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Veezee: The Invasion

Page 63

by Clyde Key

  * * *

  Ed was almost smug as he sat reading his copy of The Rabble while eating breakfast. The paper had been carefully edited to protect the identities and security of freedom fighters, but Ed could see Richie Taylor’s work represented in some of the stories. He could also see the blue alien at his window, but chose to ignore it until he had finished eating, because he knew that windows were quite opaque to aliens’ sonar sensory perception. But the blue alien somehow knew that Ed could see out the window, so it always went to the window when it wished to visit with Ed or had new instructions from the Eldest Veezee.

  Ed pushed away from the table and took his dishes to the sink. He applied a couple of drops from the vial of Smel-Numb that he kept in the kitchen, and then he went to the door. Ed almost went outside before he remembered the supervisor bracelet. He went back for it, stuck it in his pocket, and then went out to greet the blue alien.

  The blue second oldest common Veezee was still standing beside the window. “Hey, Veezee!” yelled Ed. “What’s the latest from old stinky?”

  “I do not understand Halloran,” said the alien. “I do not understand meaning of old stinky words in the present context. Do you speak disparagingly of Veezee?”

  “Come on inside. I’ll explain it to you.”

  “If I go into your house, you will activate the barriers again. Veezee do not wish to be tricked.”

  “I promise I won’t do anything tricky. It’s too hot for an old human out here, so I’m going back inside.”

  The alien followed Ed into the house. Ed sat on a comfortable chair and the alien stood nearby. “Now, what was it you wanted to talk about today?” asked Ed.

  “The Eldest Veezee orders you to disarm the humans because they are killing too many of Veezee.”

  “Too many, huh? How many would be just enough?”

  “Order the humans to stop killing Veezee. Veezee know that Halloran has influence over the humans that are called Earth Liberation Army, so Halloran can order Earth Liberation Army to stop killing Veezee.”

  “So it’s finally got to be a problem with the Veezees, huh? Well, I’m glad about it, but I don’t have anything to do with the ELA. After all, I’m a prisoner here myself.”

  “Order the humans to stop killing Veezee.”

  “What’s Veezee going to do about it if humans keep killing aliens?”

  “Veezee will kill humans. Eldest Veezee say we kill two humans when one Veezee is killed.”

  “Uh... How are you going to pick the humans to kill?”

  “Veezee will kill important humans first, except important humans who are helpful to Veezee.”

  Ed shivered at this revelation. “When’s all this revenge supposed to start?”

  “That time is not planned yet. It will be planned when your President of the United States of America Macklin and your colonel who commands the army Eldredge meet with the Eldest Veezee to talk about the problem. Halloran could stop it first if Halloran would order humans to stop killing Veezee.”

  “I’ve got to go somewhere,” said Ed. “You have to leave now.” Ed got up and started toward the door, and the alien sloshed along behind him.

  “Halloran promised no trick,” said Blue.

  “So I did, and I’ll keep my word but you have to stay in your hole out there. I’m going to see somebody and you can’t come along.”

  Outside, the blue alien didn’t follow Ed as he walked across the base. Ed looked back several times to make sure, but the alien went to the pit and stayed until Ed had turned the corner and was out of sight. There were several other aliens milling about on the base, mostly accompanied by humans, and none paid any attention to Ed. So Ed looked for the young Private Jefferson who seemed able to get messages to the editor of The Rabble.

  Jefferson was working on the lawn at the headquarters building when Ed found him, but Ed could not approach him because headquarters was out of bounds for the supervisor bracelet. Ed walked as near as he could, passing on the other side of the street while he tried to get Jefferson’s attention without anyone else noticing. Ed almost gave up before he made eye contact with the private. Then a nod communicated to Jefferson that Ed wished to talk. When Ed turned the corner, he glanced back and saw Jefferson gathering up his lawn tools.

  A couple of blocks from headquarters, Ed saw Jefferson trimming weeds that were growing up around the curb repellers. “You got something for me, sir?” asked Jefferson.

  “Yeah. I’ve got something The Rabble editors ought to know about.” Ed quickly gave Jefferson the information about the alien plan to kill two humans for each alien that was done in by ELA, and Eldredge and Macklin’s complicity in it.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” said Jefferson as he whacked furiously at the weeds. “It’s getting tougher to get stuff outside any more. I’m surprised somebody’s not watching me right now.”

  “Well, just do the best you can,” said Ed. “I’d better get out of here before somebody does see us talking.”

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