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Naked Moonlight

Page 2

by J D Harding

  He could have easily raised a paw and swatted her down. He whined at her, which was confusing. Dominate males didn’t whine, it was a sign of affection and mostly utilized by mothers. She snarled at him and he sat, watching her. Unwilling to pick a fight she thought scaring him away would be best. Most wolves ran when she shifted back. It wasn’t natural to watch someone shift; most intelligent creatures didn’t stick around.

  Leaping down from the car she moved to the driver’s door, moving slowly and keeping an eye on him. If she needed to make a fast get away she would jump in the car. She always made sure to leave the doors unlocked when she went out shifting.

  With focus she drew in the energy needed to make the change. The wolf’s hackles rose and a small growl sounded out. In a few moments her muscles pulled and strained against her bones. The framework of her body shudder and then snapped as the bones shifted beneath her skin. The fur altered into shoulder length, curly brown hair, the yellow eyes into soft doe brown, and her long limber wolf body turned into a tall and curvaceous human one.

  The wounds, however, stayed exactly where they were. And in human form, without the heavy magic cloaking every inch of her, the pain was ten times worse. She clutched her side and hissed against the throbbing agony in her shoulder, her upper thigh, neck and back.

  She looked up in hopes that the wolf had left, but he was standing there, staring at her. She frowned at him, feeling oddly exposed with nothing but moonlight and sky to cover her.

  “Get lost,” she mumbled at it, “before I turn into a bear and eat you.”

  He stepped forward and Dee prepared to transform again. In that moment of hesitation she saw the fur ripple over the colossal muscles exponentially faster until it was almost violently tearing away from his bones. The distinct sound of cracking bones echoed through the silent night and she stood, staring, aghast. Fear and excitement ran through her as a new surge of adrenaline pounded in her veins.

  In seconds the sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on stood, stark naked, in front of her. She couldn’t help it, her eyes roamed over the dark tanned skin. Smooth muscles sat swollen under his flesh in all of the right places. Round, thick shoulders, long strong arms, a well built chest and abs that would put a Spartan to shame. He had runner’s legs, well shaped and worked hard, but what she found herself staring at was the semi hard length between those legs, gently highlighted with curling black hair.

  He stepped smoothly forward and she paced backward, her side screaming with every step, until she hit the concrete wall separating her from a hundred foot drop. He didn’t stop until their bodies were barely touching. Gaping, wide eyed in shock she had a moment to take in the features of his face.

  A strong jaw outlined his rugged features, a five o’clock shadow, a long Romanesque nose, smooth black hair that fell about his shoulders in straight locks, and lips that practically begged her to kiss them. She felt the heat rise in her core and simultaneously encouraged her wanton thoughts and felt ashamed of them.

  Her breath caught in her throat as he leaned forward. Inhaling deeply he breathed her in.

  “You don’t smell like a lycanthrope.”


  “What pack are you from? Why are you here without passage rights?”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  He seemed intrigued by that and leaned in, sniffing at her hair again.

  “Excuse me.”

  He leaned back, his green eyes laughing despite his stoic features. She waited for him to move out of her way and when he didn’t she brushed past him. He caught her wrist and she turned back, anger flashing. Under the anger though, his touch thrilled her. Something about him was exciting and alluring, drawing her to him. Her stomach clenched and muscles lower tightened. He grinned as though he knew what kind of reaction he was causing.

  She glared at his hand, willing him to move it. Most people let go when they sensed someone didn’t want to be touched. He didn’t. Anger subsided into curiosity, however, when her eyes lighted on a small silver ring on his pinky. Against his large hands and rough fingers it almost looked dainty. The simple yet elegant open petal rose didn’t help suggest otherwise.

  “How did you do that?”


  “You’re wearing a ring.”

  He looked down at it.

  “It’s special.”

  “Special how?”

