from Gregor in order to make the Cure-all potions. If I can find them..."

  "We can cure everyone!"

  Val nodded.

  "Awesome! Let me get the gang, we'll be right behind you!"

  Val frowned, shaking his head. "Too much risk. We're at ground zero of a virulent outbreak. Even if you guys are asymptomatic, this crap is more contagious than smallpox. You'd only dare it if you were completely naked, and Christine's antipathogen was sprayed completely over your body."

  "That stuff is exceedingly dangerous, Val. It's made to be sprayed over decontamination suits," said none other than a weary-looking Christine, golden eyes flashing with hidden reserves despite her obvious pallor, sores forming almost as fast as Val's potion was keeping them at bay.

  Val nodded. "I know."

  "Val, it will burn your skin right off!"

  Val grimaced. "I have backup suits of dwarven armor in storage. I can change instantly. I think. I don't know if the pain will hinder that. Here's to hoping my regeneration does its trick, however."

  If anything, Christine's pallor grew. "What you'd be doing.... gods, Val. I don't know what to say. You know exactly what's needed to save us. And you're willing to suffer that agony for all of us." She lowered her head. "You shame me, Val. I pride myself on my ruthless resolve. But how much pain would I endure for the sake of those I love? I pray it's an equal amount, and I'm grateful I'm in no position to find out."

  Val winked. "Hardly altruism, Christine. You can think of it as pure self-interest. Wealth is fine but love and family give me more happiness than fancy toys or my father's Mercedes ever could. I value people more than things, and I'm willing to fight to keep everything and everyone I value safe. That's all it is."

  His friends were gazing at him strangely. Then he realized Christine had whispered those words inside his head. Of course. Such a confession in the midst of her people... still. It was what she needed to hear. Not that he had any doubt as to his true motivations.


  "Yes, Val?"

  "Whatever happens, despite everything we've survived up to now..." He got closer, his voice just a whisper. "I'm assigning full administrative privileges for this territory to you. You are its overseer, and our land will blossom all the better for you steering the helm. Just promise me, no unnecessary pain to anything or anyone."

  Administrator Assigned! Christine Highblood has been given full administration rights to Highblood Province to develop as she sees fit! +20% annual breakthrough chance! Let's just hope not too many horrors are spawned by giving your favorite mad scientist free rein!

  Christine shuddered, blinking rapidly, mind racing in a thousand directions, Val sensed. Slowly she nodded. "I will not let you down, Valor. And I appreciate the trust." She flashed a cheeky grin so reminiscent of Julia's own. "We will both profit and prosper beyond our wildest dreams with the breakthroughs my insights will provide us! You will not be disappointed."

  Val held Christine’s gaze. "As for the lower levels..."

  She placed a gentle finger to his lips. "No pain, Val. That's a promise." She winked. "Perhaps a mild jolt of discomfort for anything proving... unruly, but positive reinforcement and incentivization I
shall embrace for no less than 90% of all sentiences under our banner. Agreed?"

  Val frowned but nodded, already knowing the value of giving his future mother-in-law some slack.

  Christine's smile grew. "Yes, Val. Humoring your mother-in-law is always a wise choice. I'm glad you see me as that already. I think you and Julia will be tying the knot soon enough." Her eyes widened. "What you did with the hive minds was sheer genius. That biochemical mixture triggered just the right synapses to mimic a runner's high with hard work. No pain needed. I shall not forget that formula. And of course I shall leave all alchemical applications to you and Gregor to develop as you see fit. Who knows? Perhaps we shall find unique applications in the blending of the biological and alchemical sciences, unlocking untold wonders!”

  Administrator Christine proposes Interdepartmental Synergism! This will allow a +10% breakthrough bonus to annual breakthrough chances, once your Alchemical laboratory achieves third tier! Each additional tier will increase said bonus by an additional 10%! Note: at least 50% of Alchemical laboratory resources and hires will be dedicated to Christine's projects. Do you accept? Yes/No.

