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Her Loving Hero

Page 9

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  Weatherly was getting pissed and confused at being excluded but the three Middle Eastern men didn’t seem concerned as they continued to laugh and joke in Arabic.

  Then the words, ‘London Times’ were clearly shouted, and the two men’s faces froze.

  Wyatt was careful not to react, but he knew that the reporter who had been killed had worked for the London Times. Who the hell was at the dock making a scene? Were they nuts?

  Wyatt snuck at look at Kane and they both watched as Amer motioned one of their three bodyguards to check on things.

  “I’m going to see what’s going on,” Harthy said.

  “Sit down,” Amer commanded.

  The Yemeni man turned slowly and looked down at Amer. “Never tell me what to do,” the Yemeni man said in a deadly voice.

  Amer blanched.

  Harthy stalked across the deck and looked over the rail. Even from where he was sitting, Wyatt could see he was furious.

  “You! Harthy!” the man on the dock shouted in English. “I want to talk to you. You had Myers killed!”

  Harthy backed up from the rail. He looked around. Everyone at the party had stopped their conversations and were looking at him. The two other bodyguards were now beside Harthy and he was talking to them. They immediately headed off the boat to deal with the situation. Harthy came back. Wyatt watched as he worked to smooth his expression from anger to calm.

  “Who is Myers?” Weatherly immediately asked.

  “It is the rantings of a madman, pay no mind,” Harthy said with a strained smile as he sat down.

  “He seems to hate you,” Weatherly continued.

  Amer stood up. “Have you seen the media room on the lower deck?” he asked Weatherly.

  “We’re still talking business.”

  “You’re done.” The Yemen’s man’s voice was harsh. “Go with Amer. I want to talk to Forrester.” Harthy easily dismissed the American.

  Weatherly’s face got red and he leaned over Carly to growl at Harthy. “You’re from Yemen. Why should I listen to you?”

  Wyatt, who was sitting on the other side of Weatherly, grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. “No need for insults, Tex.”

  “Everybody knows that Oman just puts up with the Yemeni, they have no real power. Hell, they’re getting their asses handed to them by the Saudis. I wouldn’t be surprised if Yemen ends up being taken over by Saudi Arabia next year,” Weatherly sneered.

  Harthy flipped the table with the food and drinks so that it hit Weatherly. Glasses, food and drinks went flying, most crashing into Weatherly’s face and chest, but it was Carly’s scream that had Wyatt’s attention. He pulled Weatherly out of his way so he could get to Carly, but Kane already had her.

  Harthy tried to yank the obese man out of Wyatt’s arms, but Wyatt wouldn’t allow it. Then he heard the two Shanfari brothers yelling, and Wyatt was hit from behind. It was one of the bodyguards. Wyatt elbowed him backwards while trying to keep Weatherly away from the enraged Yemeni.

  He took a blow to the ribs and grunted, but still didn’t let go. He heard shouts from other guests. A woman screamed. Did he hear Carly crying?

  “Scott, let him go,” Kane shouted. “You’ll get yourself arrested.”

  Wyatt stopped fighting back and released his hold on Weatherly. He saw the angry faces on the three men who had invited them to sit down. A bodyguard slammed Weatherly to the deck, and Harthy put his foot on his neck.

  The man who had originally invited Kane and Wyatt onto the yacht ran up to the scene. “Duke, you need to get out of here,” Khalid said.

  Kane had his arm around Carly who was holding her arm. It had obviously been cut by glass that had shattered by the upended table. Even wearing a black dress, the blood was clear to see.

  “This girl needs medical attention,” Kane said.

  “We’ll take care of her,” his friend, Khalid al Rhahini, assured him.

  “Not good enough.” Kane’s eyes were fierce. “This girl is the daughter of the American Ambassador, she needs to be taken to the hospital now, and her father needs to be notified. Scott and I will take her.”

  Wyatt looked around for Chris and the Lancaster girl, but they were nowhere to be seen.

  “It seems to me that this party is over with,” Wyatt said as he saw George and Helene heading for the exit.

  “Perhaps you are right,” Amer agreed.