  She reached her free hand out to touch it, to see if she could sense the magic in it. His other hand grabbed hers and held her fast. With both of her hands firmly in his grip she felt affronted. She glowered at him but a part of her felt excited. A part of her wanted to pin him to the car and take him for all he was worth. Again he seemed to know her thoughts and without another word pulled her into him.

  His mouth covered hers and heat coursed through her. His hands found their way to her hips and he pulled them into him. She could feel his length, long and hard against her bare skin. She trembled in anticipation and pulled away. He let her. She winced at the shooting pain in her shoulder and had to take a moment to catch her equilibrium against the side effects of the poison. Stumbling slightly she leaned against her car, trying to ease her panting breath.

  They stood there for a long moment, staring at each other. He waited for her to make the next move and she struggled with her unhinged desire and the fact that he was a complete stranger. One quick glance at how ready he was and she made her decision.

  Stepping forward she grabbed his head, weaving her fingers through the soft black locks, pulling him into the kiss. She was hot, hungry and filled with enough adrenaline to fuel New York for a week. He showed no inhibitions and pressed his body into hers. Leaning into her car she let her hands roam along his flesh, trailing over the taught muscles. He bit her lip and she sighed with pleasure against the sudden sting of it.

  He trailed warm kisses along her neck and she tilted her head back giving him better access. Running his erection over the soft wetness between her legs he shivered, a deep moan vibrating like a growl in his chest. Seizing his shoulders she spun him, slamming him against the hood of the car. Startled he stared as she crawled up onto his lap, her legs straddling him.

  Her shoulder and hip stung against the motion but she didn’t care. She had plans and a little pain wasn’t going to side track her.

  His feet were firmly planted on the ground and the slight angle of his body gave her the perfect perch. Leaning into her knees she pressed her toes into the front bumper, raising herself up to brush the head of his length against her slit. Grabbing her hips he pulled her toward him but she easily had the leg strength to stay where she was, teasing him as she rocked over him, the tip brushing over the warmth of her.

  He growled at her, leaning in for a hot, rough kiss. Relinquishing control back to her his hands slipped down her thighs to rest just above her knees. Gently rocking she inched her way along his shaft, sighing each time he stretched her a little more, driving him a little deeper. His hands clenched against the teasing motion and she leaned back, her breasts arching toward the sky as pleasure trickled through her.

  Swaying faster she drew him ever deeper. The muscles in her core tightened and she pitched her hips hard, sliding down the rest of the way. His fingers strained against her thighs as her core contracted against him, squeezing as bliss rippled through her.

  Smiling she leaned forward and kissed him, teasing his lips with her tongue. Swinging her hips in tiny circles she reveled in the sensation of him brushing against her G-spot. His hands roughly grabbed her ass and pulled her closer, forcing her to move faster. Moaning she let him rock her over his erection, her body relaxing into a languid sway. Her core tightened and he sucked in the air as though it would help cool him down. She squeezed him again, this time on purpose, and grew erotically giddy as his eyes rolled back in pleasure.

  As she thrust over him she squeezed, when she pulled back she released, sliding smoothly across the hard flesh. His fingers dug into her and his brea
th grew heavier. The night air wasn’t cool enough and the heat bubbling inside of her threatened to burn her alive. Her pace grew fevered and their voices joined together, moaning in ecstasy as they climbed toward climax.

  Their bodies worked faster, sweat glistening over them in the moonlight. Her skin started tingling. She felt simultaneously numb and overloaded with sensory bliss. Raking his fingers across her back made her cry out and thrust onto him harder. He tried to slow her hips by pressing them away but it only spurred her faster. Slamming hard against him to force her way passed his pushing hands she slipped over him roughly. He shook his head, writhing beneath her, trying to hang on as she drove him toward seventh heaven.

  Pulling her closer he held her against him, her breasts almost even with his face. It made moving hard but she wouldn’t relent. Her hips swayed in small, swift circles and it caused her to roll over the hard flesh while keeping him deep inside her. His grip tightened and she knew he was close, his breath caught in his throat and he clung to her as though she were his only safe haven. Brushing his check across her nipples he cried out ‘dia’ in an accent she didn’t recognize. She didn’t much care either because rapture seized her body and the wet heat hugging his length convulsed in rapid succession as she came. It drove him over the edge and he followed her down into carnal bliss, moaning from the back of his throat like a growling animal.

