Book Read Free


Page 36

by L M Adams

  “Thank you, Daddy Lucien.”

  “For what?” Daddy Lucien asks.

  “For coming on my face, Daddy Lucien.”

  “Do you like it now?”

  “Yes, Daddy Lucien.”


  “No, Daddy Lucien,” I cry.

  “You are a fucking liar, admit it!” He roars.

  “Careful,” Daddy Jack whispers, “careful what you say next.”

  “I’m not a liar, I want you to be happy with me Daddy Lucien, I want to be a good girl for you,” I cry up to him, knowing that it is truth in my heart.

  Jaevia didn’t like being a slut for them, she always had too much pride. But Baby Girl has never had any pride, she’ll do anything to make her Daddies happy.

  “Perfection,” Daddy Lucien whispers. “Look at me,” he takes me by my chin, and I roll my eyes up at him.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmurs gently.

  “Thank you, Daddy Lucien,” I whisper.

  “Stand up,” he orders, and I get to my feet, keeping my eyes on him.

  Daddy Jack stands up behind me, “We love you.”

  “Thank you, Daddy Jack,” I whisper not feeling worthy of their love.

  “You’re welcome,” he brushes my braid over my shoulder and takes off the magic collar that keeps me from my power.

  Daddy Lucien runs his hand between my thighs distracting me at the same moment that my power stretches inside of me, filling every bit of me with the magic of the succubae.

  “Calm, Wench,” he murmurs rubbing me gently.

  “Oh goddess,” I moan as I feel the tsunami begin.

  “We’ve got you,” Daddy Jack drops the collar and wraps me in his arms, holding me up as my legs go out from under me.

  “Please!” I scream as I feel that pressure build and build, “Please, please!” I scream and cry out.

  “Yes, Wench, yes you’ve earned your reward.”

  I lose control of my body, but I haven’t had control in a very long time and it’s easy for me to accept it as that pleasure finally peaks with massive force, lighting up my synapses with energy and flows from between my thighs like a river.

  The stars dance in my vision a moment before I pass out from the orgasm.



  “How are you feeling?” Jack asks snuggling into the back of me.

  “Okay,” I whisper and stretch underneath the covers, moaning, “better than okay.”

  He chuckles, “You’re not going to be mad at us?”

  I huff, “For getting kinky with me? No.” I smile at him over my shoulder.

  “We were a little rough.”

  I huff, “A little?”

  “Okay very rough.”

  “Baby Girl enjoyed it.”

  “But did you enjoy it?”

  “I am Baby Girl.”

  “I may never get used to that.”

  “You will, in time.”

  “If you say so.”

  The room is dark, he’s tinted the glass, “what time is it?”

  “Two p.m., the next day,” he yawns.

  “I slept that long?”

  “We all did, Lucien got up a few hours ago.”

  I search for his energy in the link, “He’s worried?”

  Jack nods, “We were a little rough. He thinks you’ll be mad.”

  “I should be,” I huff.

  “But you’re not.”

  “Nope,” I smile. I’m not angry at all. Of course I want to be with them in those ways, I may be the dark queen – but I’m still their baby girl.

  We finally get out of bed and take care of the necessities. It takes a little reassuring, but Lucien calms down and accepts that I’m not angry. He’s always worried when he lets the sadist in him out. He still doesn’t trust that part of himself, problem being, he probably shouldn’t.

  But it’s safe enough in a controlled environment – and as Jack says – short of taking my head, I’ll wake up in the morning.

  We convene on the outdoor patio. After a day of torture and sleeping through most of the next day… I’m famished and I want ‘Jack eats.’

  Lucien fires up the grill as I get settled on one of the loungers with a book. Lucien is still a bit skittish, but his energy is beginning to calm.

  The outdoors of the house is just a beautiful and expensive as the indoors. Near the glass wall of the house is a pergola over the stone patio. The outdoor kitchen features a large stainless-steel grill with hood built into a pure white marble countertop along with a stovetop. The counter area also has a sink and a small refrigerator underneath with plenty of space for prep work.

