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An Alaskan Wedding

Page 20

by Nance Sparks

“Strawberry. It’s Mom’s favorite!”

  Riley handed the strawberry frosting to Olivia. She swirled about three tablespoons’ worth on her small spatula and coated the top of the cupcake like a pro. Riley grabbed the vanilla and tried to do the same, but what she held in her hand didn’t look anywhere near as awesome.

  “You’ll get the hang of it. You have to use your wrist, like this,” Olivia said and then frosted another cupcake.

  Riley watched Olivia’s technique and then practiced a few more times before her cupcakes didn’t look like a two-year-old frosted them. A gasp startled the two of them. Riley looked up to see Andrea standing in the hallway. She was smiling; that had to be a good sign.

  “Look at you two! You made the cupcakes! I’m so sorry I’m late, Livy.” Andrea removed her coat and hung it by the door.

  “It’s okay, Riley helped me,” Olivia said and then frosted another cupcake like there was nothing unusual about the situation.

  “I see that. May I try one?” Andrea walked up to the counter.

  “Which frosting would you like? Strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate?” Riley asked.

  “You are a treasure! Everything is so clean too! Strawberry, please.” Andrea reached across the counter and squeezed Riley’s hand, and her expression was open and sweet.

  “With or without sprinkles?” Olivia asked. “Can we have one, too?”

  “Yes, you may have one and I’ll take mine with sprinkles please,” Andrea said and accepted the bottle of sprinkles from Olivia. She shook a few red and white sprinkles on top before handing the bottle back to Olivia.

  Andrea peeled the paper back and took a bite. Her eyes lit up when she noticed the swirled flavors inside the cupcake.

  “You two did an amazing job. These are delicious! Perfect swirl too!”

  “Olivia deserves all the credit. She taught me all sorts of new skills.” Riley smiled.

  “Mom, did you know you can stick a toothpick in the cupcake and if it’s clean when it comes out, then the cupcakes are all done cooking?” Olivia asked.

  “I did not know that! Wow!” Andrea said. “Liv, we need to get going if you want to be on time. Go get cleaned up. Riley and I will finish frosting the last few and get them boxed up.”

  “Okay, Mom.” Olivia jumped off her stool. She put the stool back where it came from and returned to grab a cupcake before darting down the hall. “Thanks, Riley! I had fun.”

  “You’re welcome, kiddo. I had fun too.” Riley set down the spatula and turned to Andrea. “I was wondering if we could talk today.”

  “Do you think we could talk after we drop Olivia off at the party? Syd’s at Amelia’s for a few hours. We’d have the house to ourselves.” Andrea rested her head on Riley’s shoulder.

  “I’d like that.”

  Riley held Andrea in her arms. Never before had she been so certain that she was right where she belonged.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Andrea returned from walking Olivia up to the party at Annie’s house and slid into the driver’s seat. She pulled the seat belt across her body and exhaled as she leaned her head back in the seat. She was physically and emotionally exhausted. The last twenty-four hours had depleted any energy reserve she had available. Riley had to be just as exhausted, perhaps more so given her schedule the past week. But things had to be said, and there was no reason to hesitate. Not anymore.

  “I’m sorry you were pulled into all of that last night. I know it’s not what you signed up for.” Andrea turned her head on the head rest and looked across the car. Riley’s jaw tensed up. Was she upset about something?

  “You keep saying that. What exactly did I sign up for?” Riley’s tone was sharp.

  “Let’s not do this in Annie’s driveway.” Andrea started the car and put it into reverse. She was spent and didn’t know if she had the energy for another big conversation. She straightened the car up on the road and put it into drive.

  “Andi, can I ask you a few questions before we talk about us?” Riley asked. Her tone was back to normal.

  Andrea’s chest tightened, the old instinct to avoid conflict rising. She squelched it. No avoidance, time to face this head on. She nodded. “Ask anything.”

  “How’s Syd? Is she in trouble for what happened last night?” Riley asked.

