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Page 85

by L M Adams

  I have no wish to be their god-king – I have no wish beyond the life of being the dutiful husband to my Jaevia and my Capaneus.

  “Hari!” Nassor comes jogging up the stairs.

  “Nassor, come join me.”

  I pour us both large glasses of Zobo.

  “Greetings brother,” he says taking a seat and begins digging in the fresh bread.

  “Last night was the best Ha’mara I have ever known – did you see the ladies of Ishtar? And your wife… oh.” He holds a hand up to his heart.

  I huff, “Keep your eyes to yourself and your voice down, my mates are still abed.”

  He grins, “Wear them out, brother?”

  I can’t help but smile with satisfaction, thinking of their screams of climax.

  “Good, they are not the type you keep in wanting.”

  I huff and snatch the bread away before he eats it all, “You need to find your own mates.”

  “I am still too young…”

  “You are older than me, Nassor.”

  “Not in heart.”

  I nod, “Perhaps this is true.”

  He grunts, “what is this weight on your spirit? You do not shine as brightly as you should.”

  I shake my head, “Nothing you can help with.”

  “Oh aye? You do not know all of my powers.”

  “Squirting water out of your cock is not a power.”

  He grabs a handful of olives and throws them at me laughing. I join in the good laugh.

  “Good morning,” I turn my head at the sound of Capaneus’s greeting and stand up.

  He’s not wearing a shirt, and his pants are very tight yet hanging low showing the special spots I like to kiss upon.

  “Did we wake you?” Nassor asks.

  “Yes… Jaevia said shut up.”

  “Go put on some clothes!” I shout, as if he does not know his behavior is unseemly.

  “It’s Nassor.” He waves an errant hand towards the other man and then proceeds to ignore my order and pour himself a tall cup of cool sweet butter cream.

  I must have the most disobedient slaves in all of the lands.

  Of course Nassor finds this so fucking amusing.

  “We discussed this last night! You are my husband, Capaneus! Behave like it.”

  “I have no idea what you’re going on about, my head is pounding, and mouth feels like I’ve been chewing on sand all night.”

  I lower my voice so that all do not know of my shames. “Others… others will pursue you for favor, Capaneus, and I am still insecure enough that I would not like it. Please do not make me kill anyone to prove this point.”

  He looks surprised as he sits down, not looking at all as if he will soon become obedient. “Why is it different with me than it is with Jaevia?”

  Nassor chuckles low, “We understand the Raja’s madness with your Kandaka… you however lend mystery and forbidden secrets. What kind of man could make the mighty Raja’s knees go weak.”

  “So I’m to be treated differently because all of the men of Atum want to know what makes me… special?”

  I nod curtly, now that he understands he will go and cover his seductive flesh.

  Capaneus does not seem impressed, “I’m not even really a child of Isis. I am one of the cursed, why would anyone desire me?”

  Nassor shrugs, “Curse or no curse, all see the way the Raja hunts you with his eyes, this makes you the only child of Isis of any import and many will try to steal you away, fairly or foully, just to challenge him. The Kandaka is a Queen of Ishtar, we know we have no chance with her… you are fair game.”

  I try to do as Jaevia instructs and use my people skills to articulate patiently the behavior I wish from my husband – “Please, do not tease others with your flesh, Capaneus.”

  He sighs and gets up, “If this is important to you, Lucien then fine, I’ll go put on a shirt.”

  Perhaps people skills are good. “And some looser pants.”

  “Good god, and I thought you people were evolved. I am not your private little piece of eye candy.”

  “Hunters hunt.” Nassor shrugs a shoulder and I have to agree.

  I do not argue with my nature, it is simply a part of who I am. “You very much are my private little piece, or should I give you a reminder?”

  He frowns at me, “You know the longer we’re here, the more possessive you become.”

  “You are mine, you said the words, Capaneus.”

  He turns and walks away back into our chambers, “Don’t make me regret it.”