  “What’s going to happen to Weatherly,” Wyatt asked as two bodyguards yanked him out from beneath Harthy’s shoe.

  Khalid al Rhahini and the Shanfari brothers gave one another a significant look. Finally, Khalid answered. “He will be duly processed by our court system. Obviously, he had too much to drink.”

  Carly opened her mouth to say something. Wyatt watched as Kane squeezed her shoulders...tightly. She kept quiet.

  “Let’s get you to a hospital Miss Hoag,” Wyatt said.


  “Miss Hoag, it’s me Gray Tyler,” the man said through the door to Emily.

  Emily figured this was one of those times that the Serenity Prayer talked about having courage and prayed she wouldn’t burst into tears or have a panic attack.

  “Hold on,” she called as she fumbled with the chain and opened the door. She found herself staring into the face of a beautiful woman with compassionate black eyes.

  “Hello?” Emily said tentatively.

  The woman smiled but didn’t say anything.

  “Allow me to introduce you,” the tall blonde man who stood behind the woman said. Emily found herself staring up at Gray Tyler. “Emily, this is my fiancée, Riya Patel. She wanted to be with you when we went to the hospital.”

  “I don’t understand, though,” Emily looked from Gray to Riya and then back again. “I didn’t know that Wyatt had a brother.”

  “He has three brothers,” Gray said.

  Emily sagged against the doorjamb.

  That hurt. It hurt a lot. Was there anything that Wyatt actually shared about himself?

  Emily did her best to pull herself together, then she asked a question. “Were you able to find Ben Leeds at Mercy? Did you find out if he’s okay?”

  “His name is Ben Mazur, and he’s holding his own,” Gray said.

  “Gray told me about all of this, and I know this is difficult and confusing,” Riya gave a soft smile. “Most things are. If you would come with us, Gray can explain. He’s good at that.”

  Emily pushed up from the door and pasted a broad smile on her face. It was the best one she had, and it wouldn’t last long. She needed them to leave and fast.

  “That’s okay, you just go ahead without me. I need to get back to my apartment,” Emily said.

  “What?” Riya looked confused. “I thought you wanted us to take you to Wyatt’s brother.”

  Emily’s hair covered her face and strands got caught in her mouth as she said, “No.”

  “Why not?” Riya asked, her growing frustration was obvious.

  “Look, Wyatt obviously doesn’t trust me. He didn’t want me to know about his brothers, so it’s best if I don’t go.”

  “I don’t agree,” Gray said in a soft and soothing tone.

  Emily winced. He’d used that same kind of voice back in Saudi Arabia. It was all too much. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. She needed to get back to her apartment.

  Riya turned around and looked up at Gray. “Help her. Make her feel better,” she demanded.

  Gray put his hands-on Riya’s shoulders and gently moved her out of the way, then he came within two feet of Emily and crouched down so that they were at eye level.

  “Emily, I don’t know if this will make you feel better, but Wyatt has never told any of us about his brothers.”

  “I don’t understand, then how do you know he has three?”

  Gray ran his hand over his head in the same way Wyatt did. “I always do a thorough background check on all men before they come onto my team. I’m not going to go into all of the gory details of Wyatt’s childhood. It’s not a p
retty story.”

  She searched Gray’s eyes. She wanted to beg him to tell her, but she could see he was serious, he wouldn’t tell.

  “Wyatt doesn’t trust easily, but he’s begun to trust you, Emily. Hell, this is the first time I’ve been to his home, and here he is letting you housesit.” Gray gave a crooked grin.

  That made her feel a little better.

  “I think he would want you to come to the hospital,” Gray coaxed.

  “You do?”

  “I do. Wyatt has told me how strong you are. Lady, you’ve impressed the hell out of him. I have no fucking idea where he is or what bullshit he’s in the middle of right now, that’s something I’ll sort out later. If you really want, Riya and I can go and be with Ben and you don’t need to be involved. Is that what you want? What you need?”

  She panted out short breaths. Was that what she wanted?

  “No, they came here. If Wyatt’s brother is hurt, I want to be there for him.”

