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Page 22

by L M Adams

  That is the biggest stress factor I have in my life in this very moment, and it feels good. My father is getting pissed because I don’t want to talk about stratagems, or the condition of my makeshift army, their training, news reports we get from Ra’suá (via the pixies). I just don’t care about any of it. If there’s a decision to be made about any of that stuff, go see Lucien, Jack or Frank – I’m done.

  Being done also makes me a better person, I’m kinder to everyone around me… I find myself shooting the shit with the B-Boys, drinking, playing catch with a football… which I’m finding is a real challenge to win at against berserkers, those fuckers are tough.

  I learn how to enjoy my time in simple pursuits. It is new and strange, perhaps I thought I’d always be addicted to adrenalin, to always need to be in the thick of things. Every fight that was to be had, I made sure I was in it. Every challenge I needed to win… now I laugh off getting my ass handed to me as Kiah jumps up in the air, catching the football that Adam just threw towards the heavens without any trouble. I wasn’t even close to catching it.

  “You cheated!” I yell laughing as the young berserker lands a few feet from me lighter on his feet than I expected… the extra training with Frank is really starting to show off. “We aren’t supposed to be using powers.”

  “I’m not,” Kiah holds out his hands, football in one, innocent yet mischievous look in his eyes.

  “Yeah, sure,” I huff.

  “I don’t have that kind of magic.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “It’s true, my Queen… I can’t fly or use telekinesis to draw the football to me.”

  “You’re doing something,” I point at him accusatorily.

  “Maybe I’m just better,” he shrugs.

  My eyes widen with shock as I grin, “Ballsy talk coming from someone who shits in a litter box.”

  “I’m not that kind of animal,” he grins.

  “Oh yeah? What kind is that?”

  “The kind that can be housebroken,” he winks at me.

  I laugh, “one more time.” We take off in a jog back to the other side of the clearing towards Adam.

  The dark-haired berserker is dressed in shorts, no shirt… enjoying the final rays of a setting sun – we all are. This is my last night as an unmarried woman. This is it for me. Tomorrow I become Mrs. Knightley – I know weird, but we ended up just deciding to keep our names, anything else was getting too complicated.

  “One more time, the queen hasn’t had enough of getting her ass beat,” Kiah says tossing the ball back to Adam.

  We take our position beside Adam. I stretch my legs again… all for show. I’m wearing little short-shorts with a black tank and a pair of tennis shoes. I’m already loose, I’m distracting Kiah… or at least trying to.

  Adam shouts, “Go!” and we sprint off at full speed. Legs pumping, hearts racing, it’s all about that inertial burst of steam and then if you have staying power.

  I’m fast, I’ve always been fast – it’s one of the few advantages I have. But Kiah is also fast. I imagine if he wasn’t a berserker and I wasn’t a goddess – he’d take me to task. But I am a goddess and he is a berserker and that makes things interesting.

  His kind was made to hunt my kind, and its nothing but a bunch of happenstance that has the two of us together on this field competing in a game of friendly catch.

  My determination beats thoughts of self-perseverance, not exactly a new concept for me – and I do something dangerous… I jump up towards the ball that’s still flying above us, but I don’t make it clean, I use my shoulder to knock into Kiah and throw him off before I reach for the ball. The boy is built like a brick house and every bit of the left side of my body feels the vibration of the impact… I’m sure when I’m lying on the ground with a dislocated shoulder, I’ll believe it was all worth it… as long as I’ve got the damn ball.

  My fingertips grab the ball a split second before my body remembers it’s a body and once again follows the laws of physics and gravity falling back to the earth. I have only a split second to turn and wrap my body loosely before I hit the ground easing into the impact – tumbling is a lost art.

  I roll on the ground a few times, still clutching the football to my stomach as I finally come to a stop.

  Goddess be, that was fun. I lay on the ground grinning up at the purple sky, hurting all over and not remembering the last time I felt this good.

  “My Queen!” Kiah shouts, rushing over towards me. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” his young eyes filled with such worry… and horror.

