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Money Man (Woolf Tales Book 3)

Page 17

by Viva Gold

  I was so touched by Bastien’s gesture that I felt a sting behind my eyes. Being Jewish was such a big part of my life and even though I wasn’t religious, the traditions remained important to me.

  “Here we are.” T gestured to the grand hotel that the wedding was being held in. Lots of cars were dropping off beautifully dressed guests with valets guiding the way. G jumped out of the car and opened the door for Bastien. I slid across the seat bringing up his pert little rear.

  “What a beautiful hotel.” Bastien gazed about with a look of awe across his stunning face. All I could see was him. T barely repressed a deep guffaw at my love struck sappy expression which soon morphed into a scowl when I realised he was taking the piss.

  “Something to say, T?” I snapped.

  “From playboy to whipped boy in less than a month. Impressive.”

  I was about to lash out with a snide response, but I held my tongue, because it was true to a point. I may not have been whipped, but I was certainly under the influence when it came to Bas. And I liked it. It was a new and welcome experience and one I had no desire to change. “I’m a quick study,” I quipped with a smirk. “Jealous?”

  G chuckled. He turned his eyes to rest upon his brother before turning back at me and shaking his head. “Nope.” T met his gaze and winked at his twin.

  “God, you two are so fucking sexy. If I wasn’t with Bas, I’d be all over the both of you.”

  “Again,” T muttered. Bas’s eye brows shot upwards and I shrugged. He shook his head at me. T was quick to set the record straight. “No worries baby boy, we aren’t going to claim your man. Well, not unless you want to join him for some four-way fun!” I gasped at T’s suggestion even while my cock may have twitched at the idea. Three pairs of eyes turned to Bas. He chewed on his bottom lip and batted his eyelids. All three of us may have groaned at the seductive move. He tapped his chin.

  “Hmm…never say never, mes amies.”

  The Twins hissed. I muttered ‘holy fuck’ under my breath and willed my errant cock not to pay any attention to Bas’s teasing. “Dear God, I need to get you away from these Twin temptations. For now, anyway.” I took Bas’s elbow and steered him towards the entrance. Two things happened at once. A shrill shriek pierced the air practically splitting my ear drums, while simultaneously, I found myself and Bas hitting the ground under two solid black men screaming at us to stay put. From the corner of my eye I saw Izzy rugby tackle a woman who went flying, followed rapidly by an extremely irate Adam who picked her up by the throat, holding her aloft. G & T were yelling at Izzy and Adam. I couldn’t really make out the words, but in the end the Twins left us to go and take care of the howling banshee I assumed was Hayley.

  “Let me go, you fucking man-bunned brute,” Hayley was yelling at Adam who was indeed sporting an especially fetching man-bun, in keeping with his smart dinner suit. He nonchalantly handed her over to T who had a nylon zip-tie handy, to cuff her flailing hands. Once he had contained her, he marched her over to the Range Rover and threw her in the back. He locked the doors so she couldn’t escape before hurrying over to help G pick me and Bas up off the floor.

  “Guys, guys, are you ok?” T, G, Izzy and Adam were all over us. Crowds had gathered and were staring until Izzy’s dad, Jack, rushed over to usher them all into the hotel. Hotel security turned up late to the party to find out what the furore was all about, but Izzy handled them with ease and they soon retreated back inside. T was on the phone to Rob. G was helping Adam brush the creases out of Adam’s suit.

  “Where the fuck did she come from?” I shrieked. I had my arms wrapped around Bastien, who was grey with fright and trembling against me. His breath was laboured. Adam was quick to intervene.

  “Come here, baby boy.” He held his big arms open and Bastien pushed away from me and ran to him. My heart seized in pain. I was about to object when Izzy stopped me with a heavy hand on my shoulder.

  “Hold up, Tal. Adam and Bastien have history. Don’t feel bad that he wants Adam right now. Unfortunately, he’s a familiar harbour in times of Bastien’s distress, though I’m sure that will change the longer you are together.” He held me close and I leaned into him. I needed some support too, and Izzy was my friend, after all. “We’ll get to the bottom of what Hayley was attempting to do. However, there’s no need to fear her any longer.” I breathed a sigh of relief. When Izzy let me go I spied Bastien koala cuddling Adam who was talking him down from his panic attack. G & T were talking to Rob and Liam, who had just screeched to a halt in their unmarked police car, and were in the throes of manhandling a still-screeching Hayley out of the Range Rover and into the back of their car. Once she was in their custody, they slammed the door shut on her and blessed silence reigned.

