Book Read Free

Mr Spencer

Page 5

by Swan, T L

  “William doesn’t work with your father?”

  “No, Edward and he don’t get on. Edward hates William’s wife.”

  “Oh.” He frowns. “And your mother?”

  My heart drops, and before I am able to put on my brave face, my eyes fill with tears. “My mother was killed in a car accident five years ago.”

  His face falls.

  “I miss her dearly.”

  He reaches over the table and takes my hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “Me, too.” I squeeze his hand, a silent thank you for being kind.

  “Good Lord,” he mutters almost to himself as he sits back in his seat. “I came here to try and woo you, and all I have done is make you talk about morbid things and told you I am a womanising cad who can’t be trusted. My A game is most definitely slipping.”

  I chuckle and pick up my wine. “A very sweet cad, though.”

  Our eyes lock again, and the air swirls between us. He smiles softly. “You are more beautiful than I remembered, Charlotte. I’m glad I came.”

  “So am I,” I breathe.

  We eat our dinner and enjoy a dessert. I find myself genuinely surprised at how easily we get along. He’s funny, witty, and not at all like I imagined.

  “Sir, just to let you know the bar is closing soon. Would you like anything else?” the waiter asks.

  Spencer and I look up in surprise. Where has the night gone? It feels like we just got here.

  “No, we’ll be leaving soon,” Spencer answers.

  We finish our drinks, and he pays the bill. Then he takes my hand as we walk out onto the road. I see Wyatt in the car and guilt suddenly fills me. I’ve never made him wait for me while I had a date before.

  At least my father and Edward are away in London at a work function tonight and aren’t home.

  “Where is your house?” Spencer asks as we walk up the road. He presses a button on his keys and the headlights to a sporty looking black Maserati light up.

  “Just out of town.” I smile as we arrive at the extremely low vehicle. “This is your car?”

  “Yep.” He smiles cheekily.

  “I should have known that you would own a poser car.”

  He flashes me one of those beautiful smiles and opens my car door. I feel myself melt.

  “Yeah, because the Bentley you drive around in is so understated,” he hits back dryly.

  I giggle as I slide into my seat. “That’s not my car, it’s my father’s.”

  Spencer starts the car and pulls out onto the road.

  “What do you drive then?” he asks with interest.

  I bite my bottom lip and hesitate.

  He casts a quick glance my way. “Your security guard drives you around all the time in that black Mercedes wagon, doesn’t he?”

  I shrug, embarrassed. “Sort of.”

  He frowns and bites his thumbnail as he thinks, his eyes stay fixed on the road. “How do you stand it?”


  “The lack of freedom and their control.”

  I frown at him. “What do you mean?”

  “They know where you are every minute of every day. How do you stand it? Don’t you feel suffocated and just want to break free?”

  My heart sinks. He’s the first person who’s ever got it. “More than you know.” I sigh sadly.

  He looks over at me and grins mischievously.

  “What?” I smirk.

  “Maybe you should run away with me and join the bad girl club.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “I can teach you how to have fun in the dirtiest way possible.”

  I chuckle as I look out the window. If only he knew how tempting that offer is. “I’m sure you could, Mr Mischief.”

  He laughs and puts his hand on my thigh, like he’s done it a thousand times before.

  This is the weirdest thing. He’s not getting romantic on me, he’s not trying to be perfect or pretend to be something he’s not, and it’s working. Second by second, I’m feeling more comfortable with him. All this honesty has him sliding right in under my skin.

  God, he plays a good game.

  “This is it, up here on the left,” I tell him.

  We get to the large stone gates outside, and he glances over at me. “What’s the code?”

  My eyes flicker nervously to Wyatt in the car behind us. I’m not supposed to give anyone the code to get in. “Eleven, zero, five,” I blurt out. I look at Wyatt through the passenger wing mirror and see he is getting annoyed.

  Spencer pushes the code in and drives down the driveway. “This is my house here,” I say.

  He parks the car and looks over at me as Wyatt’s headlights pull in closer behind us.

