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Page 10

by Mackenzie, Carson

  “I would have been here sooner, but Bailey ran out with the other women to your house,” Devil said and pointed at me, “leaving Neely with me. Do you know how long it takes to get a pint-sized person to eat and brush their teeth? That’s not adding in that she changed outfits twice. I mean really, she’s three. How early do females pick up that trait? Then her hair. Do I look like someone who knows how to braid? It takes forever just to do a ponytail.”

  “Well, at least that explains the mixed matched clothes,” Flirt said low enough to Coast and me, so no one else heard.

  “How’d you end up with Ally because she was with Sami?” Speed asked.

  “They were helping Luna unpack, and Ally was bored. Bailey called and caught us going out the door and asked if I would pick up Ally because they called Sue and she agreed to watch the girls. So...there you go,” Devil said and held his hands palm up. “Ally wanted to stop and see you before I dropped them at Sue’s.”

  “We need to work on the bikes. We lost time, and the buyers are anxious to get them. Don’t want to have a delay,” Speed said.

  “We won’t be much longer here. And with the women occupied, we can work on them this afternoon. What is your opinion on splitting the space, Ghost?” Crusher asked.

  “Since the club is going to purchase the building, I think we should definitely have the space divided and each side should have its own entrance. The door there now would be on the gym side. If we place the wall where I just marked with chalk, the door for the massage side would then be centered for its space and blend in as if it had always been there. Better chance to get more clientele if it has its own entrance. Not a lot of folks gonna want to walk in the gym area to get to the massage side. Especially if they aren’t members of the gym. The wall could run here,” I walked to the front wall, “to the back, to include splitting the storage room between both.”

  “Going to need an office area. That will shrink the storage space even more,” Coast said and walked to the doorway that led to the storage area in the back.

  “An office on each side of the new wall should be doable. A door could be put in, which would allow us to go between to each business through the offices without having to leave the building,” I said and pointed to where the door could go if we agreed with the plan.

  “Shit, Ghost, you really thought this out. Hell, instead of running this for the club, you should start your own construction company,” Flirt said. “You’ve done repairs at almost every business the club owns. Why don’t you do the renovation to this place?”

  “Brother, thanks for the vote of confidence. Not sure I know enough about building to take that on,” I said and smacked his shoulder.

  “Ghost, if it is something you would be interested in, the club would back you. Lots of guys in the club have construction experience. Dare worked for a big construction company until he threw his back out,” Crusher said.

  “You should talk to him, brother. Hell, he’d probably want in and would work, too, as long as he didn’t have to do the heavy lifting,” Jag added.

  “Appreciate it. It’s something to think about it.”

  “You could test your skills on this place,” Flirt said and turned to me.

  “Not if the club wants this place opening soon and making money,” I chuckled. “Building the dividing wall and enclosing an area to make a room is one thing. Cutting the brick on the outside structure to add a door, above my skill. Not to mention I need a license before I could even begin to get the permits.” I’d never thought of having my own business. And definitely never a construction company. I’d always tinkered with things growing up and helped my dad in his workshop where he made furniture as a hobby. I’d even worked for a construction business for a summer when I was sixteen. I picked up a few things if it was slow and the guys had time to teach me, which was rare. I mostly was used for cleanup or hauled materials around.

  “I think that is a great idea, but it also creates a problem. Who’s going to oversee these two businesses?” Coast asked, and it reminded me about Luna.

  “Talking of jobs, Luna asked if any of the club businesses might need help,” I said and looked at Crusher.

  “I’m shocked, brother. You just got her here, and she is trying to escape already.” Flirt chuckled when I flipped him off.

  “She could probably have her pick of where. I know the garage could use a receptionist because those fuc... I mean, those suckers have the worst phone skills. Surprised they get any repeat business,” Crusher said.

