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Bridling Lucy (Horse Mountain Shifters Book 3)

Page 11

by Sierra Brave

  Lucy tilted her head. “Why would it?”

  “Now the old guy has this tight-bodied little lady living with him.” He smirked. “I don’t know what he’s thinking. She’s way too young for him. Probably after his money.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe he thinks she’s worth it.”

  “Pfft, dollars to doughnuts, that redhead will suck as much cash out of him as she can and probably won’t even sleep with him once.”

  When he mentioned the hair color, Lucy did her best not to show any reaction. Mama? “That’s sort of harsh. How old is this lady?”

  “Too old for me but way too young for him—if I had to guess an age, I’d say she’s about my mom’s age.”

  Could be mama. “How old are you?” She asked nonchalantly before taking another sip of water.

  “Twenty-three.” He took another swig. “How old are you?”

  “Sixteen.” Lucy maintained casual body language as he spewed his beer.

  “What?” He jumped up onto his feet.

  She held her hands in front of her as she howled with laughter. “Kidding…kidding. I’m twenty-one.”

  He frowned. “That shits not funny. If I was found alone with a minor in the middle of the night, no matter how innocent it was, nothing I could say would keep the matriarch from kicking my ass. Probably, your matriarch too. That’s trouble I don’t need.”

  She held her stomach as she tried to stifle her glee. She wiped a tear away from the corner of her eye. “I’m sorry, but you should have seen your face. I know I’m wrong.” She sucked in several pants of air. “I just wanted you to know you can’t play a player.”

  He sat down again, his expression softening. “I got you.” He nodded his head and chuckled. “You’re good. My bullshit detector is usually spot-on, but you caught me off guard.”

  “I’m from Vegas, where you’re either a hunter or the prey. Even if you aren’t on the take, you have to have the mindset that you are or you’ll get snared.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “You get used to it. The tourists are a pain. Every man and some of the women are looking to score a hot night and then run back home to their boring lives, but the locals are the ones you really have to look out for.” She waved one hand and shook her head. “Doesn’t matter what you do…Maybe you work a register at a dinner? Even there they’ll try their luck—see if they can confuse you into handing over more change than what they’re due. At least that sort of hustle only stings for a minute, but if you’ve got any kind of money and an opening for them to sneak through, that’s when you might find yourself the target in a long con.”

  His eyes widened as if he were fascinated. “Daaamn. You ever do any of those long cons?”

  “Nah, but I went to work at a young age. The cons got me a few times, made my register come up short. That’s when my manager told me just what I told you. Eventually, I learned not to be naïve. That being said…” She looked straight at him while tilting her head and smirking as she pointed toward Muffin. “The cat’s owner—you banging her or trying to?”

  He glanced at the cat and sighed. “I’ve been tryin’ since my senior year of high school.”

  “Is she really paying you?”

  His cheeks flushed as he gazed at the ceiling. “Ugh. No. She offered, but she knew I wouldn’t take her money.”

  Lucy bit down on her bottom lip as she lifted an eyebrow. “I hate to tell you, but she’s stringing you along so you’ll take care of troublesome shit for her.”

  He sighed. “I know. This is the second time she’s had me watch her cat. Last time, he diarrhea-defecated in my shoe, and I swear he did it on purpose.” He stuck his middle finger up at the cat.

  Lucy’s bottom lip folded over as she scrunched up her face in horror. “Ew! Did she pay for your shoes?”

  He looked at her as if she’d grown a second head. “How uncool would I look if I told her how much her cat hates me?”

  Lucy covered her mouth as she snickered. “You need to put a stop to that.”

  He pursed his lips as he his shoulders slumped. “Can’t. There’s just something about her.” He glanced at her and smiled. “You know, you’re easy to talk to.”

  She grinned. “So I’ve been told.”

  He leaned in again as if the cat would hear and spill his secret. “Do you believe in the one true mate stuff?”

  She frowned. “Yeah, if it wasn’t true my mama might still be with my real daddy, and she probably would have already left my worrisome stepfather.”

