Book Read Free

Mr Spencer

Page 19

by Swan, T L

  “What is that, look?” Masters pins me with a stare.

  “What look?”

  “That Mary Poppins, I’m pathetic look.”

  I chuckle and get an image of her clinging to me the first time we did it. It hurt her, I know it did, but she soldiered through it… for me.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I smirk.

  “Are you seeing her again?” Masters asks.

  “You can bet your fucking life I am,” I say as I bite into my toast.

  “And you’re not going to tell us one single detail about her?”

  “Nope. Only that she is...” I narrow my eyes. “She is the most perfect woman on this planet.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Seb frowns, clearly fascinated. “What’s so good about her?”

  “I don’t know.” I chew my food. “But she makes me fucking nervous.”

  “You?” Masters smirks. “When have you ever been nervous with a woman?”

  “Never,” I reply. “I was getting all fluttery when she looked at me, and it wasn’t even about the sex.”

  “Jesus Christ,” he mutters against his coffee cup. “Here we go.”

  “She’s different. So, so different from anyone I’ve ever met.”

  “Good God.” Seb rolls his eyes. “What next?”

  I get a vision of my angel lying next to me in bed this morning.

  I think I lay awake and watched her for half the night; she was too perfect to miss a second of.

  Her thick, blonde hair splayed across her pillow, her perfect skin with dimples, and the way her chest rose and fell as she breathed. Damn.

  I want to turn around and drive back there right now. I turn my attention to my two best friends instead. “What have you two boring fucks been doing all weekend, anyway?”

  Seb looks at me dryly. “Fighting with The Wicked Witch of the West.”

  “Ugh. I hate that fucking woman.” I tut. Seb’s ex-wife Helena is the most conniving little slut on the planet. She slept with their gardener and is now bleeding the money out of him, day by day. “Masters, you know some criminals. Get her knocked off for us, will you?” I mutter.

  Julian shakes his head. “Don’t think I haven’t thought about it.”

  We eat in silence for a few moments.

  “What were you fighting about?” I eventually ask.

  “She wants Bentley.”

  I drop my fork and it hits the plate with a clang. “She’s not taking fucking Bentley!” I snap in an outrage. Bentley is the brown Labrador that Masters and I bought Seb for his birthday one year. He’s adored, and he stays with me when Seb is away. I love that dog like he’s my own.

  I point my knife at Seb. “If she takes that fucking dog, I’m not even joking, I will have her knocked off, no questions asked. I might even do it myself.”

  Masters and Seb laugh.

  “And this why we thank God that you don’t have an ex-wife, Spence.” Masters laughs. “You’re a nasty bastard when you’re crossed.”

  “You don’t fuck the gardener, take the house, fight for maintenance and spousal support, take the fucking dog, and then live to tell the tale.” My blood boils just thinking about it. “God, I fucking hate her.”

  Honestly, the woman infuriates me like nobody else on Earth. Why the hell would anyone ever cheat on Sebastian Garcia? He is the sweetest, loyalist man I have ever met. I didn’t like her before any of this, though. I knew what she was like by the way she used to look at me. She wanted me and if I’d have let her, she would have fucked me in an instant.

  She never loved my best friend, not even in the beginning.

  Luckily, I do.

  Of course, Seb doesn’t know any of this. Masters does. He could pick up who she really was, too. She wasn’t exactly subtle.

  It boils my fucking blood. How many men did she fuck behind his back before she got caught? The next woman he falls for better be fucking good or else there will be hell to pay. To be honest, I don’t think any woman will ever be good enough for him. Not in my eyes, anyway. My anger pulses through me as I eat the remainder of my breakfast.

  “What’s happening on the agenda today?” Masters asks me.

  “I’m finally going to sack my stupid PA. All she ever does is piss about on Facebook and bitch about everyone else. The other girls have had enough of covering her work.”

  “Ha!” Seb laughs. “I’ll believe that when I see it. You’ve been sacking her every Monday for two months.”

  I exhale heavily. “I know, I hate firing people even if they are assholes.” I sip my coffee. “And she is a queen fucking asshole.”

  “Get Sheridan to do it,” Masters suggests. “She lives for firing people.”

  A sense of unease fills me.


  What am I going to do about that one?

  She’s due here in the next couple of weeks.

  But I’m not thinking about her right now. I want to think about Charlotte.

  I smirk to myself, remembering one story I can share with the guys.

  “Charlotte locked me out on the balcony of her hotel room yesterday… while I was naked. My pecker almost froze off. I wouldn’t be surprised if some old lady had a heart attack on the street below.”

  “What the hell? Why?” They both laugh.

  “I was chasing her around her suite and… get this.” I narrow my eyes. “Fucking Alexander York turns up unannounced, tagging along with Charlotte’s friend, not knowing I was there. The friend let him in.”

  They both fall serious. “Is York after your girl?” Masters asks me.


  “Fuck him.” Seb winces.

  “I’m planning on digging a double grave. One for Helena and one for Alexander. I’ll call it the snake pit.”

  * * *

  I’m reading through an email for the second time when I hear my office door open.

