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Mr Spencer

Page 35

by Swan, T L

  She smiles sleepily with her eyes closed. “I love you, too.” She wraps her arms around me.

  I hold her tight, and with one last look at my love, I kiss her cheek and leave her in peace.

  I’ve got a mountain of shit to sort out today.

  First on my hit list: Alexander fucking York.

  * * *

  I walk into the restaurant right at seven and take a seat at our table. The boys aren’t here yet so I order our coffees and regular meals. I’m on high alert, as if on a drug that makes me super aware of everything and everyone around me. The adrenaline in my system is at an all-time high, making my leg bounce under the table uncontrollably.

  Have you ever fucked a guy?

  I get a vision of Charlotte’s face if a story ever came out saying I fucked a man. Her family…

  “Hey,” Masters says, falling into his seat beside me.

  “Hi.” I force a smile. “How’s Bree?”

  “Good, good. I saw you all over the tabloids. Dirty bastards.”

  I roll my eyes. “Don’t remind me.”

  Seb comes into view and waves merrily.

  “What’s he so fucking chirpy about?” I sigh.

  Masters chuckles as he watches our friend bounce in.

  Seb falls into the seat. “Hello.”

  “What are you so happy about?” I ask him.

  He grins and places his napkin on my lap. “Oh, I don’t know.” He raises his brow.

  “Maybe because I spent the weekend in bed with Angela.”

  I look at him, deadpan. “Tell me you’re joking…”


  Masters pinches the bridge of his nose. “Jesus Fucking Christ.”

  “You fucked your ex-wife’s sister?” I frown.

  Seb winks. “Every which way I could.”

  I drag my hand down my face. “Are you fucking crazy? You know she’s going to go postal and take you to the cleaners.” I put my hand up for more coffee. “You can say goodbye to Bentley. Should I make this a scotch breakfast again?”

  “She’s already taken me to the cleaners, and besides,“ Seb smirks, “it was well worth it. I’ve always had a thing for Angela. Felt good to finally fuck it out.”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh God, do not fall for Angela.” I point at him. “I’m warning you.”

  “I’m not falling for her, just having some fun. But I can confirm that my suspicions were right and she’s a lot better in bed than her witch of a sister.” He smiles, obviously very happy with himself. “Anyway, what happened with you yesterday?” His eyes widen. “That’s right, your weekend in Santorini. How was it?”

  “Perfect.” I sigh. “Should have stayed there.”

  “Why?” Masters asks. “Is she pregnant?”

  God, I haven’t even thought of that. “She says not. We were at the airport coming home yesterday and she gets a phone call from her brother demanding she get her fucking arse back to Nottingham. So, we went there last night… together. The brother is a total cockhead. He and I end up fighting, and her father is completely gutless. He didn’t say a fucking thing. We leave, Charlotte and I get into a fight, and she won’t speak. She was crying the whole two-hour car ride home. Then she goes to bed alone. I nip down to the bar at her hotel to get some scotch, and Edward, her brother, calls me to tell me that if I hurt her he is going to kill me.”

  They both wince.

  “Then.” I widen my eyes.

  “God, so many thens.” Masters smirks.

  “Get this, her bodyguard asks me if I’ve ever fucked a guy.”

  They both frown and then exchange looks and then look back to me.

  “What do you mean?” Seb asks.

  “He asked me if I fucked a guy!” I snap. “Why the fuck would he ask me that?”

  “Have you ever fucked a guy?” Masters frowns.



  “Fuck, no! You know that.”

  “Anything dick related?” Seb frowns.

  “No! But I laid awake all night worrying that he’d heard something through the grapevine, and now the tabloids are going to make up even more fake news about me and splash it everywhere.”

  Their faces both fall as they connect the dots.

  “Once you’re reported as ever being with a guy, the whole fucking world believes you’re gay and acting straight.”

  “And you think this story is going to come out, and then Edward will officially kill you?” Masters sighs.

  “Or worse… I’ll lose Charlotte.” I put my head into my hands. “This whole thing is a disaster.”

  “I don’t think it’s that,” Seb says. “I reckon he just wants you to fuck him.”

  “What?” I frown. “He’s not gay, Sebastian.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He’s all buff and big. This is the guy that I thought liked Charlotte in the beginning. He’s not a bad bloke, actually. He’s definitely not gay.”

  “Well, my guess is that he’s thinking about sucking your cock,” Seb mutters into his coffee.

  “He’s fucking not. Eww.” I scrunch up my face in disgust at the mental visual. “Don’t even say that out loud.”

  Our breakfasts arrive, and we begin to eat in silence.

  “So, what are you going to do?” Masters asks.

  My email pings on my phone, and I pick it up to read it. “First thing this morning, I’m going to cave in Alexander York’s skull.” I open my email.

  “Oh, great.” Masters rolls his eyes. “That will fix everything, you have a great chance of keeping her from jail.”

  * * *


  I hope this finds you well.

  You are required to attend a tender meeting to negotiate new contracts for Universal Steel.

  The meeting will take place in the office of Sheridan Walters in NYC on the 17th of October at 4pm.

