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The Sea Monster's Mate

Page 3

by Delaney Rain

  Ty finger combed Eric’s hair back from his forehead. “You seemed barely conscious after your release, and I grew concerned. However, I think you merely wished closer contact.”

  Eric closed his eyes, smiling. “Always been a cuddler,” he mumbled. “That was so good. Never felt so good.” He sighed and relaxed, letting Ty hold him.

  “I am glad to hear it.” Ty rested their cheek on Eric’s head.

  Eric had no idea how long he drowsed in Ty’s arms, but the next time he woke up, Ty was nibbling on seaweed. They were in a deeper section of the lagoon where the coral grew and bright green plants clung to rocky outcroppings. Eric looked around and realized Ty had anchored themself to several spots to keep them both afloat.

  “How do you feel?” Ty caressed Eric’s cheek.

  He smiled. “Like I’m being a burden, but I can’t really care.”

  “You are no burden to me. I have found that this closeness is something I require as well.” He frowned. “Though I do not believe it would be the same if you were not human. At least, I find it difficult to believe I would wish to…cuddle that pig.”

  Eric reached up and traced Ty’s bottom lip with his fingers. “I want you to kiss me, but I’m pretty sure that’ll get me going again.” He shifted in Ty’s embrace, feeling his arousal building. “That stuff’s making me so horny.”

  “Horny? Because your insertion organ juts from your body as a horn would?” Ty chuckled and stroked Eric’s cock.

  Eric moaned, the sensation just as strong as before. “Kiss me. Ty, please.”

  “What is kiss? Explain and it is yours.”

  Eric couldn’t speak then because Ty was moving through the water and the feel of it flowing across Eric’s skin was damn near orgasmic. When it stopped, Eric realized Ty had brought him back to his chair. It was possible Ty thought they would have to go get a kiss and bring it back to him.

  “You’re adorable.”

  Ty smiled, leaning against him. “Tell me of kiss.”

  “It’s not a thing. It’s your lips on mine. That’s a kiss.” He cupped the back of Ty’s sleek head and pulled him closer. “Please, Ty, kiss me and touch me. I want to feel you everywhere.”

  Ty gave him what he asked for, even though it was clear that kissing was completely foreign to them. Didn’t mean they weren’t a quick study, though, because Ty soon had Eric moaning into their mouth, tongues tasting, while Ty’s hands caressed Eric’s upper body.

  From the waist down, Eric was tangled up in Ty’s many tentacles. They slid and writhed against him like so many thick cocks. Some of them wrapped around his legs, drawing his thighs farther apart, or attached to his balls to pull and squeeze. When one probed his ass like a curious fingertip, Eric thought he might lose his mind.

  “Anything,” he said on a moan. “Take anything you want.”

  But Ty shook their head. “Not yet,” they whispered. “For now, kiss me and touch me, too.”

  Eric nodded and reached down, fishing through tentacles to try and find Ty’s cock. They had to have something like one, right? They’d called it an insertion organ, but all Eric felt were tentacles with suckers on one side until— Oh there! When Ty gasped as Eric wrapped his hand around a velvety rod, Eric knew he’d found it. He eased it forward, parting the tentacles, and laid it beside his own.

  It was huge, the dark blue cock resting on him from groin to collarbone. He grinned as he stroked it, sliding both hands from the base that was as thick as his wrist to the paler, slightly narrower tip. The slit gaped open every time he got near it, like a mouth begging for a kiss. Eric leaned down and kissed it, tongue probing. Ty’s cock was extra salty from the water, but kind of fruity-sweet, too, and Eric wanted to taste more. He grinned when Ty sent a pleasure-filled yell toward the sky. When they looked again at Eric, it was clear they’d never anticipated this.

  “I wanna make you come, too.” Eric closed his eyes and used both hands on Ty’s cock while stuffing the tip into his mouth and sucking.

  Tentacles held onto Eric everywhere, undulating and massaging. Ty’s hands gripped Eric’s shoulders and hair as Ty came out of the water more, covering Eric and rubbing more of them together. After a while, Eric couldn’t coordinate his actions, couldn’t think. He was all sensation, all pleasure, and the whole world got in on it this time when Eric came because he saw stars through the midday sky.

