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Page 73

by L M Adams

He shrugs.

  “You’re insane!”

  “Aye, perhaps a bit,” he grins.

  Suddenly I realize what he’s doing… he doesn’t want me to apologize. He doesn’t want me to feel bad for how completely I’d fucked up before. For how long it took me to really give him my heart. He’d rather pick an argument than let me feel bad.

  I huff. And I thought he didn’t understand tact… it’s just ‘Lucien tact’.

  “Well I suck your dick too, so that has to even it out a bit.”

  “You’re good, Capaneus; there is no doubt, but the Wench sucking your cock… well, it is the Wench sucking your cock.”

  We share a low manly chuckle, agreeing, there is no real comparison… not even with other women. Jaevia… she’s a pure fucking artist when it comes to carnal pleasures.

  He helps me stand up and checks my stitches and then my neck. I hiss as he touches his bite wound.

  “I marked you,” his voice is low and gruff, a bit… shy?

  “Yeah,” I try to sound nonchalant.

  He sighs, “I was hoping I was not like them, but first Jaevia, and now you… I will be a therian.”

  I turn to face him, “Thank you for trusting me with it.”

  “You’ve never needed a mark to control me… or my heart, Capaneus.”

  He says it so casually, I’m sure not understanding the implications, or how much his words mean to me. Lucien is romantic, if you know the ways to look for it.

  “Come, let me wrap your wounds.”

  I clear my throat gently, “I need to wash up again.”

  He stands back and looks me up and down, “I could lick the rest off of you… now that I know it is delicious chocolate.”

  I’m sure my forehead wrinkles with horror – that’s all I needed, a fucking foodie finding out my come tastes like chocolate.

  “I’m not a goddamn food dispensary! And no, it’s not my come I need to clean up.”

  His eyes light up with understanding, “I came a lot in the rose.”

  My cheeks will catch fire with embarrassment any moment now, “Yes.” I grind out between clenched teeth.

  “Do you need help cleaning up the pudding…”

  My gut bottoms out with horror!

  “Good god if you do not leave me in peace, I will make you regret it until the end of your fucking days!” I snap and he chuckles again.

  I watch in amazement, or disbelief, as he washes himself up quickly, gathers his clothing and leaves the bath. Looking smug as all hell the entire time as I stand, arms crossed over my chest, with an ass full of his penis pudding.

  There isn’t time for me to feel bad, or dwell on my stepfather, or think about how I almost lost Lucien – no, I’m filled with righteous anger thinking of his relentless teasing of me.

  So instead I spend my time cleaning up and plotting my revenge. It’s been far too long since I’ve made him cry out in submission – he could do with a lesson or two; a reminder of the man that I am – the king.

  He’s cleaning up the bedroom chamber, as promised, when I join him again. He pauses his work to look at me… and he must see something in my eyes because he puts down the cloth he was just using to clean up my blood.

  “My turn,” I whisper and let my fangs slide down slowly. Extending them always feels good, like flexing an aching muscle and releasing pent up tension.

  It especially feels good when I know I’m about to sink them into six and half feet of dark skin demi-god.

  “Oh,” he whispers.

  “Yeah… oh.” I give him a half smile… it may be a bit evil as I let my fangs retract teasing him, wanting to keep him wondering when they’ll come back out to play.

  I close the distance between us, grab his wrist tightly and squeeze, “You are going to be obedient.”

  His mouth opens in a silent whimper of longing.

  “You are going to submit,” I say softly.

  He nods, “I owe you.”

  “Yes, you owe me.”


  Jack – a Master

  Lucien is a good submissive, always obedient. I’m not sure if it’s a desire to teach me and Jaevia how to behave through example, or because he isn’t truly a submissive, so he has to work harder at it when he lets me have control. Whatever the reason, he lays down on the bed, face down, as ordered without complaint.

  I douse the torches and light the candles around the massive bed, until they and the large fire in the fireplace are the only things that burn… along with my heart. I love the way his oiled skin looks in candlelight.

