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His Fairy Tale Ending

Page 7

by Casper Graham

  Chapter 9

  Leonardo loved his parents. They were concerned about his well-being, and he was aware they had good intentions, but he couldn’t wait for them to return to their wing in the palace. He was feeling extremely tortured at the moment. His dick was harder than steel, and it was throbbing so much right then that he was certain he could feel the precum flowing out from the slit of his cockhead.

  However, he couldn’t do anything about it. He had to sit on the couch in the living room while Tristan was pressed tightly against him on his right side. The scent of his boyfriend’s cologne wasn’t helping either. It took every ounce of his self-control not to pounce on Tristan right then and there and bury his nose in his boyfriend’s neck while rutting against the man’s sexy body like a freaking teenage boy with zero patience or finesse.

  “What are you both doing here?”

  His mother glared at him. “Rude. Your father and I accompanied Jackie and Alex while you and Tristan were busy at the charity event. Isaac is out there somewhere with Vivian. I’ll have you know the twins were delighted when your father and I read them their bedtime stories earlier.”

  He felt a tinge of guilt, but it wasn’t enough to make him back down. “Great. Thank you. Tristan and I peeked into their bedrooms earlier. They’re both asleep now. I’m sure you and Father need your rest, as well.”

  His father snickered at him. “Leo, you talk as if your mother and I aren’t welcome in your wing.”

  He was about to retort when Tristan bumped into him gently, so he shut his mouth. He gritted his teeth as Tristan smiled at his parents.

  “Your Majesties, I’m sure Prince Leonardo doesn’t mean to come across like that at all. The event was a huge success, and the organizer managed to raise quite a substantial amount of money, but the charity event itself was long and tiring. His Highness also has multiple appointments to deal with tomorrow. I believe Prince Leonardo will benefit from an early and restful sleep tonight.”

  Leonardo suppressed a sigh when his mother smiled widely at Tristan.

  “Did you enjoy yourself, Tristan?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty, I did. Prince Leonardo made sure I wouldn’t get bored at the event.”

  His father grinned and nodded. “That’s wonderful to know. By the way, are the two of you going to officially inform the public about your relationship soon?”

  Leonardo felt the heat rising up his neck and cheeks. “We already did earlier. I’m sure everyone in attendance won’t misunderstand the nature of our relationship. The news should have spread by now.”

  His father shook his head. “That’s not official enough, Leo. We need to release a press statement through the spokesperson for the palace.”

  He looked his parents in the eye before responding. “I’ll do that first thing tomorrow morning.”

  His mother got on her feet, followed by his father. He and Tristan did the same almost immediately after his parents. He waited for his mother to speak up when she turned toward him and Tristan.

  “That’s fine. Just send out the word quickly. We don’t want the media to distort any information that may be damaging to the monarchy.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  His parents bade them both to sleep well before leaving him and Tristan. Instinctively, he and Tristan bowed at his parents. Once they were far enough, he plopped down onto the couch. He was relieved to realize his dick wasn’t as hard as it was before. It would have been embarrassing to stand with his erection straining against his pants. He didn’t need his parents to notice his bulge. That would have been mortifying. Tristan snuggled up to him, so he wrapped one arm around his boyfriend.

  “I rarely get the chance to interact with your parents, but they’re nice.”

  He snorted. “They’re a pain in the ass.”

  “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had any parents.”

  He turned toward Tristan and gave the man an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry for being insensitive.”

  Tristan shook his head. “Don’t be. It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Leo, I’m really all right,” Tristan insisted. “I don’t want you to tread on eggshells every time we’re having conversations you think may trigger me. I don’t think it will help either of us to move forward in our relationship.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah,” Tristan replied. “Anyway, are you ready for bed?”

  The teasing expression on Tristan’s face caused Leonardo’s dick to harden in an instant. He nodded before dragging a laughing Tristan toward his bedroom. He had been fantasizing about making love to Tristan for weeks now. He was relieved it was about to happen for real. His right hand was starting to ache from the number of times he played with his dick. It would be nice to give it some respite, even if it was just for a night.

