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The Vril Salvation Volume 1: B.L.O.O.D.

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by Toni Hawthorne

Volume 1: B.L.O.O.D.

  Meet Cassandra

  Cassandra awakens 7 minutes before her alarm is set to go off. “Why the hell am I so eager to wake up?” she cracks a tiny little smirk. Looking around her apartment she notices the light streaming is more vibrant than usual. The sound of traffic below actually sounds comforting, not intrusive. Walking into the kitchen for the first cup of coffee of the day, she takes a moment to appreciate living in Manhattan. It certainly wouldn't have been her first pick, but its home now.

  Oh the coffee smells exquisite. This is going to be good day, if only she could decide which speech to give tonight. Knowing herself, Cassandra has prepared the real speech she wants to give. It slams the Department of Responsible Media for what they've done to the industry. It asks why her story couldn't have been released in America. It questions what they are hiding from the American people and where this will take the country. Cassandra knows this speech will upset her producer George. Even though he also rails against this new intrusive arm of the government, he also must operate within its guidelines if he wants to continue to work in network television. George means so much to her that she hasn't yet decided if speaking her mind is worth the damage control she would be forcing him to do afterward. She also had to be careful not to draw attention to herself as a dissident. On the other hand, her other speech is pleasant and polite, not unlike the other 15-20 speeches that will be given tonight. Why must she always feel forced to choose between her desired direction and . . . well, not being arrested and detained indefinitely?!

  Nonetheless, she has been waiting for this day since she was a little girl. Finally, she is getting the recognition she has longed for: a Peabody Award. If only it wouldn't come on a story she could only release on Al Jazeera TV. No problem though, she was fighting back! There were alternative ways for journalists to still do hard-hitting and revealing news stories.

  Cassandra began her morning routine: coffee, shower, turn on transmission scrambler, take out her Resistance issued laptop from its lead lined safe, and check for any new correspondences.

  Incoming Mail

  Rosa Parks,

  Due to a breach in security, we must conduct an on-site evaluation of your equipment. An Anonymous agent will be there this afternoon at 3 pm to do the necessary upgrades. He will need approximately 1 hour. Please be sure your apartment is empty during this time. We scheduled this to coincide with your awards ceremony. He will be dressed as a plumber so to not alert your neighbors.

  At this time, the Freedom of Press Resistance Movement and Anonymous would like to congratulate you on your Peabody Award. You are a wonderful addition to the cause. Thank you for your continued dedication.

  Cassandra replies:

  I will be leaving my apartment at approximately 8 am this morning and will not return until late evening. It will be empty the entire day.

  Thank you so much. It is an honor to be a part of it!

  Rosa Parks

  Cassandra chose to write her underground news pieces for the Resistance using the alias Rosa Parks. She idolizes Mrs. Parks' courage to stand up for liberty in such a public manner. If only she could find the opportunity to make such a grand gesture. She built her entire career and persona on brutal honesty. Now she juggles 2 identities. The current state of America gives her no option though. She will not be a good little sheep and only report the stories the Department of Responsible Media (D.O.R.M.) agent says she can. There is a lot more happening under the surface and she intends to bring this information to light, even if it costs her everything. Sure George set her up with the Freedom of Press Resistance and is still the only person who knows but for this to continue to work, she has to keep the heat off of themselves and NY1 . . . hence the speech dilemma. She may have underestimated how exhausting living a double life can be!

  Cassandra’s dream of being a New York City journalist was finally fulfilled when she landed her position with the Manhattan based news channel NY1. There she could do journalism the way it should be done. She gets to investigate, write, and shoot her own stories. When NY1 moved into the Chelsea Market building in 2002 is roughly when she began working there. It didn’t take long before things started to change though. Stories were being silenced from so far up the food chain no one really knew who was calling the shots. A few reporters went rogue and broadcasted stories they knew needed to be told. Their careers ended and no explanation was given. Cassandra could see what was coming and she was smart. To stay a player in the game you have to follow the rules, so she did. George also had his resolve tested by these new unwritten rules. Him and Cassandra became close very quickly and confided in each other about their distaste for the direction their industry was taking. Then the formal creation of the D.O.R.M. sealed their suspicions that it was the American government silencing stories. At least now they were told the rules!

  Cassandra put a few finishing touches on her most recent story she is working on for the resistance and places the laptop back in the safe. It was time for her to prepare for her big day and start getting ready for her ‘real’ job.


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