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Page 55

by L M Adams

  “She’s going to hurt you, there’s nothing for it now,” I pet him gently.

  Crying eyes over pretty lips filled with cock just fucking does it for me. I stare at him as he sucks with all of his heart and pull out before he can finish me off.

  “I’m going to hurt you too,” I realize I’m being a selfish bastard, god help me Capaneus I need this… we both need this, we all need this.

  He screams, pulling from us both, standing; a storm of emotions pouring from him.

  “You would not even give me a chance! You are cruel! After I sacrificed for you!” His chest is heaving, he’s probably on the verge of passing out. The Bloodsucker does not process emotions well without pain and after this much shaming we all know he needs the pain to come down – but he won’t accept it, because accepting that would be a weakness to him.

  Even after all that we have shared, he still believes strong men don’t need to bottom, they don’t need to be controlled… they don’t need the dark things like he needs them.

  I snap my fingers, and he falls to his knees, his training still holding his soul in the clutches of our depravity, he can never be free of it.

  I turn and help the Wench to her feet again. “Come here, Capaneus.”

  He crawls to us, knowing he owes us for his display.

  When he kneels beside us again, I reach between the Wench’s thighs coating my fingers in their mixed pleasure.

  I hold out my fingers in front of his face, “Suck.”

  He does as he’s ordered without complaint, “If you had held onto your temper, accepted the pain we all know you need; I would have left things at that. Now, I will shame you further.”

  I feed him his shame bit by bit until he kneels, crying quietly, accepting finally that all pleasure costs and begs for his beatings with a humbled heart.

  “Please give me my beating, Master, Mistress. I know better, I know better than how I have behaved tonight. Please, I need my beating.”

  And so we do… we have him lay stretched out on the bed on his stomach and we beat him with his own belt, taking turns until his back, ass and thighs are covered in welts and some places on his delicate flesh are even split open and seeping blood. We take it no further, he has no connection to his power source, he cannot take pain the way he used to. But I believe it is enough, more than enough.

  “I’m sorry!” He screams, voice cracking.

  “I know you are,” I rub his battered ass, pulling his flesh apart so I can I see my tight little rose.

  All mine, only my cock has ever claimed it, will ever claim it. Ra knows I want it again. I’ll make the Bloodsucker love me and then I’ll take it again.

  “Please don’t,” he cries into the bed.

  “Don’t what?” I ask as I hand Jaevia the belt.

  “Don’t touch it,” his voice small and afraid.

  Jaevia brings down the belt on the back of his thighs and he cries out, “Thank you, my Queen.”

  I keep his ass spread with one hand and hold out my hand in front of his face, “Suck.”

  I whisper and push my middle finger in his mouth. I only leave it there for a moment, to make it wet before I slide it into his rose so I can hear him squeal with horror and delight.

  “Thank your Master!” Jaevia orders and brings down the belt again.

  “Thank you, Master,” his ass rises up searching for that pleasure that he hates himself for feeling, yet craves with desperation.

  I feel his thoughts… rape me… please Goddess make him rape me…. It’s what I always feel and hear when we are together. His soul constantly calling for the worst in me.

  I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to resist it.

  “You like my finger up your ass?”

  “Yes,” he hisses low.

  “Louder!” Jaevia hits him with the belt again.

  “I like Master’s finger up my ass!”

  “I know you do,” I moan and press against his prostate.

  He cries as he comes on the bed, as the pleasure pours out of him like a river and he can no longer fight against who and what he is.

  We beat him almost senseless as punishment, at his request – he likes hating himself after all. Finally my own heart can no longer stand the guilt that I feel, and I call an end to his suffering at our hand.

  Jaevia goes to get a basin of water to sponge him with.

  “Breathe, Capaneus,” I sit on the side of the bed, petting his sweat soaked head, he almost bit off his own tongue trying to keep his screams quiet.

