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Chaos Conspiracy

Page 17

by Holly Evans

  Gideon shifted into his human form when Kane left for the bathroom.

  “He was claiming you as his,” Gideon said while he stretched.

  I tried to look away from the long lines of his muscles and his nakedness, but I was struggling. Of course, that only encouraged him to stretch more gymnastically and really flex his muscles.

  “Tease,” I grumbled.

  He grinned at me.

  “What on Earth did you mean, ‘He was claiming me?’” I said as I got out of the bed and rummaged around for some clean clothes.

  “I meant what I said. He wants you as his, the kiss was a gentle way to stake that claim. Personally, I’d have used my teeth.”

  “Then why hasn’t he… done more?” I asked, exasperated with the entire situation.

  “The time isn’t right.” He shrugged.

  A flicker of desire came down the bond before he placed his hands on my hips and grazed his teeth over the sensitive part of my throat. A shiver ran through me and my desire joined his.

  “Do you not wish to claim me?” he whispered.

  In that moment, I wanted nothing more, but I snapped myself out of it.

  “I don’t want to hurt Kane,” I said with a frown.

  “And what if he is ok with sharing you?”

  That thought hadn’t crossed my mind, but it would certainly make life easier. Especially given I was developing feelings for Dante, too.

  “And what if he isn’t?” I countered.

  Gideon stepped back and walked directly in my line of sight, showing off his tight pert ass as he did so. I would end up with the flirty tease of a hellhound, wouldn’t I?

  “He does it because he wants your affection and attention,” Dante said from the doorway.

  I looked between Gideon, who was pulling on a pair of boxers, thank the gods, and Dante.

  “So, I should encourage him?” I asked, entirely lost.

  “You should get dressed, ready to break into the cult. The Council has given us the go ahead, as we have proof they tried to kill us multiple times,” he said.

  I waited for Gideon to leave the room before I dressed in the Silk and Thread things, wanting as much protection as I could get. I double-checked my daggers were in their sheaths before I headed down the stairs to find the guys all laughing over coffee. What if I could have that every morning? All three of them happy and mine?

  Gideon looked at me with a knowing smile.

  “Do we have a plan?” I asked.

  Kane handed me a plate of perfectly cooked French toast. I hadn’t had French toast in years, and all other thoughts vanished as I sat down and bit into the heavenly food. It was sweet, rich, and perfectly chewy.

  “Then we’ll knock on their front door,” Dante said.

  “Hm? Sorry, I was lost in thought,” I said.

  Kane laughed. “She means she was too focused on her French toast to notice anything else existed.”

  “It’s really good!” I said with a grin.

  “I said that Kane’s combat magic combined with Gideon’s and my infernal magic will be able to break a hole in the barrier not far from the road. There was a small spot there where the magics shifted and a thread of infernal magic came through, likely from where someone performed a ritual such as bringing through a hellhound,” Dante said between bites of his own toast.

  I’d finished my toast and looked at his, wondering if I’d be able to steal a bite without losing an arm.

  He pushed his plate over with one neat little square left.

  “All yours,” he said with a smile.

  I could definitely see myself falling hard for him. Only a good man would give a piece of that French toast.

  “I’m assuming this breaking of the barrier won’t be even slightly subtle,” I said with a smile.

  “Not even a little bit,” Dante said with a grin.

  “We’ll make sure the flames don’t get high enough to alert the non-magical community,” Gideon said.

  “And the explosion will be masked with some of my new alchemical sound proofing I bought,” Kane added.

  Explosion and huge flames - they really weren’t kidding when they said it wasn’t going to be subtle.

  “So, we break in through the barrier, and then we just rock up to the front door?” I said, making sure I’d understood this plan.

  “Yea,” Kane said.

  “That’s it,” Dante agreed.

  “Remind me how you have such a good reputation with the Council,” I said to Dante.

  He grinned at me. “They can’t resist my charm.”

  I laughed and shook my head.

  “Are we ready to blow shit up, then?” I asked.

  All three of them grinned like little boys.

  Dante parked a couple of hundred feet away from the barrier. He didn’t want to blow up the rental car. I had to admit that I was a bit more worried about them blowing me up at that point.

  Gideon was ecstatic to be involved in this and part of a pack. I sat on a large boulder and watched as Kane drew his large sword from his pocket dimension, and Dante and Gideon both summoned infernal fire into the palms of their hands. I wasn’t going to deny that it looked really badass. Kane’s sword glowed blinding white as he thrust it into the air before him, which rippled with lilac and electric blue. He slowly sliced downwards. Once the blade was at knee height, Gideon and Dante poured deep orange flames into it. The air in front of them became a wall of fire, and not one of them flinched. The heat washed over me, and then, suddenly, they all leapt back as an explosion rocked the area. I was knocked back off my boulder and landed in an undignified heap behind it.

  The guys all looked entirely unruffled and looked down at me with big proud smiles. Once the air cleared and I’d stood back up thanks to a hand from Gideon, we saw that we weren’t alone.

  There must have been 100 people there. Some in blood red robes with matching masks, others in simple jeans and shirts with guns.

