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Page 83

by L M Adams

  He nods, “Then tell me of your husband.”

  “Capaneus?” I look over at him, he’s actually relaxed, talking to Nassor.

  My old friend is teaching my husband words in Mangbetu, one of the languages of the Isis’s, the children of the wild green lands and the deep dark jungles… what the humans of the future will call the Kongo.

  “He is a dark heart.”

  “One of the cursed ones, but I feel much love for you in him.”

  “Oh aye?”

  My father nods, “He does not know how to express it yet, but he loves you deeply, my son – even if at times it does not feel so.”

  I sigh, “We have trouble, with the love. All of it is not his fault, I had no thoughts of loving a man before him.”

  He nods, “It is not for everyone, but our kind see with heart first and body second, yes?”

  I nod.

  “Trust this,” he points to his third eye, “Trust the truth of things and you will not be led astray.”

  “Yes, Aabe.”

  He gives me the wisdom of love for men such as us. Yet, questions burn in my heart. What happened between you and Momma? Why is she not here? Why was my family broken apart when we the people value together so much?

  What happened Aabe?

  But the thoughts and feelings get stuck in my chest, making it feel tight with pain. I feel frustration in myself, that I do not know how to say the things I feel!

  “Lucien?” Capaneus looks at me oddly.

  I get up and turn away, going to the side of the temple of Ra so I can have a moment. It will not due to show my lack of control in front of my father!

  Get your shit together, Hari!

  I hide in the shadows of the building and lean back on the wall closing my eyes.


  I don’t respond.

  His sigh is deep, “It's okay, whatever you’re feeling.”

  “I do not know what I feel,” I inhale over the aching pain.

  “That’s okay too.”

  He moves closer to me, still being cautious of the lion. Not sure if I’ll turn my temper on him.

  Capaneus is a brave man because he takes my hand in his and moves close to me.

  “It’s even okay to cry,” He whispers, and the tears begin to fall.

  I shake my head no, as he wraps his arms around me, as every hurt in my heart burns my eyes, refusing to be banished.

  “I’m here, Lucien, I’m here.”

  “I don’t understand why I feel this way,” My voice trembles.

  “You don’t have to.”

  The Bloodsucker does not try to force me to talk about it, he seems content to sooth me as I have this very unmanly display. I lean on him for strength and drink in his energy, that power to endure unending.

  My heart begins to calm, and he pulls back. His blue eyes intense.

  “Inhale,” He commands, and I do as I’m told.

  “Exhale,” I do as I’m told.

  “Again,” He leads me through the breathing exercises that help me to control myself.

  “Ready to go back?”

  I nod and he surprises me with a small kiss. He pulls back immediately clearing his throat… I frown, that man is going to learn how to kiss his husband properly.

  In the beginning, I did not wish the kissing, but now I crave it. Perhaps because it is something he holds away from me, and I wish nothing to be held away from me when it comes to my wife or my husband.

  He takes my hand and pulls me from the shadow of Ra’s temple, and I let the matter rest for now.

  “My sons! The Ishtars are coming!” My father sounds excited. He’s standing now looking out across the concourse.

  Nassor is trying to drag a wide-eyed Keyon and Nakuru away. I finally see what has everyone so excited.

  My lovely wife, ass naked, covered in body paint and dancing with the Ishtars as if she was born to it.


  Lucien – The vexation of women

  Her body moves like art. The story of Ishtar and Atum is written on the flesh of the Ishtars in golden paint, bells clamped to their nipples and around their ankles. The men of Ishtar beat the drums in tune as the women move like the sin of all men.

  The mix of energy from the sun and moon in the evening sky anoint their dance and the air is lit with gold and silver and purple as they give us the blessing of carnal love.

  The joining of bodies is sacred to us, it is a sharing of energy – I have only wished to share my energy with her… and now my Capaneus. I squeeze his hand, happy that he did not pull away from me as soon as we rejoined everyone.

