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The Edge of Destiny

Page 10

by Emma Easter

  Chapter 9

  Lily’s heart raced as she looked at her phone and saw it was Taylor calling. “Calm down,” she said to herself and answered his call.

  “A car is waiting outside the hotel, Lily,” he said over the phone. He sounded distracted. “I gave the driver directions to your apartment.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right down.” She hung up and straightened her dress. She brushed back her hair from her face with her hand and grabbed her purse from the bed. Bringing out her suitcase from the hotel room closet, she looked around the room to make sure she had not left anything unpacked. She had already packed up all her things as soon as she’d come up after breakfast this morning.

  She left the room with her suitcase, her heart still racing. After the confession she’d made to Taylor about her feelings for him during their very awkward breakfast, she felt slightly nervous and embarrassed to see him again. Most of all, she felt frightened. They were going to an empty apartment together. She would have to remember to leave the door wide open when they went in.

  She sighed. He would leave tomorrow, and she would finally be able to breathe easy again and stop being constantly guarded. She bit her lip as pain tore through her. Would today be the last day she saw him? When would she get to see him again?

  She hurried to the elevator, rolling her suitcase behind her, and rode it down to the lobby. She checked out of the hotel at the front desk and hastily made her way out of the hotel. A limo was waiting just outside. She thanked the concierge as he helped her get her suitcase into the trunk of the limo. The driver came out and opened the car door for her. She took a deep breath, gathered her emotions together, and entered the back of the spacious vehicle. She blinked in surprise and disappointment. Where was Taylor? Surely, he was coming to the apartment with her.

  She leaned forward as the driver got into the front seat. “Umm… where’s Taylor… Mr. Dalton? Isn’t he coming with us?”

  “Mr. Dalton?”

  “Yes,” Lily said exasperatedly, trying to still her emotions. “Taylor Dalton. I thought he was coming with us?”

  “No, he isn’t, ma’am. His instructions were to take you to an apartment building not far from here. He gave me directions to the place.”

  She leaned back in her seat, panicking and feeling faint with disappointment. Here she was, dreaming of seeing Taylor again, and even planning how she would make sure their desires for each other did not take over at the new apartment, when he wasn’t even coming at all.

  Shame ran through her, mixing in with her acute disappointment and distress. It was probably God’s way of answering her prayer for help. But the thought brought no relief to her. Neither did her guilt erase her pain at the fact that she had not known the last time she would see him was at the elevator. Maybe he would come and visit her someday when he came to Tucson again, but it was unlikely. He’d purposely avoided going to this new apartment with her. He would probably avoid visiting her when he came into town again.

  “It’s for the best,” she whispered, and groaned when tears streamed down her cheeks. Oh Lord, help me. I’ve become Sofia. I’ve become the kind of woman I used to loathe.

  She looked out the window and thought about Taylor as the driver wove through traffic. Their breakfast at the hotel had been so full of longing and desire for each other that they hadn’t been able to eat. Now that she knew she would never see him again, that longing only increased.

  She shifted in her seat as guilt threatened to suffocate her. Was she even now sinning against God just by thinking about him in that way? Hadn’t the Lord said that even looking at a woman or man lustfully was wrong? It meant that she was just as bad as Sofia and women like her.

  She shut her eyes and sighed. She thought she had put away the teachings supporting polygamy, which had been ingrained in her from childhood in Fallow Creek, and that she was above it all now. But clearly, they had penetrated her mind far deeper than she’d imagined. She hadn’t gotten rid of the teachings she’d been raised with. She had only buried them. Now they had been resurrected to taunt her. She prayed silently for forgiveness and asked the Lord to take away everything she felt for Taylor.

  The roads and buildings began to grow very familiar, and she blinked in surprise as they approached the residential area where she had lived with Sofia for months. Her heart began to pound as the driver drove straight to Sofia’s apartment building. When he stopped right in front of it, she gasped in dismay. “Is this the place Taylor Dalton gave you directions to?” she asked the driver, hoping with all her heart that it wasn’t.

