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Page 97

by L M Adams

  Even with my absolute obedience, his snakes still come to restrain me, spread me, prepare me for our master. They force me to my knees, ass up, face down, offering him my rose to use as he sees fit.

  I still scream when he enters me, I whimper when one of his snakes swallows my cock again, I pray for death as he forces himself down my throat.

  I come without control and he sucks me dry again.

  Hours, or days, or years pass, I can’t be sure. There is only him and his snakes and my tears.

  I find he likes me on my back more than on all fours… he likes watching me cry with shame and heartache as I choke him down. He promises I will never hurt like this again, if only I would love him as he loves me; he could make this easier on me.

  He doesn’t beat me, never. None of his attention hurts me physically – he’s very careful about that, he doesn’t want to damage his next body.

  Mentally, however, he loves tormenting me, breaking my mind into a million pieces and playing in the bits of me like ghoulish confetti… a broken mind is easier to corrupt. Soon the two heads of his snake will meet inside of my body, the one through my mouth the other through my anus and he will transfer his consciousness into me, melding our minds together, but I must be pliant and willing… this is the most dangerous part. The sunstone could just as easily claim us both and draw us to its might, forcing us to become living stone.

  “Beg,” He moans, and Dark Goddess help me I can’t deny him.

  “Please,” I cry out and he pushes it into me, just like I wanted my father to.

  “You’re such as good son.” His cock rubs me as a reward for my obedience.

  He’s deeper than he’s ever been, I can see my stomach move as his snake worms deeper and deeper into me. It doesn’t hurt, oh God please make it hurt!

  He runs his talons on my skin constricting the mouth of his snake on my cock lighting my flesh on fire with pleasure.

  “I’m going to come, Daddy,” I moan up to him as his mouth tightens around my shaft.

  “I’m your Daddy?”

  “Yes,” I cry up to him, as his snakes pull my legs wider apart.

  “Tell me you are mine! Forsake them now and swear yourself to me!” He demands and my gut tightens with fear.

  For the first time his snakes force my hands together above my head, “Take those false promises from your flesh and cast them aside!”

  I touch my rings, ready to pull them off as he leans over me, his lips almost touching my own, “Kiss me and never know pain again.”

  He opens his mouth and his tongue turns into a snake, I can feel his will consume me, smothering out my light. My body filled with such need and pleasure such fucking power!

  All I have to do is take it!

  I pull my rings over my knuckle.

  Ye, and he, and she…

  No, this isn’t right, something isn’t right. The thought of taking off my rings fills me with fear. No, it hurts when I take off my ring, I don’t want to take off my ring!

  I want his love! I want to be his husband! He promised I’d never have to take it off again! He promised me. I push my ring back down and my finger begins burning, I look up to see Lucien’s ring glowing with red and gold.

  I scream with his burning power and my father-god’s tongue whips back into his mouth.

  “No!” He screams with rage pulling back and grabbing my thighs to fuck me faster and harder, pushing his will into me.

  You are Capaneus! You are ours!

  My third eye expands, opening me to a second sight. I see them. Jaevia and Lucien, turned to one another with their heads bowed, hands clasped. They’re still in front of the palace of Atum, still there… has it not been so long then?

  My father god told me they’d forgotten me, that she had moved on with her better husband.

  He held me as I cried and fucked me gently to help me feel better…. He told me he loved me… and I believed him. I stroked his snake around my cock, thanking him for making me feel better.

  Was it all a lie?

  Ye and he…

  Ye and she…

  …Above all others.

  They whisper the simple promise we made to one another on our wedding day again and again… trying to find me, trying to connect to me. I wouldn’t think such simple words could hold magic – but perhaps it is the simplest promises that hold the most power.

  Lucien looks up suddenly, his eyes burning with the power of the sun and tears; it’s taking him so much to connect to Ra… it hurts so much… but for me, he would suffer any pain.

  Jaevia looks up as well, her eyes filled with purple lightning and hellfire… she is enraged.

  “He’s making me,” I whimper, “he’s making me promise to be his.”

  “You can belong to no other!” Lucien rages.

  “For you belong to us!” Jaevia screams.

  “Jae… Lucien,” I whimper.

  “They cannot save you! You have no choice here!” His snake around my cock tightens its body around me, using its muscles to entice my flesh to give an offering to our master.

  But his other snake is being chased from my body, repelled by their will.

  “I don’t have a choice!” I cry out to them as he forces me to orgasm for him. Goddess help me it feels so good.

  “You always have a choice! Choose us! Always choose us as we shall always choose you.”

  “It hurts with you,” I whimper.

  “Then let it hurt – at least you know it’s real. He is a king of lies! You know my love is real! Tell me that you love me!” Lucien demands, “I am your husband! No other!”

  “Yet they will always love one another more than they could ever love you. Who is the true false tongue here?”

  I whimper as he strokes another fear in my heart making me orgasm for him again… trying to lure me back into his pit of filth with his unending pleasure.

  “From my soul to your blood and my body to your spirit – bound in time yet without form. We are one! One heart, one body, one soul!”