  Spencer watches him in the rearview mirror. “This guy is pissing me off,” he mutters almost to himself, and then he opens his door. “Come on.”

  I stare at him, confused. Does he think he’s coming in?

  “I’m walking you to the door, Charlotte.” He rolls his eyes. “Fucking relax.”

  “Oh.” I smile feeling stupid, and I get out of the car to follow him up the six stairs to the porch and my front door.

  “Can I come in… for a coffee?” he asks.

  I stare up at him as we stand in the darkness. “We have nothing in common, Spencer.”

  “Spence,” he corrects me.

  “We have nothing in common, Spence.”

  He smiles down at me. “I don’t care.” He leans forward as if he’s going to kiss me, and I step back.

  “See?” I snap.

  “See what?” He frowns.

  “This is why you can’t come in.”

  “What is?”

  “This ability you have to talk women onto their backs.”

  He frowns and picks my hand up to kiss my fingertips. “I just want coffee, Charlotte. Why would you think I have a hidden ability?”

  I watch him kiss my fingertips. “Well, it’s not really hidden. It’s out there for the world to see,” I whisper.

  He rolls his eyes and drags his hands through his hair. “Stay off of Google, Charlotte.” He sighs. “Nothing good will ever come from that.”

  “We’re just not suited, Spencer.” I sigh.

  “Suited or not, you’re attracted to me, I can tell.”

  “I am. I won’t deny that,” I admit.

  He smiles softly and cups my face in his hands.

  One night… just one night with him.

  My heart begins to race as I imagine what it would be like to be in his bed.

  He dusts his thumb over my bottom lip and watches my reaction. “I want to talk some more. I haven’t had enough time with you yet.”

  “Talk about what?” I breathe, unable to concentrate when he touches my lip like that.

  “Invite me in for coffee so we’re out of the sight of him.” He gestures to Wyatt in the parked car who is watching with beady eyes. Spencer drops my hands and holds his up in the air. “I’ll behave, I promise.”

  I roll my lips to try and stop myself from smiling.

  “And after coffee, if you don’t want to see me again, that’s fine.” He raises his brows. “I’ll never write your name in my diary again.” He crosses his finger over his chest. “Cross my heart.”

  I giggle sharply, but just as quickly I remember the facts of who he really is and fall serious again. “I don’t have what you’re after, Mr Spencer.”

  His eyes hold mine and he dusts the backs of his fingers down my cheek. “Maybe I’m sick of the afters, Charlotte. Maybe I want a before.”

  I feel my stomach somersault with nerves, the energy between us palpable.

  “It’s late,” Wyatt snaps behind us, breaking our moment and forcing us both to jump.

  Spencer frowns at Wyatt who has snuck up the porch steps. “Hello,” Spencer says, holding his hand out for Wyatt. I can tell he’s annoyed that Wyatt has interrupted us. “Spencer Jones.”

  Wyatt glares at him and shakes his hand. “Wyatt. I’m Charlotte’s guard.”

  “She’s ho
me safe, Wyatt,” Spencer says flatly, glaring at Wyatt. “Why don’t you run along and give us some privacy?”

  My eyes widen.

  “I don’t think so,” Wyatt replies calmly. “I think it’s time you ran along.”

  Spencer smirks as if amused and puts his two hands into his pockets. “Actually, I’m going in to have a coffee with my lovely date.” His eyes come back to mine and he takes my hand in his, picking it up to kiss it. “Aren’t I, Charlotte?”

  “Yes,” I whisper, wide-eyed. Oh my God, what the hell is he doing?

  Wyatt’s jaw clenches, and Spencer smiles and winks cheekily, clearly loving every moment of this.

  “Wyatt, you… you are finished for the evening,” I stammer. “Spencer and I are just going to have coffee, that’s all.” I open my door in a fluster. “You should go home now.”

  “I might see you in the morning when I leave, hey, Wyatt?” Spencer says chirpily. “Will you be on in the morning?” he asks, acting innocent.