  “From what I can tell…” T was facing Rob and Liam, with G at his side, “she was trying to get to Tal. She had a concealed knife.” G handed it over to Liam. “She was screaming that he’d ruined her life and that Tolya should have finished the job.” I shuddered at his words. Bastien must have heard because he wriggled down Adam’s body and ran over to me. He threw his arms around me and buried his head in my neck. I was grateful for his comfort and embraced him tightly. Rob approached us.

  “She’s going nowhere fast, I assure you. The Twins will be credible witnesses in court to attest to her threats, so I reckon this one is done and dusted. That’s not to say I’m not sorry for what you had to endure, but I’m glad we got her.”

  “Thanks Rob. We really appreciate all your help.” I held out my hand for him to shake, which he did firmly.

  “No need to thank us, Tal. It’s all in the job.” He threw me a sexy grin and returned to Liam and the Twins.

  “Come on you two. Let’s get inside and have a quick drink to calm our nerves before the wedding starts.” Izzy took Adam’s hand and led the way through to the hotel bar.

  “Three glasses of your finest single malt, please,” Izzy requested once we’d reached the bar. It was a quiet, dim space offering a welcome respite from the recent furore of Hayley’s surprise appearance. Bastien was still trembling beside me and I admit, flutters of panic quivered in my chest. We sat on high stools and leaned heavily on the shiny black marble top. The chuppah was due to begin in twenty minutes, giving us plenty of time to gather our wits. At this point, I could care less about attending, however, I didn’t want to disappoint or worry my parents.

  “Drink that.” Izzy shoved a tumbler half-filled with amber liquid into my palm. I preferred vodka or gin, but he insisted whiskey was medicinal in these circumstances. I hissed at the burn as it seared my throat. Bastien threw his head back and swallowed his in one go.

  “Another.” He held his glass out to Izzy.

  Adam gushed. “You guys; my heart was in my mouth when I saw that witch go for you.” He fiddled with his bun, trying to get the errant stray hair back into place. In the end, he pulled the leather hair thong out allowing his hair to fall to his shoulders. It used to be much longer, as I recall, but it was more stylish now.

  A small noise of appreciation came from Izzy’s direction. “Can’t you leave it down?” his deep voice rasped.

  “Don’t be silly, Iz. It looks better up with the suit.” Adam rolled his eyes at his husband as he bent to meet his reflection in the mirror that ran along the back of the bar.

  “Did you just roll your eyes at me, Boy?” Izzy sounded decidedly perturbed causing Adam’s hands to freeze mid-air. His lower lip disappeared between his teeth. “Sorry, Sir.” He dropped his hands to his sides and pocketed the thong. He shook his head and his hair settled just above his shoulders. He looked devastatingly sexy. The bed head and the matching blond scruff contrasted perfectly with the expensive Armani suit.

  “Hmm. Let’s go take our seats by the chuppah, and leave these two to settle.” He passed Adam a couple to put on his head then took him by the hand. Izzy looked at me. “Don’t fret too much, Tal. You can relax now that mad woman is in custody. I’m only sorry she was allowed to evade capture for so

  “It’s not your fault, my friend.” I leaned up to kiss Izzy on the cheek. “Save us a seat.” I turned to Bastien. I was relieved to see two high spots of colour on his cheeks. His inky black hair was still styled perfectly and his suit hadn’t been dirtied in all the hubbub. “How you doing, baby boy?”

  He smiled sweetly. “I like it when you call me that.” He tugged on his jacket and straightened his cuffs. Inhaling deeply, he slid off his stool. “I’m ready. I’m not going to let that scheming cunt disturb this beautiful night with you.”

  I laughed. Such a sweet, innocent looking boy with a gutter mouth a truck driver would be proud of. I held out the crook of my arm and he slid his hand in, as I escorted him to the hall where the wedding was to take place.

