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Oblivion's Peril

Page 46

by M. H. Johnson

  “You’re pretty well versed about this place,” Val noted.

  Sasha suddenly blushed, looking less the proper scholar and more like the young woman she was. “I was in love, once upon a time. But the man I favored was no power to be feared. He was a mundane. A scholar.” She sighed, shaking her head sadly. “Not fit company for me at all, Father insisted.”

  Bethany grinned evilly. “So our dear Sasha started taking a ladylike interest in affairs of the heart that our first-mother was happy to encourage! Of course my own birth-mother understood, but she’d be the last to deny a girl questing for the other half of her soul.”

  Sasha shook her head, wiping a tear away.

  “What happened?” Val asked, voice strangely soft even after Lisa gave a satisfied nod upon opening the door to a corner suite, quickly inserting card in lock and bringing their bags inside.

  Sasha turned to Val once they entered the suite, looking as beautiful and sensual as a dream in the starlight streaming in from the sliding glass doors leading to the impressive patio deck just beyond the central room.

  She noted Val's regard and flushed, lowering her gaze. "Nothing so terrible," she whispered. "Father found out and scared him off. He loved me enough not to hurt my Timothy, but made it quite clear his time upon Jordia had come to an end." She smiled sadly. "He wrote me a letter just before the succession started in earnest. He is now happily married with a child on the way, and is on the fast track to becoming a tenured professor at the university he is affiliated with." She swallowed. "To find a woman so compatible that a child quickens before even the first decade has passed? Beyond remarkable. I couldn't be happier for him."

  Lisa nodded sympathetically, grabbing her older sister’s hand. “Come. Help me open the wine. It will go well with the chocolate heart-flowers.”

  Val caught Bethany’s gaze. “I’m sorry,” he softly said.

  She smiled, shaking her head. “Our loss was never your fault, Val. Now at least Sasha has hope that her future will be brighter than her past. Much brighter. Thanks to you.” Her captivating green eyes pinned him where he stood. “We’ve had a long day. Let’s get you to bed.”

  And when her warm hand gently clasped his own, he saw the strain beneath her smile, the fear, dread, and yes, shame, hidden just behind her bubbly persona.

  When Val found her wine cup in his hands, he didn’t hesitate to enjoy a sip, earning a smile, and when she led him to the soft, comforting bed in the master bedroom, Val found himself leaning back, covered in blankets, head resting on micro-fiber pillows. He closed his eyes for a heartbeat and a beautiful girl was suddenly pressed against him, Val’s magical armor now safely stored once more, and perhaps it said something about her focus that Bethany didn’t ask where it had gone. She didn’t even say a word about Val’s change in appearance, merely smiling happily as she snuggled against his near naked form, insistent hands pulling one arm around her so he could hold her, soft fiery curls now against his chest.

  She had plucked his wine glass from unresisting fingers, before tossing it back with a satisfied sigh, and with a whispered command, the sourceless pink light faded.

  Val blinked away the bemused daze he had for some reason allowed himself to slip into, his nose awash with scents of vanilla, cinnamon, cherry-flavored wine, and Bethany’s natural musk. He could feel her heart racing just as fast as his own.

  A soft voice whispered in the darkness.



  “What’s your full name?”

  Val smiled. “Valor Hunter.”

  Sparkling eyes reflecting the moonlight from the open window caught his own. “No middle name?” She flashed a teasing smile. “I thought they were important to you Terrans, for some reason.”

  Val looked out the window, peering at the starry nighttime sky, memory of his mother’s tender gaze suddenly overwhelming him. “You won’t find my middle name on any official document, Bethany. And until very recently, I completely forgot I had one.”

  Bethany nodded. “It’s okay.” Soft fingers caressed his cheek. “Do you remember what I said earlier tonight? That if you spared my sisters I would give myself to you faithfully, willingly, even joyfully?”