  I glance at Nassor and turn striding after Capaneus.

  “Why are you being pissy, Bloodsucker?!” I demand.

  We have just shared much good loving; how can his attitude have turned sour so quickly?

  He turns on me, blue eyes filled with lightning, he’s sexy when he’s pissed the fuck off.

  I watch his mouth open and perhaps even say words, but all I can think about is stuffing my cock down his throat. He hasn’t choked on my rod in at least a day. I wish him to tend my loins.

  “… you’re overbearing, pig headed, and now I have to wear the clothes you want because you’re afraid I’ll…”

  Hmmm, maybe I can get him to nibble on the tip a bit with his fangs.

  “… but do I get to say anything? No! Because you are king of the land and…”

  Perhaps I can go ball’s deep in the Wench and have the Bloodsucker lick up the juices from my sack. He’ll complain, but that naughty cock of his will be hard all the while.

  “… I am still a man!”

  I will make him come until his knees are weak as a reward.

  “Aye, you are.” I smile.

  “Then why are you treating me like a concubine?”

  I did not know concubines were loved the way I love him, but if they are, then I do not see why he is so very upset about it. I shrug.

  “A shrug?!” He screams.

  “Fine! Fine!” Jae yells from the bed, “I guess it’s time to get up since you two won’t stop arguing!” She sits straight up, her hair as wild as her fiery heart, my sack aches with desires to tame that wildness still. But now she is angry, and I will not be getting any sweet loving I’m sure.

  I frown at the Bloodsucker, “Look at what you’ve done.”


  “You are angry with me because I want to protect you and now you’ve woken up the Wench with your complaining.”

  “That is not what happened!”

  I am positive I look as confused as I feel.

  “Lucien, you are treating me like… like I’m…” He stutters.

  “My husband?” I try to piece his complaint together so we can get past the argument and to the make-up sex, my loins thirst for their loving.

  “Like I cannot care for myself! Ever since we had… since we’ve taken things further, you’re becoming… overbearing.”

  “Did you think I would become less possessive after giving me your rose?” I ask, not understanding his logic.

  “I…” he looks extremely confused; he still has much to learn I see.

  “Come let us make up now, you will say you’re sorry on your knees with my cock in your mouth as the Wench rides my face so I can nibble on her bits.”

  “Pass!” The Wench shouts as she gets out of bed, “My head is pounding and I’m cranky.”

  “… a cold day in hell!” The Bloodsucker yells at me at the same time.

  I frown with my displeasure, I really wished a bit of hate fucking before we started our day, but of course I cannot have the things I want for happiness because I chose the two most temperamental slaves in all of existence to call my earth and moon.

  I can’t wait to punish them for it.

  Aye, I grin, I claimed well.


  Jack – Luey left waiting

  “I am not sure what time my father will be here to collect us. Do you mind staying close by so we can go as soon as he arrives?”

  “Sure,” I nod. I didn’t rea
lly have plans to go anywhere today.

  “Good,” he smiles, “good. I wish for us to have a nice family day.”

  He’s never seemed so happy. For once everything in his life is the way that he wishes it. A family, a wife, and a husband he wasn’t expecting to want but has grown to love anyway. His father loves him and accepts him, his childhood friends and family are alive and well. His honored tutor is here to give him guidance.

  Everything in his life is right and he knows of joy.

  And I’m going to ruin it.

  Yesterday was a big day for him, and I convinced myself it could wait so that Lucien could have that time and those memories unblemished. I’d made his homecoming shitty enough and I owed him that much at least – tomorrow would be soon enough to fuck it up for him again.

  My argument was logical, so why am I having a hard time saying something now? Am I afraid he’ll take the side of his people against mine? Even if it’s plain to see that my people are right.

  Why am I such a coward all of the goddamn time?

  Even with our bickering this morning, this is the absolute best our relationship has ever been. He loves me, I know that, in my heart of hearts.