  “Yes,” the man said. “This is the address I was given.”

  Lily shut her eyes and began to panic once again. Lord, this can’t be! She opened her eyes and looked up at the apartment building. Please tell me it isn’t the apartment building I’m supposed to live in! She placed her hand on her forehead as her head began to throb. Of all the places to live in this whole city, why did it have to be this one? Why did Taylor have to buy an apartment in this particular building where Sofia lived? She groaned as the driver opened the door for her. For a moment, she sat, unwilling to exit the car, and then she finally did.

  The driver got her suitcase out of the trunk, and she thanked him as she took it from him. He got back into the limo, and she nearly got in with him again. But where would she go if she did? She had nowhere else to go, and it would be wrong to tell Taylor that she didn’t want to stay here after all he’d done for her.

  She felt like weeping as she reluctantly rolled her suitcase to the entrance of the building and then paused in front of it. She groaned again as she entered the building and glanced around the familiar posh lobby. The apartments in this building were expensive. Why had Taylor gotten an expensive apartment for her? Not even Sofia, who worked and earned her own money, paid for the apartment she lived in. Lily had found out some days before she’d left Sofia’s that George had been the one paying the rent.

  Lily walked across the marble-tiled floor and smiled at Ivan, the twenty-three-year-old who manned the front desk. His eyes lit up when he saw her, and he grinned when she reached the desk and stood in front of him.

  “Hey, Lily!” He glanced down at her suitcase. “You’re back?”

  She nodded. He had seen her the day she was leaving, and she’d told him she was moving out. Now she was back to live here again.

  “I’m glad you’re back,” he said to her. He suddenly looked at her with interest and then looked down at the file in front of him. “Some very rich guy paid for a penthouse apartment in a Miss Hunter’s name.” His eyes lit up again, and he smiled brightly at her. “I should have known it was you.”

  Her mouth dropped open for a moment. “A penthouse apartment? Oh, Taylor, why?” She looked at Ivan, who was still smiling at her. “I didn’t know it was a penthouse apartment he’d paid for.” She groaned inwardly. She knew what Ivan was thinking now. That she was involved with a wealthy man who had paid for an expensive apartment that she would never ever be able to afford. That she was the kind of girl who dated wealthy men so they could buy her expensive stuff… like an apartment in this building. She suddenly grew annoyed. What had Taylor been thinking when he’d bought her an apartment here, and a penthouse apartment for that matter? She would never be able to pay him back!

  “You look upset,” Ivan said. “Aren’t you happy you have a penthouse apartment? I would be over the moon if someone got me...”

  “Ivan!” she cut in. “It’s not what you think.” When he opened his mouth, she knew he was going to ask her another question, and she quickly waved him off. “I’m tired, Ivan. I just want to go up to the apartment.” There was no point trying to explain further. “Where’s the key?”

  “Of course. The key.” He sounded professional again. He looked down at his file and looked at the computer in front of him. He typed something. A minute later, he opened a drawer at his back and took out a cardkey. Turning around, he handed it to her. Apartment 901. “It’s a very nice apartment,
Lily. I hope you enjoy it.”

  “Thank you,” she said wearily.

  He asked if she needed help with her suitcase, and she told him she didn’t. She walked away, pulling her suitcase with her. Rounding a corner, she sighed loudly and covered her face with her hand. Of all the places Taylor had found, it had to be this apartment where Sofia lived. Not only would she never be able to pay him back, she was bound to run into Sofia soon, and then she would have to explain how she could afford to live in an apartment building like this. Hopefully, Sofia would not find out for a long time that she lived in one of the two penthouse apartments in the building.

  She got to the front of the elevator and pressed the ‘up’ button. The doors opened and just as she stepped in, someone else came up behind her. They entered together, and Lily caught the scent of familiar perfume. She looked up at the young woman and gasped, her heart sinking to her feet. Sofia!