  Heart pounding, Val jerked a nod. “But I would never force you to do that,” he whispered. “Never. There is no way I would be like those monsters who sought to break your spirit. I want to see you soar, Bethany. When I hear your laughter, when I saw your eyes light up with mirth when you and your sisters were shopping, eating, just savoring this night we spent together? That was worth its weight in gold to me. I would never take that away from you.”

  Val blinked, surprised to see tears in the girl’s eyes as she gazed down at him, smiling so brightly as her silken dress slipped free of her shoulders revealing luscious, perfectly shaped breasts that would be the envy of any surgeon, but were entirely her own. Val swallowed, forcing himself to look up even as she smiled into his eyes, her soft hands bringing his unresisting fingers to feel her taut belly. She trembled at his touch, biting her lip.

  Eyes wide, not with fear, but desire.

  Val lowered his gaze and turned away.

  A soft sob pierced his heart as she curled up in a ball, tears streaming down her face.


  “Please don’t abandon me, Val. Please don’t reject me.” Desperate eyes gazed into his own. “I had lost all hope. I was degraded filth, haunted by nightmares, too ashamed to even bear the gaze of men who knew how broken I was.” She laughed bitterly. “I, who had once had dreams of royalty, was now lower than the basest whore, and every single soldier in Kentric’s army knew it. Taunted me with it. Laughed at me and mocked my shame. My sisters’ shame. The horrors we had been forced to endure.”

  She gasped and swallowed, her sobs easing at last, gazing at Val with strange wonder. “And out of the blue, you were there. A fortune in credits no Terran should have access to, and you claimed all three of us. And then, for some mad reason, you gave us our contracts, our freedom, and have been helping us ever since.”

  Warm fingers stroked his cheek, even as Val wrapped her in blankets. “How could I not see you as my hero? How could I not fall for you, just a little bit?” She squeezed his hand. “I meant every word I said, Val. And you did more than fulfill your end of the bargain. You didn’t just show me and my sisters mercy, you saved us without reservation.”

  Bethany lowered her gaze, whispering softly. “I meant it, when I said I could fall in love with a man like you. And honestly, Val, I think I’m already starting to.”

  Val couldn’t help smiling at that. “We’ve known each other less than a day, Bethany, and you’ve been through a horrific ordeal. Don’t think I don’t find you attractive. Truth is, you’re one of the most stunningly beautiful girls I’ve ever seen.”

  Bethany’s whole face lit up with his words, giving her beauty an almost ethereal quality. Val flushed and lowered his head, heart racing with desire he would not surrender to again.

  "But that doesn't change the fact that you've been hurt. It doesn't change the fact that you deserve to heal. To regain your sense of dignity, your sense of purpose, your independence, free and clear. With no strings attached. From that moment on? Any man in the world would be lucky to have you in their life. And any fool who would judge you for having been hurt has instantly shown himself to be utterly unworthy of your time.”

  “Do you really believe that, Val?”

  Val nodded. “I do. I really do.”

  Her smile was soul deep. “I can see it in your eyes. Thank you, Val. I just… thank you.”

  Val couldn’t help grinning back, for all that his heart ached for her pain.



  “Could you just… hold me?”

  Heart in throat, Val wrapped his arms about her shivering form, stroking hair the color of living flame, doing his best to soothe away her sobs, her hands clenching tightly to his own until at last her sobs were r
eplaced by the soft susurrations of sleep.

  He spent long moments just savoring the comfort he could give her, grateful he had thought to cover her with a blanket to protect her from both the cool air and passions he was determined to master until he was in Julia’s arms once more. But in another time and place, he could so easily fall for the precious jewel beside him, a girl he hungered for even now.

  With infinite care and a gentle kiss to the sleeping girl’s brow, he slipped free of her curled form and quietly left their room, ready to embrace the night and all the secrets it held.


  "Where to, friend?" said the bored-looking man behind the gears of the taxi Val had waved down, having learned what that flashing pattern of lights meant, spying a number of other late-night revelers flagging down similar vehicles.

