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Waiting for Forever (Hope Valley Book 8)

Page 7

by Jessica Prince

  “Oh, that’s fantastic! So you aren’t banging her, but you are letting Danika Dough Girl teach our daughter everything she needs to know to get as fat as she was? How the hell do you consider that good parenting, Leo?”

  This fucking woman.

  “This conversation’s over, and when I say that, I mean it in a very final way. I won’t talk to you about Danika, I won’t listen to you call her childish, juvenile names. Macie likes her. She likes spending time with her, and she was excited to learn somethin’ that gives her joy. I’m not takin’ that away from her. And I swear to God, Whitney, I better never find out you’ve put the slightest thought in Macie’s head that she’s, in any way, less than the sweet, beautiful girl she. Unless it directly affects the wellbeing of one of the kids, you and I have absolutely nothing to say to each other.”

  I disconnected the call just as I turned into the parking lot at the back of the station. By the time I parked, climbed out, and headed inside, I was no less pissed, so when I hit the bullpen my partner read my mood clear as day. “Ah hell. The ex, the kids, or somethin’ altogether different?”

  Micah Langford had been my partner since I joined the department when I moved back a few years ago. He’d been there when things in my marriage went so sour there was no fixing them, taking me out for beers once I filed for divorce and listening when the shit with Whitney threatened to blow my top.

  “You get three guesses,” I muttered, pulling my chair out and sitting down. “And just a hint, it’s not the last two.”

  “So the ex. Not surprised. You know I got all the respect in the world for you man, but watchin’ your shit go down, I’m so damn glad I’m not married.”

  “Famous last words,” Hayes Walker, another detective with the HVPD said as he and his partner, Trick Wanderly came walking up, white paper cups from Muffin Top in their hands. He took a seat at his desk just across the aisle from mine. “Quickest way to jinx yourself and guarantee you end up married is to actually say you’re glad you aren’t married.”

  “Not a goddamn chance,” Micah chuckled. “Watchin’ my boy here go through that special kind of nightmare turned me off the institution for life. I can promise you that.”

  “I thought the same thing,” Trick said, humor laced through his words. “Now I got a woman, the number of teenagers in my household doubled, and there’s an infant screamin’ his head off in my house every night.”

  Hayes and Trick were both married, but for Trick this was marriage number two. His situation with his ex had only been slightly better than mine. No one expected he’d settle down again, then he hooked up with a gorgeous redhead at Hayes and his wife, Temperance’s, wedding. He and Nona have been together a while now, and he might bitch about squalling babies, but the man was living in bliss.

  “The day I get so hung up on a woman I imagine wedding bells is the day I split my paycheck between the two of you,” Micah declared.

  “I’ll take that bet,” Hayes said on a laugh. “Tempie’s been goin’ on about wanting to extend the barn at the farmhouse to add a couple more horses. With your contribution, I’m sure she’ll be by to thank you personally once it’s done.”

  The phone on Micah’s desk started ringing before he could reply. I watched him as he answered, listened for a second, and returned the receiver to the cradle.

  “We got a case,” he said, rising to his feet and removing his gun and holster from his desk drawer.

  And just like that, we were off, which meant, fortunately, I didn’t have any more time to waste on thoughts of Whitney. However, it also meant I didn’t have time to swing into Muffin Top.

  Chapter Eight


  Pushing through my back door, I was met with the usual silence that greeted me every day when I got home from work, and just like every other day, the first thought that passed through my mind was that maybe I needed to get a dog. At least then someone would be waiting and happy to see me when I got home.

  Then I remembered why I didn’t have a dog; it wouldn’t be fair to the poor pup that it had to spend twelve hours of every day all alone while I worked.

  On that depressing thought, I tossed my purse and keys onto the counter and trudged to my fridge, opening it to inspect its meager contents.

  My stomach let out a growl, informing me it hadn’t been fed since well before lunch, but nothing I was staring at called out to me.

  Salad fixings: Blech.

  Old cheese: Note to self, throw that out.