  There is a bit of manicured land for a break between the kitchen area and the lounge area I’m currently relaxed in. A large outdoor sectional with dark red cushions and matching lounger chairs, a few tables sit between the lounge area and the pool with the crystal clear water. Across, on the other side of the pool, is the fireplace that runs the full length of the pool before another bit of manicured land, grass cut low that stretches down to the sandy beach and then the ocean.

  Jack and Lucien really know how to pick and design a place. They’d done this together, made the plans, saw to the construction. Lucien did a lot of the wood and stonework himself. Sneaking off at odd times to do the work as Jack kept me distracted.

  I laugh and shake my head, naughty boys.

  “Can you get the onions and chili peppers from the house?” Jack asks.

  I put my book to the side to get up, “No Jaevia, no… we serve you tonight,” Lucien says before going into the house.

  I guess he’s going to feel guilty for a bit longer. Not that I really mind if that means I get to be catered to hand and foot.

  Perhaps I’m supposed to feel angry about what they did. Perhaps I’m supposed to feel betrayed or violated, but I don’t, not even a little. They are my husbands and if we cannot enjoy our kinks with one another, then who can we enjoy our kinks with?

  I know that they love me, I know that they value me above all things. When that is your bedrock, a little degradation isn’t the end of the world. We all have those desires inside of us, or at least you do if you’re a monster. We desire the pain of others, the destruction of others, we revel in the feel of taking another’s power from them… I do the same to them and I don’t always feel guilty about it either.

  Jack is wonderful in the kitchen, as always, he makes these little coconut drinks that we drink right from the rough brown nut. The insides soaking in rum, pineapple and orange juice – it’s absolutely delicious.

  He makes seared sword fish with mango salsa and fire roasted brussels sprouts with chili peppers. Lucien and I don’t leave a bit left over.

  “You spoil me,” I groan leaning back on the lounger with a full tummy as he hands me another coconut drink.

  He smiles at me, silver-blue eyes glinting in the afternoon sun, “Well… maybe I’m still feeling a bit guilty too.” He nods his head over towards the kitchen area.

  Lucien is there cleaning up, still feeling like a guilty shit.

  I sigh, “Lucien come here,” I call out.

  His large frame freezes before he puts down the sponge, wipes off his hands with a dishtowel and comes over to the lounge area. Jack makes a graceful exit.

  “Sit down,” I pat the lounger next to me.

  My fearsome beast sits down on the edge like he’s ready to bolt.

  “Talk to me,” I whisper and roll on my side to look at him.

  “I took things too far, Jaevia.”

  “I told you it was fine,” but he shakes his head no.

  “You are my wife.”

  “Luey…” I sigh, “you think sex is supposed to be different now that we’re married?”

  “I did not have husbandly feelings towards you while I … did those things.”

  “You were in the moment… enjoying the moment.”

  “You are my wife,” he hisses, getting even more upset.

doesn’t make me any less your whore.”

  He looks at me full on, golden red eyes wide with shock.

  I laugh, “I’ve never been prim, nor proper. A ring isn’t going to change that. Yes, we are married, but as soon as we stop doing the things we love to do with one another – we’ll lose what we had.”

  He looks away.

  “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it?”

  “Of course I did, Jaevia,” he grips his hands together.

  “I did too.”

  He looks back at me, “Do you really mean this?”

  I nod, “Mm hmm. I love you, Luey. Even if sometimes you need to be a sadist. I love who you are and all that it entails. Okay?”

  He nods, “Okay.”

  “Now give me a kiss and go finish helping Jack.”

  He leans over to press his lips to mine, very gently, very sweetly and leaves without trying to take anything further. I pick up my book and my drink and get back to enjoying the warm sun, the good weather, and the feeling of peace that flows throughout me because the biggest issue I have right now is getting Lucien to be comfortable with who he is.



