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Claiming Isabella

Page 28

by M. E. Clayton


  “I’m so sorry, Julian,” I said again. “I’m sorry I didn’t take care of your love better. I’m sorry I threw your promises back in your face.” I started crying harder. “I’m sorry I’m not good enough for you. You’re so special and you deserve so much better than me.”

  Julian grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me back. “Look at me, Isabella,” he demanded. I sniffled and blinked and tried to focus on his perfect face, but I was a fucking disaster. “Goddamn it, Isabella, look at me!” I tried to calm my breathing and focus. “Listen and hear me when I tell you there is no one better than you for me.”


  He shook me a little to shut me up. “We had a fight, Dove. We had a fight and said some things that we regret and will probably always regret, but it was just a fight. I’m more worried about what that motherfucker did to you than you hurting my feelings, baby. I don’t care about me right now. All I care about is you.”

  “And all I care about is you,” I replied incoherently, because I was still a goddamn mess.

  “Isabella,” he said as he took my face in his hands. “I love you more than my own life. You will always come before anything I do, say, think, want or feel. I cannot exist without you.”

  “I…I feel the same and I’m sorry I never told you before now,” I apologized.

  Julian kept looking at me like I just didn’t get it. “Wait here, baby,” he sighed, before setting me down and walking to the back of the house.

  I managed to stop crying, but I still felt so exhausted. Thinking I may have lost Julian felt more traumatic than anything Peter had tried. It wasn’t that I was trying to downplay the fact that Peter had, indeed, been dangerous and he was really planning on raping me, but he didn’t. I kept my head and remembered what I could about DeShawn’s training and I was proud of myself for fighting. Even if Julian hadn’t saved me, I knew I would have kept fighting.

  I looked up as Julian walked back into the living room and I saw that he carried a wet face rag in his hands. He said down next to me and started wiping my face clean of the mess it was. The rag was warm and soothing.

  The hiccups came and they were a fitting end to my fall from grace. “J…Ju…Julian…”

  He smiled at my attempt to speak through the hiccups and his dimples wiped out whatever remaining strength I had.

  Christ, he was beautiful.

  “It’s okay, Dove. We don’t have to talk about everything right now,” he soothed.

  “B…bu…but I ha...have so much…much to te…tell you,” I pressed.

  “So do I, baby, but it can wait until you get some rest,” he suggested as he kissed my forehead.

  “Then let’s go to bed and talk while I rest,” I said. We needed to talk and I wasn’t going to go another day without us clearing the air and getting back to where we were.

  He gave in. “Okay, Dove.” He scooped me up again and carried me to our bedroom. When I had gotten out of the shower, I had only thrown on a t-shirt over a pair of panties, so when Julian pulled back the bed covers, I had snuggled right in. He, however, was fully dressed, so I had the privilege of watching his removed his clothes. When he was down to his boxer briefs only, he crawled into bed beside me. I curled my body around his and until I was wrapped around him like a vine.

  My head was resting on his chest when his hand came up and started scratching my scalp and smoothing my hair through his fingers. “Do you want to go first?” he asked.

  Not at all.

  It was time to start putting him first.

  “No, you go first,” I insisted. He took a deep breath and he went on to tell me everything from when he walked out the door to when he busted down the condo door.

  It was a lot to take in. I couldn’t believe he went to see Sandy. And the fact that he was going to help secure a better place to live and a car for her spoke volumes. He really wanted to move past all the things that were holding him hostage.

  “How do you feel about seeing her?”

  “I’m not sure,” he replied. “I think I’ll always be bitter and resentful and I suspect my desire to buy her a new home and car is because I don’t like the idea of her making any sacrifices for me. I never want to feel like I owe her anything.”

  I nodded, because it made sense to me. “Do you feel any better, though?”

  “No,” he admitted, “but I don’t feel worse.”

  “Then that just means she doesn’t have any power over how you feel anymore, right?”

  The arm wrapped around my back tightened around me. “Maybe, Dove.”

  “Well, I confronted some demons of my own.” I went on to tell him about my meeting with Elliot and how I believed Logan witnessing Elliot being selfish and self-centered went a long way to how he would approached our relationship if Julian allowed it.

  He waited until I was done with my happenings before he said, “Isabella, I don’t mind you getting to know your brothers. All I care about was making sure their intentions were genuine and it looks like they are.”

  “I know,” I replied, my whisper full of regret.

  “It’s okay, Dove,” he begins before I cut him off.

  “No, it’s not, Julian. I was stupid and I have so much to make up for. I-”

  “Isabella, my love for you isn’t keeping score. You don’t owe me for anything I’ve done for you or anything I will do for you in the future. That’s not how this works. The things I do for you are because I don’t know how not to do them for you. Jesus, woman, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that just your existence in my life is enough for me.”

  I sat up to face him. “That just seems so one sided, Julian. I have to give back. It’s just as important to me for you to know that I love you just as much as you love me.”

  “Oh, baby, you’ll never love me as much as I love you. It’s just not possible,” he cooed at me.

  “Julian, just please let me love you like how you want to love me,” I asked of him.

  “How about we not make this a contest and just be ourselves, Dove?”

