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Claiming Isabella

Page 10

by M. E. Clayton

  Loretta pursed her lips. “Isabella, he’s your father…”

  The laugh that escaped was hollow and bitter. “Oh, he’s someone’s father, alright. But he’s not mine. He’s never been a father to me. He’s never asked about me. He’s never provided for me,” I pointed out. “How you can sit there and call him my father is beyond me. He’s the married man you got knocked up by. That’s it. That’s all.”

  “Isabella Nichole DeLucci! You had better watch how you speak to me, young lady!”

  I leaned forward. “How I speak to you? Does the truth hurt, Mother? Because I’m merely stating facts. You were sleeping with a married man who you tried to trap by getting pregnant with me and you’ve been bitter ever since because it didn’t work.” I needed grounding. I needed peace. I pulled back until my back was touching Julian’s chest. I immediately felt his left hand start rubbing my hip. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that I don’t care about anything that has to do with anything about that man.”

  “Isabella, he’s sick,” she whispered, painfully, and I almost lost my mind.

  She was upset that he was sick. She was showing more emotion for his situation than she ever showed for me in any aspect of my life.


  God, I semi-wished Quinn was here so she could kick her ass. Because no matter how horrible a woman she was, she was still my mother.

  Damn it.

  “I don’t care, Mother,” I assured her.

  Her eyes widened at my callousness. “How can you say that, Isabella? No matter his mistakes, he’s still a human being. Have you no compassion?”

  “I have plenty of compassion. But it’s reserved for people who deserve it.”

  She scoffed. “Oh, so now you’re The Lord? You get to decide who is deserving of compassion and who is not?”

  “No. I’m deciding who is deserving of my compassion,” I fired back.

  She squared her shoulders. “I promised him I would speak to you and try to appeal to your sense of reason.”

  Did she just question my common sense?

  Julian finally spoke up, “Ms. DeLucci, why don’t you just say what you came here to say.”

  She arched a brow at Julian. “Fine.” She looked back at me. “Your father has Myelodysplastic Syndrome. It’s a condition where the blood doesn’t produce enough healthy red, white blood cells or platelets.”

  I stared blankly at her. It took a few seconds, but I finally spoke, “So?”

  “Isabella, it can be life threatening if not taken care of,” she scolded.

  I was still lost. “Again. So?”

  She started strangling the straps of her purse perched on her lap. “He asked if you were willing to be tested for bone marrow compatibility for a possible bone marrow transfusion, should it become necessary.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” Surely, I heard her incorrectly.

  I mean...surely, these people were not asking me what I thought they were asking.

  I mean...surely, right?

  She stared me down disapprovingly. “His other three children were tested and the results were incompatible.”

  I felt like I was drowning. I couldn’t breathe with her audacity.

  My mother actually had the nerve to come here and ask this of me.

  It stole my breath.

  “No,” I answered simply.

  “What do you mean ‘no’?”

  “Just that. No.” I was trying to disguise the hurt in my voice, but I didn’t think I was doing a good job because I felt Julian tense behind me.

  She gasped. “How can you just say no, Isabella? I mean, how can you be so selfish?!”

  “That’s it!” Julian thundered next to me, before I could get a word out.

  Oh shit!


  I get that this woman was Isabella’s mother, but one more word out of her mouth and I was liable to strangle her.

  She had unbelievable nerve.

  “Julian...” Isabella sweetly whispered, but it was too late.

  “Answer me this, Loretta. Why do you feel Isabella owes Elliot Stanhope anything?” I asked. After hearing all about Isabella’s childhood one night, I had a solidified dislike for both her parents.

  She blinked her brown eyes at me a couple of times before realizing I was expecting a serious answer from her. “If she has the ability to help someone, she-”

  I held my hand up to stop her ridiculous rambling. “There are people all over the world who need help. There are so many sick kids and people that any one of them could benefit from Isabella’s body. Are you telling me she should cut herself up into little pieces and distribute herself to everyone who needs help because she’s able?”