  “Have you ever felt it?” His voice remained low as if there was anyone else there to hear him.

  Chance’s handsome mug popped into her mind, and she looked over at the floor while tapping her bottom lip with her index finger. “I don’t know…maybe…recently.”

  “Was there an amazing smell…like something so delicious your mouth would water?”

  “Yeah but your throat actually gets dry.”

  He tilted his head as he looked her straight in the eye. “You’ve felt it…that’s how I feel about her, but…” His words drifted off as his lips turned down into a pitiful frown.

  Lucy placed a hand on his arm. “You okay?”

  He straightened his back. “It’s just not fair. My uncle found his fated mate, and the two of them were like a couple of high power magnets, but Sherry’s human—doesn’t hit them the way it does us. I know she’s the one, but she’s either not ready or it’s not going to happen.”

  A funny feeling stirred in Lucy’s stomach as she considered his words. As a rule, she tried not to feel sorry for anyone or allow anyone to play on her sympathy, but he seemed sincere. “That’s a tough one. If you move on, you’re settling, but if you don’t, you’re going to keep getting taken advantage of.”

  “Damn.” Sadness shone in his dark, brown eyes.

  “I think you’re going to have to confront her.”

  “What’chu mean?” His southern accent was so thick, Lucy found it distracting.

  “You have to tell her how you feel. Let the chips fall. If she says she’s not into you, you have to stop being so available for her. Give her a minute to miss you.”

  He nodded in agreement but before he could reply a loud rap on the door interrupted their conversation. He glanced at the entryway. “That’s weird. I know my brother had his key so unless some girl threw him out of her place with no clothes on…”

  Lucy cackled. “That a regular thing?”

  He chuckled. “It’s happened.” As another series of knocks nearly banged the door loose, his eyes narrowed. “What the fuck!” He knelt and then pulled a crowbar from under the couch before he made his way to the window by the door and took a peek. He huffed as he propped the tool against the wall. “HOLD ON!” He muttered likely more to himself than to Lucy, “What the hell could he want…such an asshole. Door ain’t even locked.”

  “Who?” Lucy’s heart raced. Did Craw and Grayson find me? Not in the mood for that crap. Or worse…could be Chance. She hopped up and then ran to the kitchen before she ducked behind the counter and peeped around the side.

  As soon as he turned the knob, Jonas nearly went flying backward as Chance pushed his way in. He grabbed Jonas around the throat. “Where is she?”

  As Jonas punched Chance in the stomach, barely making him flinch, Lucy jumped up from her hiding place and then ran toward them. “Stop! I’m right here.”

  Jonas managed to grab a handful of Chance’s hair and popped him in the jaw with his other hand just before the two of them toppled over on the couch.”

  “Stop it!” She started toward them but froze in her tracks. She’d seen enough bar fights to know not to get too close to the action. Chance still had a hold of Jonas’s neck as he punched him in his side. Her stomach turned with nausea as she panted. “If you don’t stop acting like human children, I’ll leave!”

  She glanced to the still wide open door just before two wolves padded inside the room, making it even more cramped. They growled and barked
what sounded like a warning. One of them grasped the leg of Chance’s pants in its jaws, pulling on his clothing. As the other wolf growled and then barked louder, the two men pushed away from each other albeit with a few additional shoves as they did.

  Chance stared at Lucy with angry eyes. “What are you doing here?

  Her heart went crazy, pounding fast, but she stiffened her back as she prickled at his tone. “None of your business.” Her voice was low and unsteady, but as soon as the words came out of her mouth, she knew she shouldn’t have said them.

  Jonas returned the coffee table they’d knocked a few feet back to its original position. “Just talkin’. Nothing happened. You’re lucky this beer you made me spill was about empty or I would have smacked you over the head with the bottle.” He picked the container up off the floor and then sat it upright.

  Chance offered him a sideways glance. “Like it would make a damn bit of difference if a whole keg spilled in this shithole.”

  “Still a waste of beer.” While they squared off as if they were going to go at each other again, Lucy shrank back into the corner.

