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Oblivion's Peril

Page 61

by M. H. Johnson

  The whisper of angry shouts was replaced by a monstrous cacophony of destruction. A roar so primal Val could sense the ground vibrating even beneath his flying hover-blade.

  A roar that repeated itself twice more. Only then did Val dare look back, sickened to see the massive cloud of smoke and debris.

  “Julia!” Val screamed. “Julia, do you copy!”

  Endless, terrible silence. “Yes, Val. I stayed back. I provided cover fire while screaming at Blackenthorp to pull his troops back… I can do that, at least, and now I’m pulling back further. Your explosion blew out my shield, Val!”

  Val let loose a relieved breath he hadn’t even been aware of holding. “Thank god you’re alright. How are our troops?”

  “Shit. I see Blackenthorp bodies. But they seem to be intact. Okay, they’re starting to move. I think they were just stunned. Mostly its Tiberius’s men that are down. The rift is still open. Okay, Lucius just came through with several more battle-mechs I guess he held in reserve. They’re pretty much butchering all the remaining invaders… their morale is breaking! They're fleeing! Finally they're fleeing and… Val! The compound! The shield is down! Part of the manor collapsed! Val, what the hell did you do? Mom! Elise! Can you guys hear me? Are you okay?”

  A soft sob. Val felt his gut twist in sudden knots even as he arced around once more.


  Val's transceiver suddenly crackled with a second voice. "It's okay, my child. Everyone is safe. Your father, Val's father, everyone we love. I had everyone retreat to the reinforced bunkers below. Even dear, stubborn Dirk, who wanted to fight as insanely as Val, with no battle-mech to protect him, until I finally convinced him he’d serve us far better fighting enemy soldiers that managed to break through than dying out there, assuming any survived the delicious traps I have waiting for them.”

  Sobs that turned to laughter. “You are such a mad scientist. Thank god you're okay!"

  Then her relieved chuckle abruptly cut off.

  "Julia? Julia!" The background crackle couldn't hide the sudden dread in Christine's voice.

  But Val had already felt it, the surge of panic radiating off Julia in waves, her soul still intimately connected to his own.

  “Val! Enemy battle-mechs are racing for me! I’m still novice-ranked with this thing—what do I do? I can’t focus, I’m scared! What do I do!?”

  Squeezing his throttle with desperate intensity, Val pivoted around, racing for where he knew Julia must be. “Don’t panic. Just run! I’m on my way!”

  The blade screeched, breaking its silence as Val squeezed every drop of speed he could from it, racing across the fields at a speed that could see him airborne, levitating bike and near inhuman reflexes the only things keeping him together as he caught sight of a trio of battle-mechs all chasing a fourth, shadowy silhouettes outlined by the light of autocannon fire in their attempts to bring the one fleeing mech down.

  Val felt his gut twist with horrific dread.

  Knowing all too well what would happen to Julia when they managed to grab her.

  Knowing he could never get there in time.

  Magic. Perhaps the most wondrous and perilous of all the powers Val had discovered within this realm, its potential was unparalleled.

  And so were the risks.

  But at that moment, his beloved racing desperately for her life, Val realized how very little he cared about risks.

  Not after everything he had been through to save her.

  A wounded soldier daring Oblivion itself to rescue her.

  And miracle of miracles, he had.

  And he would not lose her again.

  No matter the cost.

  Val howled in desperation, reaching out with his hand as if he could touch the madmen chasing his girl even now.

  Feeling his connection to the trickle of magic all around becoming a thundering roar. An ocean's worth of power, just beyond the surface skein of reality.

  With a single desperate wrench, Val tore it free.

  Screaming as magic flooded through his soul.

  Fire. Earth. Creation and Control.

  Bubbling and seething within he who dared the Mystic’s path.

  This was his land. His dominion.

  And he would shape it to his will.

  Like fire, the hideously complex spell web blazed within his mind, Val gazing upon stars twinkling brilliantly far above, like the eyes of the beautiful mystic who had guided him in his dreams, just days ago.

  Who guided his soul, even now.

  With a desperate howl, he poured his soul into its forging.

  Unleashing it with a shout.