  Wyatt radiates thermonuclear anger as he glares at my cheeky date. I have no idea what the hell Spencer is playing at.

  “Spencer!” I snap. “Cut it out.”

  What the hell are these two idiots doing? Spencer is openly baiting him. His eyes hold Wyatt’s. “You do know that she’s twenty-four and perfectly capable of making her own decisions, right?”

  I bite my lip to hide my smirk. He’s the first person who has ever challenged anyone in my life this way. It feels good to have someone in my corner for a change.

  “Wyatt, honey, go home. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say softly as I walk through the doorway. “I’m fine, I promise.”

  Spencer walks in behind me and waves with his fingertips, giving him a big cheesy grin. “Nighty night, Wyatt.”

  I close the door and widen my eyes. “What the heck are you doing, Spencer?” I snap.

  “Playing with him.” He smirks.

  “I can see that, but why?”

  “Because I won’t have him dictate to me when I see you.” He wraps his arms around my waist and smiles down at me. Then he leans down and kisses me. “Can we open the drapes so he can see me kissing you?”

  I laugh against his lips. “Stop it, you’re acting like a petulant child.”

  “He likes you.”

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  “Why did you call him honey just now?”

  I frown. “What? I didn’t.”

  “Yeah, you did. Don’t do it again.” He kisses me softly.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I like you.” His hands slide down to my behind and he pulls me against his erection. “I don’t want you calling your bodyguard honey.”

  My heart begins to hammer in my chest, the air leaving my lungs in one long exhale.

  “You… like me?” I ask nervously as I look up at him. How is a woman supposed to think with that weapon pressed up against her stomach?

  Don’t flinch, don’t flinch, don’t flinch.

  “Hmm.” He smiles a slow, sexy smile and pushes my hair back from my face. “I like you very much, actually.”

  This is the most confusing date I have ever been on. All of the men that I’ve dated in the past have broken their necks to impress me, and yet Spencer isn’t giving a damn about what I think, and he’s purposely trying to anger my bodyguard.

  He lives completely in the moment.

  Strangely enough, I think he may be the most appealing man I’ve met in a very long time. If not ever.

  I imagine Edward meeting Spencer, and I drop my head to hide my smile.

  “What?” He presses his finger under my chin to bring my face up to his.

  “My brother would hate you.”

  He laughs. “Do I look like I give a fuck what your brother thinks of me?”

  I smile. “No.”

  He leans down, and his lips take mine, his tongue gently sweeping through my open mouth. My knees weaken.

  “Put your arms around my neck, angel,” he murmurs against my lips, knowing he has to direct me.


  I tentatively put my arms around his strong shoulders, enjoying the way he looks down at me with his big blue eyes.

  You could cut the sexual tension between us with a knife. I can feel his hard erection up against my stomach, and strangely enough, I want to… I want to feel it.

  This feels strangely intimate and special, even though he’s just told me at dinner that it’s not.

  “Are you behaving, Mr Spencer?” I whisper up at him.

  “God, I don’t want to.” He leans down and kisses me again. “You make me want to misbehave.”

  “What happens when you misbehave?”

  “We fuck,” he whispers into my mouth. “Long, deep, and hard.”

  My insides begin to melt as I imagine his naked body on top of mine. My arousal throbs between my legs as his lips take mine again. For a long time, we stand in the same spot, kissing like teenagers.

  Our kiss turns frantic. He walks me to the couch and falls back, pulling me down and making me straddle his lap.

  His hands are in my hair and our faces are pressed together as our kisses become more erotic.

  His lips drop to my neck and he bites me hard.

  “Maybe I should give you a huge hickey to really piss Wyatt off?” he breathes against my skin. “That’ll teach him to mess with me.”

  “Spencer.” I gasp and pull my neck away from his teeth. “Are you insane?”

  His eyes find mine. “Maybe.” I can feel his huge erection up against my sex and he grinds me onto his body.

  “Rock onto me, angel,” he whispers. He grabs my hipbones and begins to slowly rock me back and forth over his hard erection. My body responds, quivering with pleasure.