  “I’m okay,” I wave him off, a bit out of breath, “just give me a minute.”

  “My Dea,” He looks over his shoulder at something and then back down to me, “my Lord is coming.”

  “Jack… his name is Jack.”

  “Please Dea,” he looks back to me worried, “I don’t want to be punished, please Dea.”

  His worry is real, his fear becomes a tangible thing.

  “Jae!” I hear Jack call out; I wave a hand in the air to signal that I’m okay.

  “Don’t worry – it was my fault,” I whisper to the upset Kiah.

  Jack stops beside me, and Kiah backs off, keeping his head bowed like he’s a kicked dog. Since when was Kiah afraid of Jack? Adam rushes over to stand beside the worried looking Kiah.

  “I’m fine,” I smile up at my soon to be sexy vampire husband.

  His dark hair is a bit longer than usual, his facial hair cut down low… I love this look on him and I’m sure he’s doing it just because he knows I like it and tomorrow is our wedding.

  Jack’s wearing a white tank and jeans with a pair of retro Chucks… I love that look on him too…

  “Goddess you are sexy,” I hum.

  His midnight blue silver eyes widen, “Are you concussed?”

  I laugh, “I must have a serious head injury because I’m giving you a compliment?”

  He just rolls his eyes and looks to Kiah, “What do you have to say about this?”

  Kiah begins whimpering in the back of his throat… “my Lord…”

  What is going on? “So you’re just going to let me lay on the ground? Some husband you are.”

  Jack huffs but holds down his hand to pull me to my feet. I get up and dust the dirt and bits of grass from my legs, I have a few scrapes…but nothing serious.

  “I won,” I smile and toss the ball back to Kiah.

  “You shouldn’t be…”

  “Having fun?” I cut Jack off.

  He sighs, “Do you have to have such rough fun?”

  “When did you turn into a nagging Nancy?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “When I decided I don’t want you to break your pretty little neck playing contact football with supernaturals three times your size.”

  I poke him in the chest, “I can take any of you on… you included Nancy pants.”

  He rolls his eyes.


  He raises an eyebrow, “Very well.” He looks to Kiah, “Throw it at count ten?”

  Kiah looks to me with surprise, I nod my head.

  I learn two things while Jack and I race to catch the football, one – he’s faster than me… even with full goddess powers, his vampiric abilities still trump my goddess ones. Two – he’s just as much of a cheat and has no problem knocking me out of the way to get the ball.

  His only saving grace is that he wraps me in his arms as we tumble back to the ground. Catching in this direction was just a bad idea. We land in the gravel parking lot and gravel is a hell of a lot less forgiving than grass. Even with Jack shielding me, my legs are shredded by the small stones. When we finally come to a stop, he’s on top of me, between my thighs… vampire eyes dilated with excitement.

  “Who won?” He asks, his voice low and throaty as he grinds his cock against my very exposed delicate places.

  I moan, “You.”

  He leans over me, his body pressed into mine, his lips so close to my ear, “Say my fucking name.”
  “Jack…” I swallow, “Jack won.”

  “My Queen! My Lord!”

  “Make them go away, Jaevia, and I’ll put my dick inside of you.”

  “Oh fuck,” I breathe out.

  He’s already pulling himself free, leaning his body to the side to give us privacy… or something like privacy.

  “I’m fine! We’re fine!” I scream as he pushes my short-shorts and panties to the side.

  “Go inside!” I scream as Jack pushes into me, driving deep and fast to the hilt. I almost come on the spot.

  Kiah and Adam come into my line of sight, both of them with worried looks as they move to help us to our feet.

  “We’re fine!” I scream, “Just go get ready! Go!” I scream again.

  There must be something in my eyes, or in my voice but they glance at each other for only a moment before they turn to go back into the warehouse.

  “Good girl,” Jack murmurs and takes his dick out of me.

  “No!” I scream, “no! Come back!”

  “Maybe later,” he kisses my cheek before getting up, fixing his pants and helping me get up as well.