  It takes another day for things to get back to normal. Jack inspires it by giving Lucien a gift.

  We’re inside the house in the kitchen as Jack starts cooking. Lucien sits at the counter with a book as I pour drinks and Jack starts chopping up the veggies to go into the pan.

  I don’t even bother offering to help cook anymore, he’ll probably indulge me, cringing every time I do something. Best to leave Jack to his own devices in the kitchen – that’s fine, I don’t mind being the cocktail waitress.

  I pour glasses of bloodwine for Jack and I.

  “Bourbon or whiskey, Luey?”

  “Bourbon,” he mutters not taking his eyes from a fully illustrated and expanded copy of the Kamasutra Jack had gotten him as a sort of unofficial wedding present. He wants to show Lucien all the ways there are for us to have sex and that none of it is wrong as long as we agree to the things beforehand.

  Lucien studies it almost constantly now when not reading one of Henenu’s books. He makes additional little notes in a separate notebook, making lists of things he wants to try. He’s become a student in sex – in learning how to please our bodies.

  I’d laugh at it… if it wasn’t so sweet. He’s insecure about keeping us happy in the bedroom and a bit naïve about different ways to please a body, especially in man-sex. He’s determined to fix his ignorance.

  Jack and I, being good mates, decide to aid him on his endeavor. We’ve agreed to one position a night, or more if we’re feeling adventurous.

  I bring Lucien his drink and look over his shoulder. “Pick one for tonight?”

  He chews his lip a bit, “What do you think, Jaevia?”

  I look at the picture turning my head to the side a bit as I try to figure out where exactly my legs are supposed to go, “I’m not sure I’m that limber, babe. Give me time to work on my yoga, I am a bit out of shape.”

  He huffs and flips to another page. “Then this one? It is more for my pleasure but…”

  I hum in the back of my throat. “Which one am I?”

  He points at my role in tonight’s endeavor.

  “Then this is you?” I point at one of the figures.

  He grunts nodding.

  “Jack, what do you think?”

  He leans over to look at the picture, looks at me, back at the picture and goes back to his slicing and dicing. “Sure, I can do that.”

  “With the sweet bite?”

  “You also want to be bitten?”

  He hums yes.

  “Okay...” I say hesitantly.

  Lucien smiles, “Then it is a yes?”

  “Not with all of that hair.” I say immediately.

  Lucien raises an eyebrow, “I keep it trimmed as you have asked.”

  “And I’m fine with it for most things. But if you want that,” I point at the book, “you’re going to have to go smooth like Jack.”

  “But he is hairless down there, Wench.” Lucien says wide-eyed and horrified. “Even between the cheeks.”

  Jack shrugs, “Waxing is best, after a few decades it stops growing back.” Jack pops a slice of green pepper in his mouth, “I can wax you, if you want.”

  Lucien looks between us, eyes wide, a mix of horror and confusion.

  “It’s up to you, Luey.” I shrug.

  He looks back at the picture, licks his lips and nods.

  I guess it’s worth it to him; I just know one thing – there’s no way in hell I’m gargling on a hairy ball sack.

  After a late brunch the men retreat to the bathroom to… take care of manly business. I’m not allowed, and if Lucien’s death stare is any indication, it would be best if I didn’t try and get a peek… you can’t blame my curiosity, I’ve never seen a demi-god get waxed before.

  I grab the note pad where I’m making my list of hobbies to try. I’m under strict orders to not tear up the new house for ‘surprise gifts’ – so I have to find other things to occupy myself.

  There’s plenty to read, to watch… and if all else fails – beach lounging is an option. But I need something active to work on. Even Lucien’s tutor advised me to pick up a hobby, god-creatures need things to occupy their minds. Henenu painted and also made clocks – oodles and oodles of clocks; the man was obsessed with time.

  Lucien has his handyman thing; he’s always tinkering or building or learning a new skill. Jack composes music, cooks, or cleans, or balances our budget and generally manages our lives – that’s his thing. I need a thing, something I can do to keep my hands and mind busy now that I’m not trying to save the world.

