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Page 8

by Mackenzie, Carson

  I smiled when Luna actually snorted at Devil’s story about him, Neely, Jag, and I. Then he went on to tell her about how he had no clue about kids, but that he was catching on quick.

  The only time I saw her smile falter was when my brothers mentioned their ol’ ladies. I hadn’t taken into account she might be nervous over meeting the women in the club.

  “Well, if everyone’s ready, let’s ride. We aren’t getting closer to home by sitting here,” Crusher said and stood.

  We stood and started clearing up our mess and tossing it into the trash. As we headed out the door, Roscoe held on to it while the rest of us stepped to the side to allow a group of women through the door.

  “Ya want to ride with me for a while, darlin’? My rides bigger than his,” Roscoe said and jerked his thumb at me. Luna shook her head and rolled her eyes at him while we waited for the ladies to pass.

  “I got more than enough for her to handle,” I replied to Roscoe just as the first woman walked in.

  “I just bet you do, honey,” was said by the woman, then she looked to Luna. “And aren’t you one lucky lady,” she said as she walked past, looking the brothers over as she went.

  “Susan, you are going to get us in trouble one of these days,” one of the other women said and smiled. The woman they called Susan stopped and turned to her friend.

  “Cathy, there isn’t a woman breathing that wouldn’t look forward to the kinda of trouble I bet these men offer,” Susan waved her hand in our direction. The other women with Cathy and Susan giggled. “Look at girlfriend there,” Susan pointed at Luna. “That smile she’s wearing isn’t because the sun is shining outside.”

  “Ma’am, I can be any kind of trouble ya want,” Roscoe said, and Susan winked at him. “There might be snow on my roof, but there’s enough fire below to keep you heated for days.”

  Everyone groaned, except Luna. She laughed and grabbed Roscoe’s arm.

  “Yep, time to go, grandpa,” Luna said as she started to pull Roscoe out the door.

  “Told you women can’t resist me,” Roscoe said and threw is arm over Luna’s shoulder.

  “Jesus, his ego gets any bigger he won’t fit in the truck,” Crusher said, then looked at the women. “You’ve made our day, ladies.”

  “Sweetie, I’d make your week if I wasn’t married,” Susan said, and Prez laughed and headed out the door.

  “No doubt you could, ma’am. Enjoy your lunch,” Jag said and winked before he followed Crusher out the door.

  I held the door open while the others followed. And when the last of my brothers walked past, I let the door shut behind me.

  Luna wasn’t beside my bike and I looked across the parking lot and saw her with Roscoe, helping him check the tiedowns on the trailer.

  “The man could use some meds,” Flirt said as I approached my bike.

  I laughed. “I’m not going to argue with you on that. But you’ve got to respect how he enjoys life with no apologies,” I said, straddled my bike, and looked in Luna’s direction. I smiled when she laughed at something Roscoe said, then started across the lot toward me.

  “I need to worry about Roscoe stealing you from me,” I said as Luna got closer.

  “Not sure. ‘Cause he does have a big...truck,” she said, and Flirt chuckled.

  I flipped Flirt off and swatted Luna’s ass as she passed me to get on the bike.

  “My ride’s smoother and has more power,” I said and laughed as she pinched my side. Once she was situated on the back, I started my bike along with the others. As soon as Roscoe’s truck started across the lot, we began pulling out. There was alot more hours to ride before we stopped for the night.

  Chapter Eleven


  Who knew carrying a baby the size of a peanut would exhaust you? Certainly not me. What did I know about babies? Zip. Zilch.

  My mind ran wilder with every mile we drove. The worry of being someone’s mother. The worry of what the women of Black Hawk would be like. Would I fit in? The only thing I had no doubt about was Brax. I loved him even when I didn’t know what the word meant.

  The truck slowed and brought me out of my head. When I looked out the windshield, we were following the bikes down the exit ramp.

  “You feeling okay, sugar?” Roscoe asked and glanced over at me.