  “No, she’s not in any trouble. I went to Scott’s this morning and talked things through without Syd there. We agreed that the entire night was a cluster fuck of his own making. Syd’s spirit seems better today. I can’t thank you enough for being there for her last night. She’s promised to stay and talk should anything like that ever happen again. No more bolting.” She glanced at Riley with a small, sad smile. “She needs to handle things differently than I did. Running away from the hard stuff won’t make things better, and I think she gets that now. That’s why she’s allowed to be at Amelia’s this afternoon. I get why she left, and Scott knows he can’t behave that way.” Andrea turned out on the main street. It was nice having Riley in the car with her. “Scott’s blowup had more to do with you than Syd, which I’m sure you know to some degree. He said he’s had a hunch about Syd and Amelia. Poor Syd just bore the brunt of his reaction to you being back in my life. He’s always been super jealous of you. I don’t know if you knew that.”

  Riley shook her head. “No, I wasn’t aware until I talked to Syd last night, but I figured his ego was involved.”

  Andrea turned left onto the street that headed into her neighborhood. “This morning, Scott and I agreed to some ground rules about respecting my privacy, my life, and my relationship with you. I don’t expect anything like that to ever happen again.” Andrea pulled into her driveway and put the car in park. She shut off the engine and turned in her seat. “Can we go inside and talk? Please?”

  For some reason, everything felt desperate at the moment. The sharpness in Riley’s tone while they were parked in Annie’s driveway had her flight response on high alert and she had to force herself to face, head-on, whatever was to come.

  Riley nodded, opened her car door, and followed Andrea inside. She sat on a stool at the breakfast bar and stared at Andrea.

  “Talk to me. There’s a lot going on behind those green eyes.” Andrea sat in the stool next to her. She reached for Riley’s hands.

  There was a heavy moment of silence as Riley clearly searched for what she wanted to say. “I feel like I’m always on the outside looking in, the photographer who doesn’t get to be in the frame. When I do step inside, it feels so right, and so perfect, but it isn’t what we agreed to and I don’t know where I stand anymore.” Riley’s eyes were wet with unshed tears. Her jaw muscles tightened.

  “God, I was so worried you’d be scared off by what happened. This isn’t what I expected you to say.” Andrea felt like she could breathe again. “I was trying to honor what we agreed to. I was trying to make sure we could spend time together without strings or labels or expectations, but I’m not sure that kind of thing can work, not in a situation with kids involved.”

  “It’s not working for me either, but it’s not your fault, it’s mine. Andi, I want the strings. I want the labels. Could we renegotiate the terms?” A tear escaped and trailed down Riley’s cheek.

  Andrea’s spirit perked up. Her breath caught in her chest. “I’m listening. I’m open to strings. What label did you have in mind?”

  “I know we said a relationship wouldn’t work because of how different our lives are, especially mine, and now I wonder if we can rethink that. I think girlfriend has a nice ring to it, for starters anyway. I especially like it when Syd and Livy call me your girlfriend, it warms my heart. Andi, I’m still head over heels in love with you. I want a chance at a life with you, just like I wanted a chance at a life with you all those years ago. I want to be there for all of it. The last-minute cupcake frenzy with Olivia, the midnight freak-outs, the talks with Syd, snuggling up with you on the
couch looking at photographs or watching terrible movies. I want it all and I hope you want it too. Even if it takes us time to get there, I’m all in.”

  Andrea realized she was smiling ear to ear and nodding like a crazy woman. Hopefully, she hadn’t passed out and this wasn’t a dream. She bit down on the inside of her cheek and winced. Nope, not asleep.

  “How could I have doubted that we would find a way? No doubts, never again. I love you so much! I’ve always loved you. I can’t imagine letting you go, not having you in my life. I want it all too! I’ve known it since Alaska. I realized at the wedding that I no longer wanted to be alone, but it was more than that, I no longer wanted to be alone because I wanted to be with you. I’ve dreamt of you all these years. I love you!” She wanted to yell it from the rooftops.

  Riley had tears streaming down her face. “These are tears of happiness, just to be clear.”

  Andrea leaned forward and kissed Riley tenderly. She pulled her in close and held her in her arms. After a bit, Riley’s hands were caressing her back and her lips were on her neck. Shivers erupted all over her body, and her need was undeniable. “Sweetheart, we have the house to ourselves for a couple of hours yet. Can I take my girlfriend to bed?”