  My legs are wobbly, I’m not sure if because of the fall or because I got half fucked in the parking lot with no orgasm.

  “Please Jack,” I beg low as he brushes me off.

  “Go and get ready and maybe I’ll give you a little more before you leave for your party.”

  “Why are you being mean?”

  He raises an eyebrow, “I’m mean because I won’t let you come?”


  He huffs, “Then you must be a knave of the worst sort.”

  “Now we’re being tit for tat?”

  “I’ll take your tit and your tat,” and he says it in a way that makes it seem so fucking dirty.

  I stand a little loss on what to do.

  He steps close and cups his hand over my pussy, “This is mine… me and Lucien’s, yes?”

  “Yes,” I whisper a horrid pleading in my voice.

  “If I want to give it a lot of dick, or a little bit of dick, or no dick – I can. Because I can do what I want to it… can’t I?”

  “Yes,” I whimper.

  He kisses my forehead gently, “Now go and get ready.”

  My gut bottoms out as he leaves me in the parking lot on wobbly knees with a deep need in my core and no dick to fill it.

  God – he’s so fucking sexy.



  I push thoughts of Jack and his deliciousness to the side as I get showered and into my dress for the night… everything for tomorrow is ready – they swear it is. I’m not allowed up on the roof, Jack wants me to be surprised. This entire week it seems everyone is working hard to keep me distracted.

  For once, I don’t mind. Probably some news story broke, or something else fell apart, and me not knowing just works out better. So, I let them manage me when I used to hate it.

  Némion, Dani, and I will be staying in D.C.. After we come from the bachelorette party at Astraea, Dem’s club, we’ll go to one of the five-star hotels in D.C.’s city center. I’ll get ready there and come back here to get married tomorrow at high noon.

  My mother is staying at the hotel to help me get ready tomorrow but won’t be partying with us tonight. I think we both agreed that it would be weird, I really don’t want to accidently end up in an orgy with my mother and with the way Jack is leaving me in wanting the likelihood of an orgy is pretty high.

  What the fuck was he thinking?! He’s going to let me go off to a vampire club half fucked?

  I can smell my own need, god he’s turned me on… I want him. I could pleasure myself or track down Lucien and have him… but I don’t want any of that, I want Jack to finish what he fucking started!

  The jerk!

  I smile, that’s okay, he’ll know my vengeance tonight – I’ll make sure of it.

  By the time I’m ready it’s about nine at night. I take extra time on my appearance; this is after all the last time I will be partying as an unmarried waif.

  I put on one of my sluttiest dresses, an extra short tight number, if I bend over too far, I’ll give the world a full view of Neoma. I wear a pair of blood red lace high cut panties. I don’t bother with a bra leaving my breasts free – it takes me a moment to pick out shoes but go for a pair of stiletto red bottoms to match the million-dollar ruby and diamond necklace I put on as well… a gift from Jack.

  I do my hair up in a large French braid and tease a bit loose. I slick down the sides until it looks almost like a mohawk. My eye makeup is drastic, pitch black eyeliner and I also do a deep blood red lip.

  When I stand to look at myself, I almost seem strange, yet familiar in some other way. Like the shy girl who finally let the world see who she was.

  Némion and Dani are already waiting for me downstairs near the training area, both of the women are looking gorgeous as hell. Némion in a black and blood red leather bodysuit, covered from neck to toe. Her dark skin glowing with evil, the silver loop earrings up the cartilage of her ears shines in the lamp light… along with the pooling blood look in her dark brown eyes.

  She always looks like she’s about to go on a hunt, and she always makes everyone feel like they’re the meat on the menu.

  Dani is a bit more understated, wearing a leather bustier and a black leather pleated skirt that is cut to look like a schoolgirl uniform. Her small frame is always arranged in a delicate manner, the way she stands, the tilt of her head. She is a through and through submissive and has snagged our usually dour Captain Franklin with her gentle ways. He’s head over heels in love with Dani, and I couldn’t be happier for them.

