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His Fairy Tale Ending

Page 5

by Casper Graham

  Chapter 6

  “You seem happier these days.”

  Leonardo glanced sideways at Isaac and snorted in annoyance as he attempted to concentrate on running on the treadmill next to his younger brother. “Cut it out. I’ve always been fine.”

  Isaac stared at him in disbelief. “No, you were not. The scandal with Elaine tore you up rather horribly for a while.”

  Leonardo’s immediate reaction was to deny it, but he couldn’t do that. Isaac was right. “I loved Elaine.”

  “But you weren’t in love with her.”

  He glared at Isaac in irritation. “Are you psychoanalyzing me?”

  Isaac shook his head. “I’m worried about you, Leo. To the world, you’re the Crown Prince of Gefrington, first in line to ascend the throne, but you’re my big brother, first and foremost.”

  Leonardo felt a spike of guilt. “Sorry for snapping at you, but I’m fine. Really. I mean, Elaine’s indiscretion humiliated me more than it hurt me, but you’re right. I wasn’t in love with her. Regardless, I thought she and I were a team. Maybe not for each other’s sake, but at least for the twins’. I loved her in my own way, but it wasn’t enough for her. I need to shoulder part of the blame and responsibility for our failed marriage.”

  “It’s not a valid excuse for her to cheat on you.”

  He shrugged. “True. I was furious for a while, but once I calmed down, I was able to understand why she did what she did. I wish she had come to me and dissolved the marriage in private, but that’s neither here nor there. What’s done is done.”

  Isaac winked at him and smiled. “So much for the stereotyping that bisexuals are cheaters, eh?”

  He laughed and nodded. “My sexuality doesn’t define my loyalty. Just because I’m attracted to both men and women, it doesn’t mean I can’t control myself.”

  “I’m glad to notice you’ve been much more cheerful lately.”

  “Thanks. Dating Tristan definitely helps.”

  “He’s a good man?”

  He shook his head. “He’s a great man. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gone out on three dates with him so far. We have another one tomorrow evening. Today is his day off, and he’s spending time with some of his friends at Kaiserbourg.”

  Isaac appeared startled for a bit before chuckling in response. “That’s awesome. It gives me hope.”

  Leonardo looked at Isaac in confusion. “What are you trying to say?”

  Isaac huffed and puffed as he continued to run on the treadmill. “After…after Elaine, it was hard for me to spend much time with you. I’ve always admired you. You’re my older brother. When we were teenagers, I wanted to be just like you. Elaine messed you up, and I felt helpless. I didn’t know the right thing to do or the right word to say to get you through it. It was…sobering to watch my big brother fall so deep into grief. Suddenly, you were…human. Just a regular guy like me.”

  Leonardo paused his own treadmill and clasped Isaac on the shoulder. “I’m not perfect.”

  Isaac stopped running and turned to face him. “But you’re my older brother. You were my role model growing up. You still are. For a while, I began to have doubts about Vivian.”

  He gazed at Isaac in horror. “Isaac! Come on, man.”

  “I guess it was stupid, but I couldn’t stop worrying. I mean, if my incredible big brother couldn’t make his marriage work, what chance—”

  He gripped Isaac’s bulging biceps with both hands to cut the man off midsentence, ignoring the fact that his younger brother was perspiring like mad. “You listen to me. Vivian and Elaine are two different people. Your relationship with Vivian isn’t the same as the one I had with Elaine. I’m not claiming that you and Vivian are guaranteed a happily ever after, but the two of you are in love with each other. I believe that will make a world of difference.”

  “You think so?”

  He nodded. “Don’t measure your relationship based on mine or your worth in relation to me. After all, nobody in this world can be as hunky as me.”

  Isaac choked and rolled both eyes in retaliation. “You know the saying about men with huge egos?”


  “They have tiny dicks.”

  “You’re a fucking asshole.”