  “You are not welcome here,” a tall man bellowed.

  A gun shot rang out. Fuck, I wasn’t protected against gun shots.

  “Those to the left are purists, those with the red are from the cult,” Dante said.

  Personally, I didn’t see what difference it made, given that they both looked like they planned on killing us. Another gun shot rang out and a chip was blown from the rock next to my leg. My magic bubbled up within me. I could end them all. I quashed it; that sort of thinking was what had gotten my ancestors executed. I was better than that.

  I drew my daggers and made my way up through the rocks on my left, keeping my body low and hiding behind the scrubby bushes. Gideon and Dante had taken a different approach. They’d both summoned their infernal fire and were setting people alight with it. Kane had his sword and was cutting people down while ducking away from the jackasses shooting at him. I managed to get behind the shooters, leapt down from my hiding place, and slit one throat.

  That left me with two more gunmen, both of whom were now looking at me with their friend in a bloody heap at my feet. A foot collided with my spine, and I instinctively spun around and slashed at the throat of the bastard that had kicked me. My instincts kicked in fully from there. I was vaguely aware of Gideon’s hunting and protective instincts in the back of my mind, but it was all a mass of attack and defend.

  Blows rained down on my arms and upper thighs, blood coated my hands, but I was winning. There were more bodies near my feet, wedged up against the large cream rocks. My magic was calling to me, there was so much blood to control, but I pushed it down. It wasn’t the time. There were no more gunshots. We were down to hand-to-hand combat, which suited me just fine. I compartmentalised the pain and kept pushing forward, determined to protect the others.

  The air was full of screams, anger, fear, and pain. Crunching bones and the wet tearing of muscle occasionally cut through the din. The bloodsongs were a cacophony of terrified and furious beats all thundering around me. Someone ran around while on fire, setting bushes a
nd other people on fire with them.

  The smell of burning flesh slowly filled the air along with blood and insides that were now outsides. I saw flailing limbs and heard the final death gurgle from strangers. None of it mattered. There was only the need to survive and get my guys out of there safely.

  I failed.


  The purists were gone, and they’d dragged an unconscious Dante away with them. Kane had been taken by people in red robes and masks. Gideon came to my side and nuzzled against my neck, the feeling of failure weighing heavily down the bond. I wrapped my arms around his neck and grazed my teeth over this throat, a desire that must have come from him. He held me close, and we remained like that for a long moment, embracing the fact we still had each other before we began the next fight. I was not going to lose them.

  I pulled away from Gideon.

  “We need to decide who we’re rescuing first. They’ll almost certainly try and kill Dante, and I’m not sure where they took him. I have no idea what the cult wants with Kane, but I do know they have blood magic,” I said.

  “I can track Dante,” Gideon said.

  It hurt my heart to leave Kane in the cult, but I knew that Dante’s life was in mortal danger; I didn’t know what risk Kane was in.

  “Then we go after Dante first,” I said.

  Gideon took three steps towards the car before a voice called out.


  I spun around to see an angelic-looking man with golden-blond hair down to his shoulders, sky-blue eyes, and a ridiculously expensive slate-grey suit that hugged his athletic body. Sofia was my middle name. No one ever called me that. As the man got closer, I recognised the man. I hadn’t seen him in years, though he’d been in my dreams most nights as a little girl. The dreams rarely changed. He was trapped in a deep dark cave, and I was trying so very hard to free him from there, but no matter what I did I couldn’t free him. He had been a comforting and familiar presence in my subconscious, and I had turned to him when I’d had bad days.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  Gideon came to my side. I felt his hackles rise and him bare his teeth as the man approached. People in red robes hung back not far behind him, close enough to rush to his aid should he need it.

  “Sofia? My love… do you not remember me? Addison?”

  He spoke with a peculiar accent that I’d only heard in my dreams. I didn’t know how to react. Was this some twisted nightmare? Was I actually unconscious on a rock?

  The man stopped some ten feet in front of us with a concerned look on his face.

  “I am your true love, Addison. Did someone wipe your memories?” he asked.

  “I… why were you in my dreams?”

  He beamed.

  “Come, my love, we will treat your injuries and we can talk. Your pet hound is welcome, of course, you had always talked about wanting a hound at your side,” he said.

  I glanced at Gideon, who gave a small nod.

  There was a ticking timebomb in the back of my mind. I had no idea how long Dante had, but every passing minute reduced the chances of us getting him back alive. I took a step towards this Addison and took the opportunity we’d been given. The cult had Kane, and he was clearly important to the cult, so we’d get Kane first. Addison fell into step next to me. His fingers fluttered over my hand, and he looked at me with what could only be described as unadulterated adoration. It made me want to run for the hills.

  “I’m sorry my people hurt you and your hound, my love. We have a good healer. He will provide blood to heal all of your injuries.”

  “I’m sorry?” I asked.

  He looked at me with confusion. “Do you not remember how to heal? Do you remember your magic at all?”

  I didn’t know whom he had me confused with, but it sounded like she was a blood witch, too, so maybe I could learn something here.

  “I’m afraid I don’t,” I said.

  “Oh, dear sweet Sofia, what have they done to you?” he said with deep sadness.