  “You read my mind.” Riley lifted Andrea’s shirt up over her head.

  “You still owe me a real date,” Andrea said, standing up from the stool. She let her bra fall to the floor and then turned away from Riley and walked toward the bedroom.

  “Indeed, I do,” Riley said a moment later and then raced past her, already naked.

  Andrea enjoyed the way Riley finished undressing her and guided her down onto the bed. Her touch was sensual and electric creating a powerful need deep within. Her eyes, her expression, was filled with so much love and adoration. She had never felt more cherished by another person in all her life and only hoped that Riley felt all of those emotions from her too.

  Riley kissed her with a passion that curled her toes. They explored each other’s bodies with experienced hands, knowing when to caress, pinch, tease, or swirl with a delicate touch. Andrea took control and flipped Riley over on her back. She straddled her hips and pushed up against her.

  “It’s amazing, how I feel when I’m with you,” Andrea whispered. “Make love to me, sweetheart, like we did in Alaska.”

  “The purple prince is in my bathroom bag on your dresser. I didn’t forget it,” Riley whispered. She cupped Andrea’s ass in her hands and lifted her hips into her.

  As amazing as that pressure up against her felt, Andrea broke away. She walked over to the dresser and dug into Riley’s bag. The purple prince was wrapped up in a side pouch. Riley was up on her elbows watching Andrea. All the times they played with this toy while in Alaska, Andrea had never put it on. She stepped into the harness and tightened the straps. She crawled her way up from the foot of the bed like a lioness on the prowl. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt sexier or more seductive. The expression on Riley’s face only encouraged her.

  The room was dimly lit from the daylight streaming in through the closed blinds. Riley looked absolutely beautiful, lying there, her legs open in invitation. Andrea knelt between Riley’s legs and lifted herself up until the tip was close enough to tease. Riley moaned and leaned her head back into the pillow. She circled her clit with the tip and then pushed it gently inside. Riley lifted her hips into the pressure, and it felt unbelievable. Now she understood why Riley loved wearing it. She felt everything. Every ripple, every bit of pressure, and it was all she could do to slow down and savor the moment. She pressed her hips into Riley and was rewarded with a deep moan. Riley wrapped her arms around Andrea’s back and flipped her over. She was amazed that they had stayed connected.

  Riley drew her knees up and straddled Andrea’s hips. She pushed down into Andrea at the same time that she lifted up. Riley was sexy as hell as she leaned forward with a hunger in her eyes that demanded release. She held Andrea’s hands over her breasts and thrust into her over and over again until they exploded into each other with wave after wave of orgasm. Riley moved her hips in tiny circles enjoying the many aftershocks until she fell forward into Andrea’s arms.

  “Babe, that was amazing,” Riley said breathlessly. She cupped Andrea’s face in her hands. “I love you. I’ve always loved you.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I love you too.” Andrea pulled her face closer and kissed her.

  She was so grateful for their ability to be honest and open with each other. It allowed her the ability to break through the bad habit of avoidance and to say what she wanted, what she needed. She was so beyond thrilled that it was what Riley wanted too. They were going to work on a future, together, and that alone filled her heart with happiness.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Riley parked her truck in Andrea’s driveway and shut off the ignition. Two weeks had passed since they had professed their love for one another, and despite busy schedules that left the phone as the main communication source, each day had only gotten better. Time together was still an issue, but there was a solution in sight. Riley checked her hair in the review mirror and then made her way to the door for a long overdue date night. Scott had mended fences and had the girls for the weekend and somehow, there wasn’t a session booked. Thank the lucky stars for that one.

  The door swung open a few seconds after Riley pressed the bell. Andrea looked absolutely stunning, always the perfect balance of sexy and elegant. She stepped back and waved Riley in.

  “These are for you. It’s not a proper date without a bouquet of flowers.” Riley leaned down and kissed Andrea tenderly. “You look beautiful.”

  “Hmmm. Thank you, so do you, quite sexy. You know I can’t resist you when you wear your suit.” Andrea accepted the flowers.