  He was making a good point. We didn’t need to prove our love for one another to each other. We both felt it and knew it was real. We didn’t need tangible proof.

  But I did need him to understand something and take it for what it was. So, I climbed over him until I was straddling his lap. He scooted downward until he was lying flat on his back and settled his hands on my hips. I leaned down and kissed his jaw. “Just one thing, though,” I whispered.

  His hands started moving up and down my hips and waist. “Yeah, what’s that, Dove?”

  “Let’s talk about all the many ways you fuck me, Julian.”


  The second the word ‘fuck’ came out of her mouth, my dick stood at attention. It was inappropriate and insensitive in regards to what she had just been through, but my dick wasn’t always known to be all that in tuned with my heart and mind.

  I gave her thick hips a quick squeeze as I prepared myself for what she was going to say. I didn’t even pretend the butterflies of anxiety weren’t fluttering around in the pit of my stomach. No man, and I don’t care how immature or ridiculous it may sound, but no man wants to hear his woman critique his skills in bed. “Okay, Dove, tell me what’s wrong with the way I fuck you?”

  “Nothing, at all, and that’s the problem,” she says very firmly. I raised my brows, my confusion evident. She let out a sigh. “I’ll admit that in the beginning, my insecurities may have led the way to…letting you take more than I’ve ever given before, but that’s not true anymore, Julian.”

  “No?” I asked, praying she was saying what I hoped she was saying. The night in the basement as stuck with me this entire time. I had used her so viciously; I had left her bleeding and bruising like I’ve never done to anyone before.

  She shook her head. “Julian, you do things to me I never knew I liked.” She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my jaw before continuing with her explanation.
“I don’t even think it’s really the things you do to me, but that it’s you doing them,” she mused.


  Isabella pulled up and peered down at me. “Julian, I need you to believe me when I tell you I don’t care how violent and brutal you may be feeling. I don’t care how rough you become when you’re inside me. I don’t care if I’m left bleeding, battered and bruised.” Christ, her words were killing me. If anyone was to overhear this conversation, they’d probably report me to the police for abuse. “I don’t know how to explain it,” she went on, “but it’s like every touch from you, whether soft or hard, is so full of love that I crave your hands on me no matter how you need to put them on me.”

  I could see the naked honesty in her eyes and it was unmanning me. “Isabella, you’re saying it’s okay for me to hurt you, baby. Don’t you get that? Don’t you think there’s something wrong with that?”

  “But that’s not what I’m saying, at all,” she insisted. “I’m trying to tell you that I love the way you love me, Julian. I love that you want to give me the brightest and darkest parts of you and I love that you trust me with both.”

  I looked up at her stunned that she really didn’t see anything negative about my need for her. Anyone with half a mind could see that my obsession with her was unhealthy and unusual. Like right now, for instance. This is the first time since I’ve met her that I’ve gone two days without being inside her and I wanted nothing more than to fuck her unconscious even knowing what she just endured.

  What kind of man did that make me?

  A fucked up one, that’s what kind.

  “Isabella, you giving me permission to lose control whenever I want, is dangerous and unwise, because I will use you as I see fit whenever I want,” I warned her. “Like right now, baby. You’ve just been through a horrible ordeal and my dick is fighting to get inside you.” She bit the bottom of her lip and her eyes darted away in apprehension and embarrassment. “Dove…”

  Her eyes were glossy when she looked back down at me. “Would you think I was a horrible person if I said I wanted that, too?” she asked hesitantly. “I should probably be acting traumatized and shaken up over what Peter did, but I don’t feel traumatized.”

  “I’d never judge you, Isabella,” I said, meaning every fucking word.

  “I know it seems stupid and odd, considering the severity of the situation, but I actually feel strong and empowered. I was able to keep my wits about me and I was able to remember some of my training and actually, really fight him off. I knew I was probably going to lose in the end, but that didn’t stop me from still fighting,” she said with such a look of pride.


  “Julian, I haven’t had your touch in two days. I don’t like it and it’s something I never want to experience ever again. I don’t care how big a fight we have, I will always need you inside me every night,” she demanded of me.

  I grabbed her hips and flipped her over until she was completely covered by my body. Her legs automatically opened, allowing me to settle my dick right against her pussy. Her chest started heaving and her eyes started clouding over with lust. I pushed up against her, my boxers and her panties paltry defenses against the heat between us. “I don’t ever want to accidentally cross the line with you, Dove,” I told her, confessing my greatest fear.

  Isabella ran her hands up my braced arms and circled them around my neck. “You can’t, Julian, because there is no line. I’m so confident in your love for me so much that I’ll never believe you’re trying to hurt me, physically, mentally or emotionally.”

  Those words were my undoing. I needed Isabella untethered and unconditionally and she had just given herself to me in exactly that way. And this time she didn’t ask me how I wanted her. We were doing this together. I reached down, ripped her panties away until they were a shredded mess hanging off her thigh. Her small hands frantically started pushing at my boxers and second they were pushed down far enough to clear my dick, I shoved myself into tight, hot, wet heat.

  It had only been two days, but it felt like it had been years since I’d been inside her.