  “Hello, darling,” the familiar voice purrs.

  I look up, startled. “Sheridan?”

  She smiles as she turns the lock to ensure our privacy. She walks over and kisses me, her lips lingering over mine for too long before I pull out of the kiss.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  A scowl creases her forehead. “What do you mean, what am I doing?”

  “You can’t just kiss me like that.”

  She smiles darkly. “I can do whatever I want to you.” She kicks her shoes off, takes her hair down and sprawls on the couch in my office. Why is she damn comfortable around here?

  She taps the couch beside her. “Come lie with me.”

  “Sheridan.” I sigh.

  “What? I’ve missed you. You were weird the last time I saw you.”

  I roll my lips as I watch her, knowing it was because I was thinking about Charlotte the whole time I was with her.

  How do I say this?

  “Is that why you’re back so quick?” I ask her.

  “I needed to see what was going on with my man.”

  I remain at my desk, despite the way she keeps tapping the couch for me to go to her.

  Her phone rings. “Excuse me.” She answers it. “Hello.” She listens for a moment. “No, I won’t be there for another twenty minutes. Stall them.” She hangs up without saying goodbye. Her attention turns back to me. “Let’s go out to dinner tonight. We can paint the town red.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m seeing someone.”

  She smirks. “Since when does that matter to us?”

  I stare at her, not saying a word.

  She gets up, saunters across the office and places herself in my lap. She tries to kiss me again, but I turn my head away.

  “We belong to each other first and foremost, Spencer.”

  “This one’s different, Shez.”

  She frowns. “Meaning what?”

  “Meaning, I’m not going to sleep with you while I’m with her.”

  “She’ll never even know.”

bsp; “I’ll know.”

  “Don’t be so ridiculous.” She leans down and kisses my neck, and I instantly push her off me.

  “Stop it!” I snap.

  “Spence.” Her face falls. “What’s going on?”

  “I really like this girl. I’m not going to risk fucking it up by sleeping with you.”

  She raises her chin in defiance. “Is this the young one?”


  “Are you in love with her?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know, it’s only new.”

  She smiles, sarcasm dripping from her face. “You can’t do monogamy, Spencer, you’re just not wired that way.”

  “I’ve never tried it.”

  She laughs. “Exactly. So, why are you trying it now?”

  I glare at her.

  She puts her shoes on, her temper evident. “You’ve decided you want to be in a relationship and play happy families, is that it?” She fixes her hair. “You want a house in the country with a two point four children, is that it?”

  “What, like you have?” I roll my eyes. “Sheridan, stop with the dramatics. I don’t know what I want. All I know is I only want to sleep with her right now.”

  “Is the sex that good?” She sneers.

  “It’s not about the sex,” I fire back without hesitation.

  Her face falls and she stares at me for an extended period of time. “That hurt more than it should have,” she murmurs softly.

  I drop my head. “I’m sorry.”

  “Where does that leave us?”

  “There is no us at the moment.”

  “But we’re always going to be together. We made a pact seven years ago that we would always come first with one another.”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose.

  “Remember?” she asks quietly.

  I nod and put my hands on my hips as I stare at her. We did promise each other that years ago, and until now it has never even been a problem.

  She walks over and slides her key into my pocket, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “Women will come and go with you, Spencer, but I’m here forever and, unlike them, my love for you is unconditional.”

  I stare at her.

  “I’m here for ten days,” she whispers.

  “I’m not coming.”

  “We’ll see.” She turns and walks out of my office, closing the door quietly behind her.

  Her perfume lingers in the air, along with my regret, and I drop into my seat and stare into space.

  Sheridan has been the only stable in my life for so long.

  This is a really weird feeling.


  I sort through the mail with a goofy smile on my face. I’m thinking of Spencer naked and laughing in the shower. He makes me melt. The way I laid in his arms after having sex, and the way we talked and laughed like old best friends…

  The way he looks at me.

  The way he makes me feel.

  The day has flown and I’m in my fan girl element.

  Spencer Jones.

  I’m seeing him tonight, and oh, it’s all going so well.

  I think back to the emails he sent me, and I go through the list of his qualities in my mind.

  I don’t have a YouPorn profile. What does that even mean?

  “What does YouPorn mean?” I ask Sarah and Paul. They look up from their task.

  “What do you mean?” Sarah asks.

  “I heard someone say the other day that they don’t have a YouPorn profile. What does that mean?”

  “Oh.” They exchange looks and both laugh.

  “You know… YouPorn?” Paul says.

  “Nope.” I shrug. “Should I know what that is?”

  “They should teach this shit at school. This is vital information,” Sarah says. “YouPorn is a platform like YouTube, but people upload sex videos to it.”

  “Honesty, I wouldn’t even know how to fuck if it hadn’t been for this when I was a teenager.” Paul laughs.

  “Me too.” Sarah nods enthusiastically. “I remember I used to practice the blow job tutorials.”

  Paul laughs. “I remember I used to watch the guys fingering the girls to see what I was supposed to be doing down there. I had no fucking idea.”