  “I’m counting on it.” Riley smiled.

  “Let me put these in water and then I’m ready to go.”

  Riley helped Andrea into her coat and then into the front seat of her truck. She ran around to the driver’s side, trying to settle her nerves. She hoped the evening went as well as she’d planned.

  “Where are we going?” Andrea asked.

  “You’re irresistible. Is back to the bedroom a bad answer?” Riley smiled across the seat.

  “It wins you brownie points for later, but I’m starving, so I need food.” Andrea flipped up the center console and scootched to the middle seat. She fastened the lap belt.

  Riley loved that she took control and sat in the middle, especially when a not so stray hand rested on her inner thigh. Thank God for automatic transmissions. She looked over and smiled, draping her arm around Andi’s shoulders before backing out of the driveway.

  Given that Andrea knew about Maria and the Italian restaurant, Riley decided on her other favorite and went with Greek Mediterranean instead. A first date had to be unique. A quiet little restaurant that seated about thirty was a few blocks away from her house and it had great reviews. Riley had a table for two reserved.

  She ordered two whisky on the rocks and dolmas for an appetizer. Andrea’s eyes lit up, and that’s all she was hoping for.

  “I had no idea this place was here, let alone so close,” Andrea said between bites of stuffed grape leaves. “You couldn’t have picked a better place for our date night!”

  Riley smiled, thrilled that this was a hit. “I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself. A toast, to one of many amazing dates.”

  Andrea smiled one of her deep dimple smiles. “I’ll toast to that, one of many amazing dates. I’ll hold you to it, too.”

  “I’m counting on it, love.” Riley drew in a deep breath, a lifetime of dreams coming true.

  Dinner was exquisite and the baklava for dessert was just as amazing. Andrea sipped on a second whiskey, while Riley had switched to water, so she was safe to drive.

  “Do I get to take you home now and relieve you of that suit?” Andi looked playfully over her
glass once the waiter had picked up their check.

  “One more stop and then I will relieve you of that sexy dress.” Riley raised her eyebrows a few times playfully.

  “What more is there? Dinner and dessert are accomplished, now I get my second dessert.” Andrea smiled.

  “You’ll see.”

  Riley signed for the check and walked with Andrea to the parking lot. She helped Andrea up into the passenger side of the truck and then made her way over to the driver’s side. She hoped this next stop was everything she’d wished for.

  About ten miles up the beltline, she exited and turned right instead of left toward Andrea’s house. She didn’t miss the quizzical look but decided to ignore it for now. Another flick of the blinker and she turned right into a parking lot before parking and shutting off the truck. She hopped out of the driver’s side and ran around to help Andrea out of the truck.

  “Why are we at the old art museum? What are you up to?” Andrea held onto Riley’s hand. Another car pulled in and an older woman climbed out of the driver’s seat, waving to Riley.

  “Why do you have to be so versed on the area around your home? Of course you’d know this is the old art museum.” Riley waved back and guided Andrea to the doors. “Hi, Peggy, thank you for meeting us out here tonight.”

  “No problem, happy to do it. I’ll unlock it and duck out if you don’t mind, I have some grocery shopping to do. I’ll swing by after and lock up.” Peggy nudged Riley with her elbow and winked.

  “No problem at all. We’ll make sure the lights are out. I’ll touch base tomorrow, okay?” Riley guided Andrea inside and flipped a bank of light switches. Peggy nodded and made her way back to her car.

  “Did she just wink at my girl?” Andrea smiled.

  “Yup, you found me out!” Riley leaned down and kissed Andrea. “So, that brings us to the old art museum. It was listed on the market a few weeks ago. I’ve been scouring the internet for something close, but not too close. This one is close enough to your place that we could walk back and forth, but hopefully not so close that you feel smothered. The lower level is perfect for a photography studio and office space. The bonus is that there are four small apartments above, which would be perfect for me and my nomadic photographers. All I know is that it would be a lot easier to see where life can take us if we’re in the same city and can spend some time together that doesn’t involve a six-hour commute or two o’clock in the morning airport pickups.”


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