  Isaac chortled at him before restarting the treadmill once again. Leonardo guffawed along with his younger brother as he resumed running. He was relieved he got the opportunity to exercise with Isaac. It had been a while since they were able to do that. They both had full schedules almost every day, so it was rare for them to be able to just hang out as brothers and have some fun or hit the private gym at the palace at the same time. This was turning out to be a wonderful morning.

  * * * *

  “Look what the cat dragged in.”

  Tristan snorted at Thomas and gave the man a middle finger salute. “I’m here for a visit, and I bring gifts. The chefs at the palace are kind enough to give me all the extra bread and pies. If you’re going to be like this, I’ll just leave now.”

  He chuckled when Thomas tugged him into the apartment in a hurry. “I’m just kidding, Tristan, my old friend. Have I told you how handsome you are this morning?”

  “Not yet, but that’s nice to know. Where’s Jacob?”

  “Still asleep.”

  His eyes sparkled in amusement. “Ha! I’m going to surprise him.”

  Thomas seemed to be horrified. “Ugh, I think you better not. He had a long day yesterday.”

  He narrowed his eyes at Thomas. “What are you hiding? You’re usually the first and the most eager to tease and prank anyone.”

  Thomas blushed. “I’m not hiding anything. I simply think it will be better to let—”

  Just then, Jacob made his way out from the bedroom. The man was still yawning with both eyes closed while scratching his firm stomach. Tristan’s eyes widened in shock. Jacob was naked, which wasn’t anything new. When they lived together, Tristan was aware Jacob loved to walk around the apartment without any clothes on. He had seen enough of Jacob’s dick to last him for several lifetimes. However, his astonishment stemmed from the fact that Jacob had just walked out from Thomas’s bedroom. A few seconds later, Jacob shrieked in shock and stared at Thomas and Tristan.

  Tristan smirked at the other two men. “So? The two of you together, eh? When did that happen?”

  Jacob rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and gestured toward the dining room. Tristan nodded and grabbed one of the old wooden chairs before sitting on it. He was even more astounded when Thomas placed a cup of hot coffee in front of Jacob before kissing the other man on the forehead. That was the most surreal sight he ever witnessed in his entire life. He was aware Thomas and Jacob were closer to each other than they were to him, but he didn’t know about their relationship. Moreover, when the three of them were still living together, Thomas and Jacob had brought home a number of men over the years. Neither of them was quiet when they had sex.

  “After you moved out, Thomas and I grew even closer.”


  Thomas’s face reddened like a tomato. “I’ve been in love with Jacob for a while now, but I was terrified of ruining the dynamics among the three of us. When you left, Jacob and I spent all our spare time together. Just the two of us.”

  Jacob smiled at Thomas, and Thomas returned it. “I’m in love with Thomas, too. For a while now. Anyway, since the two of us now live on our own, I took the chance to snuggle up to him on the couch while watching TV. I figured I could take the risk. If Thomas rejected me, I wouldn’t have to feel terrible for ruining our friendship, and you wouldn’t have to feel awkward living with the two of us.”

  Tristan gazed at Thomas and Jacob and grinned at them. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks,” Thomas and Jacob responded almost at the same time.

  Tristan then placed the bread and pies on the table. “Courtesy of the chefs at the palace.”

  After getting some plates, utensils, and a knife, Thomas and Jacob dug in with plenty of e
nthusiasm a few minutes later. Tristan made himself a cup of tea, but he didn’t eat any of the bread or pies since he was still full from breakfast at the palace earlier.

  Jacob kicked his shin under the table lightly to catch his attention. “How’s Prince Charming?”

  He feigned ignorance. “Which one?”

  Thomas rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Prince Leonardo, of course.”

  Tristan heaved out a soft sigh before responding. “He’s healthy.”

  Jacob snorted. “You’re no fun at all.”

  “What do you want to know anyway?”