  He stares at our wife wide-eyed, and I look back to her as she reaches up her hands to us… showing us her love.

  One of the Ishtar men comes and grabs her wrist, turning her to him, he wears the mask of the lion and is to represent Atum. He yanks her against his body, their private places grinding and grinding before they fall to the ground and roll over one another. He ends up between her thighs… fucking her…

  I start forward and Jack squeezes my hand pulling me back, “It’s not real, Lucien – don’t make a scene.”

  I growl low as the man between her thighs gyrates with pleasure, it is not quick, he gives my wife a good, thorough fucking in tune with the drums. He lets out a mighty roar of pleasure, a burst of light escapes them, and he falls back to the ground… satiated.

  Oh, but it’s not done, the bastard Atum can go again. They roll again until she’s on top. She sits up on his cock and grinds that sweet warm place between her thighs on him. The other Ishtars dance around them wildly, paying homage to the Queen of the Succubae as she conquers the might of Atum with nothing but her warm slit.

  That’s it… I’m going to kill her slowly.

  When the dance comes to the end the people of Alkebulan cheer my wife and the Ishtars wildly as I think of all the ways I’ll make her pay.

  Her one saving grace is my father turning to me, beaming, “O, but your wife honors the old ways! She honors us Hari! What a treat, what a gift she has given us.”

  Since I can’t go off and drag her by her hair back to our rooms now; we settle back into our seats and drink more of the wine and mead.

  Nassor has his hands full getting Keyon and Nakuru to behave and go back to the palace for the night, they already seen too much. Those young sons are trouble and I wonder if it is nothing but karma for how much trouble Nassor and I were growing up.

  It is proper that the children should go, the dancing becomes wild now that the sun has set, and my wife’s energy saturates the night air. The people of Alkebulan dance as if this will be their last night upon the earth, they dance like they need it to live.

  My wife is being dragged from man to man, everyone wants a turn to have her… I’m a bit mollified that she has found time to wrap her breasts and put on a proper skirt… although she hikes it up every chance she gets.

  Ra help me, I’m going to kill her.

  I may just murder someone if I have to watch her tits bouncing around in the night air as she dances with half the men of Atum.

  Saabir, the son of Isis, makes his way over to us and asks to borrow my husband.

  Capaneus looks at me for permission and I nod reluctantly hoping I will not soon see him dancing with half the men of Atum as well... many of them hunt my husband with their eyes… he is a prize.

  “Hari, have you met Malia, from the Sekhmets, and her sister Fana?” My father draws my thoughts away from my wife and husband.

  The Sekhmet women bow their heads towards me

  “I hunted with Fana, I have not had the honor to meet Malia.”

  “The honor is mine, my Raja,” The pretty woman says.

  I nod and look back out to try and keep an eye on the Wench… there is only so far I’m willing to let her enjoy the Ha’mara… she asked to take up with Nyrobi… not all the cocks in the city.

  “Are you enjoying the Ha’mara?”

  “Very much, it is good to be home,”
I mumble.

  Oh, now the vixen is dancing between two men! I guess one at a time isn’t really the Wench’s way anymore. The Bloodsucker and I have spoiled her! That’s it! She will only get one cock at a time from now on.

  Greedy Wench, very greedy.

  “Will our Raja be staying?”

  I drag my eyes from the Wench with a pause, “I do not know. This… it is not my time.”

  “It is more your time than any other.”

  My father clasps me on my shoulder, “Of course Hari is staying. Go, enjoy the dancing daughters... give me and my son some time to speak.”

  The Sekhmet women bow their heads before getting up.

  “What is this you say, Hari? You are not staying?”

  “Aabe…” I sigh trying to explain to him that our presence here could damage the timeline.

  “Or correct it. You are of here, Hari – you belong here, with your own people, in your own time… yes?”

  I nod as a dutiful son should, but I wish to know why my mother took me away from him in the first place before I consider staying.

  Henenu come towards us but stops at the bottom of the temple stairs, as if he’s waiting for something.