  “Oh, God, Julian,” her sweet voice reaches me and I know this moment is so much more because this time I know she is with me completely.

  Isabella is finally mine. All of her his finally mine.

  I hooked her leg around the crook of my elbow, and forced her body to open up wider, as I started pushing everything I had into her.

  Her delicate fingers are like knives scraping down my back. The second I felt the air cool on my opened skin, my dick became relentless. Isabella was marking me and I wanted to roar with satisfaction. She was finally taking ownership of everything I was giving her.

  There was nothing I wouldn’t let this woman do to me.


  I studied her face, mesmerizing all the expressions playing out on her face, as I drilled my cock into her body so hard the bed shook. “You’re mine, Dove. You’re fucking mine and I’ll never give you a choice in thinking otherwise,” I grounded out.

  She forced her eyes open and flayed me alive with her words. “I’ll always be yours, Julian. I’ll always be yours to do whatever it is you want to do with me.” She cupped my face in her hands and I thought my heart was going to explode. “I will crawl behind you for the rest of my life for just a taste of the love only you can give me,” she stressed with tears in her eyes. “I love you, Julian.”

  My entire body ignited with the image of Isabella, naked, crawling to me on her hands and knees. It’s a hell of a thing when the queen kneels before her king when she knows she’s the one holding all the power. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life cherishing every piece of you, Dove,” I promised right before I pulled my cock out and flipped her over onto her stomach.

  “Mmmm…Julian…” she moaned.

  I reached under her and propped her onto her hands and knees. I covered her back with my body and whispered in her ear, “So, you want to be on your hands and knees for me, Dove?”

  Isabella pushed her ass back into my groin and started rubbing it up and down my dick. “Yes.”

  I pulled away from her body far enough to gain access into her body again and my cock slid right back into her wet, made-for-me pussy. She yelled my name and I straightened up, grabbing her by her hips and started slamming home. Isabella’s body always mesmerized me and I loved watching her soft flesh ripple with the force of my thrusts. I had nothing against thin women, but Isabella’s curvy figure was a thing of dreams. “Jesus, I’ll never get tired of this. I could watch my cock split your pussy open forever, Isabella,” I grunted out.

  That’s all it took for Isabella’s dirty mind to make an appearance. She dropped her head forwards and lowered herself onto her elbows, presenting her ass to me. “Give me more, Julian,” she begged.

  I took careful aim and let a bead of spit drop right into the center of her puckered star and, letting go of one of her hips, worked my thumb into her tight, little ass. “Is that what you need, baby?”

  “Yes!” she wailed.

  For some reason, in this moment with her, I was assaulted with the image of Isabella’s torn blouse and the need to cement my ownership over her played like a battering ram in my brain. None of it was Isabella’s fault, but she was the only one here I could take it out on.

  So I did.

  With my cock in her pussy and my thumb fucking her ass, I reached up and fisted a handful of her hair until she was arched back enough for my lips to touch the shell of her ear. None of it was gentle and none of it was for her. This was for me.

  Another man had touched her.

  “You are mine,” I told her again. “Your pussy, your mouth, your ass…they are all mine and mine alone, Isabella,” I hissed.

  “Yours, Julian,” she whimpered, “Yours and only yours.”

  “I’m the only one who gets to love you and defile you,” I vowed. My sickness was making an appearance and just hoped like hell that she meant what she sai
d when she said she didn’t care about the darkness always skimming the surfaces of my damaged soul. I tightened my hold on her hair, shaking her head in emphasis of my words. “I want to cover you in my cum, Isabella, and take a picture of you like that. I want to spread you wide and pose you like a used whore. I want to take a picture of my seed leaking out of your mouth, pussy and ass,” I grunted in her ear. “I want a picture of you looking like how no one else will ever see you.”

  “Oh, God, Julian,” she moaned, as her cunt started pulsing around my cock.

  I let go of her hair and forced her face against the bed by her neck. I held her down and as refused to give her any mercy. With my thumb still lodged in her ass, I started moving in and out of her body with enough intensity that Isabella screamed into the pillow as her orgasm shook her body and strangled my cock. Her sweet ass locked my thumb in, but my cock was hard enough to force its way in and out of her pussy no matter how tight her cunt was convulsing. After a few more seconds of me plowing into her tight sheath, her body gave out on her and I could feel her collapse.

  Pulling my cock out of her pussy and removing my thumb from her ass, I flipped her over onto her back and took a few second to truly appreciate the sight before me.

  In all of God’s creations, there will never be a more magnificent sight than Isabella naked and used.

  She was looking up at me with heavy lids and a look of pure elation on her face. I reached ou,t and grabbing her by her hair, I drug her head towards where I was kneeling on the bed. I held her eyes as I started pulling on my dick, ready to cum all over her face of perfection.

  “You want my cum all over you, baby?” I asked, even though her answer didn’t matter, and not because I’d do anything against her will, but because she’d never tell me no.

  I know that now.

  “Make me as dirty as you want to, Julian,” she answered as she raised her head to lick the head of my cock.

  Seven strokes.

  That’s all it took before her face was being showered with white ropes of filth.


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