  * * * *

  Tristan had kissed a few men in his life, one of whom was his ex-boyfriend, but nothing prepared him for the way he felt when Leonardo pressed their lips together. It might be more of a psychological than physiological reaction. He couldn’t deny that he was in love with Leonardo. That might be the reason why the gentle kisses between them were so arousing.

  He writhed on the bed underneath Leonardo’s heavier, more muscled body, but he gave up trying to move when the other man bore down harder onto him. Not that he wanted to go anywhere at all. The delicious and maddening friction of their pants-covered cocks rubbing against each other was more than enough as an incentive for him to wrap his legs around Leonardo’s thighs. He yearned for more, but Leonardo seemed intent on taking his own sweet time. Tristan would have made a verbal request if he wasn’t enjoying the feeling of Leonardo’s tongue licking against his own.

  He inhaled deeply the heady aroma of Leonardo’s expensive cologne mixed in with a little bit of his lover’s musk. It was intoxicating, and he couldn’t stop himself from fumbling with the buttons on Leonardo’s shirt. He needed to feel his lover’s warm skin flushed against his own, but he was trembling so much that it took him forever just to unbutton the first few at the top. However, that was more than enough for him to peek at Leonardo’s magnificent, hairy chest hidden by the shirt.

  Leonardo pulled away by a fraction and gave him a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I would have shaved my chest if I—”

  He didn’t allow Leonardo to continue. Instead, he tugged his lover closer and proceeded to kiss the man with all the desperation he felt burning deep inside. After a while, he managed to take Leonardo’s shirt off completely. His own heart beat faster as he took in the sight of Leonardo’s slightly sweaty body. He ran his palms through the hair on his lover’s chest. It was turning him on, but it was even better when Leonardo placed both palms flat on the bed next to his face. He could now trail his fingers down through every ridge of Leonardo’s abdominal muscles.

  “Are these what they call a twelve-pack?”

  Leonardo snorted. “I only have a six-pack.”

  “Better than mine. My stomach is firm enough, but it’s nothing like this.”

  “I think I’ll have to strip you naked to make a fair judgment of that.”

  He smirked at Leonardo and drop his hands back down onto the bed before attempting to position his body and head in a sexy, come-hither look, hoping all the while that he didn’t appear awkward and silly instead. “Why don’t you take my clothes off for me?”

  Leonardo grinned at him and nodded. He was expecting his lover to simply get his shirt and pants off. That didn’t happen. For the next few minutes, Leonardo pressed gentle kisses over his forehead, eyes, cheeks, and lips before he felt the man’s tongue on his ears, one right after the other. Then Leonardo started licking down his neck and sniffing it. He began to worry that he smelled horrible, but his concern was put to rest mere seconds later.

  “Fuck, baby. I love your scent, all musky and sweet.”

  Leonardo’s raspy voice was soft, but Tristan liked it. He could feel his dick throbbing inside his pants in anticipation. With every
inch of his upper body that was exposed, he could feel Leonardo’s lips and tongue on it. It was as if his lover was worshiping and tasting him. It was even better when he could feel the cool air against his cock and balls. He watched in amazement as Leonardo nuzzled closer to his balls before lapping at them. Sometimes, Leonardo would take them into his mouth, alternating between the two or even playing with both at the same time.

  Tristan couldn’t believe how incredible the sensation felt. No one else had ever done that to him. He turned red in mortification when he reached his climax in probably less than a minute or two after Leonardo took his dick inside the man’s warm mouth. He gasped and panted as he came down from his mind-blowing orgasm while Leonardo glanced at him in astonishment. He was still wearing his shirt, albeit with the front of his upper body completely bare, and his pants and trunks were pulled down to his thighs right above his knees. He felt even more embarrassed then.