  “Ah, I see it is time.”

  “Time for what?” I ask.

  My father looks at me, his eyes so like my own, glow in the darkness. “It is time for this sun to set.”

  My father moves to get up, “Aabe?” I ask unsure. “I wish to speak more.”

  “Stay with the people, Hari, enjoy the Ha’mara. We will have more time, much more time. I will take you and your mates out to tour the lands on the morrow. We shall have a nice meal among the wildness of the lands; your mother used to love it… we shall talk more then, yes?”

  I nod, “Yes, Aabe.”

  He leans over and presses his third eye to mine, showing that he sees me, and he loves me – his found son.

  I watch carefully as he gets up and walks down the stairs, the people shout out to him with love. He smiles and waves and gives them his love in return – the way it is supposed to be between a god and his people.

  Meeting him has confused my heart. Why would my mother wish to keep me from such a man? I felt no evil in him.

  Perhaps part of my heart wished to find him unworthy, this would make my mother’s choices make sense. But I have found none of these things. I have found only love and acceptance here in my father’s home.

  I feel for the first-time anger at my mother. But a young son is not allowed to feel these things towards his honored momma. Yet ‘she had her reasons’ does little to settle my heart.

  The vexation of women! I look to the one who is supposed to be mine bent over as a man rubs his groin on her ass.

  I make myself sit there and watch it. I punish myself as is my way. I let my rage eat at me from the inside out.

  Finally she looks up and sees my eyes. She turns pushing the man away and hurries to come up the stairs to me.

  “Luey?” The Wench comes over to me, out of breath, her ample bosom on display. Glistening with sweat and threatening to break free of that bit of cloth she used to cover her globes of Venus.

  Couldn’t put on a proper shirt, could you, Wench?!

  “Have you finished dancing with all of the men in Atum then?” I ask too angrily. The heat of jealousy in my words. It is easier to be angry at her than it is to be angry at my mother.

  She raises an eyebrow, “What’s wrong? Where’s your father gone?”

  “Called away on important matters I’m sure,” I look down and pick up a miswak twig to chew on.

  She sits down beside me, her flesh smelling of other men and raising my baser instincts.

  “I’m in a foul mood, Wench.”


  I nod quickly.

  “You wish to be angry?”

  I nod again.

  “Okay,” she whispers and gets to her knees turning towards me, “A few of the men came when they rubbed their bodies on mine.”

  My hand is around her throat quickly. I look into the vixen’s purple eyes, they mock me – dare me… challenge me.

  “I think Jack made a few of the men come too,” She whispers and licks her lips and reaches between my thighs to my rock-hard cock. “Going to make us pay, my Raja?”

  She lowers her eyelids, her dark lashes shielding her deceitful intentions. I tighten my hand around her throat as I remove the twig from my mouth to kiss her lips softly.

  Yes Wench, I will take this offering, I will drink deeply of the darkness this night. I pull back from her evil lips, “Get the Bloodsucker, we shall continue this Ha’mara… in our rooms.”

  “Yes, my Raja,” She murmurs sweetly, obediently, like a good Wench.

  I swallow hard as I let go of her throat, I’m going to fuck the sin out of them, or I’m going to die trying.


  Lucien – Sun, Earth, Moon

  The very air is filled with majic, this is a perfect blending of Ra and Isis and Ishtar. I can feel the thickness of it crawl upon my flesh. I do not wish to be made of bone and blood and skin, I wish to be made of spirit – only so that I may sink into their flesh and be one with their souls…. but my cock in their tight warm places will have to do.

  “We should get clean…” the son of Isis whispers, I shake my head no.

  I want them filthy, sweaty… I wish to lick the taste of sin from their flesh bit by bit. In truth, I do not have the patience to be absent from them any longer.

  They stand at the end of the bed in our rooms. The white drapes to the outside patio dance with the warm night air and the power of the drums that still beat through the city.