  Her lip curled in disgust at me. “Of course, not,” she snapped. “But Elliot is her father-”

  If she says that one more goddamn time…

  “Okay. It’s so very obvious that you’re much more concerned with a man who left you unwanted and pregnant with his child than you are with your actual child, so let me be perfectly clear with you.” I got up and switched places with Isabella so that she was sitting behind me while I focused all my attention on her fruitcake of a mother. “I love Isabella more than my own life and there is no way in hell I would allow her to put herself in danger for a man who doesn’t deserve it. She can slice herself open for Quinn or Avery, but for a piece of shit who didn’t stick around long enough to find out how special she was going to turn out to be? No fucking way.”

  Loretta narrowed her eyes at me. “You cannot tell Isabella what to do!”

  God, how I wanted to throw this bitch out of our house. “I’m not telling Isabella what she can or can’t do. I’m supporting her decision to decline helping out that scumbag.”

  “You’re calling him names and you’ve never even met the man,” she accused.

  “I don’t have to meet him to know he’s nothing but a bitch,” I countered. “First, he cheated on his wife with you and then he abandoned you when you got pregnant. If that wasn’t enough, he made no effort to raise Isabella, at all. Why do I need to meet him? He became a no good cock sucking sonofabitch the second he decided to stick his dick in a woman who wasn’t his wife!”

  She looked around at Isabella. “Isabella, are you going to let him speak like this about your father? Speak like this to me?”

  Isabella was quiet for a few seconds before she answered, “You couldn’t have really come here believing I would agree to help him, right?” I heard the hurt in her voice and I wanted to hunt her father down and kill him after I called Teresa to come kick this bitch’s ass.

  “He’s desperate and if you’re a match then he doesn’t have to go through all the red tape of hospital politics and costs,” she tried again.

  While Loretta was too stupid to understand the meaning of her words, I knew Isabella wasn’t. When she said Elliot was desperate, it was glaringly implied that had he not been, he would never have reached out to Isabella. And Isabella’s next words confirmed it.

  “The family he chose can be the family that helps him, Mother. I’m not doing it,” Isabella told her.

  Loretta didn’t give up. “Then, the least you can do, is have Julian pay for the costs of finding donors. Things like this are not cheap.”

  I stared at this woman and wondered how Isabella turned out so beautifully when this thing had raised her. “Loretta-”

  I felt Isabella stand up behind me. “Julian is not going to give one penny of his money to help out your ex-lover. I’d rather see him give all his billions to save the polar bears than give one cent to help Elliot. Do not ever ask me to ask Julian for any of his money. Ever!”

  I looked back and up at her. “Dove-”

  “No, Julian,” she looked down at me, and the second I saw that her eyes were glassed over, I knew I had to get this poisonous woman out of our house.

  I stood up and turned my back to Loretta so I could face Isabella. I cradled her face in my hands so she was only look
ing at me. “Go into the bedroom and let me handle this, Isabella.”

  She blinked and one tear fell down her sweet face. “Julian…”

  I needed to be completely honest and I didn’t two fucks that Loretta could hear me. “If you don’t want me to go find your dad so I can kick his ass or sic Teresa on your mother, I need you to go into the bedroom, Dove. I can’t stand the tears.”

  She smiled a sad smile, but after a few seconds, she nodded. She stretched up on her tip toes and gave me a soft kiss before walking out of the room. She didn’t spare her mother one glance.

  “Isabella, where are you going? Isabella, get back here,” Loretta demanded.

  I watched Isabella until she was safely in our bedroom and then turned to the viper that would one day be my mother-in-law.

  Sweet Jesus.

  “Get out of our house and do not come back until you learn to love Isabella the way she deserves to be loved,” I instructed with more calm than I was actually feeling.

