Book Read Free


Page 52

by L M Adams

  A pretty woman steps forward, she’s a bit older, locs graying gently as they swing near her waist. She wears a golden cuff, the shape of Ankh on her right arm. Her dress form fitting and tied around her neck, the pattern a gorgeous red and gold that makes the golden highlights in her flesh shine.

  “Welcome,” she smiles, pretty white teeth flashing… honestly these people may have the best dental plan ever, “my name is Amayla.”

  Henenu looks around and nods, seeming to approve the accommodations.

  “Mistress, you serve us well,” Henenu whispers and Amayla seems to beam with joy.

  She turns to Lucien, bowing her head gracefully, “Dinner will be served in two hours, and all else has been prepared, if there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask – we find joy in the giving.” She bows again and turns away, walking further back into the building.

  Another younger boy comes forward, smiling brightly, seeming eager to show us to our room.

  “Master…” Lucien begins, but Henenu holds up his hand silencing Lucien.

  “You will have the rooms on the third floor, you and your mates can freshen up before last meal is served and then we can speak. I know that your heart is troubled, but all will be well, yes Hari?”

  “Yes, Master Henenu,” Lucien bows his head dutifully. “I thank you for your wisdom.”

  Henenu smiles and reaches out to pat Lucien’s shoulder. “It is good that you are home at last, it is very good.”

  Lucien nods and allows himself to be guided away. Jack and I follow behind him quietly.

  We’re taken up to the third floor, it seems we have most of this level to ourselves. The rooms are spacious and warm, prepared with care. I can almost feel the magic of peace and welcoming radiate out from the walls. The main chamber holds a large bed and two seating areas with a large fire pit in the center of the room. Above the pit is an opening to the sky above. One wall is taken up by bookshelf, filled to the brim with books and scrolls, a small desk is there as well.

  As I thought, the entire east wall isn’t a wall at all, instead a series of columns and arches with pretty flowered vines covering practically every inch. The blooms are red and white and seem to be filled with life. The drapes are open letting the full view of the Nile shine through and the lands on the other side of the river, which seems to be mostly farmland. A few homes peppered about in the distance.

  “I will bring fresh clothing, Raja,” the young boy who guided us up to the chamber says, excitement filling his voice.

  Lucien grunts with a nod, and the boy turns, chest puffed out with happiness as he closes the door behind him.

  Jack stands close to me as we wait for Lucien’s reaction. Right now he’s standing, staring out at the river, stoic as ever, but I can feel his heart as turbulent as the current of the Black River.

  “How are you feeling?” I decide to probe gently.

  “Tell me what emotion I should feel, Wench, for I do not know… it is hard to sort out.”

  Jack gives me a not so gentle nudge forward. I just keep from rolling my eyes. I walk over to Lucien and his arms open, welcoming me.

  “I think you get to feel more than one emotion, Luey.”

  “I know,” he sighs. “I could use your support as well, Capaneus.”

  “You know that you have it.”

  “Then why are you over there?”

  With that, Jack joins our little hug fest, seeming to fit perfectly. We let Lucien hug us to him tightly, his flesh vibrates with energy, energy he doesn’t know how to manage or how to release.

  “Relax, Luey,” I whisper and rub his back gently. A bit of tension releases, but still his muscles are tight, coiled, ready to spring.

  Jack sighs, “A bath may help, and we all stink anyway.”

  Lucien chuckles, “You smell the worst Bloodsucker.”

  Jack huffs pulling away, “Not a chance.”



  The bathing room is almost as large as the main chamber. The room is done with painted tile, and actually has glass windows, I assume to keep the heat in. Even in the city, I can feel the temperature dipping as the heat of the sun dissipates.

  A large pool of water sits in the center of the bath chamber, steam rising from it gently. A table with a large array of bottles filled with soaps, oils, and perfumes sits to one side. In the rear corner is a smaller closed off room, which I assume is the commode.