  I gave him a small smile and looked around for potential weapons and exit routes. The hills rose up around us in steep inclines, only one clear route in and out - the road we were walking in on. A large group of people in various shades of red clustered around a sprawling two-story building before us. There were far too many for Gideon and me to take on alone, so we’d have to sneak out.

  “We have been gathering the blood of the Olapireta. Its purity makes it much stronger. You can draw the life essence from it to heal your injuries,” Addison said.

  Well, that answered why they were taking the purists.

  “It seems rather fitting that they are useful after all this time. Do you remember that I founded that group?”

  “I’m afraid I don’t remember anything,” I said.

  Gideon entwined his fingers with mine, and a feeling of security filled the bond. I wasn’t in this alone.

  “Ah, yes. I founded the Olapireta a year before you became mine. The bloodlines were becoming too muddy with witches sleeping with lycans and poor quality magics such as air magic coming into the covens. We needed to purify the lines and keep the supernals strong, ready to take our rightful place as rulers of this world. Then that wretch Robert betrayed me, and I was removed from all dealings within the society. They have done good work, but I do not forgive easily,” he said as he opened the red door to the building.

  It was unremarkable on the outside, just another cream building with red tiled roof. It was squat and looked to stretch far into the distance away from the doorway into the hills. No one would guess that it was the home of a crazy cult that drained the blood of an equally crazy bunch of assholes.


  The interior of the building was a mix of white and red, white floors with red walls. The red really was a bit much. Shiny white tiles covered the floor in a way that felt awfully like a hospital. The red walls were smooth and bare. The sensation of them stretching into oblivion before me made my head spin for a moment. The air was cool and slightly stale, and there was a slight metallic taste that I couldn’t place. I couldn’t shake the feeling of oppression and torture that hung over the place like a heavy gauze.

  “Leave us,” Addison said to the people crowding the hallway in front of us.

  They all scurried away into one of the multitudes of doors and rooms ahead of us.

  “They worship me,” he said smugly.

  “That’s nice,” I said noncommittally.

  “They believe that I will bestow the gift of blood magic on them. They were falling over themselves for me to make them into a guardian,” he said.

  “A guardian?” I asked.

  The only guardians I was familiar were beings chosen by the gods to act as they’re enforcers on the earth plane.

  “Yes, they were given a drop of my blood and three drops of fae blood. It is an experiment we had discussed before I was locked away,” he said sadly.

  I followed him around two bends before he opened a golden door with a flourish.

  “This is your room, my love. I will send the blood to you so can heal yourself. Please change into something more befitting of your beauty. I will send over clothing for your pet,” he said.

  “Where is Kane? The combat witch you took?” I asked.

  He frowned. “He will be in the holding room downstairs. His blood is strong and pure.”

  “He’s a friend…”

  The frown deepened.

  “We will discuss this over lunch. Please, clean yourself up,” he said as he ushered me into the room.

  The door closed behind us. I was left looking at the room in awe. A four-poster bed had gold and cream bedding on it and a golden canopy. The window was covered in thick black bars in case I was under any impression of being a willing guest. The furniture was all white-washed and sturdy, although I didn’t think it would be sturdy enough to break through those bars. Gideon brushed his lips over my temple, and I snapped out of my shock. We needed to get Kane and go an
d rescue Dante. I turned around and found the door locked. Fuck.

  The dress that I assumed I was supposed to put on was some white and gold monstrosity with a multitude of layers and lace.

  “Good to see he’s sticking to the creepy stalker guy stereotype,” I said.

  Gideon looked at me with confusion, and I laughed to save myself from crying.

  “In the movies, the creepy stalker always has the woman dress in some old-fashioned beautiful dress,” I explained.

  He nodded in vague understanding.

  “We will get them both back,” he said as he put his hands on my hips and nuzzled against my neck.

  I reached up and rubbed my thumb behind his ear. The gesture still felt a little odd, but his happiness made it worth it.

  “You’re waiting for me to claim you, aren’t you?” I said quietly.

  It had sat like a weight in the back of my mind from the moment the tattoo had formed, an apprehension and sadness that I hadn’t felt the need to do so yet. He was a person. It was weird enough being bound to him; claiming him felt too much like he was property.

  “It is something masters usually take great pleasure in,” he said, sadness flickering down the bond.

  He thought that I didn’t want him, that he wasn’t good enough because I hadn’t claimed him.

  “Carmen and her coven never claimed me, they felt I was too weak,” he said softly.

  It felt cruel to deny him what was effectively a simple thing. I didn’t have to screw him, I didn’t think. It was just a simple mark, a kiss or, given his penchant for biting, a bite seemed more appropriate. I bit down on his neck in a way I’d not done outside of the bedroom before. It felt so right. He gasped and uttered a soft moan before I stepped back and smiled, not wanting to risk it going further. Lust and desire flared up between us, and there really wasn’t time to fall down that rabbit hole.

  It was official. He was entirely mine, and the bond lightened because of it. I didn’t really have time to sit and contemplate what had happened or what I’d done, not with both Kane and Dante in deep trouble.


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