  Gray’s eyes warmed. He nodded. “Wyatt is right, you are impressive.”

  “Let me get my purse,” she said. “But when I come back, I want you to tell me everything you do feel comfortable telling me.”

  “You got it.”

  “Stop the car!”

  Carly lunged for the door handle as they passed a small shopping strip near the harbor.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Kane yelled. “You’re going to hurt yourself even worse than you already are.”

  “We have to turn around.” She pressed her nose up against the limousine’s window and pointed. “That’s where we agreed to meet up after the party. It’s an all-night coffee shop.”

  “We need to get you to a hospital, Honey,” Wyatt said carefully. Carly was wound up tighter than an eight-day clock. He’d tried to get out the one shard of glass, but it was close to the artery under her arm, they needed the hospital like yesterday, and she needed to keep still.

  “Let me out,” she screeched between gritted teeth. “I need to make sure they’re all right.”

  Could she be more like her sister?

  “Settle,” Kane growled. Carly swung wildly at him.

  “Shut up Kane,” Wyatt glared at him. God, he had no sense at dealing with teenagers. “We’ll make sure they’re okay, if you promise not to move, okay?” Wyatt looked Carly in the eye.

  She nodded. Her eyes pleaded with him. “You have to make sure they’re okay.”

  Wyatt pushed a button and the privacy screen rolled down. “Turn back to the coffee shop,” he said to the driver.

  The limousine made a turn. “Kane, you go with Carly to the hospital, and I’ll meet up with the Power Rangers.”

  “The who?” Carly asked.

  “Never mind.” Wyatt said. Her breathing was slowing down. “Just let me out here at the stoplight. Get her to the hospital, now.”

  “Roger that,” Kane said.

  Wyatt jumped out of the limo and ran to Gloria’s coffee shop that was lit up like a Christmas tree. He ran across the busy street, dodging and weaving cars and trucks and ignoring the horns and shouts. When he got into the parking lot, he got a lot of stares, it was then he realized he was still wearing his tux, and that one of the pockets was ripped off.

  Wyatt yanked off his bowtie and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt. He would have ditched the jacket, but he still had the pistols that he needed to camouflage. He sauntered up to the entrance and pushed open the door. As he looked over the eclectic clientele, he realized he needn’t have worried about his appearance. Apparently, the all-night coffee shop in Muscat catered to all kinds, and he was barely a blip on the radar. However, even with that, beautiful twin girls certainly grabbed people’s attention.

  They were hunched over a small table in the center of the café, sipping frothy drinks. It was obvious they were trying to avoid being chatted up, but it wasn’t working. At least three men were lined up. Wyatt still didn’t know who was who, but stained-shirt-twin was one pissed off teenager. She flipped back her hair as the potential suitor walked up.

  “For the last time, we’re not interested,” she practically yelled.

  He started speaking in French.

  She turned to her sister, who started yelling at the man in French.

  As the barista came out behind the counter, Wyatt decided to wade in.

  “There you are! Dad said you have to come home right now,” he said loudly in English. “You two are in such trouble.”

  “Not you,” stained-shirt-twin said.

  “Where’s Chris?” the other twin said.

  Shit, he needed to be able to tell them apart. Okay, they were now officially Twin 1 and 2.

  “Chris is in trouble too,” Wyatt answered. “Now get your butts in gear before you’re arrested.”

  They were mirror images of each other as they got up from their chairs and picked up their drinks and took sips from their straws. It was eerie.

  “Speed it up.”

  “Yes Sir,” they said simultaneously.

  Really eerie.

  When they got outside Wyatt turned to Twin 1. “Okay Ladies, do you have a car?”

  She pointed to her sister, “Petra does.”

  “That means you’re Mercedes.” He peered closer and saw the beauty mark. “Before your adoring fans follow you out here, let’s get going.”

  “Where’s Chris? Where’s Carly?” Petra asked over her shoulder as she headed toward a white BMW.

  “Carly’s with my buddy, he’s taking her to the hospital, hopefully just for some stitches.”

  “What?” they both said.

  “How did she get hurt?” Petra demanded as she unlocked the car.