  Leftover pizza: That was promising, then I lifted the lid on the box and saw the hard, shriveled slices and remembered it had been in there for well over a week.

  I’d just slammed the door shut and was moving to the drawer I had designated for take-out menus when my cell began to ring. Shifting directions quickly, I went to my purse and fished it out. I instantly perked up the second my eye landed on the name scrolled across the screen.


  “Hey, darlin’,” Leo’s velvet voice came through the line, making me shiver.

  “Hey back,” I replied, a ridiculously giddy smile pulling at my lips. “How are you?”

  “I’m good. Just leavin’ work. I meant to swing by the shop today, but things got kinda crazy. I was callin’ to see if you’ve had dinner yet?”

  He meant to swing by the shop today.

  He was calling to see if I’d had dinner yet.

  The teenage-me inside my head squealed and began doing a happy dance. “No, actually. What I have in my fridge isn’t very inspiring, so I was just about to go through my take-out options.”

  His chuckle reached through the line and straight into my chest, giving it a firm squeeze. “What do you have in your fridge?”

  “Um, moldy cheese, a bag of salad that looks a bit droopy, and petrified pizza.”

  That got me a full-blown laugh that tickled down my spine. “How do you feel about Chinese?”

  “Well, if you mean their culture, I have the highest respect for it, and I think the women are hoarding some serious anti-aging secrets. If you’re talking about their food, I’m a big fan.”

  “Cute and funny,” he mumbled into the phone, and just like that, my cheeks caught fire.

  “Thanks,” I whispered in return.

  “Just stating facts,” he replied softly, then followed it up with, “Macie’s got a late gymnastics practice and Hardin’s hangin’ with some of his buds, so I was thinkin’ I could swing by Jade Palace then head to you. Sound good?”

  It sounded way more than good. “Yeah,” I said through another goofy grin. “Sounds great.”

  “All right, sweetness. Text me your address and order, and I’ll be there in about twenty.”

  While I’d heard everything he just said, I was hung up on one word in particular and couldn’t help but ask, “Sweetness?”

  “You smell like sugar all the time, baby. Seemed fitting.”

  Oh . . . wow! My stomach did a happy little flip and teenage-me swooned so hard she passed right the hell out. “Well, okay then,” I murmured into the phone, earning myself another chuckle.

  “You gonna text?”

  I was so lost in all the happy feels tumbling around inside of me, I’d completely lost track of the conversation. “Sorry?”

  “Your order, Danika,” he replied, a smile evident in his voice. “And your address.”

  “Oh! Yes. Got it. Yeah, I’ll text.”

  “Okay. See you in a few.”

  “In a few, Leo.”

  He hung up, and I slowly lowered my arm, bringing the phone from my ear. “He’s bringing me dinner,” I said to absolutely no one. I really needed to get a dog. At least then I wouldn’t look crazy, talking to myself. “He called me sweetness and baby,” I continued. Then I did a happy dance. Once that was finished, I quickly shot off a text, then I ran full-speed to my bedroom to make sure I didn’t look like a hot mess.

  Because Leo Drake was coming over with dinner!

  It hadn’t taken Leo twenty minutes
to get to me, more like thirty, but I knew that was because Jade Palace’s food was awesome, so it was a well-frequented restaurant. I’d used my time wisely—I touched up my makeup just enough that it wasn’t totally noticeable and changed out of my work clothes into a pair of light gray leggings and a long, slouchy, off-the-shoulder sweater in a fantastic forest green that was casual but trendy. It gave the impression that I wasn’t trying too hard while still looking cute, which was exactly what I was going for. My hair had spent the day in a knot at the top of my head, so when I pulled it down it was wild and wavy. I ran a bit of serum through the strands to take away the wild but leave the wavy.

  I’d just finished when my doorbell sounded, and with butterflies rioting in my belly, I breathed deep and headed for the door.