  I notice the thin silver collar around her neck, with a tag that has Frank’s initials, signaling that she is indeed someone’s property and fully claimed. In the odd world of vampires and the general kink community – that collar really means something. It gives her a level of protection… especially when the dominant can back up the threat – and Frank has proven that he can do exactly that.

  Dani was once one of Dem’s slaves, and he used her as such; but he holds no rights over her anymore and I know for a fact he and his vampires will respect Frank’s claim.

  She smiles at me, gray eyes alight with happiness, “My Queen, you look gorgeous.”

  I give her a smile, “Thank you, Dani. You’ll keep Frank on his toes yourself.”

  She gives me a cute little giggle, “Master Franklin says I’ll send him to an early grave.”

  That I can believe, Frank isn’t really into the whole kinky BDSM thing. But I bet Dani has him coming around.

  “Jaevia,” I turn at the sound of Lucien’s deep voice. He lights up the room with power, golden red eyes, dark locs, dark rippling muscle-bound skin. I always feel tiny when he’s near.

  He’s wearing a black tank, dark jeans and tennis shoes, not a usual look for him. If I had to guess Jack probably dressed him.

  I find it hard to look into his eyes as he gazes at me.

  “You look fetching, Wench.”

  “Thanks, Luey.”

  He steps close to me and nudges my chin so I’ll look up at him, “have whatever fun you’d like, but don’t bring any of them home with you.”

  I nod, “Yes, Luey.”

  “And don’t fuck the guards.”

  I nod again.

  He leans towards my ear, “You may be a queen to the world, but you are a wench in my bed… be a good girl for me?”

  “Yes Luey.”

  “Be safe, my love,” he kisses my cheek gently and moves away, “I’ll just have another quick word with the boys.”

  I look over my shoulder, “Don’t threaten them.”

  “It’s motivational speaking, not a threat!” He walks out of the door completely ignoring me.

  I huff, motivational speaking my ass.

  “Jaevia, a moment…” I turn back around to see Jack walking towards my office door. I look to Némion and Dani, “I’ll be out in a minute.”
  The office is dark as I step in. Jack is standing in the center, the only part that’s clear. Around us stacks of boxes of scrolls, and books, and everything else that I just left behind.

  Jack’s handsome frame is back-lit with the bit of moonlight filtering in through the blinds and even in this chaos he’s able to classy up the place. That’s Jack, high class, expensive… the kind of sin that costs you your soul.

  “Close the door,” he whispers low and I know that voice. That calm before the storm, that wake before the tsunami, that crack before the lightning.

  He’s dangerous right now, very dangerous. I just don’t understand what’s going on with him.

  I close the door and it shuts with deafening click. I guess I’ve always been foolish, who closes themselves in with the monsters and pray they’ll at least fuck her before they kill her?

  “Come here.”

  My body trembles as I step towards him, my eyes trained on him waiting for the explosion, waiting for the storm, the tsunami, the lightning. I know that its coming… and I don’t have to wait long.

  He grabs me by the nape of my neck and turns me to the glass desk, pushing me over it so hard my head almost knocks into the glass. All the wind leaves my lungs suddenly. Perhaps under different circumstances he would care, but right now he just yanks my panties down around my ankles.

  I whimper when I feel his fangs sink into the meat of my ass. Like a viper, I didn’t even know it was coming.

  “Please.” I beg but he just pushing his fangs deeper into the plumpness of my round ass.

  Flank isn’t a good spot for a vampire to drink from, but he’s not doing this to feed, he’s marking me in a most primitive way. His fangs retract quickly, and I know my ass will have two perfect puncture wounds… letting all the naughty vampires know who I belong to.

  “Don’t you dare heal that.”

  “Yes, Master,” I whimper.

  “Promise to be a good girl tonight,” he whispers as his hand runs up inner thigh lightly, teasing me. Hard and then soft, hard and then soft. Oh, a wicked game he always plays.

  “I’ll be a good girl.” I moan as the tips of his fingers graze my engorged lips, slick with wanting.


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