  “Starfall!” Val cried.

  And the howling agony of his soul was echoed in the meteor streaking down at impossible speed from the heavens, screaming through the air before crashing to the ground, exploding with a titanic roar just behind the pack of battle-mechs chasing the girl he loved.

  And even as the sky blazed with fire, Val screamed with pain. Knowing there would be a price to pay for twisting all the powers of a Mystic, a shaper of destiny itself, to forge a spell that had been lost to legend, centuries ago.

  Congratulations! You have successfully cast Starfall! This 50th Level spell would be significantly beyond your abilities, had you not been guided by a mentor perished a thousand years before you were born! 20% chance of catastrophic spell failure! Cost to cast at your level of skill: 144 mana / 144 health! This spell can only be cast by those who dare the King’s Path! There is a cost in soil – only upon your own lands may you call down the wrath of the heavens! There is a cost in blood. Damage suffered is equal to mana lost!

  You are currently under the effects of Backlash for summoning a Tactical Level spell forced into being by sheer insight and desperation. Good thing you were linked to a divine avatar while casting it! None but a Mystic would dare such an act, Val. No one alive, anyway! Temporary 144 Mana penalty, 100 fatigue penalty, -2 to all skill checks until well-rested status achieved!

  Val blinked, surprised he was not already dead, thrown clean off a bike that instead held him tight in a micro force field, slowing down of its own accord.

  Val shivered. For an odd second, the bike had almost seemed sentient.

  Then his eyes caught sight of the massive crater as the sudden wind tore through the cloud of dust above it, his scattered, exhausted thoughts honing in on the only thing that mattered. “Julia!”

  Trembling hands squeezed the throttle as he raced forward once more.

  He swallowed a whimper as he approached the crater, gazing down at the pyre of twisted wreckage crushed against the bedrock, shattered metal frames all that remained.

  “Julia!” Val cried, tears streaming down from his cheeks unheeded.


  Just a whisper. Felt in his mind more than heard. And away from the crater.

  “I’m coming!” Val raced around the small crater for all he was worth, perfect loamy soil now churned earth from the ton of bedrock and dirt that had been flung from the point of impact just moments ago.

  Val found Julia’s beautiful battle-mech toppled over and ruined, shocked to see it in such a horrid state, terrified what it might mean for the pilot who had been inside. His pilot. The back had been cratered and pounded as if the victim of a massive mallet slammed into the rear, repeatedly, multiple perforations torn through the frame.

  “Julia!” Val screamed, not even aware of getting off his bike.

  Racing forward through fragrant wildflowers and lush green grass clinging to his cloak as he dashed to the cockpit.

  Hatch already opened.

  Twisting his head around.

  There. Just three feet from him, Julia lay.


  Utterly still.

  Val squeezed tight to icy calm, forcing away awful panic.

  She had taken two potions already. Sick or no, a third potion she would get.

  Purple. For all the agony one must endure, Val had made it while inspired by
the dwarven healing magic he had learned. So with any luck, spell and potion should synergize perfectly.

  Trembling hands felt the cracks in her skull, sensing the pressure building, intuiting through his Spirit Link and Mindmeld just how bad her condition was. 20 Health remaining. Health loss at 2 points per minute. So many wounds she had suffered that night…

  He tapped her cheeks frantically, being extremely careful with her fractured skull. “Julia, wake up! Babe, you have to wake up, I need to give you this potion, you’ve only got 9 minutes left to live!” She was utterly unresponsive. He choked back a sob.

  Looking desperately around…

  Perception check made!

  Eyes snapping around to the pilot’s hatch. Spotted the emergency kit so like Earth’s own.

  Anxious hands fumbled with what looked so much like an Epi-Pen plunger, forcing it open, pouring his brilliantly shimmering vial of purple liquid inside.

  Rushing to Julia’s side, plunging the needle into her chest before whispering words resonating through his very soul.

  Season’s Mending boosted by love-bond and Spirit Link! Critical Success! You are now an Adept caster of Season’s Mending! +20% to potency and speed of casting, -20% to cost of spell!