  It was so late it was almost morning. 3:30 by Val’s watch, grateful that it seemed Terran times were in perfect sync with Jordia, which wasn’t really so surprising considering their worlds were so stably locked as to allow for portals between their realms. Val grimaced, recalling Sasha’s odd look once Val slipped free of Bethany’s tender grip and left the master bedroom. His thoughts had been a swirling mixture of shame, adoration, and fiercest desire, such that he hadn’t been able to embrace Shadowmind before Sasha had pinned his gaze. And to think, Christine had assured him just days ago that the bizarre situation he now found himself in was rather tame, for what was expected from a would-be Overlord.

  He had not expected to see brilliant silver eyes pinning his own for that awkward split second after Val had sneaked out of the bedroom, Sasha holding a tiny Lisa curled up in her arms as they sat in a plush, reclined chair together, and whatever Sasha saw in that glance, he feared it had been too much. “Your nobility does you credit. You chose to give Bethany a chance to heal, to decide for herself what she wants. Now she knows your honor is more than just lip service, that you truly are the hero every girl yearns for.” She flashed a teasing smile. “You do know that’s just going to make her fall for you all the harder, don’t you? Though I’m not sure how my sister will feel about being third-wife. Or is it fourth? In any case, try not to get yourself killed, Valor Hunter. Our lives are sort of in your hands.”

  He had swallowed, shaken by those words, before pouring a casual pile of Elementium coins onto the countertop. Coins Lucius had been more than happy to supply, once Valor made it clear that he would not bankrupt their territory and had more than sufficient Elementium powder to spare.

  He couldn’t help grinning at the memory of Sasha’s expression, happy to be the one to leave her speechless for once, before he had instructed Sasha to have Bethany reach out to whatever contacts she had, whatever pilots might be lurking in the shadows, and make it clear that Val would double whatever rate they had ever been offered before.

  “So I take it you spotted her ports, then. When not distracted by other things. Don’t worry, Valor Hunter. We will do our part. Count on it.”

  Val had nodded, darting out as fast as he could, fearing Sasha’s eyes had already seen too much.

  The cabby gave a concerned grunt, snapping Val back into the moment. Val had looked long and hard for what he wanted for almost an hour. He’d be a fool to lose the driver’s services now.

  Before he could make sure.

  “You okay, son? It’s late, was there someplace you needed to go?”

  “That depends. Do you know a good place to buy a hover-bike?”

  The man’s bored demeanor instantly changed, looking back at Val with something like genuine curiosity. “Hover-bike?”

  Val pointed at the bike whistling past their vehicle at that very moment, emitting a muted roar with flashing lights wavering about almost hypnotically around its perimeter. Very eye-catching, it might or might not help it avoid accidents, but discreet it was not. "Something like that. Preferably faster. And quieter, if possible. What's with all those flashing lights, anyway?"

  The man flashed a jaded smile. “Off-worlder, am I right? Those would be hover-blades, sir. And for the record, the low hum and flashing lights are something of a necessity, I fear. Standard regulation so as to avoid accidents. Speed is also throttled of course, for our own safety, even if those things can go a helluva lot faster than any damned veli, if you got the right fuel, and credits to modify them.”

  Val frowned. “Let me guess. Government oversight?”

  The man nodded. “Because we’re all just children who need the powers that be to wipe our damned noses on top of everything else.” The man blinked and swallowed, as if suddenly regretting his words. “I’m sorry, sir. Please disregard that last comment. I wouldn’t know anything about anything save standard issue hover-blades, and I would be more than happy to take you to the closest certified hover-blade outlet.” The driver immediately pulled into traffic, as smoothly as any professional driver, effortlessly weaving in and out of traffic.

  Perception check made!

  Val couldn’t help grinning. “Smooth hands for a taxi driver. I think you’re wasted in a job like this.”

  The man chuckled softly. "Oh, I wasn't always a taxi driver. Drove other things, once upon a time. Good at my trade too." He sighed. "But times change. Priorities change. And one day you wake up and realize just how close you came to biting the dust, and you know it's time to try something different. Something..."


  The driver cleared his throat. “Perhaps.”

  “Were you a pilot?”