  Before the argument could progress to a fight, one of the wolves shifted, and a tall, buff man with a ruddy tone to his skin emerged. He had hair as dark as Chance’s but much shorter and the locks near his ears were graying. His forehead was heavily creased by age, and a tattoo of three wolf cubs adorned his left shoulder. He took a step closer to the two men, his flaccid penis on full display as he shook his finger at Jonas and Chance. “You two better calm down.”

  “Uncle Mike! Cover up.” Chance scowled. Then he pointed at the other wolf. “Jack, don’t you dare.”

  Mike chuckled. “All of a sudden you’re shy? You’ve been going on pack runs with us since you were a colt.”

  He glanced toward Lucy as his nostrils flared. “This is different.”

  Lucy made a point of taking a gander at the man’s tight ass, just to piss Chance off. She rolled her eyes. “I’m a shifter too. Nudity is nothing.”

  He clenched his jaw as he motioned toward Jonas. “Did he tell you, he’s a man whore?”

  “Bullshit!” Jonas bounced up onto his feet.

  “Do you not take home any halfway decent girl who will go with you?” Chance stood up slowly.

  Jonas waved him off before plopping back down. “So what? I don’t get paid so I ain’t no hoe.”

  Lucy addressed Jonas. “You’re going to have to cut that mess out if you want her to take you seriously.”

  Jonas nodded. “I just start thinking about her and get lonely…need a little comforting.”

  Chance lifted an eyebrow while staring at Lucy and then glancing to Jonas before settling his gaze on her again. He clenched his jaw. “Did you comfort him? Whose clothes are you wearing?”

  Lucy’s eyes widened and she balled up her fists by her sides. “Is that what you think of me? How dare you?”

  Jonas hissed as he grimaced at Chance. “Damn, you are still such a self-righteous prick!”

  Lucy laughed with a snort. “I see you know each other well.”

  Jonas rolled his eyes. “Unfortunately we’ve been acquainted since we were boys.”

  Chance grunted. “You mean since I was a young man and you were a juvenile delinquent trying to steal candy bars and soda from my parents’ store.”

  “Ugh.” Jonas huffed before breaking into a mimic of Chance’s voice. “Oh, look at me. I’m Chance the dick equine shifter. My parents can afford to give me whatever I want. I don’t have to steal candy.”

  Chance shook his head as he glared. “Are you a child?”

  “He’s got you pegged.” Lucy crossed her arms over her chest while motioning to Mike who had pursed his lips and looked away. “Even your Uncle seems to agree.”

  The older man shook his head. “I didn’t say that.”

  Chance’s shoulders slumped as the fight seemed to rush out of him like air from a balloon never tied off. “Why did you leave the house? I woke up and couldn’t find you. Thank God nothing happened to you.”

  “I couldn’t sleep. I needed to run.” She looked at the floor.

  “I was worried sick. Did you not listen to anything I told you about the two shady men looking for you?”

  Stubbornly, she looked down her nose at him while pouting. “Did you not hear me when I said I’m not your concern anymore? You don’t get free entry to all of my business nor do you have a right to run my life.”

  Chance sighed. “Do you really want to do this now?”

  Mike whistled to get everyone’s attention. “Miss, my nephew said your safety is at stake. You can trust us to help you. If you don’t want to go home with Chance, you are welcome to stay at my home with my family tonight.”

  “What?” Chance’s voice was loud and angry. “She needs to come back with me.”

  His uncle held up a hand. “Not if she doesn’t want to.”

  “She’s welcome to stay here tonight. My brother’s room is free and I’m every bit as capable of fending off creeps as this head-up-his-ass joker.” Jonas sneered at Chance.

  “You son of’a…” Chance stepped toward Jonas but his uncle moved between them.

  “I said for you to settle down.” Mike growled and Chance backed down.

  Miss, we need to get these two men separated so they can cool their heads. Make a decision. Stay here, go with Chance, or come with me?”

  She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she glared at Chance. Her blood was boiling, and she really wanted to slap his face for accusing her of screwing Jonas just hours after they slept together. Her nostrils flared as she pursed her lips. I want to scratch his damn eyes out, but staying here just to spite him off would be a touch too far.