  They sat there for a moment, her eyes closed with her head thrown back against the night sky and his face buried in her breasts. Panting as their heart rate came down neither of them could talk for a moment. Neither of them wanted to. Her body trembled in the aftermath and she fancied she could taste the moonlight on the tip of her tongue.

  Finally she pulled her head forward to look at him. He looked up and grinned.

  “Well, that was nice and all, but this is how it should be done.” His voice was heated and promised impurity on levels she had yet to experience.

  An intrigued eyebrow rose as he stood up, forcing her to cling on or step down. She stepped down and he pulled her into a smoldering kiss. She didn’t notice how her wounds had healed; there wasn’t any room in her thoughts next to the blazing heat of lust. With her skin still buzzing from the orgasm his touch sent electric fire coursing over her. Having just had him she was amazed at how hungry she was.

  Keeping his lips locked with hers he sidestepped, bringing her along with him, until her back was to the car this time. He broke from the kiss, turned her around and bent her over the red paint. The metal was cool against her skin and the contrast to her burning flesh made her gasp. Surprising her, he moved next to her and leaned over the car so he could whisper in her ear. Entwining his fingers in her hair he gently pulled her head back licking the edge of her ear before he spoke, his voice dripping with hunger.

  “Take your hands off the hood of the car and I stop.”

  The demand sent a thrill through her. Instantly she wanted to grab him and devour him again but the challenge intrigued her. Her core softened at the dare, hot and wet it throbbed. He ran his tongue over her neck, kissing and nipping his way down her back as his hands roamed over her legs. He rubbed her inner thighs, pushing her legs wider apart. Grabbing her hips he tilted them back and up, exposing her more. The motion pressed her breasts onto the car and again the shock of cold against her hot body made her catch her breath.

  He trailed sweet kisses down, biting her ass on his way. Teasing with his tongue he explored the skin over her thighs. Anticipation detained her better than handcuffs and she writhed at his deliberate, tantalizing travels.

  Finally, after an agonizing eternity his lips brushed hers. Short, needy sighs filled the air. Prolonging the moment he tortured her by running his teeth on the fleshy edge just outside of her wet need, kissing everywhere but where she wanted him to. Her nails clawed at her car and libidinous desire growled from her throat.

  She felt his smile against her and he looked up between her legs, sliding through them so his back was pressed against the wheel. Her hips could pin him against it if she wanted. The thought crossed her mind, but there was no need. Without further delay he gave her exactly what she wanted.

  His mouth was warm and soft against her. The sensation made her squirm and the sound of her breath drowned out all other noises. Her heart pounded and every muscle in her body tensed and then melted. A flick of his tongue against her clit made her knees weak and as he gently sucked it she practically collapsed.

  Supporting her hips he ran his tongue over her, long and slow, over and over. Her fingers clenched and unclenched as she involuntarily rocked slightly. She was desperate to get more friction on the soft pleasure spot he was deftly torturing and her fast breathing turned to heavy panting. Whimpering against the torment she whispered a please. She felt the growl more than heard it and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as the deep vibration sluiced through her core. He ran a thick finger over her slit and she choked against her moans. When he pressed his finger against her swollen hole she bucked against it, her nails digging into the hood of her car.

  Sucking feverishly he slipped a finger inside of her. She cried out as delicious fervor rained through her. Plunging a second finger inside he found her g-spot and her legs trembled despite the fact that all her weight was on the car. Alternating between sucking and flicking his tongue he thrust his fingers into her harder. They were a torment against the memory of his hard length stretching her.

  Intense need swelled inside of her core and her breath caught in her throat. Every nerve tingled with exquisite delight and she tightened around his fingers. He worked faster and moaned softly when she did. Her legs trembled violently until she screamed, rearing back as she came.