  Jack actually licks his chops as he stares at the water.

  “I’ll see if there’s a bit of wine about,” I rub Lucien’s arm gently.

  “I can go,” Jack says but I wave the offer away. “You need the bath; you definitely smell the worst… there is a distinct musky scent to you.”


  Lucien’s laugh echoes after me as I leave the two of them in the bath.

  The young boy has returned, arms full of clothing piled high. I can barely see his face above the colorful clothing.

  “Hello,” I smile.

  His eyes go big, “Kandaka…”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Qu… Queen…” he says, I do believe a bit awestruck.

  “My name is Jaevia, you can call me Jae.”

  His eyes go bigger still.

  “Well, what is your name?” I prompt.

  “Keyon…. Queen Jae.”

  “Just Jae.”

  His eyes look like they’re about to pop out of his skull, that cannot be healthy.

  “But… but… you are the first wife of the Raja.”

  His only wife… but whatever.

  “I was Jae long before I was the Raja’s wife,” I smile gently.

  He just nods but I get the feeling I won’t get him to call me Jae either. Will I ever win this unwinnable war to simply be called by my given name?

  “Just put down the clothes before you fall over.” I wave towards the bed.

  He rushes over to it and drops the clothes on the bed.

  I wait until he’s straightened the clothing out a bit, he does it with such care. I hide my smile away.

  “Is there wine?”

  “Yes, my Goddess.” And we’ve gone from Queen to Goddess.

  He stands stock still, staring at me.

  “Where?” I smile and he jumps like lightening has hit him. He rushes over to a cabinet on the far wall and opens it, taking out a large clay pitcher that sits on a high shelf.

  I jump into action as it begins sloshing over the sides, “I’ve got it!” I grab it quickly and he bows away.

  “Oh, my Goddess, my heart apologies.”

  “Keyon, it’s okay.” I say gently and pull down three painted clay goblets as well.

  The kid is about to shit bricks.

  “Gracious, my Goddess is,” he nods profusely.

  I scoff, “I can kick ass too.”

  He looks up at me eyes wide as I smile and begin pouring the wine.

  “My Goddess is also warrior?”

  I nod.

  “You have many heart songs, as Goddesses do… I have not yet found my heart song,” he sighs, and his chest seems to deflate with sadness.

  “What do you mean… heart song?”

  “My…” he seems to think on the common word… “purpose?”

  “You’re already worried about that? How old are you?”

  “Eleven summers, I must choose on my twelfth.”

  Another commonality with the Kindred, I’m finding more and more of them – but then Ra did create Ra’suá.

  “I thought you could change your… heart song, during the Ha’mara.”

  He nods, “But a first heart song, it is the strongest, it is the one you will always come back to, no matter the journey.”

  “Well, I am sure you will choose well,” I smile as I fill the goblets with wine.

  “Yes, my gracious Goddess.”

  I hold up a hand, “Okay you can call me Kandaka.” I don’t want to be a flipping deity to the kid.

  He grins and nods,
“Yes Kandaka.”

  “You’re a cute kid, Keyon.”

  I grab the goblets and walk away so the kid can deflate his chest in peace.

  Lucien and Jack are both in the water, sitting on the bench and leaning back on the edge, eyes closed, pure rapture on their features.

  I set a goblet down for each of them.

  “Thank you, Wench.”

  “Thanks, Jae.”

  I peel off my grimy clothing and walk to the opposite end to use the stairs to step down into the water. Suddenly their eyes are on me and I don’t know what’s hotter, their stares or the bath.

  The water is just under burning, but it is a good burn, a needed burn. I dip under the water, swimming forward. When I surface again, they’re still staring at me, their designs on my person not hidden one bit.

  “You two keep your hands to yourself,” I point at them both. “I want to enjoy my bath in peace.”

  “Cruel,” Jack leans back on the side of the bath closing his eyes again.

