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The Legend of Zelda: Forgotten Goddess

Page 21

by N Felts

A tremendously powerful spirit has entered your realm. He will make attempt on your life, and without my help, he may succeed. This message must remain between us. I will be in touch.


  Hylian Hero:

  A Threat of Time and Distance

  Slowing to a halt, Link hops from Epona’s saddle, scouring the dim field for the source of the unsettling feeling latched onto his gut. The last of the day’s light seeps beneath the mountainous west slowly, the cloudy sky advertising the dark night that is to follow. With no sword to wield, Link stands ready just the same, hoping his senses are simply playing tricks on him.

  “You are the one,” a deep, whispering voice sounds from behind him. Spinning around, Link finds a figure cloaked with a hooded, brown poncho which conceals his features completely. Standing with his back to the hero, the figure boasts an air of confidence unlike anything Link has ever seen. “You have traveled through time. Through dimensions,” he continues, his robe faintly billowing in the wind. Examining the mysterious stranger, Link notes his thin legs and feet are wrapped in decrepit cloth, disappearing into the large robe at the knees. He is of average height, but the cloak makes his size and stature impossible to determine. “You are the one called Link. You are saturated with the void.”

  “Who are you?” Navi finally works up the courage to ask.

  “I am Garo,” he reveals, slowly turning to face them. His visage is indistinguishable beneath his hood, but his round eyes glow a pale green. “The ender of worlds is one such as yourself. It has been foretold. The walker of the void will unmake creation.”

  “Walker of the void? Do you always talk in riddles?” Navi interjects, her attitude confusing Link considering the man’s probably evil intentions. Despite the stranger’s suspicious actions, his aspirations seem to end at merely conversation for the time being.

  “My home decays, just as this kingdom decays. Labrynna, Holodrum, even the cursed lands of Termina rot from their core just as these lands do,” he explains, studying Link’s stoic face while remaining still as a statue. The revelations are staggering, but even so, Link cannot offer any sign of weakness, ready to fight at a moment’s notice. “You must die for this reason. My brethren fell to your blade, but they were fools obsessed with the old war. Now, a new struggle threatens us, and the Garo will not taste failure again. All who make passage through the void will fall by my hand. You are ill-equipped for battle now, and so I will be watching, void-walker. Soon, I will claim your life. A fight without valor is not a fight. Honor is the way of the Garo,” he concludes, suddenly dipping backward just before the sun sets completely. A distant howl of a Wolfos coupled with the sudden blink of light distracts Link’s senses just enough for Garo to evade his vision. The timing and technique is familiar to him, though the skills far exceed his perception just the same. A shadow within a shadow, folding itself into the very wind. A method shared only by the Sheikah. It is only now Link realizes his foggy memories are not that of a dream. His adventure in Termina was very real, and now his actions have come back at him across dimensions. Finally he has an answer, but a thousand new questions have eclipsed it completely.

  “What was that all about?” Navi asks under her breath, fluttering about in search of the ninja. Confused by his words, but relieved to have avoided the fight for now, Link mounts Epona once again, adjusting himself uncomfortably before setting his sights on the castle. The evening is growing dark unsettlingly quickly, but his numerous concerns do not include the availability of light. Epona’s steady gallop suddenly becomes sporadic, and Link immediately knows why. Lon Lon Ranch stands solitary in the center of Hyrule Field. Several small windows of the simple, multistoried farm house flicker with candlelight. With a comforting pat on her head, Link breathes a chuckle and steers his horse toward the farm. A jolt of energy erupts from Epona’s legs as she charges toward her birthplace.

  A tall, wooden fence surrounds the entire ranch as numerous livestock freely roam the property. A small, newly renovated house stands just inside the archway entrance opposite a large barn. Dropping from the saddle, Link gives his horse an encouraging pat as she excitedly gallops into the dark field of yellow grass beyond the barn. Still pondering the connection between Link and the Garo, Navi bobs through the air toward the house, anticipating Link’s decision to stay for a while. Simply twisting the knob and strolling right in habitually, Link only considers knocking after the door is swinging open. He had spent a great deal of time on the farm in his younger years training with Epona. Eventually, the ranch became a second home, but the time of darkness drove the family out of Hyrule completely. By the time Zant of the Twili took control, they had long since settled in a small kingdom far to the south. A rich, agricultural nexus, the ranchers fit right in, though they longed for their abandoned land and distant friends. Shortly after the king of thieves fell, a courier was dispatched to offer them government subsidies. Convincing the ranchers to return their iconic brand to Hyrule became one of the king’s highest priorities during the recovery. The people needed a sense of nostalgia and tranquility. They needed to be assured things could go back to the way they once were.