  “They get the repeat business ‘cause they’re beyond good at their jobs. But Payton shouldn’t be allowed to be near the phone. Last time I was in there, he told some woman who called to see what it was going to cost for some repair to her engine. He listened, told her approximately how much the repair was going to cost her, and she must have been shocked. Anyway, Payton tells her he bet she didn’t question the price when she had her nails done or the cost of some product to make her look younger. Crap, Roscoe wouldn’t even say that to a woman. And we all know how he is,” Coast said and laughed.

  “Sami isn’t going to go back to Soft Tails, so Tank could probably use some help. He likes the day to day managing but says dealing with the women is driving him insane,” Speed said, then leaned through the doorway to check on Ally and Neely when he heard them laughing.

  “Ghost, just ask where she’d like to work. Brothers will make a place for her.”

  “Thanks, Prez. I’ll let her know.”

  “If you decide on the construction business, we could put two people to oversee these places. One for the gym side and one for the massage side,” Devil brought up.

  “Not sure she’s interested in full-time. I’m hoping after the baby comes, she’ll want to stay home.” I wanted her to stay home because I wasn’t too keen on the working idea. But mostly, it had to do with wanting her close.

  “Yeah, I can see you now with the baby strapped to your back while you’re swinging a hammer or helping someone with one of the machines.” I looked at Flirt and all he did was smirk.

  “Brother, I hope the woman who finally snags you is a hard ass,” I said, and the others agreed.

  “Won’t happen,” Flirt replied, and I shook my head. Poor bastard thought he had a choice. There was no choice when the right woman presented herself.

  “We’ll let you be delusional and just have fun at your expense when it happens. Kinda like you did with us,” Devil said, then laughed when Flirt narrowed his eyes at him.

  “Alright, if we can’t talk Ghost into doing the construction on this place, let’s use the guys who built onto the garage for us,” Crusher suggested.

  “They did an excellent job, and they got it done fast,” Jag responded.

  “Cost wasn’t bad either,” Coast added.

  “I’ll give them a call, see when they can come by and look at the place to give us an estimate,” Devil said and pulled out his phone.

  We moved back into the main part and watched Ally and Neely run around the empty space while we waited for Devil to complete his call.

  “Mick said he’d be available to swing by in about two hours if we wanted him to do it today,” Devil said to us as he held his hand over the phone.

  “We could grab something at the diner if everyone wants to wait,” I suggested.

  “Sounds good to me. Might as well get that part over with,” Crusher said.

  “Do me and Neely get to go?” Ally asked and smiled at Speed. He nodded, and she and Neely jumped up and down.

  “No way you can be hungry, squirt. I just fed you at the house,” Devil said as he hung up, then bent in front of Neely. She stopped jumping, and the smile left her face.

  Christ, Luna had to have a boy. If I had a daughter and she gave me that look of disappointment, I’d give her anything to clear it away.

  “You’re going with us to the diner, Neely. I just don’t know where you’re gonna put any more food,” Devil said, palmed her face and stood.

�Hey,” Neely said as she looked up at Devil who smiled down at her.

  “Ha, got away before you could do it back,” he chuckled, and his smile spread.

  “There’s always room for pancakes,” Ally said.

  Speed smiled, bent and grabbed Ally around the waist and swung onto his shoulders. “Got that right, spider monkey.”

  “Well, let’s lock up and head to Thelma’s place. I could use with more coffee,” Jag said and headed for the door.

  The rest of us followed and once outside, Jag locked the door. Within ten minutes, we were at the diner and ordering food. I ate and listened to the conversation, but my mind kept rolling over the idea of the construction company.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “I’m so glad you girls came by. Well, maybe not at eight thirty in the morning, but looking around now, I can’t complain.” I leaned against the counter with Bailey while Carly and Sami sat on the other side of the island on the stools.

  I hadn’t known what to think when they showed up and was a little uncomfortable after Ghost first left and I was alone with them. But Sami, Bailey, and Carly made it easy. They talked to me as if I’d always been a part of their group.

  “I told this one,” Sami used her thumb to point at Carly, “that we should wait, but she doesn’t listen.”