  Tristan had to be cautious of the things he said. He might be close to Thomas and Jacob, but Leonardo had requested he kept their relationship under wraps for the time being. He didn’t mind at all. He understood Leonardo’s concern. Moreover, if the news about them being together were leaked out to the public, he wasn’t sure he was ready to deal with the resulting media’s interest in him and Leonardo.

  Thomas put his fork down in a hurry. “Does he have a giant penis? I read online in a forum somewhere that people think Prince Leonardo has an enormous penis. At least twelve inches.”

  Tristan almost choked on his tea. “Twelve…that’s…I don’t know. I’ve never seen him naked. Also, isn’t that excessive?”

  Jacob shrugged. “Some men are blessed.”

  Tristan shook his head. “I think that’s a curse. Most men and women will never be interested in getting a foot of dick up their…you know. Besides, where did those people online get their information from?”

  Thomas seemed eager to explain. “Apparently, some people had studied the shape of Prince Leonardo’s crotch area whenever the man made a public appearance.”

  Tristan was even more bewildered now. “He didn’t put on any pants in public?”

  Thomas snorted. “I wish! I mean, some people claimed the prince’s groin area in several photographs displayed very prominent bulges. Hence, they’re certain Prince Leonardo must be packing at least one foot of dick in his pants.”

  Tristan snickered in disbelief. “Some people have too much free time.”

  Jacob cut another slice of pie before speaking up. “I don’t know which one I like better. Both the apple and lime pies are delicious. Their scents alone are making my mouth water. Oh, talking about aroma, what do Princes Leonardo and Isaac smell like?”

  Tristan raised his left eyebrow at both Jacob and Thomas. “Why are you both so interested in the princes? Aren’t you two in a relationship now?”

  Thomas chuckled. “Well, Jacob and I agree we can ogle and be curious about other men as much as we want. Just no touching.”

  Tristan gaped at the other two men for a few seconds before shaking his head. “Most of my interactions inside the palace are with Prince Leonardo and the twins.”

  “Okay. Fine. Talk to us about Prince Leonardo then.”

  “He’s a loving and devoted father. He’s also kind and caring even toward the employees who work in the palace.”

  “Body odor?” Jacob persisted.

  He gasped at Jacob. “Why are you so obsessed with that? No, he doesn’t stink. I mean, he puts on cologne, and I think it must be expensive. I don’t know. I’ve never had much money. Anyway, he’s just a man. I’m sure he farts and poops just like the rest of us commoners. His status as the Crown Prince doesn’t automatically mean he shits colorful rainbows and golden sunshine.”

  Thomas sighed. “That’s disappointing.”

  Tristan rolled his eyes. “Too bad.”

  Jacob swallowed the last bite of pie before opening his mouth once again. “He does seem like an amazing person, though. I’ve watched some of his public appearances. I remember he took the time to chat with the sick people at the hospice. He really listened to all of them. I was impressed.”

  Tristan felt a weird surge of pride. It had been three weeks since he moved into the palace. He and Leonardo had only gone on three dinner dates so far over the last two weeks, but all their other interactions involved the twins in one way or another. He could tell the prince was a wonderful man.

  However, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to take their intimacy to the next level. The most they had done with each other was a light peck on the lips. He wanted to be certain he wouldn’t regret giving up his first time having sex to Leonardo. Not that his mind was preoccupied all the time with sexual thoughts. He believed it would happen when the time was right. That would be a while yet. In the meantime, he was going to enjoy spending time with Thomas and Jacob. They had a few things to catch up on.

  He missed both Jacqueline and Alexander, though. The three of them were growing even closer together with each passing day. He hoped the children would be all right when he and Leonardo eventually broke the news to the twins about the two of them dating. It would break his heart if they disapproved of his relationship with their father. Regardless, that was a long time coming in the future. He would take it one step at a time for the time being. He and Leonardo had plenty of time to work out the logistics.