  He didn’t know if he fell asleep again or just floated in the afterglow for a while, but he found himself again in Ty’s arms. This time, they were still in the chair with Ty draped on top of Eric. It was an interesting sight, seeing all those tentacles floating out several feet in front of him. He caressed Ty’s back, and that had them lifting their head to smile at him.

  Eric leaned down and kissed them, immediately reminded of how he’d made out with Ty’s cockhead. Either his inhibitions were gone, or that elixir didn’t allow embarrassment because Eric was cool with it. But he did wonder… “Did you come? I wanted to see that.”

  “Achieve release?” Ty sat up, their tentacles submerging, probably to brace them up since Eric’s legs were still wantonly spread. “No, I cannot.”

  “What? Why not?”

  Ty moved away a bit more. “It would merge the chambers and fertilize the eggs.”

  Something they didn’t want to do without Eric’s consent. “Oh.”

  “I know you offered to accept,” they said while drawing in Eric’s wet chest hairs and not looking him in the eyes. “But you were in the throes of pleasure and… And I did not feel like that was sufficient consent. I believe you should be fully cognizant of your decision if you should—”

  “Thank you.”

  They finally looked up, nodded and sighed.

  Eric reached for them. “Come here, please.”

  With a smile that seemed relieved, Ty pushed forward and right into Eric’s arms. They rested against his chest again, arms around him, and tentacles wrapping his legs. It was the most thorough and comforting embrace Eric had ever experienced.

  He knew then that continuing would mean way more than simply helping someone in need. Eric cared.

  Chapter Four

  Standing in the grass, letting the hot sun dry his skin, Eric looked down and realized he had a few little bruises on his inner thighs and lower belly. He laughed, betting they were from Ty’s tentacles latching onto his more delicate skin with a bit too much enthusiasm. But he liked that Ty got that passionate, liked that Ty had seemed surprised that they’d enjoy everything so much. Eric wanted to be unique.

  He wanted Ty to always remember him.

  And now that the elixir was ebbing, Eric knew with a much clearer head that he wanted to be Ty’s host. No, ack, not that word. He wanted to help Ty have babies. That was better. For all intents and purposes, Eric was going to be Ty’s surrogate. That was a noble thing in itself, but he also wanted to do it because Ty was good people and Eric liked them.

  It wasn’t just the sex, which was, admittedly, the best Eric had ever had. That was mostly due to the elixir—a drug—so it wasn’t anything to base a relationship of any kind on. But the sweet kisses and cuddling afterward? That came naturally to both of them. And now that Eric knew Ty couldn’t come until they were ready to fertilize those eggs, Eric was perfectly content to caress and kiss only.

  Even if the affection in that was going straight to his heart.

  Eric sighed and turned, but the move was too fast and he wobbled. Suddenly, two long tentacles shot out of the water and grasped his shoulder and hip, steadying him immediately. Eric chuckled for needing them and let Ty encourage him back into the water.

  “Sure you’re not going to eat me?”

  Ty snorted and rolled their eyes. “Maybe a little bit,” they said before they nibbled his lips and his throat.

  Eric laughed, tipping his head back so Ty could keep going. He wrapped his legs around Ty’s waist and held onto their shoulders while Ty moved them into deeper water. Though Eric’s cock rubbed so deliciously against Ty
’s abs, he resisted moving to get more friction. But it did make him think again of Ty’s glorious cock.

  Could he take that sea monster? He chuckled at the thought and rested his head on Ty’s shoulder, closing his eyes. He already knew he trusted Ty, but they’d readily admitted to this being their first time breeding in addition to having no knowledge of doing it with a human. Should they test this, too?

  “I think we should test getting your cock inside me,” he said without thinking.

  If it was possible for Ty to stumble, they did it then because both of them nearly went under for a second there.

  “You think we should test the insertion process?”

  Despite his blush, Eric leaned back to look Ty in the eyes. “Yeah, because you’re thick, and I don’t know how that’ll feel.”

  “I must also insert my entire length to ensure all the eggs will fit.”