  Something made of hardened metals, as if the blackest of nights were sprinkled with burnished star dust and lathered on his flesh. I’ve always appreciated the beautiful things, the finer things of life – in some ways it has been the only thing that brought me joy. I’ve always been a slave in a gilded cage of gold and I’ve always thought it to be fair recompense. I love beauty for beauty’s sake. I own ancient statues molded by gifted hands; things meant to be seen but never touched. Yet all of it seems lacking when compared to my husband. Lucien is a beautifully made man.

  Rippling muscles and dark skin, hard and unforgiving yet pliant in the secret places. The party is still going in the lion’s den, the music faint on the air… but I have the king of the pride in bed tonight and I’m damn sure going to make use of it.

  His muscles are tense ready to fight, but he’s obedient and I know he’ll follow my orders to the letter… I know he will submit, but I want him to enjoy it. I want him to trust me, I want to show him submission doesn’t have to always be wrapped up in anger or used for punishment… that it doesn’t always have to be that way even between us.

  I grab the oil and kneel on the bed beside him, “I want you to relax, Lucien.”

  His stigmata are twinkling gold tonight and perhaps for the first time, I notice how gorgeous it truly is. Yes, it’s a curse, and it tears him apart… but it is beautiful in its own way, like a ghastly thing made of rose petals, or the splash of blood across white marble… it is horrid in its magnificence, if you have an eye for that sort of thing. I dribble the thick oil down his spine and watch him inhale and exhale slowly.

  He tenses again when the oil hits his lower back, preparing himself for the feel of the oil going further, me going further, but I stop and set it aside.

  “You are going to taunt me,” he whispers and turns his face away.

  “What do you mean?” I ask as I begin rubbing his back.

  “I wish for you to just rape me and get it over with.”

  I pause and sigh before I begin rubbing his back again, “Why do you think I’m going to rape you?”

  “Because I deserve it, because I hurt you… because I broke your heart.”

  “I will never rape you, Lucien… under any circumstances.”

  “You promise this?”

  “I promise this, no means no to me Lucien, no means no when I am with you,” I whisper, and I watch his body relax finally.

  I don’t know what is sadder, that he thought this was about me raping him or that he’d lay there and let me do it.

  No hadn’t always meant no to me, I’ve raped people before. I had – under my father’s behest or to please and amuse Ariella… because my blood boiled with hate and I wished to hurt others the way I had been hurt. I have done much evil in this world and perhaps I will never understand why now I deserve so much goodness; but I will fight for my redemption… I will fight to deserve Lucien in my bed, Goddess of Moon and of Earth as my witness, I will fight.

  I spend a long time working the rest of the tension from his body, I’m in no rush to hear him beg, although, he will do so. Right now, I want to touch him softly, I want to give him as much as he gives to me.

  He doesn’t tense when I reach his muscled flanks and work my way down to his thighs.

  Lucien trusts me… some sort of way, in this wicked world, I got the man who hated my guts to trust me explicitly.

  By the time I have him turn over, he’s
putty in my hands. I work his chest and arms but skirt around his cock. I let his hardened member bob with anticipation until I feel him tremble… not with fear, but with desire.

  “Please,” he finally whispers.

  “Please what?”

  “Touch me the way you used to. I miss you.”

  I decide to do better than that. I stretch my body out, half on him, half on the bed. I inhale the scent of his skin right near his ear and let my tongue come out to tease his flesh, his body rolls with hidden power and desire.

  “You will give me the foreplay?!”

  “Yes,” I almost hiss.

  “Oh,” his voice cracks and I smile as I begin showing him how good I can make him feel.

  Lucien is a large man, he just is, no matter what I do, I end up feeling dwarfed in his very existence. For once, I don’t let it bother me. I start at his ear, biting it a bit less than gently, because he does enjoy a bit of pain. As I work my way down to his neck, his breathing deepens, and I find that is an erogenous zone for him.