  “Did you practice?” Sarah smiles.

  “Yep, on a watermelon.”

  We all burst out laughing.

  “You need to get on it and watch it, Lottie.” Sarah smiles. “See what we’re all missing out on. There are some seriously hot dudes on there who make the rest of the male population look very lame indeed.”

  “Oh, yeah, because all you women let us blow on your faces.” Paul tuts. “Men are more depressed by that site than women are, let me tell you.”

  “Yes.” Sarah gasps. “What the fuck is with that? Nobody is blowing on my freshly straightened hair while I kneel with my mouth open.” She shakes her head in disgust. “Honestly, as if women do that in real life.”

  I giggle, pretending to know what they are on about. Shit, I really need to study this YouPorn thing tonight.

  “Delivery for Lottie Preston,” a voice calls out.

  I turn to see one of the security team from the foyer walking through with the biggest bunch of red roses I have ever seen.

  “Holy shit!” Sarah cries.

  My eyes widen and the man walks over to me. “You Lottie?” he asks.

  I nod.

  He passes me the huge bouquet, and I turn bright red.

  “Oh my God!” Sarah cries. “Look at the size of the heads on those roses.”

  I inhale their scent—a deep and beautiful perfume—and I open the card.


  Thanks for an amazing weekend

  I can’t wipe the smile from my face.



  I hold the card to my chest as happiness literally beams out of me. It was an amazing weekend and I can’t wipe the smile off my face either.

  Oh, and he signed it Dolce….so sweet that he remembered our stupid game.

  “Who the hell are they from?” Sarah gasps as she touches the petals. “Look at the size of the flower heads. And look at the crystal vase they are in.”

  “Those will have cost a pretty penny. The fucking vase alone.”

  I swing on my chair in glee.

  “I got back with my ex-boyfriend,” I lie. I’ll just go along with Spencer’s story. It seemed to work okay.

  Sarah nods in approval. “He knows his shit, that’s for sure.”

  I place them on my desk and I read the card again.

  “I’m just going to call him quickly, is that okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, sure thing, go for it,” Sarah says, and the two of them turn back to their work.

  I dial his number, smiling as it rings.


  I walk out of earshot from my colleagues.

  “Hi,” I breathe. I can hardly contain my excitement. “I just got a delivery of the most beautiful red roses I have ever seen in my life.”

  “You did, huh?”

  “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

  “I should be thanking you. I had an amazing weekend.”

  “Me too.” I’m practically beaming.

  We both wait for the other to say something.

  “What time are you coming over tonight?” I finally ask.

  “I’ll come over and cook you dinner.”


  “Yeah, I’m a great cook.”

  “You’re great at a lot of things.”

  He chuckles, and I imagine him swinging on his chair in his office.

  “How will you get in?” I ask, aware that the guards are going to be an issue, as always.

  “I’ll park in the basement and catch the lift straight up.”

  I bite my lip as I think. “Okay. About seven-thirty. That way they know I’m in bed for the night.”

  He grunts, unimpressed. “Okay.”

  “Do I need to get anything? Any ingredients?” I

  “Just be waiting for me in something sexy.”

  “Okay, I can do that.” I blush.

  “Goodbye, angel. Have a nice day.”

  My heart bursts when he calls me angel.

  “You too. Bye.” I hang up and go back to work, and I have to concentrate really hard to not jump on the desk and punch the air.

  This is a good day.

  The best.

  * * *

  “Just down here,” I say to Wyatt and Anthony. I power walk across the street as the lights change.

  “Where are we going?” Wyatt asks. I’m on my lunchbreak and I’m on a mission.

  “Victoria’s Secret,” I say casually, as if I say that to them every day.

  Wyatt frowns at Anthony but quickly recovers.

  I march down the street and they try to keep up with me. I know this looks suspicious. I’m going to buy lingerie on my lunchbreak, making it seem like I have a date.

  Well, too bad, because I do.

  I walk inside the store and the two men come in and look around to check the surroundings.

  “You can wait outside for me, if you like.” I smile awkwardly. I don’t want them to see what I buy.

  “Okay, sure thing.” They head off outside and wait near the front doors for me.

  I exhale heavily as I look around. Right, what do I want?

  Something sexy.

  There are rows upon rows of skimpy satin and silk bras, as well as panties. I take a black bra and thong set and keep walking. I keep going until I get to the corsets. I grab an ice-pink lace-up corset and matching thong. I keep walking until I get to the nightdresses, and I smile. This is more me.

  I spot a cream babydoll nightdress that is completely see through with a fuchsia-coloured satin ribbon weaved through the lace under the bodice. A delicate flower pattern is entwined into the lace. It’s beautiful. The lace bottoms are the same fuchsia colour with pretty cream bows.

  This is it. I grab my size and head to the counter. I look at my watch and realise I’ve been here for all of twelve minutes.

  Don’t mess with me when I’m trying to be sexy. I’m a woman on a mission.

  * * *

  I walk through the foyer of the Four Seasons with Wyatt carrying the biggest bunch of flowers in history—vase and all.


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