  I pulled it open and automatically had to fight against drooling as I got my first look at him. His boots and belt were black today. His button-down was an attractive navy, and his jeans were slightly faded, but still good quality. His hair was in sexy disarray, like he’d been dragging his fingers through it all day, and there was the telltale five-o’clock shadow on his jaw. “Hey,” I said, that one word coming out breathy.

  “Hey, darlin’. Got your shrimp lo mein and egg rolls, but also got some of those crab puffs, ’cause they’re the shit. If you’re sweet, I might be willin’ to share with you.” He gave me a wink that made my nipples tighten and my panties damp.

  Pushing my body’s reaction away, I stepped aside so he could enter. “I’m always sweet,” I teased back, following after him into the kitchen. My house wasn’t quite as nice as his, and it wasn’t nearly as big, but it worked for me. The small-ish bungalow was in a newer neighborhood where the houses that lined the street pretty much all looked alike. Due to lack of time, I hadn’t done much updating, so the cabinets were the simple builder grade, the countertops were a drab formica, and all the walls were a boring off-white. But I’d put my stamp on it as much as I could with furniture and decoration. Bright rugs and throw pillows. Tons of pictures of family and friends, eclectic art, and vases filled with flowers that stayed pretty simply because I traded them out once a week. I didn’t have a green thumb at all, but I loved the smell and pop of colors that fresh flowers provided.

  I thought I heard him mutter, “Don’t I know it,” under his breath as I reached into the cabinet to pull down plates, but I wasn’t sure, so I didn’t address it on the off chance I was wrong.

  “How much was my half of dinner?” I asked as I began dishing out my food.

  I looked up from my plate, brow furrowed when he replied, “Nothin’.”

  “I know Jade Palace mails out coupons because I get them in my box regularly, but never has one of them offered up a meal for free, Leo. I want to pay you back for my half.”

  He dumped a heap of beef and broccoli onto his plate as he informed me, “You’re not payin’ me back, sweetness. I ask a woman to dinner, I pay, whether we go out or not. It’s just the way I was raised. If this was a date at a restaurant I wouldn’t let you pay then, so no way in hell I’m lettin’ you pay now.”

  My hands froze mid-action of dropping an egg roll next to my lo mein as I stared over at him. “Is this . . . is this a date?” I asked incredulously.

  His head came up, disbelief marring his handsome features. “Isn’t that usually the case when a man asks a woman to have dinner with him?”

  Whoa. Okay. Um, what?

  “I—” couldn’t think of a thing to say.

  Reading the confusion on my face, he spoke again, and what he said left me completely floored. “Not sure how you missed the fact that I’m into you.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You-you’re into me?”

  He studied me for a second before a smirk curved his lips. “Christ, you’re even cute when you’re confused,” he muttered to himself, then directed his next words to me. “Yeah, baby. I’m into you.”

  Holy shit! “You’re into me,” I repeated, this time a statement instead of a question.

  “Yep, we’ve already established that, so how about we move on from there, and you fill me in on whether or not you’re into me?”

  “Yes!” The word came out so loud and so fast it was a wonder it didn’t break the sound barrier. My eyes bugged out and my skin bloomed bright red. Dropping the egg roll I’d been holding this whole time onto my plate, I slapped my hands over my face in embarrassment.

  His rich chuckle filled the room just seconds before I felt his fingers wrap around my wrists and pull them down so he could see me. “Really glad to hear that, Danika. I’ll admit, I was beginnin’ to worry, so it’s good to know the feeling’s mutual.”

  “You were beginning to worry?” I asked on a whisper, unable to wrap my head around that statement. “But . . . why?”

  “I’ve been tryin’ to get your attention for months darlin’ and you haven’t given me anything. I gotta tell you. That really messes with a man’s ego.”

  He had? “You have?”

  His grin turned into a smile as he lowered my arms down to my sides while still keeping hold of my wrists and stepped in close enough I could smell his cologne. “Every time I came into Muffin Top and tried to start up a conversation.”

  Well wasn’t I just the world’s biggest idiot? “I-I didn’t know, Leo. I’m sorry.”