  “Sorry for…for coming inside your mouth. I’m also sorry I wasn’t able to last longer.”

  He was tempted to squirm in his utter humiliation at his lack of self-control when Leonardo continued to gaze at him, but he succeeded in lying still on his back on the bed. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do now. He wanted to provide Leonardo with just as much pleasure, but he didn’t think the other man would be interested. He had a feeling Leonardo was regretting the decision to have sex with him. He glanced away in a feeble effort to hide his disappointment, but Leonardo crawled up toward his face right then.

  “Tell me the truth, baby. Is this…is this your first time ever?”

  A part of him wanted to lie or at least exaggerate the truth a little, but he decided not to. After all, it was probably obvious to someone as skillful as Leonardo. “Yeah. I’ve kissed a few men, but that’s the extent of my history. I’m sorry.”

  Leonardo stared at him in confusion. “What for?”

  “I’m not experienced sexually.”

  Leonardo chuckled at him. “Are you kidding me? You’re a guy, too. I’m sure you’re aware it’s such an ego-booster and an honor to be the first man to deflower a virgin.”

  He burst out laughing. “This is not a historical, Victorian-era romance novel, so quit it with the whole ‘deflower a virgin’ shtick. Most importantly, I’m still a virgin.”

  Leonardo gazed at him with a smoldering intensity that caused his dick to give a valiant twitch. “Are you sure? Once I get started, I don’t think I can stop myself. Not even a galloping horse will be able to drag my dick out from your ass.”

  He gulped a little and nodded. “I love you, Leo. I’m aware it will sound silly and stupid, but I want my first time having sex to be with somebody who means something to me instead of someone random.”

  Leonardo beamed at him. “I love you, too. I promise I’ll make your first time the most incredible experience of your life. I’ll try to minimize the pain, but it’s inevitable.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  For the next several moments, Tristan was taken for the ride of his life. He was kissed with so much passion and such fiery intensity that his cock hardened once again. There were so many sensations he never thought existed. He had no idea his nipples were sensitive, but Leonardo showed him they were. He couldn’t decide if he enjoyed Leonardo’s tongue on them more or the man’s teeth gently biting and tugging on the nubs.

  His armpits were ticklish, but he choked on air when Leonardo nuzzled into them and teased them with the tip of the man’s nose and tongue. He would have felt a little weird and disgusted if the sensations weren’t turning him on. His balls and dick were definitely sensitive, but he wasn’t prepared for the exhilarating feeling of Leonardo’s tongue and lips on some spots on his inner thighs. Everything was wonderful, but he craved for a taste of his lover, as well. He grabbed Leonardo by the man’s hair and tugged rather roughly.

  “Baby, what—”

  “Let me give you some pleasure in return.”

  “You are.”

  He shook his head. “Lie down on your back. I’m going to practise on you.”

  Leonardo obliged immediately. Tristan straddled Leonardo’s waist and did everything almost exactly in the same sequence and manner as what his lover showed him earlier, but he hesitated when he got close to the man’s armpit. In the end, he buried his face right in it. It wasn’t horrible at all, especially when Leonardo gasped and writhed underneath him. The louder Leonardo moaned and begged him to lick and suck harder, the more determined he grew. Everything went smoothly until he dragged Leonardo’s pants and trunks off. Now that his lover was naked on the bed, he took in the sight in silence.

  “Baby, what…what is it?”

  “It’s not twelve inches.”

  “What? Twelve…what the fuck?”

  He chortled at the bewildered expression on Leonardo’s face. “My friends told me there are people online who estimated your dick size to be at least one foot long.” He laughed louder when Leonardo gaped at him, but he was glad when his lover snickered softly mere seconds later.

  “That’s insane. I don’t have a twelve-inch dick.”

  He shook his head. “Nope, but it’s massive. I think I can understand why some people in the forum may have misjudged your size. I wonder if it’s as delicious as it looks.”

  Leonardo smirked at him when he winked. “Why don’t you have a taste of my dick then?”