  “Lily! What’re you doing here?” Sofia stared at her with wide eyes and then looked down at her suitcase. “You’ve come back?” Sofia reached out and hugged her. “I’m so sorry for how things went down the day you left. I’ve missed you so much, Lily!” She looked Lily over. “You look a little different… More beautiful.” She took Lily’s hand. “You’ll have to tell me your beauty secret when we get to the apartment.” She pressed her lips tightly together. “George is still there, but I promise he won’t get in your way.”

  Great! This is just what I needed right now. Dozens of people live in this building, but it just had to be Sofia who walked into the elevator. Lily couldn’t utter a word, not only because Sofia kept talking and talking, but because her mind and mouth were not connecting anymore.

  Sofia grinned at her as she pressed the elevator button to her floor. “We’ll have such a good time this weekend. I know George is around, but we can still have our usual girls’ weekend.” She frowned and tilted her head toward Lily. “I know you don’t like George being in the apartment, but he’ll only be here for about three more days, and then...”

  “Sofia!” Lily cut her off. “I’m not back!”

  Sofia’s eyes widened, and she looked confused. She looked down at Lily’s suitcase again and said, “I thought… isn’t this your suitcase?”

  “It is, but I’m not coming to live with you,” Lily said slowly. Lord, please don’t let her ask any more questions.

  “Then where are you going to live?” Sofia asked, frowning and looking even more confused.

  Lord, do I really have to tell her the truth? Can’t I just make something up?

  “Lily, did you hear my question? Why did you bring your suitcase here if you aren’t moving back to my apartment? Where are you going to live? Did you come to visit someone in the building?”

  Lily sighed in exasperation. Sofia and her constant need to talk and ask multiple questions all at once. “I’m moving into an apartment in this building,” Lily said in a low voice. “But it’s not yours.”

  Sophia stared at her. “You’re moving into this building?”

  “Yes,” Lily answered. She winced inwardly, guilt flooding her. She was no different from Sofia. George was paying the rent for Sofia’s apartment in this building, and now Taylor had bought her an apartment here, too. They were both kept women. Lily grimaced. It was all so awful.

  “Wow!” Sofia said. “You must have gotten a fabulous job in these few days since you left.”

  The guilt that had taken a hold of Lily now threatened to suffocate her.

  The elevator stopped moving, and the door opened. When Sofia didn’t get out, Lily stared at her. “Aren’t you getting out?”

  “No. I have to come and check out your apartment, Lily!”

  Lily frowned. I wish you wouldn’t. She said, “Okay, but I don’t have any furniture yet, so there’s really nothing to see.”

  “I’m still coming,” Sofia insisted.

  The elevator stopped, and Sofia’s eyes grew round as Lily pressed the button for the ninth floor. She turned and stared at Lily with an incredulous look on her face. “This is the top floor. Are you are going to be living in a penthouse apartment?”

  Lily’s heart knocked with guilt and embarrassment. How was she going to explain it to Sofia? There was no way she would believe she’d gotten a job that could pay for a penthouse apartment in a building like this.

  Sofia stared at Lily with suspicion in her eyes as they stepped out of the elevator. “Lily, are you staying in a penthouse suite?”

  Lily cringed as Sofia’s eyes pierced hers, and she turned away.

  They walked down a plush carpeted hallway lined with tall potted plants and then stopped at the door with the number 901 etched on it. She took out her cardkey, opened the door, stepped in, and almost fainted. The living room was fully outfitted with furniture that looked forbiddingly expensive. She shut her eyes, wanting to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, and opened them again. Why, Taylor? She felt overwhelming guilt and shame, and she couldn’t turn to look at Sofia. She could guess what her friend was thinking now.

  “Lily, tell me the truth! It’s either you won the lottery, or you robbed a bank. Which is it?”

  Lily said more to herself than to Sofia, “I didn’t know he was going to do all this.”

  “You didn’t know who was going to do all this?”