  Season’s Binding boosted by love-bond and Spirit Link! Critical Success! Good for broken ribs and fractured skulls! Not cutting your lover any slack today, are you Val?

  Val grimaced as his mana dipped another 60 points. His 5 points per second recovery did nothing for his blinding headache, and it tore Val’s heart when Julia began to writhe and scream. He held her tight as brilliant gold-green eyes opened wide, locking with his own. His potion and spells flooding her with horrific pain that became his own.

  He ate the pain and choked down the screams within.

  So his beloved could cry tears of relief as her deadly wounds healed before their eyes.


  Brilliant gold-green eyes stared into his own.

  “I think you saved my life.” Julia flashed a weak, exhausted smile. “Again.”

  Val sobbed and held her close.

  “Ow! Not too hard, lover. There. Thank you, Val.” Julia gave a concerned frown. “Val, you’re trembling with exhaustion. I don’t care what your stats say, you’re about ready to collapse.”

  Julia slowly sat herself up, Val helping her to her feet. She gazed at the crater in awe, the sharp breeze blowing her crimson hair now free of all restraint.

  And how beautiful she looked at that moment, Val thought, ignoring for the moment the sounds of battle in the distance, grateful just to hold Julia by his side.



  “Did… did a meteor strike somehow take out those battle-mechs?”

  Val felt his cheeks flush under his lover’s piercing gaze. It wasn’t fair that he couldn’t read her thoughts half so well as she could read his own.

  Her lips quirked in a sudden smile. “Good. It’s one of the few advantages I have. Now answer the question, Val. What exactly happened? How am I still alive?”

  Before Val could answer, Julia’s eyes widened and she paled. “Mother’s reaching out. She needs us! The compound… hold on!”

  She squeezed his hands tight. “Bethany! Status!”

  Awful silence as Val slumped to the ground, exhausted, his brain screaming for rest, just allowing his health and mana to recover while they waited breathlessly for a response.

  Val staggered to his feet when the last of his injuries had faded. His heart lurched when he caught Julia’s gaze. “No. She can’t be!”

  Julia lowered her head, her hand locked tightly to his own. “I’m sorry, Val. I couldn’t reach her. But no matter what, once we survive this, we’re going to find her.” She squeezed his hand. “I never even saw her in her flesh, but her mind was so bright with fierce joy, and bittersweet pain you can taste just underneath. The loyalty she had, like a lioness protecting her pride, I could feel that and so much more when she communed with us, Val. It’s like I knew the worth of her soul, fighting in concert with her just this one night.”

  Val squeezed away the tight stinging behind his eyes, jerking a nod. “You’re right. She’s all of those things. In the end, I think she just wants a place of safety for herself and her sisters. A place she could call home, since her own was ripped from her, and her family butchered or sold into slavery.” Val abruptly shook his head. “But no matter what happened, we’re not giving up. Hell we’re not!”

  He glared at the crumpled mech. “First things first. We’re fixing this, and we’re heading back. And we’ll do whatever it takes to save our friends. Whatever it takes!” Val shouted the last, hands shaking with exhaustion that had nothing to do with stats.

  Julia’s gentle gaze met his own. “Yes. We will. But we don’t know how deep the curse burns.”

  Val winced at that. And she was right. What if it didn’t just affect Tiberius’s men?

  “Val. You have to be careful. What if Mother’s men become infected with that same insanity?” She trembled and swallowed. “What if it infects Mother herself?” Her hand squeezed his own. Eyes wide with sudden fear. “Val, you bound their souls with Greater Oathbinding. Even Mother! Even though she volunteered so everyone else would follow suit, she’s still bound! If the madness infects her, if she attacks...”

  Her face crumpled in distress. Val held her close, realizing how right she was, knowing that Julia had already seen his darkest secrets. How hideous the former Inquisitor Adolf Mordingi’s death had been, screaming in agony as his body literally tore itself apart, after breaking his oath.

  "You're right," Val whispered, realizing the burden suddenly upon him. "I have to clear the board of Tiberius's final pieces myself. I have to claim his territory for my own if I'm to have any chance of beating this death curse."