  I tap the pen on my lips, so far, I’ve tried – and crossed off the list – knitting and needlepoint, both of them were too tedious for me. Arts is where I think I’ll find my calling, but not painting… I’m thinking sculpting. I like the thought of feeling the clay ooze between my fingers, making a lump of nothing into something.

  Hmm, yes sculpting – I make a list of things I’ll need. Jack has to call home to get them brought here. I wasn’t allowed a tablet or any outside connection to the world. If I want music or a movie downloaded from the internet, he has to do it for me. We have a satellite dish on the roof, he can connect to the web or make calls using that, only he and Luey have the code for it.

  They’re managing me again, but I don’t mind, I just make my list.

  Maybe I’ll do pottery, I won’t need a kiln, I’ve got a Luey.

  “Ahhh!” The sound of Luey’s roar seems to shake the house, making me jump.

  I look towards the bathroom and decide to tip-toe over to it.

  “That wasn’t so bad,” Jack says dispassionately.

  “You ripped off my skin!”

  “I did not, stop crying.”

  Luey whimpers, “You’re skinning me alive and I’m not even allowed tears of anguish.”

  Jack’s sigh is so deep I can hear it through the door, “If I knew you were going to carry on like this, I wouldn’t have offered to do it.”

  “You did not tell me of the pain!”

  “Beauty is pain.”

  The sound of another wax strip being snatched off is quickly followed by another scream.

  “Almost done,” Jack soothes. “I need you to hold your sack, pull it tight.”


  “You’re going to look foolish smooth at the top and hairy at the bottom. Jaevia will only do that position if you’re smooth.”

  Lucien’s sigh is deep, “I never knew you went through such trouble to be pretty for us.”

  Jack chuckles low, “I don’t do it for you or for Jaevia, I do it for me.”

  “For you? Why on earth would you want to do,” Luey pauses, “because you’re a masochist?”

  “Maybe that’s part of it… I’ve always liked looking groomed. Now shush, stop distracting me.”

  “This one is going to hurt the wor
se, isn’t it?”


  It doesn’t take long for Lucien’s roar to sound out, breaking on the end with a crack of mournful whimpering.

  “You look gorgeous,” Jack compliments.

  “I do not care!” Lucien roars.

  “One more back here and we’re done.”


  “Please, for me… I’ll do the thing on page thirty-six.”

  “Hmmm,” Lucien moans, “until I come?”


  “Done, but you never question my love after this.”

  I leave them in peace, because I know that last strip will hurt Luey’s pride worse than anything.



  We make love in every way… or at least most of the ways in the book, except the man with man bits.

  Jack is willing to do all of it, as long as we add kink. Lucien refuses to and so we are at an impasse. It makes the energy in the house erratic as the two men try to find their way to common ground.

  None of us have been down into the dungeon since they took me there ‘to teach me a lesson’. I would welcome another trip, but I don’t want to push Luey into it.

  Right now, he doesn’t want to do kink – he wants there to only be the soft loving. He’s very affectionate, very loving towards both of us. Problem being, it unsettles Jack.

  Their love is something new, uncharted territory for them both. Of course, Jack is far more comfortable with everything and anything than Lucien ever will be… as long as it’s done with kink. It is an interesting dynamic to watch and although it is Lucien who is less comfortable with being in a romantic relationship with a man, it is Jack who often displays shock and uncertainty; his nerves always jittery. He’s not used to receiving true and untainted affection from a man.

  Jack behaves like a high school girl who finds out her crush likes her back but now doesn’t know what to do about it. I guess like most things in life, love is easier to handle in our imaginations than it is in our realities.

  It’s the morning of our eighth day and I go to sit at the table, clad in one of Lucien’s shirts and a pair of Jack’s boxers – ‘slumming it’ doesn’t even begin to describe my existence right now.


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