  She gasped in outrage. “You cannot keep me from my daughter! You aren’t even married!” Loretta stood up and hoisted her purse strap over her shoulder. “Do you really believe she’s going to disown me for you? What happens when you tire of her and she has only me?”

  I didn’t believe in putting hands on a woman, no matter what, but this bitch was testing me beyond what most have, and that include that my bitch of a mother. “You’re so sadly pathetic, Loretta. You’ve spent your entire life pining over a man who doesn’t want you that you can’t even recognize love when it’s in your face.” I peered down at her. “I will never tire of Isabella. We’d be married already if she didn’t want to take things slow. And even if she ever did leave me, she’d turn to Avery or Quinn before she’d ever turn to you.”

  She began stomping her way to the front door. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. And Isabella will come around and do the right thing,” she announced.

  I followed her to ensure the door would be locked behind her. “Isabella couldn’t hold him for you, and she won’t save him for you, either.”

  She turned around as she stood outside the door. “You’re a fool if you believe Isabella will ever love you more than she loves me. I’m her mother!”

  “That title only carries weight if you’re a good mother. You weren’t and aren’t,” I reminded her.

  She was seething. I could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. “I know men like you, Julian Moretti. You’ll take and take from Isabella until there’s nothing left and then cast her aside when something younger and prettier comes along,” she accused.

  I stepped to her until her feet were planted on the grass of the front yard. “Believe me when I tell you that you’ve never met a man like me, Loretta. Never. And as for casting Isabella aside, there isn’t a woman walking this planet that is anything more than Isabella.” Her eyes rounded in shock and hate at my declaration. “I will never tire of Isabella because she shows me something new and special every fucking day. Now get the fuck away from our house and don’t come back until you take some parenting classes or grow a goddamn conscience!” I stepped back and slammed the door on her outraged face.

  I turned to go get Isabella from the bedroom, but I was brought up short when I saw her standing in the living room. “I was going to go check on dinner,” she stated, explaining her presence.

  I walked to her and studied her face. “Dinner can burn, Dove. I’m more concerned about how you’re doing after that…that visit.”

  The edge of her lip lifted and she gave me a slow blink. “Well, I’m starving, so can we talk about it while you feed me?”

  I jerked my head towards the kitchen. “Anything you want, Isabella.”

  We walked into the kitchen and she sat down at the table as I opened up the oven and checked on the barbeque baked glazed chicken. I pulled the pan out and set it on the stove top and went to making Isabella’s plate on autopilot.

  She remained silent the entire time, but smiled at me when I placed her plate and Pepsi in front of her. I quickly made my plate because I knew she wouldn’t begin eating until I was seated with her. She mentioned she was starving, so I didn’t dick around and sat with her as soon as the food was thrown on my plate. I’ll just share her soda.

  I watched Isabella stabbed a broccoli stem with her fork before finally speaking, “I spend most of my time feeling nothing but resentment towards her, but sometimes, when she’s especially cruel, the pain seeps in even though I should be used to it, ya know.” I took a bite of the chicken and chewed quietly, letting her get it all out. She looked across at me and her face was so full of confusion and hurt I wanted to slaughter her parents with my bare hands. “I don’t understand, Julian. How can they, both, have no shame whatsoever? How was he able to even make that phone call knowing he’s never been there for me? How could she ask me to undergo such a thing for a man who didn’t want her or me?”

  “Selfishness and narcissism are just as real and potent as drug addiction or alcoholism, Dove.” I shrugged a shoulder. “I have no doubt your parents are aware they have no right to ask anything of you, but their sense of importance and entitlement overshadow that. People can always rationalize their actions to counteract any guilt they may be feeling over those actions.”

  “Like a man claiming his wife withholding sex is a good enough reason to cheat instead of talking to her about it or trying counseling?”

  “Exactly,” I agreed. “If you don’t rationalize the guilt away, then you have to admit to yourself that what you’re doing is wrong and accept that you’re just a piece of shit. A lot of people can’t judge themselves honestly. They have to come up with excuses and force reason in order to do some of the rank ass shit they do and still be able to look in the mirror.”