  Their energy and presence flows into me through their rings, filling me with their love.

  He couldn’t take my rings… why? He’s taken everything else from me, my body, my mind, my dignity… yet not the one thing that still marks me as theirs?

  “Do you take this woman and this man to your bosom and to your bed of free heart and will to share your life with?”

  “I do.” I whisper and I remember how much I love them. How much we take and hate; but also how much we give and love.

  Our love isn’t perfect, but it is ours and we are bound in heart, and mind, and body, and soul and we shall let no other tear asunder our vows.

  The power of their rings pulses through me again, reminding me of who I am and who I promised them I would be.

  Oh Kitty – but you’re a genius where it counts. I feel her magic that bound us together burn with fury.

  He can no more break a vow given with free will than he can heal that wound festering on his side.

  Some things are beyond even the gods power to undo.

  I had to choose him… but why would I, when I have them to call my own?

  His cock slithers from my body, his snake lets go of my shaft, for I do not submit, not to him, to no other man – no one but my husband.

  For he his Horus and I am Set.

  “I cast you from me, demon of the depths…” I whisper and the true power of Set fills me, sending the false god scurrying back and igniting the blue flame in the cavern to burn with the voice of its true god.

  I scream as I pull at my bonds, ripping the snakes apart as I free myself from the lies within my own heart… that I am evil, and I deserve this pain.

  I don’t deserve it; I choose to bear it so others do not have to. But he… he does not deserve my sacrifice. I am a son of moon and earth and although my heart is dark, it does not make it evil – no more than being a giver makes me weak.

  “You are corruption, you are not the true reflection of Set�
�� you are not the dark love of Anubis or the silver moonlight of Azazael.”

  I face the evil in the hearts of man… of my people and the Atums and the Ishtars and the Isis… he the evil that lives within our hearts stands before me – a manifestation of all our darkest desires.

  That is what the curse is; what he is…. It is the worst of us given form and he will bring nothing but war, pestilence, famine and death.

  Blue flame fills the cavern but not with heat, with the aching cold of the deep. He stands unaffected for he is me… a reflection of my darkest heart. I call upon the power of the asp, resurrection… I choose to live again… was this his power?

  I materialize pants made of obsidian scales. I am the adder at your breast, and I choose the ending of one thing so that I may give a beginning to another.

  I feel Jaevia’s heart beating through me… she who knows what it takes to be born again, not as what she was, but as something new, something more. For we shall all fall so that we may rise.

  Let the past die! Kill it if you must!

  Death of my fears, of my demons, of my past – some things must die like a fire clearing a land so new things may grow again.

  “Let no more life divide what death can join again!” The pretender demands.

  “You bring death as an end of things; I shall bring it as beginning…”

  “Man is a disease! War can be an engine for change, war can transform a people for the better. We can make them better!”

  I know that he believes that. He, the one who thought to fix mankind along with Kieran Monicue, yet they only succeeded in bringing about the apocalypse.

  He would be the wicked punisher of man, force them to submit and pray to the gods once again. And yes, there would be peace, but at the cost of mankind’s greatest power – free will.

  “We are not the damnation of Man! We are their givers! We shall bear the sins that they cannot! We shall give them a path to redemption if only they choose! We are the lovers of the broken things and we belong amongst the living for they remind us how to love.”

  My words make the blue fires rage again… they echo with the memory of time. Azazael would not see mankind ended, he could not bear it, he thought them beautiful in their imperfections and joined with his brethren to see them protected. For it was his love for Isis that brought about their fall.

  He tried to suffer for their sins, tried to appease the others by submitting to their wrath to protect the imperfect creatures.

  “Why don’t you remember?” I ask Darius, the false one. He is not my father-god, he is a minstrel’s tune turned on its ear, deluded with his own grandeur.

  He thinks his heart beats with the power of Azazael? He thinks he is the second coming of Set? Or that he can rise as The Lord of the Dead and take the name Anubis?

  He cannot be… For I am the I Am.

  “No!” He roars lunging for me as this world of lies disappears.

  The carven walls burn away in my power and I stand once again on the surface of Gaia. My flesh smoking with gentle tendrils of grayish-blue smoke, the acidic smell of sulfur fills my nose.

  I look to my right, Lucien and Jae are there, still trapped behind my shield. Their eyes shine with magic and determination.

  The night creatures screech and I turn to look at them as they rush forward to attack me, filled with the rage of Darius the Corruptor. I hold out a hand and the ground rolls beneath my feet; a living, breathing thing. A wave, before it crests, pushes forward towards the creatures. I demand my inheritance, I do not beg for Isis to claim me, I do not beg for the power of Keb – I demand my birthright by might. I welcome the power of Vayrá, I welcome the vicious pain of my entire fucking life – rage can be as powerful as love when focused correctly.

  My back catches fire with an aching cold pain and I grit my teeth as something beneath my flesh pushes through, erupting from my skin. I feel hard bone and smooth skin push through my flesh and look up to black scaled wings with silver tipped talons stretching towards the blood moon. The wingspan is large enough to blot out the power of Ra… I am a child of earth and sky.