  Oh God, he feels good.

  My hands are in his hair, and we stare at each as a perfect moment of clarity runs between us.

  We continue to kiss, my body slowly rocking over his, and without any warning my body begins to shudder. Spencer hisses in approval.

  “Let’s go to bed and fuck,” he whispers hoarsely.

  I pant, a myriad of emotions running through me. “What?” I whisper as my arousal fog instantly disappears.

  “Let’s fuck,” he mumbles against my neck.

  “You want to fuck me?” I whisper, shocked at his candour.

  “God, yes.” He growls as he kisses me again. “Tell me you want to fuck me, too.” He moans against my breasts.

  Suddenly, I have this out of body experience watching him in his aroused state. “Spencer?” I say.

  “Spence,” he corrects me, and his teeth bite my nipple through my blouse.

  “I’ve never…”

  His kiss turns frantic, and he drags me across his hard cock.

  “I’m a virgin,” I whimper.

  He pulls back to look at me, his hair is all messed up, and his lips swollen.

  “You’re a what?” He frowns.



  “I haven’t had sex before.”


  She shakes her head.

  I watch her, my breathing ragged. Is she fucking joking?

  “Tonight with you would be my first night.”

  My eyes widen in horror. “What the fuck?” I push her off my lap and stand immediately. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No, I’m not!” she snaps, annoyed by my reaction. “I’m offering you my virginity. Do you want it or not?”

  Her virginity.

  I stare at her, my mouth hanging open. “Of course I fucking want it.” I run my hands through my hair and begin to pace. “I… I mean.” I stop and look back at her. “Never?” I mouth.

  She shakes her head, and I wince.

  A virgin. A virgin. A fucking virgin. I’ll split her in fucking half.

  I have no idea how to fuck gently.

  “This isn’t exactly the reaction I was expecting,” she whispers.

  I look over at her and my face softens. “God, Charlo
tte.” I lean down and tenderly kisses her beautiful big lips, holding her face in my hands. “You’re the perfect woman.”

  “But?” She scowls.

  I stare at her, lost for words. My heart is hammering hard in my chest.

  If I take her virginity she’ll become needy and attached, and I’ll only fuck this shit up. Girls fall in love with their first sexual partner and I don’t do love.

  I so want to, though. I get a vision of myself teaching her the ropes, and my cock begins to weep. It would be so fucking good.

  “Spencer, what’s wrong?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat, and I kiss her softly as I try to control my hunger.

  She deserves her first time to be soft and gentle… neither of which are my strong points. Plus, I’m big. I’ll hurt her.

  Not if you warm her up first.

  I get a vision of kissing her inner thigh, and my cock hardens to a painful level.

  “You should go,” she whispers sharply.

  I stare at her in confusion. “I knew you were different the moment I laid eyes on you,” I admit quietly. She’s fucking perfect inside and out.

  God, I want her. Everything in me wants her.

  She stands abruptly and opens the front door in a rush.

  “Goodbye, Spencer.”

  What? What the hell? “Wait, I… I don’t want to go,” I stammer.

  Fuck, why did I hesitate? Now she thinks I don’t want her.

  “I want you to leave. Immediately.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I say, standing my ground.

  “You heard the lady,” Wyatt growls from the front porch.

  We both turn in surprise.

  “Not now, fucker,” I snap.

  “Get out before I beat you to a living pulp.”

  “What the hell?” I frown, and my eyes flicker to the beautiful girl in front of me. “Charlotte?”

  “Please leave, Spencer,” she says as her eyes fill with tears.

  My face falls knowing that I’ve hurt her feelings.

  She turns and runs up the stairs, leaving me no choice. Wyatt pushes me towards the front door, and I rip my arm from his grip.

  “Don’t fucking touch me!” I shout as I storm out onto the porch.

  “Don’t come back.”

  I turn to him. “I’ll be back whenever it fucking suits me, you prick. Stay the fuck out of my way.” I storm to my car, start it up, and rev the shit out of the engine.


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