  Eric blinked a few times as his brain short-circuited on that. “You— You’re like two feet long! That’s… That’s…”

  “I realize it is significantly longer than yours.” And they said it like they were sorry about that.

  “No, I mean, yeah, you are but…” Oh, hell, he had to be honest here. “I’m turned on by that. By the length, the girth, how it might feel…” He moaned as he dropped his head onto Ty’s shoulder again. “I’ve always loved getting fucked and that cock’s a dream come true.”

  Ty held him close and shook a little, but then a giggle slipped out. When Eric frowned at them, Ty cupped his cheek and said with a grin, “I do believe I made the best decision of my life when I chose you, Eric.”

  He huffed a laugh and stole a kiss, embarrassed now because… “Yeah, I like you, too.”

  Grinning, Ty continued, “So far our tests have proven successful, but I do see the merit of testing this as well. While you have a certain degree of experience, I have none.” Their big blue eyes conveyed an ocean of concern. “It would devastate me if I inadvertently harmed you in some way through my ignorance.”

  Eric nodded as he traced the line of Ty’s jaw. “The only thing is, though… That’s a lot of stimulation for you to resist. What if you, you know, release while we’re doing this?”

  “Left unfertilized, the eggs and sperm would leave my body separately after a time. Such could happen if I was unable to find a host or if I was injured. If fertilized, the eggs will need to depart my body through my insertion organ only. Were I to remove myself from you, I could not stop their exit, and they would perish.”

  “Then we can’t practice. We just have to do it.”

  Ty smiled before giving him a brief kiss. “Not without your con—”

  “But I’m giving that now, okay? I want to do it.”


  “Don’t think about it too much, just—”

  “No.” They caught Eric’s chin and made him look them in the eyes. “Think of everything in depth, Eric. Once they are inside you, they cannot leave. Your body will not let them, and I cannot retrieve them. We will be committed.”

  He’d always thought he’d wanted commitment. As much as he might’ve fantasized, he’d wanted just one man to come home to at the end of every day. He’d longed to spend forever with just one person. When he’d had it, when he’d thought nothing could tear them apart, he’d been wrong and lost everything.

  “I’m not afraid of changing my mind,” he whispered. “I am afraid that the eggs will hatch and then all of you will leave.”

  Ty’s mouth opened as they stared at him. “You want us to stay?”

  “We’ve only just met. I don’t want to lose you.” He tried to smile, but couldn’t. “You completely fascinate me. I want to know everything about you. And I’m so curious about these kids. I don’t want to meet them only to watch you all swim away.” His voice cracked as he imagined that.

  Ty pulled him close, pressing their foreheads together. “I never imagined I could feel as I do now with you. I thought accepting Falsor’s semen was the height of intimacy, but I was wrong.” They looked at him closely to say, “Eric, I do not wish to leave you. I must stay and learn your every thought. My offspring must know you as well.”

  Eric took a shaky breath, feeling deep down like they’d done so much more than agree to a commitment for right now. He wrapped his arms around Ty’s shoulders and hid his face there as Ty held him in return. As impossible as they were, as much sense as they didn’t make, this still felt like the best decision he’d ever made, too.

  After a huffy sigh, Ty asked with some attitude, “What is funny about this?”

  “Nothing you’re doing is funny, I swear.” Eric looked over his shoulder at them. “It’s just that less than twenty-four hours ago, I would’ve been too embarrassed to think about doing this.” He wiggled his ass. “And now here I am just doin’ it.”

  Because Eric was kneeling on his chair so his ass could be above the water line to ensure the elixir—which doubled as a lubricant—wouldn’t wash away while Ty worked his ass open. And Eric was having a fantastic time clinging to the back of his chair and arching his back while Ty’s fingers probed deeper and deeper.

  “The elixir has many fine qualities.”

  “Aw, yeah, it does.” Eric moaned at the sky as that warm tingling he’d felt when he’d swallowed more down a few minutes ago was now in his ass, too. “Fuck, that feels good.”

  “I no longer feel any resistance, Eric.”

  Neither did he, but what he heard was a whole lot of nervousness. “Help me turn around,” he said, and immediately, Ty was there to assist. “We’re gonna face each other for this.”