  Chapter 7

  Leonardo put down the invitation card he received almost one month ago back onto the table before digging into his breakfast. It was a charity event to raise funds for cancer research, among other things. As a member of the royal family and the future monarch of Gefrington, there were only so many public events he could decline before tongues would start wagging. Immediately after Elaine, people had been understanding about his choice not to show up for events that were considered more as social activities, but it was now time for him to make an appearance once again. He had a lot to think about before he could make up his mind.

  “I think you should attend.”

  His mother’s voice startled him. “I’m thinking about it.”

  His father got his attention by putting his utensils down with a rather muted clatter onto the plate. “This isn’t the first time you bring that invitation card around with you. What is your concern, Leonardo?”

  He held back a sigh. “I’m definitely going. I’ve actually sent a response to the organizer.”

  “But?” Isaac prodded.

  Leonardo turned toward his twins before returning his gaze to his younger brother. “Will it be a horrible idea to ask Tristan to accompany me?”

  His mother smiled at him. “Are you prepared for the media’s attention? It has barely died down since Elaine.”

  He glanced down at his plate for a moment before nodding. “I think I am.”

  His father leaned against the chair. “What about Tristan?”

  He shrugged. “I’m going to check with him later.”

  Isaac snorted. “Do you think he will agree to it? While he has been working at the palace for exactly two months now, the two of you have only gone out on a few dates.”

  He shook his head at Isaac when he noticed his younger brother cocking his head at the twins. “Tristan and I are great friends. Right, Jackie? Alex?”

  Jacqueline and Alexander bobbed their heads up and down, but neither of them was able to answer verbally due to the food in their mouths. Isaac simply rolled his eyes and resumed eating. Leonardo smirked at his younger brother before picking up the invitation card once again. He wanted to go public with his and Tristan’s relationship, but he was concerned the other man wasn’t ready to do the same.

  His father’s voice broke into his thoughts. “Do it if you’re certain. Otherwise, wait for another opportunity.”

  He grinned. “I will. Thanks for the advice.”

  When breakfast was over, everyone at the table dispersed to deal with his or her own duty. Leonardo decided to follow Jacqueline and Alexander back to their wing of the palace. After all, he needed to talk to Tristan. Tristan was obviously taken aback to see him because he never came with the children right after breakfast. However, he was delighted and more than a little aroused when Tristan beamed at him as the man was busy hugging one twin after the other.

  “This is an unexpected but wonderful surprise,” Tristan said after ge
tting back up on his feet.

  “Glad to hear that. What’s your plan for the kids today?”

  “I’m going to take them to the park for about an hour. I’ll request for the usual guards to come along with us.”

  He nodded his approval before switching the topic. “Kids, wash up. Tristan and I will be waiting here for you.”

  Once the children rushed off toward the bathroom to wash up, Tristan glanced at him. “Is something the matter?”

  “Not really. Why?”

  “You never stop by early in the morning.”

  He rubbed the back of his hair and smiled at Tristan. “Actually, there’s something I need to discuss with you.”

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “I’m wondering about what you think about the two of us going public with our relationship.”

  Tristan gasped softly at him. “Are…are you sure?”

  He was bewildered by the response. “Yes. Why?”

  “Leo, I’m an orphan with nothing to my name, except some clothes, a few other personal belongings, and a little bit of savings in the bank. I mean, I have more money now thanks to the generous salary you provide for me, but it’s nothing compared to yours. Besides, you’re the Crown Prince of Gefrington.”

  He stepped closer to Tristan before tugging at the younger man’s waist to bring them closer together. “I…I like you very much. No, I love you. I…bloody hell! I can’t even speak properly.”

  He and Tristan burst out laughing. He reached up with his right hand when he felt Tristan’s warm palm rubbing against his cheek. It was a tender gesture, and he couldn’t help but lean toward Tristan even more.

  “I’m in love with you, Leo.”

  He beamed at Tristan. “Yeah?”

  Tristan nodded. “Very much so.”

  “That’s perfect because I’m so in love with you that I don’t even want to imagine living the rest of my life without you.”


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