  His pace slowed to a stop and she slumped over the car. He kissed her gently, ran the tip of his tongue over her one more time, reveling in the way her body jerked at the intensity of the sensation. Trailing kisses up he coaxed her into a standing position. Holding her tightly his smile was smug. Teeth ran across her neck and she shivered against him.

  Suddenly he was pulling her to the concrete floor, his hand over her mouth to stop the cry of shock involuntarily echoing out of her throat.

  “Don’t make a sound.”

  The whispered words confused her for a second until she heard footsteps on the stairs. She turned to look in the direction but tires blocked her way. Focused on the unknown person walking closer she hadn’t noticed him slip behind her until his hands were gripping her hips tightly and the hard length of him pressed slowly into her.

  Her mouth widened against a silent moan and her blood rushed to her head. Just as slowly he pulled out, all save the tip and then back in he dove, solid and steady until all of him was shoved inside of her. She bit her lip against the screams of passion rolling up from her stomach.

  The footsteps drew closer and she didn’t care. His fingers tightened, bruising her hips with their fierce hold. She held her breath, her core tensing as another orgasm rippled its way into being. Whoever it was walked passed them without looking over the cars between them and the echo of their steps grew fainter. The moment of secrecy, the indecent indulgence heightened the sensation and her world exploded as he continued his leisurely thrusts.

  She bit her lip but a faint moan sounded out anyway. The footsteps paused. Still dizzy from the frenzy she didn’t notice at first. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized though and an arousing fear thrummed through her. He didn’t stop thrusting; in fact, he quickened his pace as if he were afraid they would get caught. It made her buck against him. Another soft sound made its way through her lips and the feet scraped against the concrete with uncertainty.

  She shook her head at him to tell him to stop, biting the palm of her hand against the desire to scream out to a deity she didn’t believe in. His response was to work faster. Her toes curled against the strain to remain quiet and she thought she would pass out from the lack of oxygen. His hands gripped hard against her hips and she focused on that, trying desperately not to fall into t
he utter bliss pounding into her.

  Her stomach tightened and the tension worked its way down into her heated core. Her body trembled and she clamped her teeth, leaving a brutal mark across the flesh of her palm. A scream of pure ecstasy clawed its way up through her and it took every ounce of concentration she could gather through the exquisite high that engulfed her.

  Finally the steps began moving again, away from them. She clawed at the concrete floor, her lip bleeding against her teeth. She needed to scream, needed to cry out. Holding it back intensified the sensation and she was climbing the roller coaster to climax again. Her heart pounded so hard against her chest she thought the stranger might hear it. Stars formed at the edge of her site and still his erection worked at her core, driving into her fiercely.

  The sound of a door closing resounded and she let her breath out. A deep, ravenous sound of lust rode out of her throat with that breath and he moaned in response. Quickening his pace he pounded into her. The roar of an engine coming to life covered the smack of his flesh hammering against hers. She cried out, unable to contain it any longer but quickly stifled her voice again. Her knees scraped against the hard floor as his thick groin slammed into her harder.

  Unable to hold back any longer her world faded into bliss. She heard him moan as her wet heat constricted around his erection in a passionate spasm. Lights flashed over them briefly with her last erotic shudder, but the wheels continued rolling toward the exit. Once the sound of the car was gone a sharp smack resounded in the parking garage.

  Dee cried out against the sudden pain. He had smacked her ass as a prelude to his insatiable momentum. She felt his fingers in her hair moments before her head whipped back. She sucked in the frigid air, shameless relish throbbing in her veins. Her hard nipples felt sharp against the cool night.


  Greedily he answered her demands, banging into her in a violent fashion. She reached between her legs and held her flat palm up against his balls. Shock made him cry out and pleasure made him moan. His short fingernails dug into her and his pace jolted. She felt his body sway behind her and a smile grew over her face. The intensity was too much for him. He threw his head back, and suddenly pulled out, hissing into the night.


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