  “Oh, I will.”

  He wished he could brag about being an instant expert, but he certainly wasn’t. He choked on it multiple times. It was too thick and too long. He wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to swallow every inch, but he enjoyed the taste. He was sure he looked like a slobbering mess all over Leonardo’s huge dick, but he couldn’t care less. He was glad Leonardo had the patience to guide him. He also learned not to scrape over his lover’s dick with his teeth, but it was difficult. He was inexperienced.

  Moreover, he had watched a few porn videos with Thomas and Jacob, but those porn-star dicks seemed smaller than the one he had in his mouth at the moment. He also liked to hear Leonardo’s groaning sound as he lapped at his lover’s balls and swirled them around inside his mouth one at a time. He whined in annoyance when Leonardo abruptly pulled him upward and pressed their lips together. The kiss didn’t last as long as he wanted, but he was breathless when they parted. He glanced down at Leonardo in confusion.

  “Sit on my face.”

  “What? Sit…are you sure?”


  He followed Leonardo’s instruction and placed his ass right above his lover’s lips while he stared down at the man’s leaking and pulsing cock. It was, without the shadow of a doubt, one of the best decisions he ever made. Initially, he jumped in astonishment when he felt Leonardo’s breath against his hole, but he was grinding his ass against Leonardo’s lips and tongue a few seconds later. The feeling was so incredible that he was more than willing to die right then and there. Now he understood what people meant when they talked about dying from pleasure.

  He slumped face-down onto Leonardo’s cock before taking it into his mouth. He could hear the obscene slurping sound as his hole was lapped and licked, which in turn encouraged him to suck harder on Leonardo’s dick. He couldn’t tell if it was the result of him being more relaxed or if it was due to him being in the right position, but he was now able to swallow more of his lover’s cock. He was frustrated that he was unable to take it all the way down his throat, but he gave up after a while.

  He whimpered in irritation when he was tugged away from the delicious dick and balls for the second time that evening. “What is it?”

  “I’m going to slick up my dick. I want you to bear down on it from the top. It will be easier for you. You’ll have more control that way.”


  He observed as Leonardo applied a generous amount of lubricant over the man’s towering, massive cock. However, he stopped Leonardo from reaching for the condom inside the drawer of the bedside table. Leonardo gazed at him in su


  “You’ll be the first person ever.”

  Leonardo gulped at him. “I…I’m clean. I promise you. I got myself tested after…after…”

  He nodded in understanding even though Leonardo didn’t complete his statement. He was aware Leonardo was referring to his ex-wife. “I trust you, Leo, and I love you.”

  “I feel the same way about you.”

  Tristan got on top of Leonardo and grabbed his lover’s dick before aiming it toward his hole. However, in his impatience, he was moving too fast. He hissed and yelped out in pain when more than half of Leonardo’s cock slipped inside his ass in one stroke. It was excruciating. It felt as if he was being split in two from within. His ass burned as if he had Leonardo’s whole arm inside him, which probably wasn’t such an inaccurate analogy. Leonardo’s dick was massive. He wouldn’t be surprised if the thickness was almost comparable to one of the man’s muscular arms.


  “Oh, fuck! Baby, too fast. I’m so sorry. I’m too big. Damn it! I wish my dick is smaller. We don’t have to do this. I’ll be more than satisfied if you just want to jerk me off. Let me lift you up. I—”

  “Shut up,” he hissed out. “You’re breaking my concentra…concentration. It hurts like motherfucking hell, but I want you to fuck me. Now close your mouth and let me do this.”

  Leonardo nodded at him while he scrunched up his face and inhaled deeply, attempting to move farther down his lover’s dick. For a moment, he was going to give up. He couldn’t relax to loosen up enough; Leonardo’s cock was simply too large. However, something occurred seconds later. The pain subsided a little, and he was able to slide down lower. He almost cried in relief when he felt Leonardo’s mound of pubes tickling against his butt cheeks.


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