  “She is that indeed, we haven’t had sex in a week,” Lucien grumbles and takes a drink from his wine, his eyes still hunting.

  I scoff, “You two can entertain one another if you like.” I smile.

  “Not happening,” Jack grumbles.

  “Oh, and I’m the spoil sport?”

  “I do not exist to entertain your perverted voyeurism.”

  I look at Lucien aghast, he holds up a hand, “I am not going to rape him, if he says no, that no stands.”

  I roll my eyes at Jack. “Well, since I can’t watch you get taken to pound town… can you wash my hair?” I deadpan.

  Jack tries to suppress his laugh, hold on to that sour attitude, but he can’t and soon his and Lucien’s laughter ring through the bath.

  “As my Queen wishes.”

  He actually ends up washing both my and Lucien’s hair, and soon he’s so caught up in the rhythm of his work, his heart seems to settle more than it has been since we got here. Jack has always enjoyed serving, giving. I always thought because it was something that was beaten into him; is it instead his natural inclination as a child of Isis?

  His peace radiates out and I see Lucien relax, feeding on that peace. It is so curious how much our separate emotions can affect one another. Maybe this is the same in all marriages, it’s just very evident in ours because of the shared link.

  We finally get out of the water and move to the bedroom, Jack pours everyone more wine. The stuff is strong and heady. Not as strong as Nightshade, or Bloodwine, but close… and bursting with flavor.

  Lucien and I sit down near the fire pit on the mound of pillows as Jack kneels behind me and begins brushing out my wet hair, letting the heat from the fire dry it.

  “I’m afraid.” Lucien finally whispers… now an hour after I asked him to describe his feelings – it took that long for two words.

  “Of what?” Jack asks casually, not stopping his work on my hair.

  “Many things… many, many things.”

  I lace my hand in Lucien’s and lean my head on his shoulder, Jack switches to the other side of my head so I can give our husband comfort.

  “Should we tell Henenu about the future?”

  Lucien nods, “I have to, I know there is a danger to the timeline, but I cannot be here and keep my peace, Wench.”

  I nod, “All right.”

  “Only, all right?”

  “Luey, you have the seal of time; I have to believe there is a reason for that. If you believe this is the best course of action for us… then I trust you.”

  He nods, “I won’t do anything, I will simply tell him about the future.”

  Jack sighs, “I don’t know if you can avoid doing something – everyone seems to think you’re back to take your rightful place as the Raja.”

  Lucien huffs, “My rightful place is with the both of you and our lives are not here. If they wanted me so damn badly… they should have never sent me away in the first place.” And there’s a bitterness in Lucien’s voice I’m not used to hearing.

  “They did it to keep you safe, you have to remember that,” I pet him gently.

  He nods, but I’m not sure he really accepts this in his heart. There is a difference in knowing a thing and believing a thing.

  “Perhaps I am just angry at myself,” Lucien sighs.


  “Henenu says I should have been brought back to here when I reached eighteen… he does not understand what happened. He says they waited and waited, but in time they thought I had been killed. They were here… waiting for me… waiting for me to come… home.” He inhales a ragged breath.

  “The spell was written to lead me home when my heart yearned for it…”

  I pull back, “You have been yearning for home for as long as I can remember.”

  He looks down at me, tears shining in his eyes, “But home was not my heart song, Jaevia… it has always been you.”

  I don’t know how to respond to that. I truly don’t. Had Lucien’s heart, leading him to follow after me for so many years, the thing that kept him from finding home?

  I say the only thing I can say, “I’m sorry.”

  “No, Jae, the fault is not with you…”

  “But if I hadn’t led you on that merry chase for so long you would have…”

  “Have come back before I’d been ready, before my time. No, what has happened has happened and I do not believe it was an error. If it took me so long to claim you, the fault is within me, not you. Besides, we needed Capaneus.”

  I huff with a smile, “Yeah, we needed Capaneus.”