  “I listen. I just chose not to follow what you say,” Carly said and stuck her tongue out at Sami.

  “I can’t wait for her to have a kid,” Sami said to me and Bailey, then swiftly turned her head to Carly. “I’m sorry, I swear I’m losing a brain cell a day with this one.”

  “Sami, it is fine. I’m not going to break down every time someone mentions kids or when I see a pregnant woman. I’m okay. Mac said there is no reason I shouldn’t get pregnant naturally. It will happen. She said after the stress on my body from getting shot, and my worry of being cleared to go back to work could be a factor. Not every woman gets pregnant at the drop of a hat.” Carly picked up her glass and took a drink. “And it is going to piss me off if everyone starts walking on eggshells around me,” she added and looked at Bailey as she sat the glass back down.

  “Oh my God, we haven’t told a soul. How do you even know?” Bailey asked, and Carly smiled.

  “I’m not a deputy just because I look good in the uniform,” Carly said and continued to drink her tea. Sami chuckled and got off the stool to hug Bailey, then she sat back down and looked at Carly.

  “I can’t believe you knew and didn’t say anything. It’s so unlike you.” Sami laughed when Carly rolled her eyes.

  “I didn’t want to ruin their news. I don’t blab everything. And if Lance hasn’t told the others, it will be a first. They gossip more than women.”

  “Only amongst themselves because if Kane knows, he hasn’t said one word,” Sami said and looked at me and raised a brow.

  I held my hands up. “Nope, if Brax knows, he’s not shared either. And considering the men filled me about you girls with the exception of Lance, I lean toward he hasn’t told his brothers.”

  “I’m still waiting for Carly to tell us how she found out,” Bailey said and eyed Carly.

  “Geez, I pay attention. It’s part of being a cop that’s all. Before the guys left for San Diego, you and Lance were standing on the porch. He kissed the breath out of you, then he ran his hand gently over your stomach and that damn smirk was on his face.” Carly grabbed the pitcher from the island and filled her glass.

  “I get why she wanted to wait,” I said, and three sets of eyes pierced me. “It’s a lot to take in and wrap your head around the fact you have a little person growing inside you. Brax and I didn’t use condoms when we ran to each other, so the possibility was there, but you’re still not prepared. I missed my period and thought I was just being paranoid and asking for problems. Until the morning sickness struck. Hard to rationalize it away when your face is over the toilet bowl or you’re staring into a trash can.”

  “Been there, twice,” Sami said and rubbed her baby bump. “Only been like a week since it stopped for me. Crazy how you hit that second trimester and bam, it’s gone.”

  “Ugh, I’ve got almost two months more of it,” I moaned, and Sami smiled.

  “It will go by quick. And, Bailey, I didn’t know you and Devil were trying,” Sami said, and Bailey chuckled.

  “Because we weren’t. I missed three straight days of my birth control with everything going on. Getting back with Lance, moving in with him, and then Neely coming to live with us. I was a little worried about continuing to take them since I missed more than one day, so I spoke with Mac.” Bailey chuckled, then continued. “Mac said chances were slim, but we’d do a quick blood test to make sure. That way since I already missed a few, I could start back after my cycle and get back on track. It meant Lance would have to wear condoms for a month, no big deal there. So we did the blood test and here I am—in a new job, raising a three year old, and pregnant.”

  “Now that Carly ruined your surprise, are you going to tell your mom and Lance’s dad?” Sami asked, and Carly rolled her eyes.

  “I guess we should because I don’t want to catch hell if my mom finds out before I get a chance. And to be honest, it has killed Lance not to tell anyone and everyone. He’s quite proud of knocking me up. Something about the precision of a military man and hitting the target with such a small window.”

  “God, I can’t imagine how I’m going to do it with one. Scares the hell out of me. And both of you are going to have two children to deal with,” I said, amazed how Sami and Bailey were so calm.