  Julia gave a fierce shake of her head, eyes blazing with intensity. “No. Not alone. We’re going together. All five of us.”

  Val’s eyes widened at that. Julia smirked. “Our original party, Val. You, me, Dirk, Chris, and Yin. Guild Ottalaus. Think about it, Val. We’re human. Of two worlds. And we’ve been Spirit-linked before. We just need to make sure they don’t kill us when we meet up, and we should be fine!”

  Val smirked at that, a solution soon coming to mind. “Okay then. Assuming we survive this night and our friends do as well, You’ll meet up with Chris without his battle-mech, and invite him to join our party. If it works? We’re golden. If not? You can knock him out with a Psionic Blast.”

  Julia frowned before slowly nodding. “It’s actually a good plan. And if it works, once we’ve got Guild Ottalaus together...”

  “We can see if it will work for any of our Jordian friends.” Val smiled. “It’s a plan, then.”

  Julia nodded, face creased with worry as she gazed at the smoking ruins of the chateau, well over a mile away. “Okay. Until then, we’ll do our best to help by striking from the shadows. Keeping our distance, but if we find any targets of opportunity…”

  Val grinned. “Now you’re speaking like a veteran. That’s what I like to hear.”

  She rolled her eyes. “A veteran of Exultius PvP, where you’re not sure if your own allies will turn on you, scoreboards or no. Now go fix my ship, soldier.”

  Val flashed a sad smile, enjoying their banter, a momentary break from the madness of battle, the terror of not knowing if the people they loved were alive or dead. “You got it, my queen.”

  Julia smirked, eyes twinkling. “You’re damn right I’m your queen. And my god, Val, it never ceases to amaze me, the power you have. You have to teach me that spell!”

  Dominion Catalyzation successfully cast! Critical failure avoided! 250 mana spent! Good thing you fully rested up, Val.

  Val grimaced as he pulled away, hating how mana-depleted he now felt with that 150 point penalty, temporary or no. He could repair the battle-mech at a slower pace, such that he hardly felt the depletion. But time was not on their side.

  Then V
al’s transceiver abruptly crackled to life.

  “Val! Julia! Either of you kids alive?”

  Chris’s voice. Val whooped with sudden joy. “You’re damn right we are, Chris! What’s the status?”

  “My man Val! Glad to hear you’re still with us. It was pretty hot and heavy for a while there. Bunch of bloody fanatics with self-destruct sequences! We only took care of them once we started getting smart, my squad leading them into traps, Bravo squad then sniping them in concert, one at a time. Good coordination in that, I'll tell you. And we got some damn fine experience when their morale finally broke. Once the last mech was down, they either surrendered or broke formation and ran. We must have cut down god knows how many rats, all our mechs and snipers working together once they flooded for their transports. But don't worry, we gave quarter. Christine says we must have some five thousand enemy troops presently being corralled. Not sure where the hell we're going to put them, and somehow I just know I'll be drawing guard duty. But damned if that wasn't a fine battle! I’m ready to level up, maybe twice over! Anyway, no worries, brother. Our guild is safe and sound.”

  Val frowned. “That’s awesome news, Chris. But what of the rest of Alpha and Bravo? Our pilots, players, and leaders?”

  Chris chuckled softly. “Worried about the two hot young Highlords commanding Alpha and Bravo squads? They’re both fine.”

  Val felt a sudden weight off his chest. Julia’s relieved smile mirrored his own.

  “But watch yourself, buddy! They both mentioned you more than a couple of times, and they get this hungry look in their eyes when they do.”

  Val flushed under Julia’s suddenly intent gaze.


  “You know it! Anyway, ever since I got this hot new Cybermancer class, I’ve had the strangest knack for electronics and hardware… anything using the electromana field, though it doesn’t seem to respond to magic. Yet. But flying a battle-mech is a dream. I’m amazed at how easy it is to boost the shields and autocannons. Hell, I’m surprised more of these pilots don’t get it! And when that Blackenthorp character handed me a transceiver and said to boost it, I was about to tell him to kiss off, when I realized how easy it would be to do just that. So here I am, talking to you now, and you-know-who is giving me that red-eyed glare.”


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