  I’d been riding in the truck with him since we’d left the motel that morning. The first day, I spent on the back of Brax’s bike. The second day, and now the third, was spent in the truck. Brax thought it was best since I spent the better part of each morning hugging the toilet, which was a new level of gross because of the whole thing about getting up close and personal in a motel’s bathroom.

  “Yeah, I feel a lot better.”

  “Good.” Roscoe turned right at the end of the exit.

  “Is this the exit to the club?”

  “Nope, last gas stop. The bikes could’ve made it, but no sense us rolling in on fumes. We’ve got about an hour left,” Roscoe said while he maneuvered the truck and trailer into the station’s lot and stopped beside one of the pumps. “You getting tired of riding?”

  “A little. And I want to thank you in case I forget to tell you that when we arrive. You men have been great. I know you probably would have pushed to get home sooner, but...” I trailed off and grinned at Roscoe.

  “Ah, darlin’, we take care of our own. And make no mistake you are ours now. You became ours the minute the munchkin took root. So, with morning sickness kicking your ass, we might not understand it, but it makes you feel bad, and that we can help ease. Only if it means taking some extra time to get home.”

  I felt my eyes fill and I blinked to get rid of the tears.

  “None of that. Besides, more time away will only make Sue miss me more, which means, I’m gonna benefit big time.” Roscoe wagged his eyebrows at me, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “If I were older, I would fight every woman for you, Roscoe.”

  “Ah, sugar, there’s more than enough of me to go around.” Roscoe opened his truck door as Brax opened mine.

  “You got your own woman, Roscoe. Stop hitting on mine,” Brax said over the cab of the truck.

  “Aww, please. You boys are delusional, they are mine,” Roscoe said and started fueling the truck.

  “What you smiling for, baby?” Brax asked as he helped me out of the truck.

  “That Roscoe is too cute,” I said, then laughed when I looked up and saw Brax’s face.

  “Christ, don’t say that where he can hear. The man’s bad enough,” Brax said disgustedly.

  “Oh, sweetie, you’re the only man for me.” I laughed when Flirt walked past us and groaned.

  “Pathetic, another brother down.” I’d barely heard Flirt’s mumbled words.

  “Don’t listen to him. He’s just jealous,” Brax said and stopped us before we entered the store. When I looked up at him, he lowered his head and took my mouth with his. The kiss was brief, but as he broke it, he rested his forehead on mine. “Feel like riding the last bit with me? Miss your arms wrapped around me, baby.”

  Flirt was wrong. His brothers weren’t the pathetic ones. It was the women for sure. How could their resistance ever hold against the men? Mine couldn’t. As I stared into Brax’s eyes, I knew then that he was the one with the power to destroy me because there was nothing I wouldn’t do for or give to him as long as he continued to look at me like he was now.

  “I feel great. I missed riding with you, too,” I answered and kissed him.

  “Hey, if you two can hold off. We’ve only got about an hour left,” Crusher said as he stepped out the door.

  “You got it, Prez,” Brax said to Crusher, then walked me in the store. “I’ll get us something to drink while you use the restroom.”

  I stared at Brax and didn’t say a word.

  “You don’t have to go?” Brax asked and grinned.

  “Well...yes, I do. But you don’t need to keep track.”

  “Not keeping track. Just hard to miss
since you’ve gone every time we’ve stopped.” Brax’s lips twitched, and I huffed and turned to the back of the store where the restroom sign hung. He smacked my butt and laughed when I shot him a glare over my shoulder.

  “Men. They think they know everything,” I mumbled as I walked into the ladies’ room and hurried into an empty stall.

  By the time I took care of business, Brax had drinks in his hands with a package of crackers. I ate the crackers on the way to the bike, and after the rest of the men finished filling up their bikes, we were ready to hit the road for the last leg.

  The end of the trip was over in no time, and before I knew it, we were taking the exit and then driving through town. Everything was just how Brax had described it to me in San Diego. But when we reached the cutoff to the club, not even his description did it justice.

  The area was beautiful. We rode up the road and slowed as the gate came into view. Once the young prospect opened it, we continued through. As the clubhouse came into view, I noticed bikes parked off to the side, then as we got closer the door opened, and men stepped out. The group that gathered waited for us to stop.