  Speak soon

  Kellie Anderson,

  Personal Assistant to Sheridan Walters

  “Are you kidding me?” I snap as I read the email.


  “Oh, this just keeps getting better. Sheridan has pulled a tender meeting in NYC on the 17th.”

  “That’s next week.” Seb frowns.

  “I know her game. She wants me to go to New York in the hope that she can seduce me.” I feel my heartrate begin to escalate. This is turning into a very stressful day already.

  “Jesus,” Seb mutters. “Diabolical.”

  “Yeah, like screwing your ex-wife’s sister.”

  “No, that’s just fucking stupid,” Masters grumbles.

  I put my hand up immediately, and the waitress comes over. “Yes, how can I help you?”

  “Can I have a scotch, please?”

  “I’ll have one, too,” Seb says. “Do you want one, Masters?”

  “No. I have a feeling you two are going to need legal representation very soon.” He shakes his head. “Preferably from someone who’s sober.”


  I scramble around in the bottom of my closet and throw everything to the side. “Where are they?” I can’t find one single pair of work shoes. They must all be at Spencer’s house.

  Great, now I’m going to have to call in there on my way to work. I storm out of the closet and call Wyatt.

  “Hello,” he answers.

  “Hi. I’ve left all of my shoes at Spencer’s. We’ll have to leave early and call past on our way through.”

  “That’s fine. We’ll be in the foyer.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  I quickly finish getting ready, and twenty minutes later I’m in the back of the Mercedes and on our way. While on the journey, my phone rings. It’s my father. My stomach flips.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Hello, darling.”

  I smile at the sound of his voice.

  “Where are you, sweetheart?”

  The car pulls into Spencer’s apartment. “I’m at Spencer’s.”

  “Is he home?

  “No, he’s at work.”

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  I frown. “Where are you?” “In London. I came in this morning. I want to talk to you.”

  “Is Edward with you?”


  I think for a moment. Oh, who cares? I’ll just have the day off work. This is more important.

  “Okay, Dad.”

  “What’s the address?”

  I give him the address while the boys both get out of the car and wait for me to finish my call. When I do, Wyatt opens the door.

  “My father is on his way here.”

  The boys exchange looks, and without another word they follow me into the elevator and up to Spencer’s floor.

  They know that they’re supposed to stand outside my door at all times. I’ve always wanted the privacy, so I finish them early, and as long as they are around or close by, I don’t feel I need them with me twenty-four seven.

  My father is different. He has no problem with eight sets of eyes on me at any given time.

  We arrive at Spencer’s apartment’s floor, and they take their place on either side. “I’m not going to work today,” I tell them.

  “Okay.” Wyatt nods.

  I walk in and close the door behind me. I straighten up the cushions on the sofa and fold the throw that I had left out over the back of it. I walk into the kitchen and put the coffee cups from the dryer away. I check everything is neat and tidy, and then I run upstairs to get my shoes. I walk past a mirror in the hall and stop when I see myself.

  My eyes are sunken. I look terrible.

  “What a mess,” I whisper to the girl staring back at me. I quickly go into our bathroom and apply some makeup and lipstick. I grab my shoes and hear a knock downstairs. I quickly slip my shoes on and run downstairs to open the door in a rush.

  A warm familiar face greets me. “Hi.”

  My father smiles softly and leans in to kiss my cheek. He’s wearing his customary suit and tie. “Hello, dear.”

  I hold my arm out. “Please, come in.”

  He turns to his guards and nods. He eventually walks in and closes the door behind him, taking a good look around the expansive apartment.

  I hold my hands out proudly. “This is Spencer’s place.”

  “Very nice.” He nods, impressed. “Although, I’m here to see you, not Spencer’s apartment.”

  I exhale, knowing I’m about to be lectured. “Would you like some tea?”

  “That would be lovely.”

  We walk out into the kitchen and he takes a seat at the kitchen counter.

  “What’s going on, love?” he asks softly. “I hardly slept last night.”

  My eyes fill with tears. “Me, either.” I take his hand in mine. “I love him, Dad.”

  He smiles softly. “I know you think you do...”

  “No.” I shake my head. “Dad, I do.”

  His eyes hold mine. “Tell me everything.”

  I feel my nerves rise, because I know how important it is that I get this right.

  “We met a while ago and…” How much do I actually tell him? All of it. “We went on a few dates.”

  “How did I not know you were dating anyone?”

  “Dad, you don’t know anything about me. I’m alone most of the time. You and Edward are so busy with work that you would have no idea what’s going on with me and my life. Not really.”

  His face falls with disappointment.

  “Spencer’s not what he seems, Dad.”

  “Surely you can understand my fears.”

  “I know, and I hate his reputation, too, but he’s not like that.” I shrug. “He used to be, but he’s changed, and a lot of the stories about him are untrue. That story said he was in Ibiza last week when he was here with me the whole time. He doesn’t even know the models named in those stories.”

  He raises his brow sceptically.

  “I know some of it’s true, and I have no doubt he was a player,” I add. “I’m not stupid.”

  His eyes hold mine. “You are a target for someone like him. You’re young and innocent. He’s a lot older than you, Charlotte.”