  He groans low and ends on a whimper, “Please tell me I’ve been forgiven, tell me I have suffered enough, been shamed enough,” he says tightly, a tremble of pain flowing through his battered flesh.

  “Come,” I lay out on the bed beside his broken body and urge him to lay on top of me, “feed.”

  “No, let me hurt,” he cries into me, “let me hurt so I can be a good slave to you.”

  “How am I supposed to do that when you’ve already been so good?”

  He cries again, “I’ve been good?” His voice is low and hopeful, needing to know I’m proud of him, he’s caught in the throes of subspace.

  “Yes Capaneus, very good, you deserve to feed. Please, you don’t need to hurt anymore.” I turn my head to the side, offering him my blood with an open heart, he is my husband, it is my duty to care for him, to love him as best as I know how.

  “Feed,” I urge him again and he whimpers as he finds my vein and bites, groaning low. I exhale over the sting, trying to calm my primal urges. It is hard to do when he feeds on me, I do love the sweet bite. But this is not about my pleasure, this is about his care.

  “Slowly… slowly,” I whisper. I don’t want him to get sick on my blood.

  He moans and the sucking eases a bit.

  Jaevia returns with the basin of water and begins sponging his back gently as he feeds.

  “He’s not healing as fast as he should,” the Wench is filled with concern.

  “We have to take care, hmm?”

  She nods, her features still worried. My own thoughts echo the same, “Perhaps we should not practice kink with him while he is separated from his powers?”

  Capaneus pulls away from my neck, “Don’t you take this from me!” He cries out, “Don’t you take this from me as well! I can take it; I can handle it!” His voice cracks with his heartache, “Please Lucien, please Jae, please don’t. Please don’t take the only thing I have left. I want to serve you; I need to serve you.”

  She sighs and shakes her head, going back to sponging him.

  “Calm Capaneus… how could we not hurt our favorite thing? Hmm? Of course we’re going to hurt you, of course… now feed.”

  He whimpers and sucks on my neck again, I hold his head to me and breathe out slowly not knowing how to protect him and yet make him happy.

  We shall just be careful of him, lean into the shame more than the pain. He is still ours and I know if we lose faith in his ability to serve our darker needs, he will take it personally and it will be yet another thing to feed his low self-esteem and that has enough to eat as it is.



  I feel Ra come and rise with him as I do every day. I’m careful to untangle myself from my mates, vigilant to not disturb them.

  The raw energy of Ra’s ascent always makes my heart restless. I glance down at the Bloodsucker; he slept in the middle last night, needing the combined feel of both my and Jaevia’s body on him. I let him gorge on my blood until he couldn’t hold anymore, and still his flesh shows the bruises of the beating we’d given him.

  My thoughts are troubled with how to help Capaneus. In my heart I know I reinforce his sickness with the way our relationship has manifested. How can I expect him to grow, to find his worth outside of being a masochist, while at the same time enjoy his pain and submission so goddamn much?

  But I needed it last night, I needed it too damn badly to turn away from it. Hurting Jae works to control the curse, even bend the
nature of it… but it does not calm the fire… not as well as it does when I hurt Capaneus.

  Her power turns the curse into desire, but that desire is seeping in blood and death. It wishes for such horrid things, nightmarish and ghoulish. I drag my thoughts away from the images of snuffing out a life while I’m balls deep in it, fucking someone on both sides of the veil would be divine and I’d lose my soul to it, I know I would.

  When Capaneus told me that he and the Wench enjoyed this, a snuff as they call it, I was more upset because I wish to do it as well. That maybe their dark desires are pushing me into wanting these unholy things – yet I have to admit to myself, that I have wanted to these things long before either of them came into my life… being with them only gives me possibilities.

  Jaevia relies on me to be her conscious, to be the light to her dark. To be strong and honorable and good – I am the rock, the moral compass. That is my purpose in her life.

  But how am I to be that with such evil worming its way into my heart? I cannot give into those things.

  I leave them slumbering peacefully and go to the bathroom to take care of the necessities. I put on a pair of black cloth pants, and a black shirt with the roughened boots.