  “That’s sad,” she replied quietly.

  I nodded. “It is, but sheep are easy to predict. It’s the people who aren’t afraid of themselves that are dangerous. People who aren’t afraid to dance with their demons usually lack remorse and won’t defend their actions with weak reasons or excuses. They’ll look you in the eye and do what they’re doing, all the while, daring you to call them out on it.”

  Isabella’s eyes were full of sympathy and compassion as she searched my eyes. “Like you?”

  I smirked at her. “I’m not a sociopath, Isabella. I don’t lack remorse or a conscience. I just don’t explain myself because I don’t ever do anything I don’t mean to do.” I winked at her. “If I ever murder someone, it’s because they needed killing.”

  She let out a laugh. “Ha, Ha, very funny.”

  I flashed my dimples at her. “You don’t know me,” I teased.

  Her amber orbs turned serious. “Yes, I do,” she impressed.

  I stood up out of my chair and walked around the table until I stood before her. She was looking up at me, dinner forgotten. “Julian…”

  I reached down, plucked her off the chair and lifted her until her arms and legs automatically wrapped around me. My hands tightened on her hips and I held her suspended as I walked us towards the bedroom. “You know me better than anyone, save Teresa, Nick and Chase. But even they don’t get to see the weakest parts of me like you do, Isabella. You hold my heartbeat in your smile and my life’s blood in your existence. You know all of me, baby.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “No. Love doesn’t come close to describing what I feel for you.”

  I touched my lips to hers and just prayed she believed me.

  Chapter 9

  Envy: Because, again, love looks good on my idiot friends.


  Nick and Chase had equal looks of shock on their faces when I finished relaying the story of Loretta’s visit. We were all kicking back at my place since the girls decided to go catch a chick flick together at the theater.

  It was sadly pathetic how obvious it was that we were trying our best to keep our wits about us when they did things without us. If I was delusional, I’d say it was because
of Avery’s scar, Quinn’s ankle and Isabella’s bouquets that we were antsy…but I wasn’t delusional.

  We were simply some pussy-whipped motherfuckers.

  There you have it. Sad, but true.

  “And you’re sure this lady was Izzy’s mother?” Chase asked after taking a long needed drink of his beer. I didn’t blame him.

  “Unfortunately,” I mumbled.

  “Jesus. How did Iz turn out to be so sweet with a witch like that lording over her?” Nick wondered.

  “I’m telling you guys, that venomous soul sucker could give Sandy and Donna a run for their money.” I was still feeling violent over the way she had treated Isabella.

  Chase leaned back on the couch. “So are we hunting her father down and destroying him piece by piece orrrrrr…?”

  I looked into my glass of whiskey. “I’m thinking about it,” I confessed.

  “I say we have Mom kick Loretta’s ass and then we go after Izzy’s dad,” Nick suggested.

  Chase nodded. “Momma would totally kick her ass.”

  I chuckled. “I’m sure she would.” I could see it, too. Teresa Alexander was one hell of a mama bear.

  “Isabella’s, for sure, not going to do it, right?” Nick’s voice took on some worry.

  I shook my head. “No. She was very adamant in her refusal.”

  Nick’s seriousness seeped in, “Would you let her anyways?”

  I shot him a look that would make a lesser man cringe. “Fuck no, Sav. There’s no way in hell I’d let her risk her health and life to help out that peace of shit.”

  He just nodded in agreement and then his head stilled. “Wait a second. Does this mean his wife and kids know about Iz now?”

  I hadn’t really considered that and, neither Isabella nor I, had thought to ask that she-devil. I shrugged. “I supposed. I mean, they have to, right? How would he explain it otherwise?”

  “They have to know. There’s no way he can think Izzy would do this without blowing his cover,” Chase chimed in.


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