  Lily walked to the snow-white sofa and sank onto it. It felt so soft and comfortable, and yet she felt dreadful and uncomfortable under Sofia’s suspicious gaze.

  Sofia sat next to her, and Lily sighed.

  “Lily, what are you not telling me?” Sofia asked. She looked around the living room. “These pieces of furniture… that view…” She pointed at the sliding windows. From where she sat, Lily had a gorgeous view of the city.

  Lily’s phone rang, and she jumped. She quickly got a hold of herself and answered. It was Taylor.

  “Do you like the apartment, Lily?” he asked.

  “You shouldn’t have, Taylor! I’ll never be able to pay you back. I’m very grateful, but all this...” She waved her hand in the air. “I don’t need all this expensive furniture.”

  “You don’t have to pay me back,” Taylor said.

  “No, Taylor. We made a deal, remember? I told you I would pay you back.” And yet she knew she could never do it… at least, not for a very long time. “Why did you have to get all this furniture?”

  “It came with the apartment,” he said dismissively.

  “For an extra cost, I imagine.”

  “But worth it.”

  “Yes, and it increases the amount I have to pay back.”

  “I told you that you don’t have to…”

  “Taylor, I thought we had already agreed that I would pay you back?”

  “Okay, Lily.” He sounded slightly frustrated. “If you insist on paying me back, you can. But you have all the time in the world.”

  She sighed. “And that might not be enough time to pay you back for all this.” Her eyes traveled round the living room again.

  “I’ll call you back tomorrow,” he said, sounding as distracted as he had when he’d called earlier. “Tell me you like the apartment at least.”

  “I love it, but...”

  He cut in. “That’s all I needed to hear. I’ll call you later.” He ended the call before she could say anything more, and she stared at her phone for a long moment.

  Sofia turned around to face her. “Lily, who was that? Tell me the truth. That guy you just spoke to, he paid for this apartment, didn’t he? He paid for the furniture as well.”

  Lily sighed wearily and nodded.

  Sofia chuckled and shook her head. “So, you got yourself a wealthy boyfriend in just a few days. How did you do it?”

  “It’s not like that!” Lily protested.

  “From what I can see, it’s exactly like that.” Sofia searched Lily’s eyes. “There’s something else, isn’t there?” She began to laugh. “Lily! Don’t tell me your boyfriend is married!”

  “He is married, but he�
�s not my boyfriend! He’s just an old friend who...”

  Sofia cut in. “So you gave me grief for dating George because he’s married, and yet you’re doing the very same thing.” She shook her head. “Lily, Lily, Lily! I thought you said your religious beliefs were against that. But you’re just a hypocrite.”

  Lily bristled. “I am not a hypocrite. I’m not doing the same thing as you. I’m not involved with him like you are with George.” She frowned. “What am I saying? I’m not involved with him at all. We’re just old friends. I knew him back in Fallow Creek. We were neighbors as children, and he’s the brother of my good friend.”

  “So then why did he get you a penthouse apartment in this building and then furnish it fully with expensive furniture?”

  Lily shrugged, unwilling to tell Sofia anything more about her and Taylor.

  “Let me tell you why,” Sofia said. “No guy does all this for a girl unless he wants something from her. You might not think there’s anything between you, but he sure does. He likes you — a lot — and he definitely wants something from you. And I know you know what.”

  Lily felt scandalized. “That’s not true! He doesn’t want what you’re thinking. He’s not like that. Besides, he’s going back to California soon. That’s where he lives. I promised to pay him back, and I’ll try the best I can to do so.”

  “And how are you going to pay him back for all this?” Sofia chuckled.

  “I’m trying to find a job. Once I do, I’ll start to save.”

  “I guess you’ll also not buy any food to feed yourself or do anything else so you can pay him back, because the money it will take to do so will mean exactly that. And it’ll probably take forever. You have to stop lying to yourself, Lily. You won’t be able to pay that guy back... except with something other than money.” Sofia smirked.


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