  “Nothin’ to apologize for,” he said gently, his eyes growing soft and warm. “I’m gettin’ now that all that shy you’ve got goin’ on that makes you so damn sweet and cute also means you may not get subtle hints when they’re pointed your way. I’ll keep that in mind from here on out.”

  Oh wow! “So . . .” I started, for some reason needing confirmation in order to believe what was happening. “You’re into me.”


  “And I’m into you.”

  “Thank fuck,” he grunted in response.

  “And . . . this is a date.”

  “I know Chinese at your place may not seem like that’s the case, but yes, this is a date. It’s just, with my kids and everything . . .”

  I got what he was saying. “You have to be mindful of them.”

  He smiled at my understanding. “Yeah. So, I’m into you, and I’m here tonight ’cause I wanna see where this goes. But as you said, I need to be mindful of them and what they’re feelin’. I know some women wouldn’t be cool with bein’ kept a secret—”

  “No, I get it,” I said quickly. “I totally get it. Small town and all, if word got out, that means it’d inevitably get back to them.”

  His expression grew tender, and my belly got warm. “Exactly.”

  “So this is a secret date.”

  “For now,” he amended quickly, taking the last step that would bring his body less than an inch from mine. With him standing so close, I had to tip my head back to look up at him, his handsome face all I could see. “It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other, see where this goes. If it goes in the direction I’m hopin’, we can take it from there, yeah?”

  “Yeah, Leo,” I agreed quietly.

  “Good.” He released one of my wrists to lift his hand and trail his knuckles across my jaw. “Then finish platin’, baby. We can kick back and eat in front of the TV.”


  “You got anything good on your DVR?”

  I absolutely did. There was just one problem. “I don’t know. It kinda depends on what you like to watch.”

  “Unless it’s a sport, I don’t really watch much TV, so I’ll leave it up to you.”

  With that decided, we grabbed our plates and headed into my living room . . . where we commenced our first date.


  Chapter Nine


  Okay. Dayum.

  It had to be said, Leo Drake could kiss.

  No, that wasn’t right. It had to be shouted from a mountain top that Leo Drake could kiss, but seeing I was currently on my back with Leo lying partially on top of me, pressing me into the couch as we engaged in said kissing, I didn’t
have the opportunity or inclination to stop what we were doing so I could find a mountain top and yell that out for the masses.

  What had started out as the two of us sitting on my couch, eating dinner as we talked and laughed, only vaguely paying attention to the show I’d put on the television, had changed.

  I’d been laughing at something he’d just said, my head back, my hair falling over my shoulders. When I finished and righted my head he was staring at me in a way he never had before. His lids were half-mast and his hazel eyes were darker than I’d ever seen them. The mood shifted and he’d moved fast, sliding across the couch to press into me before taking me down to my back and fusing his lips to mine.

  What had started slow and sweet had quickly shifted. It turned hot and hungry. He tasted like mint and the hops from the beer he drank with his meal, and I got lost in all that was him. He overwhelmed all five of my senses, and I couldn’t get enough.

  My fingers pulled at his shirt, freeing it from where it had been tucked into his pants so I could reach beneath and feel his heated skin. He groaned into my mouth, taking the kiss even deeper as his own hand dipped beneath my sweater and started an upward trajectory.

  I whimpered against his tongue when the pad of his thumb brushed the underside of my breast, arching my back and pressing harder into his touch.

  “Christ,” he grunted, moving from my mouth to trail wet, nipping kisses along the sensitive skin of my neck. “So goddamn sweet.”

  I tugged at his hair, relishing the feel of the silky strands as I moaned and writhed beneath him. His mouth returned to mine as he kneed my legs farther apart, making room for his hips to fall between.

  I could feel him, long and hard, pressing against me through the barriers of our clothes. I wanted more of him, needed more. “Leo,” I gasped against his lips when his thumb and index finger gently pinched my nipple over my bra. It was sensation overload. I was close, embarrassingly close, and all we’d done so far was make out with a little heavy petting.


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