  Wyatt described the scene as he opened the back door for Mercedes.

  “We need to wait for Chris,” Mercedes protested when Wyatt told them to get into the car.

  “He’s a big boy, he can find his own way home,” Wyatt said.

  “I’m not leaving without my brother,” Petra said.

  “Me neither.” There she stood in her stained shirt staring at him mutinously.

  “Has your brother ever been out all night?” Wyatt asked wearily.

  “Yes,” they both said.

  “Then trust him to get his ass home this time as well. Won’t your family freak if you don’t get home tonight?”

  They both nodded their heads. “So, get in.”

  He felt like he was back at the YMCA.

  After they buckled up, he ran around to the front of the car and got into the driver’s seat. “Okay, tell me how to get to your place.”

  “I should be the one driving,” Petra grumbled again.

  Wyatt turned and glared at her, and she started giving him directions. He wanted to get to the hospital. He needed to find out about Carly, and he had to report back to Emily, she must be worried sick.

  Twenty minutes out of the city, Petra had him turning down a long drive. Wyatt hit his brights. Before he jumped out of the bushes on the left, Wyatt could see the white shirt that Chris had been wearing. He slowed the car and Chris jumped into the road and waved. He ran up to the window.

  “I’m glad I was able to stop you before you passed me,” Chris breathed heavily as Wyatt slid down the driver’s side window.

  “Yeah, I would have hated to miss you,” Wyatt said sarcastically.

  “What are you doing driving the car? Where’s Carly?”

  “How’d you get here?” Petra asked.

  “Did anyone try to stop you?” Mercedes asked.

  “Quiet you two, let Scott answer my questions.” It took Wyatt a second to realize he was talking about him.

  “Carly’s in the hospital with my boss. She got cut up when that table went flying. She needs stitches. I’m going back there once I drop off your sisters.”

  “I’m going with you.” Chris yanked open the back door and the passenger seat door. “Out. Now.” His voice cut through the night as he commanded his sisters who stayed planted.
/>   Wyatt smothered a grin. Alpha much?

  “You all need to get your asses home,” Wyatt said easily. Teenagers.

  “If you’re going to the hospital, then we’re going too.” Mercedes crossed her arms.

  “Yeah, what she said,” Petra nodded.

  “Wonder Twins, Get. Out.” Chris yelled. “This shit is important. I’ll tell you about Carly, but I need to tell these guys about the information I got from the party.”

  Wyatt looked over at the kid. “What are you talking about?”

  Chris pulled out a phone from his back pocket. It was broken.

  “I’m sure it has good stuff on it.” Chris said. The girls started talking again. He turned on them. “Seriously, you gotta help me out. Provide cover for me with Mom and Dad.”

  Wyatt looked at the phone dubiously. “What did you record on your phone before it broke?” he asked.

  Chris gave him a shit-eating grin. “That’s the thing. This isn’t my phone. I got this off of the guy who was stepping on that fat guy’s neck.”

  Wyatt looked at him incredulously. Holy shit. This might actually have the video they needed to prove that the two al-Qaeda leaders were alive.

  “Girls, out of the car,” he jerked his thumb toward the door. “Chris, get in.”

  He watched as the girls reluctantly vacated the car. “Get a move on,” Chris said, which just earned him twin glares.

  As soon as he got into the passenger seat he buckled up and hit the dashboard. “Let’s go.”

  “Not until we make sure they’ve made it safely into the house.”

  “Good point,” Chris reluctantly agreed. Chris rolled down his window and stuck his head out the window. “Get a move on, we’ve got to get to the hospital. Faster,” he hissed.

  One of the twins shot him the bird, then they ran up to the house, and walked over to the far side of the mansion where a small window was located. It obviously went to the basement. One of them slid it open and they both climbed in.

  “Let’s move,” Chris said.

  Wyatt eyed Lilliana Hoag. She was a middle-aged beauty, who had admitted to being fast asleep when notified that her daughter had been injured in a car wreck. She said she’d rushed right over to the hospital. Wyatt couldn’t help but notice that her hair looked pretty damn good, she had a layer of make-up on and she was wearing pantyhose.


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