  “Oh,” was all Ty said, but their eyes ate up the sight of Eric’s aroused body.

  Eric took a moment to sit up and cup Ty’s sweet face. “I’m willing, you’re stuffed to these cute gills with fresh fish, and I’m so high you won’t have any trouble getting inside me and going deep. Don’t worry. Okay?”

  Ty grinned and pulled him down for a kiss. “I feel as though my concern for you will never abate, Eric.”

  “Smooth talker.”

  Since the chair wasn’t really made for this, Ty offered their longest tentacles to help brace up Eric in a comfortable position. With the tentacles’ suction cups against the chair back and Eric’s legs hooked over the armrests, he lounged, letting the elixir do its marvelous job. When he felt the bulbous head of Ty’s cock, Eric just smiled and watched as Ty concentrated on their aim.

  A long, low moan bled from Eric’s lips as Ty entered him. He liked the way Ty’s eyes rolled back, eyelids fluttering, as they moaned, too. Since their cock was a good two feet, Eric didn’t try to move or anything—Ty had a lot to get in there and a job to do as well. Eric was just meant to receive, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t enjoying the stretch and pressure of accommodating such a sea monster.

  Lazily, he stroked his own cock above and below the waterline. When he’d done this before, he’d been thinking about ravenous pirates, but Ty had been the one watching him. They watched him now, too. Was their skin flushing purple like Eric’s flushed red? He reached for them, and Ty came closer, leaning on him and kissing him. Even more of their cock pushed into Eric’s unresisting body.

  Eric’s breath suddenly caught as a shiver hit him hard.


  “Prostate,” he said on a grin because Ty’s cock might be smooth, but it was rubbing across Eric’s prostate continuously. “I’m gonna…gonna come.”

  When he did, it was shockingly powerful for Eric, but when he was able to see he’d taken Ty over, too, that brought a tear to Eric’s eye. This is it. Ty’s orgasm was what they’d needed to fertilize the eggs, and now they were ready. “Do it,” Eric said, his voice strained. “Get ’em in me quick.”

  Ty must not have been that far into Eric because now they pushed deeper, so deep, and the scrape over his prostate had Eric on the edge all over again. His nerve endings were wailing from the pleasure overload as he clutched at Ty’s arms. And then Ty was resting on top o
f him, a surprised sort of look on their face, and Eric realized they were all the way inside him.

  That was when he felt something larger than the girth of Ty’s cock roll down its length from Eric’s stretched hole and on into his guts. The first egg. He gasped, a hand over his abs, as Ty moved a few inches back, but the egg stayed put.

  “It’s in me. Oh my god, I can feel it.” Eric probed his abs, swearing he could feel the solid lump. “You put a baby in me,” he said on a laugh.

  But though Ty smiled like they were charmed, they clearly had other things to concentrate on. Five more things, to be exact, and Eric felt each one come into him to sit beside its sibling. Round and solid, they remained while Ty slowly withdrew.

  Eric’s second orgasm took them both by surprise, but it was milder, like a rolling wave of deep pleasure that left contentment in its wake. He felt like he was floating, and then realized that he was. Ty had him propped up along the surface, nothing but tentacles and his own loose body holding him up. Eric closed his eyes as Ty’s fingers caressed him from stomach to groin, following the curved line of eggs inside him.

  “How do you feel?” Ty quietly asked, their face right beside Eric’s as they came up out of the water behind him.

  For a moment, Eric just sighed because it felt so good to have Ty at his back, arms around him, and holding him close. “Amazing,” he managed before a roll of pleasure went through him and made him moan. “I think I’m still coming.”

  He felt Ty smile against his cheek. “It may be the elixir or the pressure of the eggs. Or both. As long as you are comfortable, I care not the cause.”

  Eric found Ty’s fingers and laced them with his. “Perfectly comfortable,” he meant to say, but may have fallen asleep.

  Chapter Five

  “Oh, fuck me, this is not comfortable.”

  It was only the second day and Eric was a lot less affected by the elixir now. Was that why he felt like he had an impacted colon instead of a fun sex toy up there?


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