  I look at my wife and husband, still caught behind my shield.

  “Run!” I rage at them as I turn back to the horde of night creatures.

  The muscles in my back answer my call and I beat my wings in the air, I lift higher and higher, until I’m hovering above the land between the army of Darius and the city of Atum.

  I understand their rage, his rage… her rage…. I understand why. But I cannot let them destroy the people. I look to the city of Atum and know that once this was my domain. Before Horus was given rule over the dark earth and Set the rule of the sands.

  This. Was. My. Kingdom.

  The night creatures screech with their rage as they run forward, wanting nothing but to bring about the end of all things.

  I use the power of Keb to reach down, down, down into the depths… water I feel it. I feel the massive ocean below the earth. I feel the curse that was cast down upon Set, covering his waters with this land and forcing him to the scorching deserts that would not let life live.

  They destroyed his lands, his home he had made with Nephthys… the only thing he had ever loved. She was good and pure and whole and knew of the giving heart and the care of others. She who knew how to make a place a home for a wandering spirit to rest. And they took it all because he would not submit to the rule of Horus.

  I see the curse that the Divine Council cast down upon him because he had demanded his birthright, he had demanded to be king of his own lands as the eldest son. I see his pain as Ra chose to love Horus instead. I feel the aching pain of a son that only wished to be loved for what he was – but was only hated for what he could not be.

  Set was the eldest and next to be king, but Ra gave the honor to Horus instead. Set could not accept this, he could not accept being so unloved by his father. Horus the perfect son, the Raja – Set the unfavored, the nosferatu, the unloved.

  This. Is. My. Kingdom.

  There was a great conclave of gods called to decide the matter, the Divine Council. The right to rule would be decided on merit, and so many battles of tribulation were set for Horus and Set.

  He, they, we… battled. We destroyed one another… at times we would transform into animals and battle as the beasts of the earth. Our war raged for almost a century. But in the end… Horus was victorious… and Set was forced to submit.

  In time, Set fell in love with the power and dominance of Horus, he fell in love with his brother. But that is an abomination, and so even their love was cursed… as they have cursed my love for Lucien and called it abomination for man should not lay with man as he lay with womb-man.

  The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.

  I know their rage… but it does not make them righteous, for rage will scorch the earth and we shall all choke on the bitter ash of their victory.

  I reach down into the deep waters of the earth. I call down to the hard stone, down into the bedrock upon which I built my love for them. I call it up to me. I will not be swayed this time; I will end this. The earth shudders with my aching power and from the earth the hard stone raises up and through. Water bubbles up from the dark earth as it parts.

  “Back!” Lucien roars.

  My power erupts, the stone of the earth reaching for the moon, not begging for its love… demanding it.

  I am a son of earth and sky.

  “Look upon my offering and find it unworthy!” I scream to any god that would hear me.

  I turn in the air and look down at Lucien, yanking Jaevia away. The Atums running for their lives as the mighty walls of their city begin to crumble like the lie it was.

  The great temples of the gods shudder with my might as I reclaim what is mine. They will remember, by all that is holy they will remember all that I have given and all that I am owed.

  I was supposed to be loved.

  The stone I’ve raised splits the city of Atum
in two and begins opening, spreading it apart like a wedge and revealing a chasm into the pits of the earth. Where once the gates to Ra’suá opened.

  Walls, entire buildings… everything of Atum begins falling into the deep… dragging the cursed ones, the nosferatu, down with it.


  Jaevia – Akanikezeli

  The ground trembles as if Keb would shake us all loose from his back. Lucien drags me away as I look up at our Jack, his wings beating in the air as he rips the worlds in two with the power of his pain. There seems to be no bottom to it.

  For some reason I thought I knew how deep the pain went, I see now I didn’t know at all… I didn’t understand at all.

  The red night is filled with the crashing sound of Atum’s end, as structure after structure falls into the open chasm of the earth, the place where they fractured her heart… his heart when his name was Keb.

  The night creatures are fleeing, running wildly as they try to escape the hell Jack is building for them. I feel the etemmu, the spirits of their brethren, the spirits of the nosferatu, call to them… call to all of us.

  This is a place of death, a tomb waiting to be filled.

  Jack finally stops splitting the world apart, he hovers in the air above his pain, his black wings beating in the air. He wanted to bare it all, reveal the truth of his life as he dares the gods to find his sacrifice, the sacrifice of his people, unworthy.

  Something happens, because the creatures stop running and start attacking again. We’re scattered now, everyone was just trying to get away and we didn’t do a good job of keeping our ranks closed.

  Our fleeing to safety turns to a battle to simply stay alive, even with the numbers we’ve slaughtered… the ones who have fallen into the pit – there seems to always be more. Waves and waves of them.

  The flying creatures begin circling Jack, he’s still hovering above the chasm, head hanging, defeated. Part of him understands their pain, he even believes in what they’re doing… but he can no more end the people of Atum than Azazael could – even the dark sons, the forked tongues fell for the love of man.

  And how they have hated him for it.


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