  By the time I work my way down to his chest he’s moaning wildly, not concerned with how it might seem, he’s thrown himself into the enjoyment and doesn’t give a single shit if he seems weak, or that he can no longer hold on to that stoic offhandedness he usually personifies.

  He trusts me.

  I roll his nipple between my teeth and his hand comes up to grab the back of head.

  “Yes,” he whimpers, “I like, yes.”

  I moan and bring up my hand to grab his cock, stroking it, he screams in pleasure for me and starts grinding, fucking my touch like a man crazed with need.

  I take my hand away and he lets out a broken cry.

  “Cruel, so cruel to me!”

  I take my mouth away from his sensitive bit and he lets out a ragged breath.

  “The correct response was ‘Thank you, master’,” I whisper to him.

  He throws an arm over his eyes, “I will do better, oh Ra help me, I like the foreplay.”

  “Master…” I lead.

  He nods, “You are my master, Capaneus, how could you doubt it as I lay here like this?”

  “I don’t, but it will help you to remember it for the next few hours as I tease and deny you.”

  “Hours?” His voice cracks.

  “Until the sun rises, I am master, and I have decided to take my time.”


  I slap his thigh.

  “Thank you, Master.”

  I hum with pleasure and lower my mouth back to his flesh. By the time I make it to his waist he’s learned the merits in begging… it won’t change what I’m doing to him, but it helps release the energy as I force him to endure pleasure with no peak.

  His strong thighs flex as I work my way over to his groin.

  “I’m going to come, I’m going to come!” He yells, but he won’t, I know just how much pleasure to give him and how much to take away to keep him riding that edge…. Jaevia taught me well how much sensation a body needs to crest in pleasure and how much to withhold to make that build of pressure recede and leave a body in wanting.

  I ease my touch just enough to let him relax and then suck his cock into my mouth, I go up and down only three times before I release, leaving him on the edge of a ruined orgasm. His muscles bunch wildly as he does a full sit-up and screams with his need, his hands ball into the sheets on the bed as his mind demands that he take control and either jerk himself off or flip me over and drive into my rose. I’m not sure which route he would take. I’m not stopping until he loses it.

  I move to push him back to the bed and lay half on him as I did at the start.

  “Say it, Lucien,” I whisper in his ear, ready to start my trail of teasing again.

  His eyes are squeezed shut tightly; he’s hissing through his clenched teeth.

  “Say it!”

  “Thank you, Master, oh, thank you.”

  “You are very welcome,” I nibble his ear.

  By the time I’ve made my fourth circuit, his pride is gone, and he begs me in truth and with an open heart.

  “Oh, please, Master, let me finish this one, please Capaneus.”

  But I don’t, I never had any intention of letting him come. When I take my mouth from his cock again, denying him the stimulation he needs for an orgasm, he lets out a ragged cry.

  I lay back down beside him again.

  “That orgasm is mine, isn’t it?”

  He nods immediately.

  “It doesn’t come out until I say it can come out.”

  He nods embarrassed, hiding his face away.

  “You don’t make it come out, Jaevia doesn’t make it come out, only I do, say it!”

  “It belongs to you, Master.”

  “Good,” I smile with pleasure, “now get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow, it is the Solstice.”

  “How am I supposed to sleep like this, Capaneus? Even my skin tingles… you have driven me mad.”

  I huff, “You will be fine, do not exaggerate.”

  He rolls to his side, away from me, full of attitude. I hide my smile and move in on his back, letting him be the little spoon for once and giving him some aftercare.

  “It will ease,” I whisper and wrap my arm around him.

  “I wish to be disobedient,” he grumbles low.

  I close my eyes, “I know.”

  He sighs, “You’re an evil man.”

  I scoff, “I know.”

  “But I love you anyway.”

  I pause and let my spirit sit on those words before I respond, “I know.” I sigh, “And I’m sorry.”

  “For leaving me in need? Aye, you should be.”