  Val frowned, not sure what insight Christine had gleaned from sifting through the odd memories he had had while casting his Greater Dominion Catalyzation. It had been both an epiphany of insight and realization, and was simultaneously slipping away from conscious memory like a vivid dream. But the opportunity to increase his breakthrough chance was not something he wanted to miss out on. Val nodded. "That sounds fine. Of course, we need full control of the lab until the crisis is averted, and I'll need full use of the facility when I'm making batches of my healing potions."

  Christine nodded. "Of course!"

  Provisional agreement accepted! You maintain rights to commandeer the Alchemical Laboratory for your own designs, but only when necessary. 9% bonus to annual technological breakthrough chances will go into effect as soon as your laboratory becomes a tier 3 facility! Purchase additional laboratory gear and/or hire additional experienced alchemists or assistants for Gregor to train in order to facilitate laboratory development!

  Christine clenched his arm. "They've brought the decontaminate. Are you sure you don't want to take one of your healing potions yourself, Val?"

  He grimaced, slowly shaking her head. “We both know that right now, like never before, every potion given is buying people time. With luck, it will be time enough to find and create what we need. I’m not going to take that gift away from some unlucky soul just because I fear a little pain. Slowly or not, I can regenerate, Christine. No one else can say that.”

  Val centered himself, sensing the extra sets of dwarven armaments Arilius had insisted he bring what now seemed a lifetime ago, as well as extra Psiblades and forceshields. All of it safely stored in a dimensional rift that appeared strangely like an inventory screen to his mind's eye. And unlike his Psiblades, the dwarven weaponry could be pulled free without taking precious moments to repair when pulling out of storage.

  He hoped for the best, but there was no way of telling what was in store on the other side of the gate. He kept all his options in mind as he raced for the control room, dreading what came next.

  Even as he approached the obelisk, he felt a chill racing up and down his spine. He blinked, only noting then the force field surrounding it. But it was the pair of assistants wearing full biohazard gear that brought him to a halt.

  "Please remove all your equipment, sir."

  Val looked back once at Christine.

  "Don't worry, Val. I will keep your artifacts safe. You have my word."

  Grimacing, he undressed, entering a cordoned chamber just before the obelisk.

  "We're going to spray you down, sir. Highlord Christine has just left, we are decontaminating your equipment and the room entire before shutting down the force field. Your jump will be clean." A strange pause. "Are you sure about this sir?"

  Val paused. He wanted to hesitate, but he could feel it. The obelisk was before him and he felt the static hum of its pull. Nothing compared to when he had just been a projection of sorts, but he still felt something. It was a gamble, but without it they had nothing. He just hated the thought of the pain that was in store.

  Val gritted his teeth, taking deep breaths, focusing inward, doing his best to prepare for the pain.

  "Go," Val said, bracing himself as he slipped into the shadows, but there was no response.

  He cursed, opening his eyes. It looked like he couldn't even escape into Shadowmind. He was hidden so deep they couldn't even hear him, and if entering that state somehow minimized physical as well as mental contact, it would be no good. He needed the stuff to coat him completely, so no viral shedding would occur.

  Gripping his hands tightly, he said the words. "Do it!"

  Screaming as his entire world became a hot ball of pain, searing his skin completely off.

  You have taken 20 HP of damage! You have suffered a Light Wound! You have suffered a Medium Wound! Your epidermal layer has been almost entirely seared off! Good thing you closed your eyes, Val. Congratulations! Contaminants have been purged!

  Val choked back another awful scream as the caustic mist stopped spraying. "You're cleared, sir." Another pause. "Force field is off... sir, this is madness. Say the word, and we'll get you to sickbay stat!"

  But Val was already racing for the gate, only daring to crack open a single blurry eye, screaming even as he focused his agony to furious intent, slamming his hand against the obelisk, hoping for a miracle.

  You have accessed Highblood gate! This gate is open only to you and Terran members of Guild Ottalaus! Do you wish to expand access to all sentients for 1 territory point? Do you wish to limit gate access to those sworn to your service for 2 points? Do you wish to expand gates to allow for massive structural transport (such as battle-mechs) for 1 additional point?