  I got off the bike and stood beside it and waited for Brax to dismount. When I heard the small voice yell “Daddy,” I turned and watched a little girl barreling toward us with her black ponytail swinging as she ran.

  “That’s Speed’s little girl, Ally,” Brax said, and I smiled as I watched the big man catch her as she launched herself at him.

  “Hey, where’s my love?” Devil yelled beside us as he faced the group with his arms out and palms up.

  I turned back to the group, and a smaller, light-brown haired girl was walking toward us. She looked dainty and sweet until I looked at her face. She wore a smirk that totally defied the rest of her little angel appearance. When she reached Devil, he squatted down and stuck out his hand and palmed her face, then picked her up and hugged her.

  “That one is Neely. She Dev’s sister,” Brax said, then grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “You ready to meet everyone else here, baby?”

  “Not sure there’s a choice at this point,” I said and we started toward the group of people.

  Chapter Twelve


  After the welcome home hugs and kisses, it seemed everyone’s attention immediately turned to Luna. I let go of her hand and draped my arm over her shoulders and pulled her into my side.

  The trip had been long and tiring, and I wanted to take Luna home, but I knew that wouldn’t happen until the club women got to meet her. If not here, there was no doubt they would converge on our place without a thought.

  As we walked past the truck, some of the men were unloading the gear that we kept stored in the clubhouse.

  “Hey, Ghost! After we get the truck and trailer unloaded, you want me to drive the trailer over to your place and drop the bike and Luna’s stuff off there?” Roscoe asked as bags and supplies hit the ground.

  “Thanks, Roscoe, that would be great.”

  “How far from here is your place?” Luna asked.

  “First, it is our place. And it’s in t—” I was cut off before I could explain that we’d have to go into town to the apartment.

  “The cabin here is ready for you. After Russ called, we got busy, and we finished moving the remainder of Roscoe’s shit to Sue’s house, then cleaned the cabin. A few of the men went to your apartment, Brax, and moved your things. All but your truck, it’s still parked there. We didn’t have time to clean your apartment either, which shouldn’t take any time. You are one clean and neat man.” Carly winked at Luna. “Trust me, it is a bonus, I’ve been in a few of their places. Slobs and when you walk in, the first question you ask yourself is when you had your last tetanus shot?”

  “Carly, darlin’?” Crusher said and shook his head, then looked at me. “Sorry, brother. My fault for mentioning you and Luna might take the cabin over once Roscoe finished moving his stuff out.” Crusher looked down at Carly.

  “What? We didn’t have anything else to do while you guys were gone. You can’t expect me to sit around looking pretty.”

  “For God’s sakes, remember the whole you were shot and supposed to be taking it easy for your leg to heal?”

  “I didn’t say I moved the fucking furniture. That’s what we used the guys for.”

  “The men have jobs and were supposed to be protecting the club while we were gone.”

  “It was after business hours, and they were protecting the club. It just happened to be while they moved some furniture. Are you admitting that men can’t multitask?”

  “What the fuck, Dad? You and the other dads were in charge while we were gone,” Crusher looked back at his dad, Stroker, and asked.

  “Yep, we were. Club still here, isn’t it? As for controlling your woman? Yeah, there aren’t that many hours in a day.” Stroker chuckled and walked up to Luna with the other dads.

  Prez pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. As I looked around, the others were barely holding in their laughter, including me. When I looked down at Luna, her lips twitched as she watched the couple.

  Some of the men chuckled as they passed by carrying the things to the clubhouse and Carly turned to glare at them.

  “Welcome to the club, darlin’,” Stroker, Preacher, Romeo, Cruz, and Flyboy said. I chuckled when a blush formed on Luna’s face as they each took turns and bent and kissed her on the cheek. They might have caught my woman off guard, but I knew she’d recover quickly.

  “Thank you. And just let me say damn. Older men have never done it for me, but you five could’ve changed that. If I didn’t have Brax or weren’t carrying his spawn, I’d be tempted to say spank me, Daddy.”