  The ceremony over, shouts of ‘mazal tov’ rang around the room and some mad Israeli dancing ensued, such was the custom. Bastien and I stood watching the men, including Izzy and Adam, dance wildly around the bride and groom as they exited to go and spend a few private minutes together before dinner. The rest of the guests made their way to the reception. Waiters and waitresses appeared repeatedly with trays of finger foods and cocktails. We found my parents chatting with Izzy’s mum and dad and I introduced Bastien to them.

  “We’ve already met.” Jack Woolf, Izzy’s dad, gathered Bas up into his arms and hugged the living daylights out of him until my boyfriend had to tap out. Jack roared with laughter. “Bagged yourself a good one there, Bastien, my son.” Jack gestured to me. We shook hands and Jack slapped me on the back. “You ok, Tally?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Another one with the Tally.” I didn’t really mind though as his greeting was filled with affection. “It’s just Tal, please Jack.” For all the good that would do – he’d been calling me Tally since I was a little boy. We all stood chatting, eating and drinking until the toastmaster called us in for dinner. We were sat on a table with Izzy and Adam, plus a few other random guests. I recognised a couple of them, but really had no desire to interact other than with Bastien. I couldn’t wait for the first dance, but first we had to endure six courses of food and several speeches. Bas sat enthralled through it all.

  “Do you think you will get married, one day, Tal?” Bastien sighed. He sounded awfully wistful. I knew in that moment that I never wanted to let him go.

  “Depends,” I replied. Something in my voice made his head whip around to look me in the eye. He cocked his head.

  “On what?” he breathed.

  I lifted my hand to cup his chin. “On whether you say ‘yes’.”

  Bastien’s mouth fell open. His beautiful amber eyes went wide as saucers. He’d stopped breathing. I took advantage and pecked a kiss to his lips. All around us were the sounds of people talking, laughing, drinking and eating. Our senses were assaulted with the heavy aromas of delicious food mixed with expensive perfumes. Diamonds glittered and raucous laughter rang out. Soft music played in the background, while chatter exploded in pockets around the room. Yet, amid this heady cacophony, all I could focus on was Bastien. He was the most exquisite man I had ever had the good fortune to meet who, without a care for his surroundings, had slithered on to my lap and was now straddling me. Izzy smirked, while Adam’s expression was pure love.

  “Yes,” Bas whispered. “Oui, oui, oui, oui,” he repeated, as he peppered little kisses all over my face. Adam clapped his hands together in glee, while Izzy grinned madly. I was still shell shocked I’d actually proposed, let alone able to fully process Bastien’s response. “I am so happy.” Bastien leaned into me and crashed our mouths together. His tongue forced its way into my mouth and as it caressed my own, I finally came to my senses. I pulled us apart.

  “Oh my God, you said yes!” Bas nodded shyly. “YES!” I shouted on a laugh.

  “We’re engaged!” I looked at Bastien in wonder. I was the luckiest man alive.

  He placed a finger over my lips. “Let’s not ruin it for the bride and groom – this is their day. We don’t have to announce it now.”

  “You won’t change your mind?” I pleaded anxiously. Bas grinned and shook his head before kissing me again.

  The bride and groom took to the dance floor and we all followed shortly afterwards. The evening sped by as we boogied the night away. We drank a lot of booze resulting in me feeling extremely merry by the time G & T arrived to pick us up and take us home. Bas was also quite drunk.

  “Les panthieres noires,” Bastien slurred when he saw them. He crossed his forearms and held them up in front of his face. “Wakanda forever!” he cried, followed by a hiccup and a giggle. God, he was too cute. Being drunk eliminated the slight burden of anxiety that often weighed on him, and I vowed to have this carefree version of him become his main disposition without the need for alcohol. “Tally.” I groaned at him picking up on the nickname I absolutely did not love. “Bout that exclusive thingy that got you so mad…” Bas rattled off a litany of French that I had no hope keeping up with. When he looked at me as if waiting for an answer, all I could do was shrug my shoulders and nod. His eyebrows shot up in the air and he literally jumped on the spot.

  “Umm, Tal, mate.” T tapped me on the shoulder. “Jason’s on the phone. I thought you might like to utilise his translation skills.” My head was a bit fuzzy from all the drink, but I was aware enough to realise I had better find out what I had just agreed to. I nodded. T tapped the screen to turn it to speaker.