  And Val spent endless moments blinking in a blissfully pain-free incorporeal state, as if he were playing a game deep in the night, pitch blackness except for the screen, hardly aware of himself, only the blinking points on his game map. In addition to Highblood Province, he sensed the obelisks he had first ported through, including the ones at the Manor used by Guild Ottalaus and the Dominion outpost, as well as the portal in the heart of that mining town that had been occupied by several hundred forest fairies eager to embrace mortality's promises and savor families of their own, only to suffer horrific butchery at the hands of a mad wizard and his henchmen.

  And Val shivered when he sensed yet another gate blinking far north, somehow knowing it would lead him back to Ava's arms.

  And he would make that jump. One day. There was so much he wanted to share with his princess and her wondrous city, but now was not the time. Instead he focused his will to the gate that would lead to the heart of Guild Ottalaus's manor.

  And much to his surprise, his Dominion Matrix automatically popped up over the warp-gate map.

  Greengrove Province is in dispute! Do you wish to contest disputed territory? Yes/No.

  Val didn't hesitate to hit yes, suddenly blinking, finding himself bathed in searing pain and brilliant light, breathless moments spent gasping on the ground as he desperately forced his will upon his form. Pocket dimension access failed! Save versus pain failed!

  Val squinted, eyes tearing still, his health slowly recovering, making out half a dozen armored soldiers gazing at him with looks of surprise, a portly man with bulbous lips and a balding pate, overdressed in fur and silk, sneering down at him with contempt. Beside him was a figure dressed in a Dominion uniform, unarmed save for a blaster pistol, carrying himself like a bureaucrat. Val's still-open Dominion Matrix was blinking over said official.

  Val suppressed a shudder as the awful pain finally dulled to manageable levels, and with a deep breath, summoned his dwarven sword and shield, then the rest of his armor as well.

  Pocket dimension successfully accessed!

  "Saints above, that man's face was a burned wreck. How did it heal so fast?"

/>   "Did you see him pop out of thin air? And those armaments! He must be one of those adventurers."

  The overdressed individual abruptly smacked the closest murmuring guard with surprising force. "Silence! I will hear no more talk of those Terran apes! They are a subjugate race and better start acting like it, or I'll see those upstart adventurers’ heads on pikes!"

  He turned to glare at Val, slowly coming to his feet. "You are trespassing, sirrah. I don't care what bizarre quest you are on, or which Highlord you serve. My lands are now off-limits to your kind. I shall give you ten minutes to leave Snivelpuse territory, or I shall have you shot!"

  The guards’ stares turned cold, hands suddenly on blasters. The bureaucrat, however, was giving Val the strangest look with his brilliant blue eyes.

  Val smiled. The pale-faced man gazing so intently at Val wasn't just a functionary. He understood the game in play.

  The bloated administrator snarled once more at Val before turning to the bureaucrat. "Well? The conditions have been fulfilled. The Terran apes know better than to contest their betters, and my men have not spotted a single member of that guild in the past three days! I will claim ownership of this territory and the first thing I will do is wall off whatever foul rift allows these monkeys to port into my domain! If you bureaucratic oafs had thought to heed my advice in council, property values would have doubled and we would be rid of those Terran fools!"

  Val smiled, heart racing, reveling in the visceral thrill of combat, just heartbeats away. He locked eyes with the administrator who glared in outrage at his temerity.

  "Sorry, Snivelpuse. I'm afraid you can't grab this territory quite yet."

  Snivelpuse trembled in fury, hand squeezing the hilt of the dwarven blaster at his hip. "Insolent Terran monkey! If you do not leave this instant, I will have your head!"

  Val smiled. "Not if I take yours first."

  All the armsmen readied their blasters at those words, glaring at Val like he was vermin they yearned to exterminate.

  Val turned to face the slender bureaucrat. "Greengrove Province is in dispute." He flashed a cold smile at the man's lurch of surprise. "I know you feel it. I think you know the cause. My name is Valor Hunter, member of Guild Ottalaus. I believe we still have several days to claim this territory as our own, should we have sufficient funds to purchase it. Is that not correct?"


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