  The man peered thoughtfully at Val for a few heartbeats, hands seeming to direct him in and out of traffic of their own accord, before giving a thoughtful nod. “Once upon a time, son. Once upon a time.”

  Val peered carefully at the man. “You’re no slouch behind the gears. I’m guessing you were good at your job, whether it was ferrying men where they needed to be, or extracting friendlies when things got hot and heavy.”

  Charisma check made! There’s something about those who dare the King’s Path that encourages others to follow your lead in conversations, or in battle!

  The cabby slowly nodded. “Flew a battle-mech too, once upon a time. I’m no slouch in the captain’s seat, whether I’m flying a taxi or an Excalibur Mech.” The taxi suddenly swerved as a pair of hover-blades screamed past, and Val couldn’t help noticing that they followed no speed limits and their lights had been muted. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not the typical trust fund brat having fun exploring the galaxy on the family purse strings?”

  Val chuckled softly. “I forge my own path, and I’ll go wherever it takes me, no matter how foolish another might find my footsteps.”

  The man grinned. “Sound like a couple fellows I knew, once upon a time. Call me Mack. Don’t suppose you figured out where your path is taking you yet? My friends never did.”

  Val flashed a cold grin. “I walk the Path of Kings, Mack. And if fortune favors me, it will take me all the way to the throne.”

  The man gasped as a girl dressed in glittering sequins stumbled out onto the road, forced into the street by the drunken crowd of revelers now filling the sidewalks, and it was only Mack’s own masterful reflexes that kept their vehicle from flipping over, Val ready to spring out in a heartbeat. But he kept his seat as the vehicle spun, Mack eventually straightening them out, smooth as silk, darting past folly with effortless grace. And in those moments of surprise and fear, eyes locked upon Val’s own, Val saw all he needed to see.

  A nervous hand clenched the locket upon Mack’s neck, futile attempts to hide what Val had already glimpsed.

  The man didn’t slow down until endless minutes passed, refusing even to look Val’s way as he raced through the night, Val content to leave the man to his thoughts as he finally slowed, most of the city now behind him, drawing to a stop in an alley some distance from the main thoroughfare, collecting himself before he dared to meet Val’s gaze.

  “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but the Rite of Ascension is no joke, kid. You don't know how many hundre
ds of thousands of jacks and fools have gotten killed for that folly across gods know how many worlds. Now just get the hell out of my veli, okay? Your bike shop is just up the block. You want fast and modified? They got you covered, and you never heard it from me.”

  Val kept his eyes on the driver’s hands. “I’m looking for good pilots, Mack. I like what I see, and I’m willing to pay top coin to hire you on.”

  Mack blinked. “Kid, what the hell are you going on about? You don’t even know me.”

  “I know skill, Mack. That girl was a goner and you slid past her like a pro. She owes her life to you.” Val shook his head. “It doesn’t take a genius to see that whatever your story is, your days of rolling in credits are long behind you. And by the way you’re holding that locket, squeezing it so tightly... someone you love is in trouble.”

  Val peered carefully at the man before him, noting the sudden clenched fists, trembling with fear or rage. “The bags under your eyes tell me you’re working long hours, and your reflexes make it damn clear not too many drivers we’ve passed can match you once you’re in the pilot’s seat. But even the best driver won’t earn more than a few extra credits in tips, because a safe life as a taxi driver isn’t enough to get you out of whatever trouble you're in, and I’m guessing it has something to do with your wife or daughter.”

  Mack paled, eyes widening with quickly suppressed outrage. A pristine act of self-control was all that prevented him from doing something he would no doubt regret. "You don't know what you're talking about, kid. Now get out of my damned veli!”

  Val tilted his head. “I’m guessing illness. Gene therapy, perhaps? Perhaps it wasn’t even successful, but you’re still being crushed by debt to pay for it?”

  As fast as Val could blink, the man had drawn a holdout blaster, pointing it at Val’s head. Val smiled approvingly, already feeling the flow of the forces and fields that would be projected upon firing. “Get the hell out of my vehicle!”


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