  She blew a gust of air upward hard enough to lift her bangs as she glanced at Mike. The thought of spending the night in a strange place and waking up to a house filled with people she’d never met didn’t appeal to her either.

  “Miss?” Mike prodded her to answer.

  She frowned at Chance. “I’ll go back with you but you aren’t allowed to lay a hand on me.”

  “Fine.” He stormed off to hold open the door. “Let’s go.”

  “Thanks for being so nice to me, Jonas.” Lucy walked toward the door.

  “Anytime, girl. Thanks for listening to my troubles.” He waved.

  Mike shifted before bolting out the door with the other wolf on his heels. “Bye. I appreciate the offer of your house,” Lucy called out from the deck as the two wolves disappeared into the night.

  As they walked away from Jonas’s place, Lucy tried to stay a few steps ahead of Chance in an effort to avoid a lecture. I’m just going to get to his house, crawl into bed, and go to sleep. Tomorrow I’ll try to track down mama now that I’ve got a lead…get the hell out of this hick town and back to Vegas. Once I’m away from here, this whole heart-pounding, skin-tingling nonsense will cease.

  “Lucy, stop avoiding me.”

  She tossed a look over her shoulder. “Humph.”

  He smacked his lips. “Really? Very mature.”

  “Talking down to me isn’t going to change my mind about you being a controlling jerk who thinks he can rule my life.”

  He grasped her upper arm as he caught up to her, forcing her to stop and look at him. “Everything I have done is out of concern for you.”

  She wriggled her way loose from his grip. “I’m not a charity case. I’ve been working since I was thirteen and I’ve been paying my own way since I was eighteen. I don’t need your guidance.”

  “Then why did Ms. Banks say you did?”

  She rolled her eyes before she resumed her trek. “Because she’s a nosey old bird who likes to tend to other people’s business just like you.”

  “That’s disrespectful. She took you in.”

  “She also stood back and let you beat my ass.”

  “You didn’t seem to hate it so much.” He looked down, averting his gaze from her.

  She balled her fists up so
tight her nails dug into her palms as she whipped around and sneered. “Don’t you get it? It’s our shifter instincts making us crazy—driving us to mate like animals. Just because our bodies are compatible doesn’t mean we are!”

  His eyebrows lifted and his eyes widened. He huffed out a gust of air, looking as if he’d been hit in the gut. After he ran his hand through his hair, he pressed it against his nape, holding his neck. His stare penetrated her, making her stomach simmer with anxiety as her heart rate soared. After what seemed like an eternity, he turned back toward the path. They walked in silence for the rest of the way.

  Once they arrived, he held the door open for her. The humidity in the evening air made her borrowed clothing clinging to her body in an unpleasant way but as she stepped into the air conditioning, the discomfort began to subside. She pulled the shirt’s collar up toward her face and dabbed at her cheeks before repeating the process on her nape.

  After she glanced at Chance and found him scowling at her, she rolled her eyes. “What?”

  “Take those damn…” He spoke through gritted teeth until his voice trailed off and he held his hands out in front of him while taking a deep breath. “I mean, would you please take those clothes off.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  He closed his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “What I mean to say is I don’t like seeing you in another man’s clothes.”

  She smirked while folding her arms over her chest and tilting her head. “Why’s that?” She studied his face as he looked off to the side and touched his chin as if he were thinking up an answer. Tell me you love me. Tell me you can’t stand the thought of me with another man. Shit…Why am I even thinking this?

  He shook his head. “I don’t know. I just don’t like it.”

  Her nostrils flared. “You prideful, stubborn bastard.” She turned before storming off to his bedroom. After she slammed the door, she locked him out.

  Tears ran down her face as a mixture of anger and confusion messed with her head and made her stomach churn. She stripped off the clothes she was wearing before crawling into Chance’s bed. She sniffled, noting the sheets smelled like him. I don’t even understand why I’m so upset. She cried so hard she could barely catch her breath even as Chance lightly rapped on the door while calling her name in a calm, low voice.


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