  “Evening Tal.” Jason sounded as if he was stifling laughter. “Remi and Angel are here too.”

  “Hi guys,” I said to the handset. There were murmured replies amid snorts and giggles.

  “So, it sounds like you had a good night. Bas sounds really pissed.”

  I nodded. “Yup – drunk as a skunk.”

  Jason laughed. “Well, he just asked if you fancied a foursome with the black panthers, one and two.”

  “For fuck’s sake.” I scowled. “That boy is going to be the death of me!”

  “So, it’s not a no then,” G enquired hopefully.

  I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. Bas was too drunk to agree to anything on his behalf, but I didn’t want to dismiss the idea altogether. It would be fucking hot to see his pale flesh sandwiched between the ebony bodies of our friends. Plus, I knew first hand just how erotic it was to be the object of their affections.

  “It’s a no for now, let’s just leave it at that eh?”

  “Hmm.” T cocked his head at me and winked. “Best get the boy sobered up then.”

  Whooping and guffawing from the phone caused me to cut the call. G & T fell silent; their expressions hard to read. However, as they gently lifted Bastien into the back of the Range Rover, despite his ninja attempts to climb them both like trees, I decided that if a sober Bastien was up for it, I’d definitely have to consider granting my fiancé his every heart’s desire.


  “Where are we going?” I asked the Twins as I craned my neck out the window at the unfamiliar route. “This isn’t the way home.”

  “No,” answered G. “We thought you might want to come back to ours.” He didn’t say what for. I was intrigued to see their place despite being a bit knackered from the eventful day, although the underlying tease of much more than merely an invite to see their home made my pulse race faster. The night I spent with G & T was amazing; my cock plumped at the memory. I relaxed into the warm leather seat and prepared for what I hoped would be an interesting and erotically charged night. After Bastien sobered up, of course.

  “Is this Dalston?” I hadn’t been to the East End for years. It had definitely improved by the looks of the things.

  “Yeah, man, Dalston’s cool now.”

  “Ah, that’s why you live here?”

  The Twins snorted. “Tal, mate, we grew up here. We live in the same house we were born in.”

  “Oh my God, your mum and dad won’t be there, will they?” I was shocked to think we were about to meet the parents, and more than a little disappointed.

  T snorted
. “No, don’t worry, they moved back to Jamaica when they retired, left us the house.”

  I was imagining a two up two down kind of property and mentally berated myself for stereotyping when we pulled up to a semi-detached Victorian villa style house on Dalston Lane. My expression however, betrayed me and I caught G smirking at me in the rear-view mirror. I felt like an idiot. “Four bedrooms, two ensuite bathrooms, one guest toilet, 3 reception rooms, kitchen, diner and conservatory. Private garden and garage. We converted the loft, and turned the basement into a dungeon.” He smirked again. “In case you were wondering.”

  I cleared my throat. “A dungeon?”

  “Yeah – but we won’t be going there. Not tonight, anyway.”

  Bastien was snoring quietly beside me. As G pulled the car into their driveway, he stirred slightly and muttered something in French that made him grin in his sleep. It was adorable. “Come on in and I’ll make some coffee. Let’s see if we can get Bas here sobered up so we can have some fun, eh? I think it’s long overdue.” T jumped out of the Range Rover and unlocked the front door to their home. I helped G drag Bastien out of the car. He ended up thrown over G’s shoulder when his knees failed to lock sufficiently to support his weight. I was dubious that even caffeine would be enough to wake him at this point. “Go on through to the lounge and make yourself comfortable.”

  The room was at the back of the house and surprisingly large. Wide French patio doors led out into the garden while the other three walls were painted a deep burgundy colour. There was a huge leather sectional sofa in one corner of the room in the same shade as the walls. Several cushions and throws in purples, pinks and gold added splashes of sensual colour. The floor looked to be the original Parquet wood, stained a dark cherry. I’d toed my shoes off in the hallway and it felt warm underfoot.

  There wasn’t much other furniture, save for the odd occasional table and a shelf over the lavish fireplace. A heady aroma filled the air, and I guessed the source was from several half-burnt candles dotted around. The entire room gave off a seductive vibe, leaving me tingly all over.


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