  The Bloodsucker wants me to dress nicer, but I’ve never been concerned with such things. I am Lucien Hari Ramzia; ass naked or covered in diamonds – it makes no difference.

  I start to tie my hair back but decide to leave it free as is custom here at home. Often, I wished to cut my locs off, angry, depressed… drunk – thinking of home and my mother. My hair was another reminder of what I had lost. But the Wench enjoys it, and what the Wench wants, she gets; as long as it includes me.

  The city is still quiet as I grab my sword and go downstairs. I decide to go outside and do my exercises. I must always be fit and at the ready. Over the years I have found it to be a good way to burn off the energy of the rising sun… if I can’t burn it off pounding Jaevia’s wet little pussy at least.

  That woman will carry my babe. I’ll coat her womb with my seed every day for a thousand years if I must, but the deed will be done.

  I find myself smiling as I imagine her cussing me out about something or another, hand on her hip, her middle large and round filled with our child. Giving my child that same fiery temper… aye, she’ll be fetching all right.

  When I step outside, I find our escort already here, all of them dressed for battle, with weapons in their hands. Nassor, Nyrobi, Kondo, Imani and Kwame… even the young boy, Keyon, is here, standing down the path a bit, hiding behind a column and doing a shitty job of it.

  Nassor smiles as his eyes land on me. In another world he would have been my best friend, my brother. He would have been there for me as I would have been there for him… in another world or another time.

  I try not to begrudge the fates, for what is done, is done.

  “Ah, Hari! Come to train?”

  I grunt and nod.

  “Good, good, you seem a bit out of shape.”

  I raise an eyebrow, “Out of shape?”

  “Around the middle there.” He waves towards my stomach with the tip of his sword.

  I huff, well the Bloodsucker does cook good food, how am I not supposed to eat it? But it’s not fat, it’s dense muscle I’ve put on… mostly. Nassor is being disrespectful.

  I growl low, “I made you eat dirt as a child, and I’ll do so again.”

  He laughs, full of unearned cockiness, and motions for the others to stand back.

  “Very well, you could do with a good ass-kicking.”

  I unsheathe my sword and toss the scabbard to the side. I take a dragon stance; I’ve got him by a half a foot at least and with my superior arm length, I will bring down wrath upon him and his disrespectful comments.

  He steps up, his own sword in his hand, taking a defensive posture. I attack fast, our swords clang in the air, he’s fast and deflects my blow as he spins away. Another twinkle toes, like the Bloodsucker.

  I grunt and change tactics. I turn and berate him with short quick movements, forcing him on the defensive to give me ground. He steps back, giving me bit by bit as I swing my sword down, hammering it against his defenses. When we reach the edge of the circle, I think him to relent… instead he grins and goes on the attack, he starts attacking me lower, forcing me to step back so that I can deflect his strikes, soon he has me on the defensive.

  He dominates my sword, pushing the tip to the ground with his own and spins, dealing me a backhanded blow to the mouth with enough force to whip my head to the side and shroud my eyes with my hair, hmm perhaps I should have tied it back. I feel my lip split and blood gush into my mouth. I turn to him, wiping the blood from my lips with the back of my hand… grinning.

  Ah, this will be a good fight.

  Nassor is fast and knowledgeable, constantly making me change tactics to get inside of his guard. A lesser man would be winded by now, but I am no lesser man… and neither is he.

  I take a page from the Wench’s book and let him into my guard, sacrificing a shallow cut to my arm so I can try to knock his fucking head off his shoulders with my fist.

  My knuckles connect with a satisfying crack and he stumbles back… not falling to the stones, but he is dazed.

  He shakes his head and spits blood as he smiles at me, “Very well, Hari… let us see if marriage has made you soft.”