  “Hello, fairy boy,” Malon absently greets, descending the stairs of the simple farm house. Her humble, pink skirt bobs near her ankles, fastened above her waist with a belt, unintentionally advertising her child-bearing hips. Her natural, red hair shimmers in the candlelight as she busily picks up bits of straw, her concerns resting entirely on cleaning up the shoddy house. A nostalgic smile steals over Link’s face, her steadfast sense of nonchalance reminding him of her stubborn, childhood similarities. Rapidly disappearing into the kitchen, she isn’t the least bit put off by Link’s sudden appearance, going about her business as if he weren’t there at all. “There’s fresh milk in the kitchen. I’m taking some over to the boy in the barn,” she explains, moving past the duo without a second glance. Unable to pose an utterance of response, Link and Navi move to the kitchen after Malon disappears through the front door with a tray of food in hand.

  “We really don’t have much time to lose,” Navi feels forced to point out as Link pours himself a glass of milk. A subtle nod confirms his understanding before he downs the glass in a couple quick gulps. The passion with which she cares for her cattle is undeniable once a bottle of Lon Lon Milk is tasted. Wholly eclipsing even the finest Ordon can produce. Absently wiping his lips with his forearm, Link walks back through the living room, and passes through the open door into the night. The moon offers a very dim glow, shrouded in thick cloud cover. The subtle breeze is welcome, rolling atop the fading blades of grass and doing what it can to cool the humid night air. Somewhere in the dark, Link hears an excited whinny followed by a group of galloping horses charging across the field. Knowing just how much she’s missed the ranch, Link won’t force Epona to leave just yet. Subconsciously sweeping her long hair into a ponytail, Malon emerges from the open doorway of the barn with a mildly concerned expression. Tilting his head with a questioning glance, Link’s interest has peaked concerning this boy in the barn.

  “Calm down,” she starts like a knowing mother. “He’s harmless,” she assures, rolling her eyes and grabbing hold of Link’s hand. “Stalchildren chased him here. They’ve been worse lately. Come on.” Following reluctantly, Link allows himself to be guided to the familiar spot in the center of the grazing field. The aroma of dry grass and cucco feathers washes over his senses as they lie down to stare at the sky. A small gust of wind pushes a loose strand of red hair across Link’s face, but he makes no effort to bat it aside. The sky is an endless black. A shapeless abyss he and Malon are sharing for a time. She is one of his oldest friends, and she’s come to know the time they spend together will not turn down a road of romance. Still, her down-to-earth charms have kept him close for this long. She’s no intention of letting him drift away.

  “It’s dark tonight,” she sighs, having hoped for a star or two. “
At least Epona is enjoying herself. It’s been a while since you dropped by,” she points out, failing to gauge his silent response. “You’ve got to relax every once in a while. Don’t forget.” Another quick gust of wind tosses the rouge strand of hair over Link’s nose, bouncing off his cheek and landing on his ear lobe. The meager amount of interaction only drives his thoughts back to the princess, and his obligations. The silence lingers a minute longer before Navi inevitably grows tired of being awkwardly distanced from her companion. Irritating Epona enough to course her back to Link, Navi gleefully bobs toward the exit as Epona nudges Link’s leg with her nose. “Time to go already?” Malon asks, seeming faintly surprised for the first time. Rolling to her stomach with a thoughtful expression, she eyes Epona carefully and quickly notes her state of stress. As she climbs back to her feet, Link quickly follows suit, attempting to calm his horse’s nerves. “She’s fine. I don’t think you’ve been riding her enough though. She doesn’t usually act so attention starved.” An amused smile pops onto Link’s face as he gives

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