  Goddess help me, am I really about to risk that for people I didn’t even know two days ago?

  Lucien’s father is supposed to take us out to the savanna for a picnic, I know Lucien is looking forward to that time. A more intimate meeting with his father so they can really talk, get to know one another. Maybe tonight would be better; give him another day of happiness before I accuse his people of breaking faith with mine.

  Yet waiting feels wrong, like a lie – I feel like I’m living a lie by pretending everything is okay when it’s not. The one thing Lucien hates is lying, he will not abide by it. I’m sure if he wasn’t filled with his own anxiety and chaotic energy, he could sense something was wrong, or maybe I’ve always been too good at hiding the truth and living a lie.

  Jaevia comes back from the bathroom, now looking a little less like she’s ready to rip our heads off. I’ve changed into looser pants and put on a shirt because now Lucien is jealous that Nassor finds me attractive when just a few days ago I was about to ruin our marriage because I thought Nassor was into Lucien.

  I mentally sigh, I don’t understand my life sometimes.

  Jaevia, now in a better mood, goes to kiss Lucien on his chin and then gravitates towards me to give me my morning greeting.

  “What’s wrong?” She asks pulling back from her gentle peck to my cheek.

  “Lucien made me put on looser clothes because he’s a jealous shit and I don’t get to be a jealous shit.”

  She laughs and turns away, “I’m going to get coffee.”

  Both Lucien and I pause in our movements to watch her walk away. She’s wearing an all-white dress, pure, unblemished. Like a chameleon she can go from the hot sexy seductress that would lead a million men to their doom – to a goddess of purity and grace, benevolent with her wisdom.

  I think we both also notice that when the sunlight hits her dress just right you can see the gentle silhouette of her body moving beneath the fabric and all you want to do is fall into her warmth and then feel guilty over having such lusty thoughts about a goddess of purity. The contrast is invigorating and seductive.

  My mouth goes dry.

  “The Wench does not know what she does to men.”

  I huff, “Yeah, she does.”

  Lucien looks at me, eyebrow raised, “Do you believe she is that way on purpose?”

  I laugh and go clasp him on the shoulder to lead him outside, “Jaevia is many, many things – but before all else, she is a woman.”

  We join Jaevia and Nassor out on the patio. Nassor is already waiting hand and foot on Jaevia, getting her coffee and moving the platter of fresh fruit close to her so she can select what she wants.

  Somewhere inside, Jaevia has to know, has to realize how she is seen and revered. How all men ache to serve her, if only a little.

  While we have breakfast, we talk about the solstice party, Nassor actually does most of the talking. He fell in love at least three times last night alone.

  Too bad most of them will be gone today. There will be a mass exodus from Atum starting today as people go back to their farms or back to other city-states like Isis and Ishtar. The Ha’mara is done, the solstice is done and now people will go back to being just people… with jobs and responsibilities. There is a decent size populace that lives in the city permanently, but it still is nothing to compared to crowds when it is the Ha’mara; and of course the sessions of the Divine Council will begin today.

  After eating half of the food Nassor stands up letting out a hearty belch, “I am going to help with the roofing today at a few of the houses on the east bank, would you like to come along?”

  “Wait,” I interrupt, “I thought you were a soldier.”

  “Oh aye, I’m a warrior, but when there are no wars to fight, I am a builder.”

  “We cannot today, Nassor.” Lucien declines on our behalf, “My father is taking us to tour a bit of the lands.”

  Nassor looks surprised and then quickly hides it nodding, “Then this is very good. Enjoy your day.”

  He fawns over Jaevia a bit, winks at me, and snatches another mango like fruit before turning on his heel and disappearing down the garden stairs before Lucien can yell at him about his disrespectful manners.

  We settle into the main antechamber with the small pool of crystal-clear water beneath the open roof. I settle in with one of Saabir’s books about the histories and theories of Isis. Even if I’m holding my tongue for now about Lucien’s people keeping my people under unfair rule – I still want to be informed about what happened, or at least what people think happened.