  “I know, but thirteen years isn’t that bad. I just don’t seem to like men my own age.”

  “You haven’t dated any. How would you know?”

  I shrug. “I just know.”

  “I feel like he’s taking advantage of your inexperience.”

  “Dad, he rejected me at first because of my inexperience.”

  He frowns. “What do you mean?”

  Oh Hell, why did I say that? I hesitate.

  “Go on,” he urges.

  “After a few dates, when we got closer, I told Spencer that I was… inexperienced… and he immediately broke it off with me. He said he didn’t deserve me.”

  His eyes hold mine as he listens intently.

  “Weeks later, I lied and told him that I wasn’t a virgin anymore in the hope that he would relax and take me out. I know he didn’t want me if he had to take that innocence away from me.”

  “Charlotte,” he whispers in horror. “What on earth were you thinking?”

  “Dad, don’t you see? I pursued him just as much as he pursued me. It’s special between us.”

  He exhales heavily and puts his head into his hands. “I’m just…” He pauses. “I’m just asking you to slow down. I’ve already lost one son to a bad relationship. I couldn’t bear to lose you, too.”

  “Dad, Penelope is different.”

  “Is she, Charlotte?” He shakes his head. “When William met Penelope, we were warned by numerous people what she was like.”

  I listen as I watch him.

  “Both mine and Edward’s instincts told us that she was all wrong for him, but we trusted his judgement. Edward’s closest friend Alexander York came to us in the very early stages of their relationship and told us that he had seen Penelope with another man at a club.”

  I frown. “When was this?”

  “Before William even moved in with her.”

  “I didn’t know this.”

  “Edward blames himself for his brother’s heartbreak. He hates the fact that she holds Harrison hostage to William.”

  Sadness fills me.

  “Your brother cannot leave that relationship without leaving his son.”

  I drop my head.

  “He’s effectively trapped if he wants his son to grow up in the same house as him.”

  “I know,” I whisper.

  “Alexander York came to us again last week… to warn us about Spencer.”

  I frown as my eyes rise to his.

  “Charlotte, just as you feel now is exactly how William felt in the early stages of his relationship. He fell madly in love, rushed in and got burned badly. I just don’t want the same fate for you. And to make it worse, the press are involved in this now. Spencer Jones gets attention wherever he goes.”

  “He didn’t ask for it, Dad.”

  “Where there is smoke, there is fire, Charlotte. He gets attention for all of the wrong reasons.”

  “He’s not Penelope. He’s a good man.”

  “I’m not saying he isn’t. To be honest, he impressed me last night. I like the way he stood up for himself with Edward. I like the way he had a prenup contract drawn up to protect you, and I like the way he was offended by Edward’s lack of time for you. It showed me he has a backbone and that he genuinely cares.”

  I smile, suddenly filled with hope.

  He takes my hands in his. “But I cannot, with a clear conscience, let you move in with him just yet.”

  I sit back in my seat.

  “Charlotte.” He cups my face in his hand. “If you want to move to London, that’s fine, sweetheart. But get your own apartment and make an informed decision about your relationship. When he’s had time to prove himself… to all of us.”

  I stare at him and exhale heavily. “Dad.”

  “Don’t Dad me. You know I’m making sense. If you show me that you are
not being led like a fool, and that you keep your independence, I will happily support anything you do, or any man you choose.”

  “What about Edward?” I ask.

  “Edward will listen to me, and you must know that your brother acts out of love. He couldn’t stand to see you hurt like William is—it would kill him.” He smiles over at me. “You honestly can’t blame him for being concerned about Spencer when he has that appalling reputation of his.”

  I smile softly.

  “To be honest, I think he was impressed with Spencer, too, although he would never let on.” He winks. “Nobody will ever be good enough for you in his eyes.”

  “I don’t want to be a fool for anyone,” I whisper. “I’m not stupid and I’m not blind.”

  He smiles and leans forward to kiss my forehead. “I know, darling, and I know that deep down, you know I’m right. Step back, take your time, and breathe. If he loves you and does the right thing by you, you have my blessing. I hope that he proves Edward and I wrong in every way. I want to see you happy. More than anything, I want you to be happy.”

  I smile.

  “It isn’t a race, Charlotte. If he loves you, he will wait.”

  I nod. “I know.”

  His eyes hold mine and I know there’s more.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “What have you been doing with your security while I’ve been away?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, have you been clocking them off at night?”

  I drop my head.

  He puts his finger under my chin and brings my face to his. “What have I told you about that, Charlotte?”

  “Well, I don’t need them at night when I’m at home in Nottingham,” I argue.

  “Our estate is completely enclosed. We have guards there at all times. They don’t need to stay at your door because they are patrolling the grounds every minute. Nobody can get in. Edward watched the security tapes last night, and Wyatt and Anthony have been at the bar of your hotel on most nights.”

  “I told them I didn’t need them anymore. It wasn’t their fault. They stay close.”

  “Do you understand how vulnerable you are? Why would you put yourself at risk like that? I trusted you to do the right thing, and here I find out you are dismissing your guards mid-shift so they can go to a bar?”


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