  I huff, “No, for not being here for you. You are home, about to meet your father for the very first time and all I could do was let my emo bullshit take over and keep me from being the man I should have been. The man I wanted to be.”

  “You are my husband, Capaneus. Do I wish you could have spent time with me, enjoyed being here with me? Yes. But I do not begrudge the man that you are because you are the man that I chose.”

  “Why?” I ask in a soft voice.

  “Why what?”

  “Why did you choose me?”

  “You wouldn’t go away, so I figured I should claim you… like a stray dog.”

  I sigh with irritation, and he rolls onto his back, a cocky smile on his face. I prop my head up on my hand.

  He seems thoughtful for a moment, “I can remember vividly when I first fell in love with the Wench. The way her eyes sparkled, her smile, the shine of her dark wild hair. The first moment I saw her I knew no other woman would ever have claim to my heart,” he glances at me, “but with you, I do not know when I knew. It was not lightning that hit me and stole my breath away. It was the small moments, the kindness, the giving, the pain you’d feel as you thought yourself failing your people. Your choice to leave it all behind for us…”

  “… The way I cook your favorite foods?” I deadpan.

  He nods, “Aye, for is this not showing your care, your love, your giving heart?”

  “Yeah, I guess it is.”

  “That’s what reminded me of Jaevia… that is when I saw the connection.”

  “With Jae?”

  He nods, “She often casts herself as this dark queen of death – and aye, the Wench is. But that is not the reason I followed her, the reason I swore my loyalty and sword to her. It was the anger that filled her heart when someone wasn’t being treated fairly, her willingness to throw herself into whatever calamity to save another. The way she would always pick the losing side and run into battle with nary a plan, because the only good plan she’s ever had was to fight for those that couldn’t fight for themselves…”

  I nod agreeing, “She saved me…”

  “No, Capaneus, you saved us.”

  “How do you mean?” I ask, honestly not understanding.

  He hums and sits up to lean against the massive backboard, this may be the most thoughtful I’ve ever seen him. H
e takes a moment to use the sheet to cover himself.

  I sit up in the bed as well, suddenly alarmed.

  “This may be a conversation needing to be done with alcohol,” he sighs.

  “Okay,” I whisper and get up to get it.


  Jack – the darkness of Lucien’s heart

  I also put on a pair of loose soft cotton pants while I get us something to drink.

  He takes the goblet of mead and drinks down a large portion. I get comfortable again with my own glass of wine, but I decide to sip, I’ve had my fair share of alcohol tonight.

  “I’m sure Jaevia told you about my… unreasonableness with trying to make a succubus monogamous.”

  I huff with a smile and nod.

  “When I was a young man, I was very… afraid of sex.”

  “Afraid?” I ask with shock.

  He nods, “Seeing my mother… it was the first time I’d seen…”

  “I understand,” I whisper.

  He clears his throat, “But even still, I could not deny the things Jaevia made me feel. Her connection to my past… I knew my future would be with her. I made it clear to the Elders that Jaevia was to be mine, it would be her or nothing.”

  “They paired you two?”

  He nods, “The seers thought it to be a fortuitous match. But then I was stuck with needing to know how to please a succubus, yet being horribly afraid of the act, to even try it.”

  “She told me you went to pleasure houses… to watch and study others?”

  “Aye, and I was very… I reacted very strongly to the watching.” He looks down into his cup, “I’m not a stupid man, Capaneus.”

  “Your trauma had become your kink?” I whisper it. The fact that this happened isn’t really strange when discussing psychological scars. Victims often become abusers and abuse others in the same manner in which they were victimized, and the cycle continues. It takes a lot of inner strength and fortitude to stop that wheel from churning… I know that more than most.

  He nods curtly, “This sickened me, and I felt great shame, yet great hope, because I saw maybe that others didn’t kill who they coupled with. I just had to have control, maintain control, all times, no matter what – then and only then, could I have her.”


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