  Lucien stares back into the fire, “Henenu says he can show me how to move us back into our time, at the very moment we left. That we can go anytime we’d like. So we need not worry about the future… at least our future.”

  None of us say anything for a long time while Jack braids my hair into two thick braids.

  Jack sighs, “Can I make a suggestion?”

  “Your counsel is always welcomed, Capaneus.”

  “Don’t worry about the future, enjoy this time you have with your people, throw your heart into it – you never know when it will end, and how long these memories will have to last you.”

  Lucien only nods in response.

  Jack moves to kneel behind Lucien and begins twisting his locs. I decide to lay out and rest my head on Luey’s lap.

  He looks down at me, that same hunger in his eyes.

  “Can I look upon your body, Wench? I will keep my hands to myself.”

  I smile and untie the cloth I had wrapped around my body. Those burning embers in his eyes ignite as he looks down at me.

  “I am still… amazed… that you are mine,” his brow wrinkles with worry.

  I chuckle, “Why? I’ve been yours for a long time.”

  “You were a very difficult conquest.”

  I laugh, “You are so ridiculous.”

  “But you were worth it, you’ve always been worth the heartache.”

  I sigh and grab his hand bringing it to me, “You are downright romantic, Hari.”

  He turns his head to look at Jack, “And you Capaneus, I know our battle is not done… but you are worth it.”

  Jack lays his hand on Lucien’s shoulder, “You are worth it as well…” he sighs, “which is why you have my full support, we stay until you receive some sort of resolution, some peace. I can do without my power as long as necessary, finding your purpose for being here should be our first priority.”

  Lucien turns further to look at Jack, “I thank you, Capaneus.”

  Jack nods his head curtly, “I know you would do the same for me.”

  “Aye, I would,” Lucien nods.

  “Then it’s settled…”

  “It is settled.”

  We’re staying in the ancient times of Africa… for now.



  Both Jack and Lucien get dressed in a pair of black cloth pants. Their physiques outlined wonderfully in the pants, as if
the clothing was made for them.

  “Wear the blue one,” Lucien says as Jack sorts through the shirts. “I like you in blue.”

  Jack shakes his head with a hidden smile as he picks the blue one. I choose one of the red and gold pretty patterned dresses. I slip it on and Jack ties it around my neck.

  I also find some pretty bangles among the pile and slip them on my wrist. When I look up both Lucien and Jack are looking at me with strange expressions.

  “What?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Lucien wants to have sex with you,” Jack sighs, “I’m picking up on it and now I want to sink my cock into you until my knees go weak as well.”

  Lucien grunts and nods, “We can make it a quick fucking, Wench.”

  I laugh, “Nope, I’m nice and clean.”

  “I won’t come inside of you…”

  “No, Luey, we’ll have sex when we come back upstairs.”

  Lucien slides his eyes to Jack.

  “Hell no, I’m not fucking you on some second-choice bullshit.”

  “Just a bit of mouth touch then, I will be quick about it.”

  Jack huffs and goes back to sorting through the clothing.

  “A hand job?” Luey sounds downright desperate. He looks between the two of us, with a bit of a shocked expression. “How can a man have two mates and still not get his loins tended to?!”

  I smile, “Welcome to marriage.”

  But Jack and I both know what’s happening, Lucien is trying to put off going back downstairs a bit longer. He doesn’t think he’s ready to face whatever Henenu is going to say.

  But he is, he is because he’s strong and we’re here, and nothing is more powerful than the three of us together…. nothing.

  Luey seems to resign himself to not getting any nookie from either of us, and finally takes a deep breath, leading us from our rooms. We go back down to the first level and the first open room we were welcomed into.

  Nassor and Nyrobi are both there, along with three others, plus Henenu. They’re all seated on the floor on the large colorful pillows all of them looking as gorgeous as ever. Their skin seems to absorb the torchlight, the gold and red colors accentuate the golden highlights in their flesh and the air seems to be budding with magic. Is everything they do filled with magic?


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