  “I’ll admit at first when Lance brought Neely home, I figured I would be the one having to do everything for her. And don’t get me wrong, I would have. I love Neely. I know she probably saw things a small child should never see, and then add in a brother, a new home, even though it was best for her, it was a change from what she knew. A big change. But Lance dove right in, which I think helped make her transition better because she only had a couple nightmares and he would stay with her until she fell back to sleep. Her shyness had more to do with being told to be quiet and stay out of the way. He’s been good for her and he’s pulled her out of the shyness. He loves her, which I think shocked him that it came so quickly. She knows it, feels it, and returns it. After everything he told me about when he found her, it’s probably her first experience with anyone caring for her. They’ve bonded as only siblings can. And they are amusing to watch together.”

  “Damn, hormones,” I said and wiped at the tears that escaped the corners of my eyes.

  “I know, I cry at commercials, it’s annoying,” Sami sniffed.

  “He’s going to make a great dad, Bailey,” Carly said, and laid a hand on top of Bailey’s.

  “I think so, too,” Bailey agreed.

  “Well, I’m kinda thinking the guys need to start wrapping it up twice,” Carly said and chuckled when Sami slapped her arm. “I wasn’t talking about your men. Kinda late for that anyway, don’t you think? I’m talking Dom, Max, and Emery.”

  “Dom’s hot for some ice princess from what I could make out of the guys teasing when we were traveling here,” I said, and Sami grinned.

  “I don’t know about hot as he wants to jump her. It’s more like she gets under his skin and his temper gets hot,” Sami said, and then explained how Dom had met River.

  “Yeah, and what is the saying about when ya bitch too much?” I said, and Carly pointed at me.

  “Exactly! All you have to do is mention her and he goes from calm to explosive in one minute flat. And don’t get me started on Emery and Mac. He goes at her and she dodges better than a boxer. That man has it bad. How Mac is holding her own is beyond me because the man fills out a pair of jeans,” Carly said and fanned herself.

  “Does Russ know you have a crush on Emery?” Sami asked.

  “It’s not a crush, it is admiration for a man who wears his clothes well. I have the same admiration for my man and the others, too.” Sami shook her head at Carly’s

  “So...I can tell Kane you think he looks good in his clothes?” Sami asked, and Bailey and I laughed when Carly lip curled, and she made a disgusted face.

  “I know you think you’re being cute but, one, the man needs no ego boost. And two, he’s my brother, we share the same genes. It would be like saying I was ugly. Though polar opposite in looks, mine are better.”

  “Not just genes you share,” Sami said under her breath as she moved to stand between Bailey and me.

  “Was that supposed to be an insult,” Carly said and rolled her eyes.

  “Can you be insulted?” Bailey asked, and Carly looked at her, then chuckled.

  “No, not really,” Carly said, and we laughed at her honesty.

  “When I talked with Max, he didn’t strike me as the type to hold off on what he wants when it comes to women. Or did I read him wrong?” I asked, hoping for a little more insight into Brax’s best friend.

  “Nope, you nailed him. Max won’t wait. But I bet it takes him a bit when he comes across the right woman to realize she’s it for him,” Bailey said.

  “When I worked at Soft Tails, I thought for sure he was into Syn the way he watched her, but then nothing.” Sami stood and walked her glass to the sink.

  “Oh, he was into Syn, it just didn’t last. He doesn’t want a woman to be his slave. The woman is going to need to be strong, but able to release control to him. Syn isn’t exactly what he’s looking for,” Carly said and handed her glass to Sami when she reached for it.

  “Look at you, Ms. Intuitive,” Bailey said.

  “Whatever, bite me,” Carly replied and stood. “Now that we’ve gotten to know Luna, helped her unpack, and had a good gossip session, let’s go outside and take a look at her bike. I’ve been dying to see it up close. Plus, I’m stoked that you ride. I can’t get these bitches interested,” Carly said and headed out of the kitchen.

  I took mine and Bailey’s glasses to the sink before I followed the women. As I walked through the house I looked around the living room. With their help, Brax and I were well on our way to settling into the place. We still needed some things, but it was at least a start.


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