  While I settle in on one of chaises in the shade, Jaevia sits at one of the desks. She is practicing some of her ‘material magics’ trying to enchant things for others to use. I guess her time with Nyrobi has her more curious about her powers and what they can do past torturing men’s cocks.

  Lucien tries to settle down with a book, but often he gets up, stops, turns around, sits down – and then twenty minutes later does the same thing. As time goes on, the time between these random bursts of energy shortens. He can’t sit still.

  Jaevia looks up from her latest attempt to make a sort of scrying mirror to help predict fruitful matches of the peoples. It seems the last one they had no longer works. Nyrobi has asked Jae to make a new one for the people, “go see if there’s a message.”

  Lucien turns around sharply to look at her and nods, “Yes, yes, perhaps there is a message for where he wishes to meet us. He did not say he would meet us here. Yes, Jaevia.” He turns and strides to the door I assume to go and ask every servant in the palace if there’s a message for him from his father.

  As the door closes behind him, Jaevia and I look at one another – each of us with worried expressions.

  “Maybe something came up?” She prompts.

  I nod, “Yeah, maybe something came up.”

  But we both know that’s a lie yet go back to our own tasks because neither one of us wants to say out loud what we’re both thinking – Lucien’s father isn’t going to show up.

  Lucien returns, looking more downtrodden than he had before.

  “No message and Henenu is in a council meeting, I had no wish to disturb him.”

  He goes back to his seat and his book and stares at it without reading a word.

  The lunch hour comes and goes, we don’t get up to eat, we don’t move and neither Jaevia nor I say a word, because we don’t know what to say.

  Finally, there’s a knock at the door and Lucien springs to his feet, covering the distance to the door with no more than two strides. When he opens it… it’s a delivery.

  Lucien turns back from the door, “Ah – your swords and knives.”

  “Swords?” Jaevia perks up from her desk.

  Lucien grunts with a nod and brings them over to one of the long tables, sett
ing the large bundle down.

  Jaevia gets up, I do as well, both curious. I didn’t know he had commissioned weapons for us… but then I’m not surprised – it is Lucien after all.

  “From Sele?” I ask looking down as he unwraps the bundle.

  “Aye, I told him of the styles you two enjoy.”

  He reveals two sheathed swords, smaller than what I’ve seen of the other swords from Atum, the blades are also slightly curved. The pommels are gorgeous, made of a black smooth stone. One sword is shorter than the other. He picks that one up handing it to Jaevia, the longer one he hands to me.

  Jaevia and I both step back and pull the swords from the sheaths… the blade is that same black metal I’d seen in Sele’s shop. From tip to pommel, the entire sword seems to swallow the light. I can see the keen edge on the sword, the black metal takes on a decidedly blueish hue in the sunlight.

  “What is the metal?” Jaevia asks, testing the balance of the sword and swinging it a few times.

  “Black steel and ore made from the heart of Bast.”

  “From the volcano?” I look back down at the sword amazed.

  “Aye, a rare thing.”

  “Oh, Luey… it’s gorgeous.”

  I nod agreeing, “The weight… it’s lighter than I thought it would be.”

  Lucien grunts with a nod, “It will never dull or chip. Come… see the knives.”

  Jaevia and I sheath our new swords and join Lucien back at the table. He hands us each another bundle.

  “It feels like Christmas,” Jae says excitedly.

  I chuckle low, “Yeah, a very Murder Christmas.”

  Lucien grunts, “I do not like the thought of you two without your weapons, yes?”

  I nod, “To be honest… I felt a little naked without a sword at the ready. I think you’ve rubbed off on me.”


  Jaevia laughs and we turn our attention back to opening our bundles.

  My blades are the ones I’d admired in Sele’s shop when we’d visited. Each silver pommel has two snakes intertwined with one another, blood red rubies as eyes and dark blades.

  They feel good in my hands – right, as if they were made for me.


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