  We both throw our swords to the side, bring up our fists and let the slugfest begin. He gets in a good punch, cracking my ribs, I grunt with pain. Not being concerned for my condition he follows up the brutal punch with another, aimed for my jaw, he’s determined to knock me out. I block the punch with my left and swing my right, giving him the uppercut of a lifetime. The force of my punch lifts him up into the air to land flat on his back a few feet away.

  I laugh a booming sound as his lights go out. But then he doesn’t move for a long moment. Well shit, I didn’t mean to hit him that hard.

  I walk over to him to look down at him, checking on his condition. I nudge his side with my boot to make sure he’s still alive. Wouldn’t do to kill him only a day after finding out he was alive.

  “Ra be,” he groans, “were you trying to kill me then, Hari?”

  “You were being disrespectful, but still, I did mean to pull my punch.”

  He works his jaw, “… You almost broke my jaw!”

  “Stop your bellyaching, I barely tapped you.”

  I hold out my hand, and he grabs it, pulling himself to his feet.

  “Barely tapped me? You damn near broke my neck.”

  “You called me fat.”

  “And trying to break my neck was the proper response?”

  I shrug, he laughs.

  “Aye, well, perhaps marriage has not made you overly soft.”

  I grin, “I’m soft… when I’m making sweet love to my mates.”

  He huffs, “Not from the sound of things that was coming from your bedchambers last night.”

  “We have a different definition of soft,” I grin proudly, and Nassor laughs.

  He holds out his arm and I take it, clutching his forearm tightly.

  “Well fought brother,” he touches his forehead to mine, and I know then that there is no residual animosity, no anger, or resentment between us. There is only shared respect between warriors, and love between brothers.

  “Well fought brother.” I return the sentiment smiling and step away from his embrace.

  “You have made a good showing in front of your mates,” he nods towards the building.

  I turn to look up, Capaneus and Jaevia are standing on the balcony, framed with flowers. They make a beautiful couple. As if they were made for one another. The Bloodsucker stands behind Jaevia, his arms wrapped around her tightly. She leans back into his embrace.

  No longer do I feel jealousy when they are together, but often, like now, I feel lost on exactly how a brute like me got two such fetching creatures to love him.

  Did they see my prowess? Do they see that I am able
to keep them safe from harm? Do they see my worth? Have I proven myself worthy of their love for another day?

  “Go to them, brother, your heart yearns for battle no more,” Nassor places his hand on my shoulder, giving me a gentle nudge.

  “Keyon!” I shout not taking my eyes from my beautiful family.

  The young boy comes running from his not so secret hiding spot. I look down at him, his eyes are filled with wonder, and I feel for a moment transported to a time when I was the young lion and all my heart yearned for was to train with the soldiers.

  “Young Keyon, do you believe you can clean my sword and deliver it to my chambers?”

  He nods, his short locs swinging wildly.

  “I thank you for your care, brother,” I bow towards him.

  “Yes, Raja, thank you Raja.”

  I give him a smile and go to see about getting some attention from my mates.



  I want kisses, instead I get sent to the baths before either of them will touch me.

  “It is only a bit of blood! Or you two don’t like my blood now?” I cut my eyes at them both.

  “It’s the sweat not the blood,” Jaevia laughs wrapping an arm around my waist and guiding me to the bathing area.

  “I’m going to get sweaty fucking you. Is fucking sweat and fighting sweat different sweat?” Honestly, I do not understand the way they think sometimes.

  “Just go, you need to bathe again anyway.”

  I sigh and let her take me to the bath.

  Jaevia is at least a dutiful wife and undresses me as I stand at the edge of the bathing pool. Capaneus stays in the living area, his energy is off… again. He seemed to almost avoid looking at me when I returned to the rooms.

  “What is wrong?” I nod my head towards the bedroom.

  The Wench shakes her head no, “It wouldn’t be my place to meddle.”

  I scoff, “When has that ever stopped you before?”

  She slaps my chest, laughing and begins unlacing my trousers, her small nimble fingers working the laces over my cock quickly. My loins stir with desire… everything the vixen does is erotic.


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