  The dads stared at Luna, and all talking stopped, and the entire group went quiet. Flirt walked up beside Luna and reached around her back and slapped me on the shoulder. When I looked over at him, we both chuckled.

  “Christ, Luna, I’ve never seen them speechless,” Flirt said, but looked at his dad and smiled.

  “No shit,” came from Jag, Devil, Crusher, Coast, and Speed.

  “We’re gonna love having you around, darlin’. You’re good for an old man’s ego,” Romeo said as the dads got over their initial shock.

  “Hell, I wish I’d known you were looking for a... Daddy, ‘cause, sugar, you wouldn’t have had to ask me twice to spank that fine ass.”

  I groaned and so did the others as Roscoe walked up and joined in.

  “Yeah, ‘cause then we could be on a Jerry Springer episode. He’s her grandpa and daddy,” Luna shot back. It took a minute for everyone to figure it out, but then laughter broke out.

  “Now that was just plain mean, darlin’, to insinuate that I would not only sleep with my imaginary daughter, but that I’d knock her up,” Roscoe answered.

  “Oh, Roscoe, what would be mean is if I let you believe you could handle all this,” Luna said and waved her hand down her body. I didn’t know who she’d caught more off guard with the comeback, me or Roscoe.

  “For fuck’s sake, why did you let her ride with Roscoe, Ghost? He has rubbed off on her,” Flirt said and the other laughed.

  “Well, about time someone can put the man in his place. Glad to have you here, sweetheart. I’m Sue and the yahoo belongs to me.” Sue hugged Luna, then looked at Roscoe. “You tease the girls too much. If they took you up on half the shit that comes out of your mouth, the club would be holding a funeral,” Sue said, and Roscoe threw his arm over her shoulders.

  “Oh, Sue, you know I like messing with them. But, I save all this,” Roscoe waved his hand to indicate his body like Luna had done, “just for you.”

  Luna turned her face to my chest, and I felt her body shake against mine as she laughed. She was relaxed around the club, and I was glad to see it. They were my family, and I wanted her to accept them as hers, too.

  “On that note, I’d say we finish up the meet and greet. I’m Carly, and I’m sure you know I’m the better half of Crusher. And I love your bike and glad the
re is another woman who rides. I’ve been trying to talk these two into learning,” Carly looked over at Sami and Bailey, then back to Luna, “but no luck.”

  “Hi! I’m Sami. Kane’s ol’ lady and Ally’s ours. Please don’t judge us by the crazy one. Kane didn’t know he had a sister until recently.” I grinned as Sami stepped in front of Luna, blocking Carly who stared at the back of Sami’s head when Sami thumbed over her shoulder to point at Carly. “She hasn’t been cleared to go back to work or ride her bike, and she is going stir crazy. Not that she isn’t normally a little...well, you’ll learn, she’s just overly stressed now.”

  “Yeah, and Sami is under the delusion that because she is pregnant, she is funny. Instead of bitchy and a pain in the ass.” Luna laughed at Carly and stuck her hand out to Sami.

  “Nice to meet you, Sami. And I can deal with crazy.” Sami smiled at Luna and shook her hand.

  “I’m Bailey, and Lance and Neely belong to me. I’m a nurse for Dr. Monroe. She is an OBGYN. When you’re settled and are ready, tell me, and we will get you in to see Mac.”

  “Go ahead and set her up an appointment, Bay. She needs to get in there,” I said and earned a glare. “You haven’t seen a doctor yet. You need to.”

  “Yes, and I’m sure I could have answered Bailey without your help. Considering she was talking to me.”

  “Ooh, we are going to get along great.” Carly clapped her hands, and I looked over at my prez.

  “Sorry, brother. To late, you've accepted the patch.”

  “Welcome to our hell,” Speed said, and Sami turned her face up at him.

  “Really?” Sami asked.

  “I just meant because it’s warm and cozy there,” Speed said and smiled when Sami rolled her eyes.

  “Talk about pulling that save out your ass,” Devil muttered, and Bailey elbowed him.

  The other women stepped up and welcomed Luna. Shakes informed us both that if we needed anything we only needed to come and knock on their door since she and Dare lived next to us.


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