  I had to talk myself back from the edge to keep from taking them both on the walk of gods and showing every single fucking man that I own them!

  “Undress,” I order them, my voice low with a growl.

  I strip naked as well, keeping my distance still; looking at them, hunting them in my heart before I allow myself a taste. Their skin shines in the firelight of the room, the drums of the Ha’mara still pound in tune with the beat of my heart.

  My chest heaves with raw energy. I try to calm myself, but it is hard to do when I look upon them. Both of them made to perfection, both of them made for fucking.

  The Wench looks to the Bloodsucker, a half smile on her lips, “Maybe he doesn’t know what to do with us.”

  I scream with a growl as my anger boils over and I march over to her. I grab her by the nape of her neck and turn her to the bed, bending her over.

  Her scream matches mine when I plunge my cock into her and pound that kitten. Her arms flail as she tries to push up from the bed. I shove into her harder and hold, pinning her body down with nothing but my dick. I wrap my hand in her hair and drag her head back, making her spine bow painfully.

  “Obedience, slut!”

  The Bloodsucker turns to get away, my hand is around his throat before he can take a step. I drag him close as he whimpers, looking away.

  “Who told you to fucking move?”

  I pull from the Wench and drive into her again, making her scream.

  “Look at me!”

  He turns those eyes on me, the blue color so deep a man could fall and never find the bottom.

  “Who told you to fucking move?” I ask between clenched teeth.

  “No one, Master.”

  “Kiss me,” I demand, and he leans his lips to mine and pulls back.

  I pull out of the Wench and drive into her again just so I can hear her scream for me.

  “That was not a kiss,” I hiss at him.

  His body is breaking out in trembles, his arousal rising to a fever pitch… he knows I’m going to fuck him next.


  “Kiss your husband.”

  He looks at me and finally turns his head closing his eyes and leaning into my lips. I close my eyes as he opens that sweet mouth for me so that I can taste him properly. My hand moves from around his throat to the back of his head as he
falls into the kiss and I get back to fucking our whore of a wife who’s just come from shaking her ass on half the men of Atum I’d hazard.

  I make love to his lips as I destroy hers and I feel the rage in me begin to settle.

  “I’m sorry!” She finally screams for me, crying out with her heart.

  I growl breaking the kiss with my husband to turn back to her. The wetness from her tight little pussy is running down my sack, Ra take me, she’s a lusty wench.

  The Bloodsucker turns his head to look down at the Wench’s kitten, “She’s ready to come.”

  She moans, “Please, permission.”

  I look the Bloodsucker in his eyes, “Do you wish for her to have pleasure?”

  He rubs her round sweet ass and runs a thumb down her cleft, pressing it against her rose, “No.”

  “Please, Jack,” She cries out.

  I pull my cock out slowly and push it back in even slower just so I can feel her pussy quiver around my rod.

  “How many? How many did you fuck?” I ask with a whimper.

  “No one,” She moans, “Let me come.”

  “Sluts come last.”

  Her whimper of need and submission makes my sack tighten. I turn my face back to the Bloodsucker, he claims my lips and we kiss as I fill her with my come, no interest in waiting or taunting myself. I own them, I’ll use them as I see fit.

  I groan into his mouth as my passions pour out of me. Ra take me, I wish more, much more. I’ll be filling him next or I’ll be knowing the reason why not.

  He moans as I break the kiss, I rub his jaw with my thumb and look into those eyes. “Consent,” I demand of him as I pull out of vixen’s kitten and let go of her hair, my mark well made.

  His eyes are drowsy with need, “Consent.”

  I pull him in front of me and turn him towards the Wench. He gets her up on the edge of the bed, her legs wide, her ass low, pussy positioned perfectly as he slides into her freshly fucked hole… she cries out with her need again.

  “Make me happy, Jae, make me happy and I’ll let you come with me.”

  She whimpers and nods, “Yes, Jack.”

  I grab his hip, and he widens his legs for me, “Who owns this rose?”


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